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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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contains drugs that are foreign to the body, and the fact that the introduction of a vaccine from a british-swedish company could provoke thrombosis was known back in november 2020, during trials, but western politicians did not want to admit this. in march 2021, in the netherlands, the head of the european medicines agency stated that the drug is effective and safe and can be used. committee on... this conclusion is that this is a safe and effective vaccine and the benefits of using it exceeds the risks. former british prime minister boris johnson, during a visit to oxford at the beginning of twenty-one, called the vaccine that the university invented together with the astrazeneca company a triumph of british science. ursula fonder a little
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later even expressed a desire to be vaccinated with this particular drug. i would get the astrazeneca vaccine as easily as the biotech, fizer or moderna vaccines. when we started selecting promising candidates and hundreds of applicants 10 months ago, we assumed that the effectiveness would be between 50 to 70%. now beyond that, the vaccine has been thoroughly tested, found to be safe, effective and approved. which company's vaccine ms. gave preference, it remained behind the scenes, the main thing is that the drug is in demand, and it is actively purchased in different countries, and not the russian satellite vi. political scientists say that all means are good to fight competitors. and in this pursuit of a sales market, human life for european politicians, apparently, is not worth a cent. western elites described their own stupidity and incompetence, and also in the involvement of the un, because its subordinate structure of the world health organization...
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the health organization throughout the peak of the coronavirus pandemic tried in different ways, naturally acting on the orders of western politicians and western capitalists, to discredit our sputnik v vaccine, and promoted instead, accordingly, including that vaccine that they recalled today because it causes fatal diseases, now there are already more than 100 million euros in lawsuits from families in which people died from... from the use of this vaccine, so i think that until the last the company and those people who were associated with it from the political, economic establishment, and who tried in every possible way to promote this vaccine, until the last thought that it would be possible not to recall it, they didn’t think that the number of deaths will reach this level. on the official website of astrazeneca it is stated that the drug is being withdrawn from sales for commercial reasons, its supplies will no longer be made, as other vaccines have become available. from new forms of covid.
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the only question is whether these molded products, made by a british-swedish company with a killer reputation, will be in demand. maria valieva and olga alvukhina, lead. so colorful. bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it remake, reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, absolutely delighted.
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listen, this is cool, wonderful, love, romance, right now, right? i ’m about to cry, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but it’s very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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hello, live broadcast, the legal program is hosted by the duty department. in the studio maxim marchan. a russian woman suspected of a major scam was found in montenegro. the authorities of the balkan state extradited olga abramova to russia. in the video from probable the fraudster was published by the prosecutor general's office and the press service of the ministry of internal affairs. lady varanjevam comes out of the police car with a coat slung over her arms. the wrists underneath are shackled with iron bracelets. however, the compatriot is in high spirits. hello. abramov is accused of fraud of almost 2 million rubles. allegedly, together with her accomplices, she stole this amount from a commercial organization, and then filed fictitious documents in court about the bankruptcy of the company. abramova was given preventive measures in absentia in the form of detention.
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now there is urgent news that our editors receive directly from the lenformagency. so, there is a major fire in the seaport of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky, the interfax news agency reports. the flames engulfed the area. according to the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, the fire occurred in one of the hangars under construction. according to preliminary data, no victims. let me remind you that we monitor the entire information feed and invite you to do this with us. evidence from the depths of the mind. krasnoyarsk moscow researchers managed solve the murder of a schoolgirl that happened 18 years ago. to do this, they found witnesses using a special technique, managed to restore the smallest details of the crime in his memory, and almost immediately caught the monster.
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that i begin, as the host, i would like to inform everyone who joined our work that we have just held a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic
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council in a narrow format, exchanged views on current topics in the activities of our association, and made a decision regarding further deepening. uzbekistan, shavkhat miramonovich mirziyoyev and yakub miguel deos, kanyl, bermudez. our meeting today is timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement.
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standards. the eurasian union has shown its effectiveness in the face of new challenges, including those related to the policy of sanctions pursued by some countries and the dismantling of many of the basic foundations of international trade. we are constantly fine-tuning the institutions and mechanisms of the european union, which allows us to adapt to change and develop dynamically, despite the crisis. and phenomena in the global economy. tangible results were
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achieved in creating a favorable investment climate in the european union. this was facilitated by joint decisions to protect investments, support businesses and guarantee the rights of entrepreneurs. much has been done and continues to be done to promote industrial cooperation, import substitution and strengthen technological sovereignty. states of the association participants, in particular last year according to on the initiative of the russian presidency , a mechanism for budgetary financing of science-intensive projects carried out by enterprises, enterprises, and enterprises from the european union countries was launched. much attention in the eurasian union is invariably paid to issues of food security, development of the agro-industrial complex of our states, through joint efforts. managed to successfully solve the problem of independent, uninterrupted supply of the domestic market
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with food and vital types of agricultural products. year after year the partnership between the countries of the association in the field of transport and logistics is expanding. the volume of mutual cargo transportation between the countries is growing at a good pace, which was noticeably helped by additional facilities. increasing the capacity of border crossings between our states. i would like to note the well-coordinated interaction of euroses participants in building a unified transport system. work has entered an active phase on the project for the largest international north-south corridor, which will provide direct output of products our countries to ports on the coast of the persian gulf and indian ocean. it is important that in the implementation of transport and infrastructure.
