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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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membership in the eurasian economic union brings real benefits to each participating country, vladimir putin stated this at the tenth anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. at a meeting in uzkoy.
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the development of both the five states and the eurasian region as a whole leads to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of our citizens. let me emphasize that russia highly values ​​mutually beneficial multifaceted ties with its partners in the european union, and we sincerely strive for further joint work on the comprehensive development of strengthening our integration association. russian.
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troops liberated two more settlements during a special military operation, kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinovka in the dpr came under the control of our military, the enemy, as reported by the ministry of defense, lost more than a thousand soldiers in one day, a unit of the military center group destroyed another german tank leopard, which europe placed in ukraine. the ukrainian fled from mobilization to russia. alexander shirshov is the first, allegedly, who managed to cross. border, he did it in the area kamenki in the zaporozhye region, the man was not moving alone, with a group of three people, they walked at a distance, but at some point two ukrainians, the same fugitives, were killed. they suddenly dropped a grenade on them. shirshov is not all the same, shirshov still managed to get to the position of the russian military. through the forest and field, at night, during the day, somewhere i slept, somewhere i didn’t sleep, on foot. i reached the village
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of kamyansky, in front of which there was a minefield, while i walked around, while i passed through it, i don’t know how i got there, there were a couple of guys there with me, to the side, well, i don’t really know them, but to the side i saw people walking, a bird dropped on them, i don’t know what it was, that it was a bomb, a grenade, in short, it was dropped, people couldn’t find it, i was afraid. shot in the back of the head, uh-huh, well, i walked, i don’t know how, well, i got there and thanks to the guys who saw me, they noticed me, i was literally a few meters away from them, they shouted at me, then the shelling began, the guys were under me they grabbed their hands and hid them, and the opportunity to avoid being sent to the front was to take advantage of the help of the russian military, a citizen of ukraine i found out on the radio... i got on the famous wave
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149.200 volga, it helps to surrender to the ukrainian military and stay alive. today alexander mikhailovich zhenshov came to us through the lbs line, he is alive and well, he was provided with appropriate assistance. unfortunately, his two comrades, who were moving to the side, were unable to cross and were killed by ukrainian militants by dropping a grenade from a drone. we expect. an increase in the number of ukrainian citizens who express a desire to come over to our side and will move towards lbs. armed forces russia launched a retaliatory group strike with long-range precision weapons on energy facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, as reported by the ministry of defense, including the use of hypersonic dagger missiles. well, what were the consequences? egor grigoriev found out. the strikes hit energy facilities in seven regions. ukraine
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video report of the head of the ministry of internal affairs of the country. the enemy spotted drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. the minister of energy of ukraine addresses the people. objects attacked. generation and transmission of electricity in poltava, kirovograd, zaporozhye, lviv, ivano-frankivsk, vinnytsia regions. the enemy wants to deprive us of the ability to sufficiently produce and transmit electricity. economical use of electricity is the contribution of each of us to victory. responsible consumption is especially important in the morning and evening hours. impacts on the energy sector are problems for military production and logistics, but they will be solved at the expense of ordinary citizens, who are encouraged to save. the salt will be ordinary citizens and business first of all, and the military will provide electricity in the medium term, but there may be problems, because the ukrainian railway is very electrified, there simply are not enough diesel locomotives physically to transport everything by diesel locomotives, if
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we say so, the contact networks of this entire facility will be de-energized, rolling blackouts can already be expected. infrastructure, a fire broke out. russia came under attack at an energy facility , attacked two energy facilities in the lviv region, and cruise missiles hit a generation facility in the chervonograd region and a facility critical energy infrastructure. in the stryisky district. impacts on the station in kherson, damaged tracks, the movement of kiev kherson-kiev trains is temporarily limited. three tek thermal power plants were attacked, and power equipment was seriously damaged. the company confirmed arrivals to burshtynskaya tes, ivano-frankivsk region, lodyzhinskaya tes, vinnytsia region, dobrotvorskaya tes,
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lviv region, all in the west of ukraine. the strikes were carried out on stations with equipment for secondary frequency regulation in the network. you'll have to get rid of yourself and figure out how to keep the ukrainian energy system from collapsing into an accident, maneuverable capacities are knocked out, this leads to the fact that ukraine becomes even more dependent on electricity flows from the european union, and these flows are not limitless, not infinite, there is a certain limit. ..
