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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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colonialism from the relevant leading countries, and this is the moment when we must come to africa, and the parallel participation of the eac countries, and our partners in the commonwealth of independent states, in the sco in brix opens up a huge advantage for all of us. but we should not forget our closest neighbors, friends, brothers, interaction with states, observers.
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our union is still quite young, but a lot of effort, energy and money have already been invested in its development. we are responsible for ensuring that it continues to develop for the benefit of our peoples. would actually become a real pole of economic attraction. in the modern world, i am absolutely convinced that we can do this, we listen to the benefit, i would also like to congratulate everyone present on the next anniversary of the heroic victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, all of us, wish peace, prosperity and prosperity to our countries. in conclusion, i sincerely thank you, and you, as the elected new
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president of the russian federation, this is your major international first meeting, and we, of course, will not let you down in this regard, thank you very much, active,
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warm welcome, taking this opportunity, i would also like to congratulate you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, on your official assumption of office as president of the russian federation. 10 years ago , a historic agreement on the eurasian economic union was signed in astana. in a relatively short period, our union has transformed into an important and promising integration association into...
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cooperation within the framework of the eurasian economic union contributes to the progressive development of the economy kazakhstan. last year alone , the country's gross domestic product grew by 5.1%. we consider this a good result. the high level of integration interaction is supported by the joint implementation of large infrastructure projects and development. industrial cooperation and the formation of a common market for services. for further sustainable development, in conditions of geopolitical uncertainty, our association must become more flexible and effective. according to world bank estimates, the growth rate of global gross domestic products in the first half of the current decade may be the lowest in the last 30 years. unless the international
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community takes effective action, this period may go down in history as a decade of missed opportunities. undoubtedly, this is a big challenge for...
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the expansion of the network of free trade agreements with third countries is important for the eurasian economic union, this will make it possible to simplify the access of our exporters to new markets, integrate them into regional and global production
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chains. kazakhstan certainly welcomes the decision to begin negotiations with mongolia on concluding an interim trade agreement. great prospects. of particular interest given the expected contribution of asia alone to current global gross domestic product growth of 60%. to enter the markets of the persian gulf, we propose that the state, kazakhstan is already doing this, is a member state of the economic union. join the ashgabat agreement on the creation of an international transport corridor, the basic conditions for establishing a long-term integration remains the presence of a stable system of transport connectivity with external markets. we have already formed a solid foundation.
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today, the eurasian transport framework provides effective trade links between europe and asia, north and south. however, in the coming decades. the deterioration of infrastructure in the eurasian region will become more noticeable ; the need for its renewal will only grow. therefore, the priority issue is the modernization and expansion of transport and logistics infrastructure. no wonder they say that where the rails are laid, the path to new opportunities opens up. therefore, in kazakhstan, by 2030 we plan to repair 11,000 and lay more than 5,000 km of new railways. as part of the global initiative, the kazakh terminal was built in the chinese city of xiyan, which accounts for up to 40% of the volume of container traffic on the china-
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europe route. there are also plans to launch five cross-border transport and logistics hubs on the borders with russia, china, uzbekistan, and kyrgyzstan on the caspian sea. in addition, throughout the entire perimeter of the country large-scale modernization of international road checkpoints has begun. these comprehensive infrastructure solutions, in our opinion, will contribute to further interconnection and expansion of the capabilities of eurasian transport arteries. the railway industry in kazakhstan will receive a new impetus for development through the creation of a unified digital ecosystem. we plan to use it next year. the use of advanced technologies will significantly increase the efficiency of transportation and optimize costs, including for our partners. it is important to create so-called seamless logistics by harmonizing
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tariff policies and customs procedures, as well as creating a single eurasian digital corridor. as a practical one. we propose to begin implementing a mechanism for remote verification of all shipping documents using qr codes for the mutual recognition of digital documents. the next priority task to increase the competitiveness of the union and enter new markets is to deepen industrial cooperation. today about 90% of exports of the eurasian five falls on intermediate goods. meanwhile, in the context of global technological progress , the issue of increasing the complexity of manufactured products is acute. therefore, it is necessary to strengthen technological integration.