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the most modern technical means for tracking and controlling the safety of cargo transportation, high-tech navigation seals are used, electronic shipping documents and other digital solutions are being widely introduced. in general, digitalization has become one of the priorities of the integration agenda. within the framework of the european union, a united one is successfully developing. information system accumulating information on foreign economic activities, unified standards for the exchange of electronic data have been developed and applied, agreed rules for digital commerce are in effect, to increase the efficiency of the common market, to make business processes even faster and more convenient for consumer entrepreneurs, mutual recognition of electronic devices used in the eu countries would help. cooperation to protect
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the environment and combat climate change appears to be a new and very promising direction. at the expert level began development of unified approaches to solving pressing problems in this area. dear colleagues, as has been emphasized more than once, the eurasian economic union and all our integration activities are attracting the attention of more and more people. folk players. many foreign states and large regional structures, such as the commonwealth of independent states, the shanghai cooperation organization and the association of southeast asian nations, are showing interest in developing ties with ours, with our association. systematically the circle of preferential foreign trade partners of euros is expanding. the trade agreement with the people's republic of china is being effectively implemented. the work to connect integration processes through the eurasian union and
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the chinese path initiative brings real results. agreements on trade liberalization are also in effect with serbia, iran, vietnam, and agreements are being prepared with countries with great economic potential such as egypt, indonesia, and the united arab emirates. prepared for today's meeting draft decision on the start of negotiations. on the conclusion of a temporary trade agreement with mongolia, with which the eu countries have close good neighborly relations and intensive trade and economic contacts. we have to... approve a number of other important decisions, which means the current anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council is not only a summing up of the results of joint work over the past decades, but also another concrete step towards deepening integration. let me remind you in this regard that in december last year in in st. petersburg, we determined
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the development prospects for our association until 2030 and adopted them for the period until 2045. a corresponding declaration, which is now supported by meaningful practical agreements. and in conclusion, i would like to once again thank all the participants in this meeting for their close cooperation and mutual support. i am confident that by acting and further reporting in a coordinated manner, we will achieve new, significant results in the development of the eurasian union of all our states. and let me give the floor to the prime minister of armenia. nikola vavaevich pashinyan, who will chair our meeting as chairman of the supreme eurasian economic council this year. thanks a lot. thank you very much, vladimir vladimirovich, dear heads of the delegation, dear participants of the meeting, i am glad to welcome you to the first meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council this year. first of all, i would like to express
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my gratitude to the russian side for organizing today’s meeting at a high level. i am also pleased to welcome heads of state, observers to the ias and invitees guests. as we have already noted, during the discussion in a narrow format, today’s meeting is timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the signing of the eu treaty on may 29, 2014. over the 10 years of its existence , the eurasian economic union has become a significant platform for the economies of our countries.
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first, fundamental decisions were made last year to provide financial support for industrial cooperation. despite this, serious business activity has not yet been observed. at the same time, i would like to note once again that working under sanctions pressure requires immediate decisions, quick decisions. the leaders of the participating countries make such decisions, for the most part, promptly.
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proactively get involved in this work and organize interaction both across industries and with the involvement of business associations and associations of the member states of our union. a lot of subsidizing funds have been allocated for the project; they need to be used in a targeted manner and very effectively. our government and the commission are responsible for this. second, unfettered duty.
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that is, we protect each of our markets from our own partners, i am convinced that the issue of mutual participation in public procurement requires
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an urgent solution. but the problems are not there, and this is not a political, but a technical issue, but it is precisely this that often becomes an insurmountable barrier to the participation of eurasian business in the economic processes of the countries of the union. i consider it necessary to complete this work as soon as possible . i emphasize once again, this is a technical issue. fourth, technical regulation.
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this direction is closely related to...
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our geopolitical opponents are trying isolate us from advanced technologies and premium markets, hold back our development, but despite this, we are systematically moving forward. a full-fledged trade agreement has been signed with iran, mutually beneficial cooperation in the format of the five with promising friendly countries, indonesia, the united arab emirates, and mongolia is being strengthened. by the way, today we will start negotiations on a temporary trade agreement with lanbater, however, work on establishing partnerships with third countries, in our opinion, needs systematization, in the current geo-economic realities it is necessary to clearly understand with which countries, in what sequence, in what time frame the free trade zone will be formed, with which of the potential partners?
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