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egor grigoriev, andrey sapegin, natalya uvarova, news! most avdeevka residents have already received russian passports, local authorities report. the liberated city began to rebuild and work remains to be done a lot. but local residents, those who for many years refused to leave their hometown, despite the danger, are confident that everything is possible. details in the material by stanislav bernvalin. avdeevka, which until recently was the most fortified bridgehead of the fascist kiev regime. finally returns to peaceful life. after our troops liberated the city, the enemy quickly retreated . hundreds of people finally breathed a sigh of relief. our colleagues, military journalists, visited avdeevka and talked with city residents. tell me how you like it here, well, do you feel yourself at all now? well,
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calmly, as we feel, calmly, we go out into the street, you see, we clean up. after long months spent in basements, galina says, she is now trying to be outside more. there is devastation all around, but...
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just the other day we received russian passports, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we are going to donetsk to apply for a pension, fortunately... now we can get to the capital of the republic in 20 minutes, we will soon get it, because the bus has already started, we will go , we will receive, that is , there are products, yes, there are products, well volunteers, of course, supply us, there is bread, there is bread, there were even easter eggs, there were eggs, there was even easter, yes, for them the question is why they didn’t leave, because it was dangerous, they didn’t even stand, they say, we were born here, we’ll be useful here , recently visited relatives in mariupol and now...
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for heptral, it’s in pharmacies. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who happen to it’s difficult to please the first time, there are opportunities to get new impressions, a lot of... it’s just space when you try the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms. find yourself in a universe of taste. cosmically delicious. cherkizova! ukrainian
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businessman igor kolomoisky, who is included in russia's list of extremists and terrorists, has been charged with a new charge, now for organizing a contract murder. and now he faces a life sentence. our correspondent, anastasia efimova, has details about the new case. in ukrainian in the criminal procedure code this is called a proud word. dozra, in other words, the charge in this case of organizing a contract murder was brought, as the kiev office of the prosecutor general reports, quote, to a well-known businessman, the person in the photo was tortured for some reason. to hide, however, not to recognize the photograph of igor kolomoisky, the one who is included in the list of terrorists and extremists in russia, we must try. according to the investigation, the suspect, motivated by personal revenge, ordered the murder of the director of one of the law firms for failure to comply requirements for cancellation and invalidation of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of an open joint-stock company.
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we are talking about a crime no more, no less than twenty years ago. in 2003, in the center of feodosia, they attacked... the perpetrators were , by coincidence, kolomoisky’s security guard found in hot pursuit, the organizer was found dead, but who could have been the customer for so many years still could not be understood. the lawyer survived. the lawyer survived the assassination attempt; the perpetrators of the crime were detained and sentenced to long terms. however, the customer this crime, as we see, was never found in 20 years, or maybe they didn’t want to.
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city council on behalf of the lazarenko bloc, he survived miraculously and he is still alive for only one reason, because he gave exhaustive testimony against kolomoisky, with his death he only seemed, if something happened to him, he would only , as it were, emphasized kolomoisky’s guilt, because there were other people interested in his death. it turns out that kolomoisky’s dossier has been lying quietly peacefully in the prosecutor general’s safe all these years, but now the time has come, the oligarch is no longer after all, already under arrest, at least until june 2 , on charges of fraud and legalization of criminally obtained property, a new criminal case is an excellent opportunity to guarantee that he will not be released from behind bars either now or later. it is necessary to remember that igor valerievich
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was one of those people who brought team z to power, who financed it. two gentlemen, of course, very ukrainian, but the political moment is not the same, and secondly, the assets of the oligarch, which is now barely balancing on the brink of bankruptcy, are very useful for kiev, while it behind bars, biting off pieces of the pie is much more convenient. kolomoisky himself, by the way, always understood this very well; it was not for nothing that he often repeated the saying about life, which is like a supermarket, that you can take anything
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you want, the main thing is to take it away, and although he himself clearly planned to slip past the cash register and pay, apparently... but you can't go wrong with your choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation.
