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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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systematic and practical interaction between line ministries , commission institutions, as well as member states, observer states, this will not be difficult, the national plan for the socio-economic development of our country for the period up to the thirtieth year coincides in many aspects with the priorities in the short and long term contained in eac declaration, especially regarding the role of science and innovation. third meeting of the joint commission on interaction.
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i can note that we have made progress in implementation of this process. undoubtedly, the path to the development of nations lies through knowledge. that is why we intend to develop this area of ​​cooperation in relations with the eu. we want to focus on strengthening such ties, focusing on areas such as industry. tourism, technical regulation, accreditation, as well as sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary standards. these issues are key to achieving progress in introducing new cuban products while maintaining the registration of those already present on the eurasian market. we
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we are ready to share our experience and achievements in the medical, pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries with member states. for further cooperation in this area. we can also join forces to continue to work in the field of sanitation and regulation so that cuban medicines and products enter circulation in the countries of the union. together we see opportunities to strengthen cooperation in the industrial sector, given that kupin companies have been invited to participate in the development tools for the development of innovative products and high technologies.
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“we are a small country subject to an economic, commercial and financial blockade for more than 60 years. in recent years, this blockade has been tightened by the introduction of new measures specifically designed to create obstacles to the successful implementation of our development plans and complicate
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the daily lives of our people. the unfair inclusion of cuba on the illegal list of countries allegedly sponsoring international terrorism in a harmful manner influenced the abilities of our country. in these circumstances, the understanding, friendship and support that the eu countries have historically shown is invaluable, and cuba is deeply grateful for this. on behalf of the cuban people and government, i express our gratitude to you for your vote in support of the resolution against the embargo.
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and we are fully confident that the results achieved during this period and the decisions made following today’s meeting will become the basis for further work to stimulate the strengthening of sustainable economic development of our countries, for the well-being of our peoples. in this regard, you can always count on cuba. thanks a lot. shavkatomovich mirzeev. please.
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dear colleagues, dear participants of the meeting. first of all, i would like to join in sincere congratulations and warm wishes addressed to the respected vladimir vladimirich putin on taking office as president of the russian federation. your confident victory in the elections, held with a record voter turnout, once again showed great confidence to you the multinational people of russia. his strong support for your political success continues. i would also like to congratulate the course and the ongoing large-scale transformation program to modernize the country, i wish everyone present on the significant date of the 79th anniversary of the great victory over fascism, as well as on the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the eurasian economic union. this morning, before flying to moscow, i met with our people. unfortunately, their number is becoming smaller every year. they really asked me
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said that i will meet with you, to convey through you heartfelt congratulations to all war veterans, front-line soldiers and home front workers, to wish peace, well-being and prosperity to our fraternal peoples. it is with great pleasure that i convey to you these wishes of our veterans. dear participants of the meeting. one example of such cooperation is the traditional international
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exhibition inoprom, which was successfully held last month in tashkent, with more than 2 thousand leading enterprises taking part . our countries, an agreement has been reached on hundreds of new cooperation projects. today , this forum has become an effective platform for the development of business dialogue between uzbekistan and russia and others. states of the eurasian economic union. we intend to expand this platform and attract an increasing number of companies, including from other partner countries, including cuba, iran, egypt, the united arab emirates, mongolia, vietnam and indonesia. in general, over 3 years , cooperation between uzbekistan and the eac, in observer status, has increased by 60%. mutually beneficial.
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systems of sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary control, adoption of a plan to bring together measures of technical regulation and the use of electronic certification. third, it is important to continue close dialogue on the development of the north-south transport corridor towards the markets of the countries of south and southeast asia and the middle east. in this regard, we welcome the fruitful results of the first meeting. belarus, russia, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, afghanistan and pakistan, held at the end of april in the city of termez. to simplify procedures transit between our countries, we advocate the development of a set of measures for digital
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interaction, introducing a unified customs transit system ias. fourth, the intention to continue to actively support projects of industrial cooperation and programs for localizing production of in-demand products, i propose to develop a separate road map in this direction, providing for the placement of new capacities in industrial zones and technology parks jointly created in the regions of our countries. issues of widespread business involvement in such projects can be discussed during the first meeting.
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agenda items, please, dear members of the supreme council, issues of the expanded composition were considered in the prescribed manner at meetings of the union bodies, agreed upon by the parties. presented to your attention are draft decisions on the start of negotiations on concluding a temporary trade agreement with mongolia, introducing changes to the commission’s regulations,
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signing a protocol on the exchange of information on the origin of goods with partners from vietnam, as well as a number of... so, a meeting of the highest eurasian economic council in expanded composition. this year. russia celebrates the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. commemorative events are held throughout the country, veterans are honored, patriotic events are held, and thematic
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exhibitions are opened in museums and parks. on the eve of may 9, and on victory day itself, vladimir putin’s busy business program. the russian president is already holding meetings of the supreme eurasian economic council in an expanded format. opening speech he noted that the current summit is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the signing of the establishment agreement. of the eurasian economic union, as the president also noted, the entire process of eurasian integration is built on the basis of this agreement. on may 9, vladimir putin will also meet with foreign colleagues at the victory parade. the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, and uzbekistan will be present on red square. the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea bissau are also specially invited. turkmen leader serdar berdumukhamedov has already arrived in russia, as we saw on the broadcast. i was just on our channel, members of the defense board took part in the commemorative events on may 8, they laid wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier
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of the kremlin wall, those present honored the memory of those killed in the great patriotic war with a minute of silence. we remember that representatives of the defenders of the fatherland foundation took part in the victory museum event. in the hall of fame, guests laid flowers at the sculpture of the victorious soldier. we remember, dedicated to courage and the incredible.