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today , the implementation of more than 150 industrial projects is being worked out with the countries participating in the union; we note great prospects for cooperation in the oil, gas and chemical industry, which can become a new point of economic growth. with the participation of russian partners, we are conducting construction of high-tech plants
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for the production of polypropylene, polyethylene and butadene. the production of products from the third stage will be established at a rate 20 times higher than the cost of the original raw materials. another important area is strengthening food security. everyone knows that the eurasian region has one of the highest production, resource and export levels. potential in the world, in conditions of population growth in the world, in the world, limited resources, other macro-regions, we have the opportunity to provide food for about 600 million people, while the role of the union in ensuring global food security will only increase, our strategic focus is to transform the agro-industrial complex into... a high-tech industry. to achieve this, it is extremely important to take coordinated measures to
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introduce breakthrough innovative technologies based on artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology and agroscience. today it is the successful digital transformation is becoming a determining factor in economic progress and technological sovereignty not only of individual countries, but also of entire regions. it 's important for us to borrow. at the forefront of the digital race on a global level. cooperation in the field of digitalization should become the driving force for the sustainable development of the integration association. therefore, kazakhstan supports the initiative of the eurasian economic commission to develop the four freedoms of the union in the context of widespread digitalization. in turn, we are creating one of the fastest growing. digital economies in our part of the world, of course, we pay special attention to artificial
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intelligence. dear participants of the meeting, in just 10 years of the existence of the eurasian economic union, we have achieved impressive results in all areas, but taking into account the enormous potential of our association, we have even more to do. therefore, kazakhstan will support economic integration based on principles. equality of mutually beneficial partnership. i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on the upcoming day of great victory. thank you for your attention. thank you, mr. i give the floor to the president of the kyrgyz republic, sadryn rgazhovich zaparov, please. dear nicole vavaevich, dear head of state, dear participants of the meeting. let me cordially welcome all participants in the meeting. supreme eurasian economic council, which takes place on the eve of our common holiday, the 79th anniversary
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of the victory in the great patriotic war. in this regard, i would like to congratulate our citizens on the victory holiday that our fathers gave us and our grandfathers, who fought bravely at the front, our mothers, who selflessly worked in the rear and fought at the front along with men. we sacredly keep their heroic deeds in the name of a peaceful, happy life in our hearts. taking advantage of this pleasant opportunity, dear vladimir vladimirovich. on behalf of the people of kyrgyzstan and on my own behalf, i would like to cordially congratulate you on your official assumption of office as president of the russian federation. your convincing victory in the last presidential elections is a clear indication of high recognition and support russian people, your wise policy and
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dedicated work to strengthen state sovereignty, improve well-being... by signing the treaty on the eurasian economic union of march 29, 2014. dear colleagues, over the 10 years of its existence, the eurasian economic union has emerged as one of the key regional associations, capable of maintaining and developing economic integration in the name of
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stability of the economies of the member states and the growth of the well-being of their citizens. twenty-third year domestic growth gross product amounted to 3.8%, while industrial production increased by 3.7%. construction work was completed with an increase of 8.6%. retail trade turnover increased by 6.6%. investments in fixed capital in our
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countries increased by 10.3%. total gdp of the kyrgyz republic. last year grew by 6.2%, surpassed the historical milestone, amounting to almost 1.3 trillion soums, and in the first quarter of this year, gdp growth amounted to 8.8%. the kyrgyz republic is experiencing a positive effect from integration and increased foreign trade. from the moment of joining the union to 2023, foreign trade turnover.
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the kyrgyz republic's exports to ip countries tripled from $410 million to $1.23 billion, and
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imports increased by more than 50%, from $2 billion.
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in this regard, there is a need to build the necessary financial and logistics distribution infrastructure that meets modern
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requirements. this undoubtedly requires significant investments and innovative approaches, and most importantly, joint coordinated actions in the search alternative supply chains. in this sense, i would like to emphasize the special importance of interfacing ias. china, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, agreements have been reached to open new ones and expand the capacity of existing ones. probska with the people's republic of china. in addition, the arrangement and logistics of all 14
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checkpoints of the kyrgyz republic at the customs border of the union have been fully ensured. the obligations of the kyrgyz republic taken upon joining the ip have been fulfilled in full. taking advantage by chance, i would like to express my gratitude to the russian side and personally to the president of the russian federation, dear vladimir vladimiro.
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at the same time, we propose to work out mechanisms for the transfer of ready-made platform solutions between npp countries as part of the implementation of the digital agenda or on the basis of bilateral agreements between countries. dear colleagues, i would like to emphasize the need to maximize the potential of the union and take joint measures to increase the level of mutual cooperation between our countries. we need to create a space of trust, not on paper, but in practice. efforts to create favorable conditions to reduce
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administrative costs along the way of movement of goods must be constant and tireless. along with this, another limiting factor in the development of mutual foreign trade is the increasingly apparent difficulties in making payments that arise.
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and the adoption of reports and recommendations. if there are priority tasks, then specific decisions must be made on them. last year we have decided to finance cooperation projects. i believe that the practical launch of this mechanism should meet our expectations in terms of increasing investment cooperation, supporting and stimulating knowledge-intensive industries. and industrial capacities, as well as for technology transfer. this mechanism should help increase the competitiveness of the union’s cooperative goods and their further entry into foreign markets. at the same time, i propose to work to improve the financing mechanism for other priority sectors of the economy. i would like to note a few points regarding the development
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of trade and exports. first, at the end of 2023 , the work of a eurasian reinsurance company was launched, which, through reinsurance of risks, should provide support in the development of mutual foreign trade of the union. the company should speed up efforts to establish interaction with national trade insurance systems so that they can quickly begin to use additional insurance capacity. as for the external counter, i would like to note the need continuation of work on the formation of preferential trade regimes with interested countries on mutually beneficial terms for all parties. today we considered the issue of starting negotiations with mongolia and concluding a temporary trade agreement. i ask the commission to pay special attention to the key provisions of the future
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preferential agreement.
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tourism, education and medicine. entrepreneurs in our countries must actually appreciate our support in these areas. i propose that the commission conduct an analysis of existing opportunities in this direction. the global labor market is experiencing a shortage of qualified labor resources, and the unified labor market yaes is no exception. the economies of the countries require it.
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the possibility of creating joint centers of competence, on the site of which we can combine our efforts to find new knowledge and transfer it. the mobility of labor resources and the attractiveness of the labor market largely depends on the migration policies pursued by countries. therefore, when developing national legislation regulating labor migration in our countries requires a very carefully balanced approach. for the kyrgyz republic. issues of worker mobility are of fundamental importance, and therefore we call on you not to allow violations or deterioration of the provisions of the agreement on ias. we must not allow serious damage to the image of our association. we need to strengthen the trust of our citizens and continue to work towards creating a single labor market. dear colleagues, in conclusion i would like to wish the armenian
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side and the prime minister personally.


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