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megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. ice deluxe is this. a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a frenzy of tastes. try your favorite flavors ice deluxe and the new paraia mango only at delicious times. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color. things look like new three times longer. newer? no, i erase with affection. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and the interest dropping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards you transfer the debts completely, dividing them into 24 months conveniently. these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that
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of labor productivity, economics of supply and factors for achieving it are discussed today by top government officials and experts as part of the business program of the day national priorities in moscow at the exhibition at the russian forum. maria slobodyanskaya has all the details. one of the goals that the president voiced was to reach fourth place in terms of gdp volume at purchasing power parity, as acting first deputy prime minister andrei belousov told the session, the current parameters of the macro forecast indicate that russia will be able to overtake japan by 2030, non-resource exports should play an important role in achieving this goal. non-oil and gas exports play a key role will play from the point of view vision. contribution to these in achieving fourth place in the world in terms of ensuring the sovereignty of the russian
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federation, because the positioning of russia in the world in relation to other centers of power, primarily in relation to china, to the countries of southeast asia, to the countries of central asia, to the eu countries, to india, to african countries, of course. different sectors of the economy will grow at different rates, here are the main ones that will be emphasized - agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade, transport, finance and insurance, they will stimulate other industries as well. it is important to note that consumer spending will play a large role in economic growth, they account for approximately 40% of gdp, and of course behind this there is an increase in real incomes, and therefore wages; another important aspect is investments to ensure investment growth by 2030 year by 20%.
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and there is a question of who, how and why will invest, while i agree that the limitation is not borrowed capital, but equity, there will be equity, there will be borrowed capital, an important task, there are still difficulties in this, this is the shortage of our transport and logistics corridors, it is their development that needs to be addressed in the coming years, as expected, the throughput and carrying capacity of international transport logistics corridors by 2030. should reach 1.4 billion tons, this is, of course, more than twice the figures for 2024, and for this it is necessary to develop our infrastructure and capabilities. today the capacity of russian ports is 1.4 billion tons, and the carrying capacity to these ports today is about 458 million tons, but also thanks to government efforts will increase
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to... announces that it will stop selling its covid vaccine worldwide. what is the reason for the pharmaceutical company's decision? maria valieva sorted it out. no more dangerous , potentially fatal injections. the british-swedish pharmaceutical company astrazenes has revoked the authorization to sell its coronavirus vaccine. the official reason is falling demand. but all this is happening against the backdrop
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of many court cases. still, the concern had to admit the side effects of the drug in britain, after its introduction , dozens of people died from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome. steven wright from london was only 32 years old, he died 9 days after vaccination. i think the biggest sign that something was wrong with him was when he woke up with a very bad headache, then said that his arm was twitching involuntarily. we then.
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“you see, my daughter got vaccinated, shortly before that she started an internship at a bank, on the eighth i decided to get vaccinated, after 10 days i felt seriously ill, after 4 weeks after the vaccination she died, we could not save her. the astrazeneca vaccine simply was not fully tested, virologists are sure, because when creating this drug they connected it with the covid spike. the adenovirus is not of a human, as in a companion, but of a chimpanzee, and this is what experts argue, it could well become a catalyst for thrombosis, the body reacts to foreign antigens accordingly, it tries to neutralize them, and here the proteins are mixed, the corona virus, the effect of these vaccine elements, themselves in
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itself drugs that... for the body, moreover, the fact that the introduction of a vaccine from a british-swedish company could provoke thrombosis was known back in november 2020, during trials, but western politicians did not want to admit this; in march 2021 in the netherlands, the head of the european medicines agency said: the drug is effective and safe, you can use it. the pharmacovigilance risk assessment committee reached a conclusion. this conclusion is that it is a safe and effective vaccine and the benefits of using it exceeds the risks. former british prime minister boris johnson, during a visit to oxford at the beginning of the twenty-first year, called the vaccine that the university invented together with the astrazelnik company a triumph of british science. the head of the european commission,
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ursula vonderlein, will come a little later. even expressed a desire:


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