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throughout the country, including in new regions, in honor of the action this year there was even a postage stamp in circulation, which is called the dictation of victories? we formulate questions in such a way that they motivate people to take some additional interest in learning something more, reading, watching a new film, watching or delving into libraries, every year, of course, we prepare questions, including number depending on anniversary dates. and undoubtedly we have them and have updated them to today’s history. about,
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my colleague anastasia ponko will tell you what events are taking place in moscow by may 9th. memorial sour grave in the dpr, one of the main symbols of the defeat of the enemy during the great patriotic war. in 1943 , fierce battles took place in these places for the liberation of donbass from the nazi invaders. at dawn at 4:00 am , volunteers deployed a huge one there. may in the afternoon with an orchestra, as we are used to in the surrogate grave, but for safety reasons and different conditions, but for now we are forced to do this, under, one might say, the cover of darkness, in conditions a certain secrecy, come out of the underground, hold events and then go to the cities, work and carry out local actions. and in kalmeikia, together with the veteran pyotr leontyev, they unfurled the largest copy of the victory banner - 700 km, after which they fulfilled
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a small dream of ninety-nine-year-old front-line soldiers, let's launch down, bend over, yeah, pyotr leontevich really loves wild nature, together with specialists he released 79 young ducks the feeling is generally wonderful, i’m just younger, you know, i’m participating in such an event, the first once again, i am, of course, very pleased with this event, special attention to veterans in ingushetia, in the republic there was only one front-line soldier left alive, good health, so that i could watch the victory parade in a good mood, thank you, thank you. thank you very much again, happy holiday to you. magomed midarov will celebrate his centenary in the fall. he was one of the first to go to the front.
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received as part of the infantry squad of the 47th infantry brigade. we’re really proud, it’s true they are significant to us, and we really always love and come with all our hearts congratulations. in nizhnevartovsk, in victory park , the lawns were cleared of debris and last year's leaves, and the memorial plaques of the monument dedicated to fellow countrymen who died during the war were washed. this was done by employees of the rosneft company. a rally will be held there for victory day, schoolchildren, students, city residents and, of course, veterans will come. may 9 is a great holiday, make our city more beautiful for
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this holiday. shifts sailed in parade formation one after another, even the water temperature -8° did not frighten the victory flag, because it was the first today, gave such an honor to support the memory of our grandfathers, the memory of the victory of our great victory, in novosibirsk on the building of the opera and ballet theater they raised the victory banner for the holiday, this is an annual tradition, the war theater premises became a refuge for valuable exhibits of the tretyakov gallery and the hermitage, in may
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of the victory. which, in principle, accompanies our entire country. on the morning of may 9 , a military parade will be held in novosibirsk, the entire column will be aligned with this developing banner of victory. anastasia ponko, elena shtylin, anastasia putintseva, irina zaborskaya. news. in moscow, in connection with the victory parade, on may 9, traffic will be limited on a number of embankment streets in the central and southeastern districts. so, from 5 to 8 am
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it will not be possible to drive through volgograds. avenue from lyublinskaya street to obelmanovskaya, armory lane, from krasnoproletarskaya street to first tverskoymskaya, also along novinsky boulevard from sadovo kudrinskaya to novy arbat, from 5:30 am until the end of the event , tverskaya street from makhovaya to tverskoy boulevard, first tverskaya imskaya will be blocked , flywheel from vozdvizhenka to tverskaya, petrovka and solyanka streets, as well as several embankments, in particular kremlyovskaya, goncharnaya, ustinskaya and kudashovskaya. in addition, several stations of the moscow metro on may 9 from 5:30 a.m. will work only for the entrance to the transfer, this is reported in the telegram channel of the capital's department of transport, these are the stations revolution square, okhotskaya ryad, teatralnaya, aleksandrovsky garden, borovitskaya and arbatskaya, arbatskaya -pokrovskaya lines will only operate at the entrance to transfer passengers, and the lenin library station will operate only for transfers, at the pobeda park station there may be situational restrictions
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on entry during the day and... this is a big information evening, that's what we'll tell you about in the next hour. survived even when they were ambushed. our soldiers, despite their wounds, held their position in the wreckage of burnt equipment until their comrades destroyed the enemies with drones. a story about true mutual assistance, too patriotic to get rid of their air defense complexes. romania.


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