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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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situational restrictions on entry and exit. it's your. information evening, that's what we 'll talk about in the next hour: we survived even when we were ambushed. our soldiers, despite their wounds, held their position in the wreckage of burnt equipment until their comrades destroyed the enemies with drones, a story about real mutual assistance, too patriotic to get rid of their air defense systems. romania is in no hurry to give up american patriots to ukraine, but the united states. they are pressing: will europe help prolong the agony
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of the kiev regime? don't lose this technique it's a pity. the ukrainians suddenly discovered that our fighters also know how to hold a plane in their hands, just as wooden howitzers and armored personnel carriers fight. they kicked him and sent him to the trench, tetskashniks, mobilized the midfielder of the transcarpathia club. because of the military commissars' hunt, football players are afraid to go onto the field, who will pass the ball now? the eurovision political competition reveals talents in the style of western values, russia certainly does not fit into them.
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real warriors do not give up, even when the situation looks hopeless, this is how the telegram channel archangel of special forces describes one of the most intense episodes on the fronts of a special operation in the dpr, where a group of russian fighters fell into an enemy ambush, several were injured at once, and it would seem that the enemy would definitely take the chance to finish them off, but the guys, despite everything, did not despair, the first thing they did was find shelter in a damaged armored vehicle, then provided each other with medical assistance, and generally demonstrated... an amazing will to live, and of course, we must pay tribute to the comrades of these soldiers who did everything necessary to supply them medicines and water, but be that as it may, events developed extremely tragically, the vushniks obviously planned to finish what they started sooner or later, and all the more important is that the militants of the kiev regime failed to realize their bloodthirsty intentions, why anton potkavenko will explain, anton, greetings , well, how did this astro-plot story end, greetings, but how... will it end, is it possible to break
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a russian soldier? survived, despite their wounds, thanks to the support of their comrades, taking refuge in the rubble of the enemy armored vehicles, but not broken, our soldiers managed to hold out on the completely shot-through sections of the front in the donetsk direction until the armed forces of ukraine retreated with losses. everything is on video, here is a field riddled with craters, in the middle of which there is an island of armored vehicles in a rut. our fighters took up a position near the burnt armor. their comrades are helping them: a bottle of water is flying from the copter, they also dropped food and medicine, among our three hundredth, here is a fighter with a serious leg wound, obviously, getting to the dropped water, in such a situation it’s real can save a life, can you imagine what our guys had to go through, they didn’t flinch, here’s a fighter showing his thumb, saying nothing, let’s hold on, i saw that our guys didn’t lose heart, they worked on the situation, they held on. we waited, this is actually
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very important, just to hold on and stand and believe, this is already a lot of fortitude, it actually requires a person who is the future in this situation. it was not possible to organize an evacuation, a damaged box, as armored vehicles are called at the front, is constantly in the enemy’s line of sight, everything is shot through, and then a pickup truck got stuck nearby on the off-road in the ssu, or they deliberately sent it, wanting to finish off our fighters, the militant. they began to surround the damaged armored vehicle, this is a graphic from colleagues from the archangel-special forces telegram channel, the sushniks, apparently, did not even have time to notice our soldiers when the support struck? well done, real heroes, that is, no despondency, no panic, but despite the fact that it is clear that the injuries there are quite serious, i would also like to note for myself that these videos show how important it is now modern... to me the role of drones, as you
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see, drones here help fighters, throwing them into the water, drones here drive away the enemy who wanted to profit from them and finish off the wounded, comrades in arms copied, that is, they quickly noticed a pickup truck of the ukrainian armed forces, it began , what an explosion it was, they worked extremely carefully so as not to hurt their own, the armed forces of ukraine ran headlong, away from the damaged equipment, away from the wounded soldiers. under certain conditions, circumstances, a russian warrior is able to endure, wait out, take advantage of what he has, turn
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to be in the ranks and wait for support, it costs a lot, and you can see how our drones simply bombed these ukrainians, ours continued to support them, in the end what happened was what happened, the enemies fled, that’s what happens at the front, veterans say wow, you need special strength, special courage to wait, to live until the very moment when you or your comrades... can deliver the decisive blow. well, and most importantly, the soldiers who were ambushed, to whom our drone pilots threw water and medicine, who survived in the wreckage of the damaged armor, saved, writes the archangel of special forces. they were evacuated, and now the real warriors in the hospital are recovering. anton potkovenko,
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and incredible courage. in the rear areas of the kiev regime today, powerful explosions thundered and fires blazed due to the arrival of russian high-precision weapons. the main targets were energy facilities, which, as vladimir putin repeatedly reminded, power military-industrial complex enterprises, and therefore must be destroyed as part of the task of demilitarizing ukraine. at the same time, zelensky’s propaganda, of course however, he turns the facts upside down and proposes to save electricity at the expense of civilians, if only the military factories at least somehow finalized the details in the material by yegor grigoriev. the strikes hit energy facilities in seven regions of ukraine. video report of the head of the country's ministry of internal affairs. the enemy spotted drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. the minister of energy of ukraine addresses the people. electricity generation and transmission facilities were attacked in poltava, kirovograd, zaporozhye, lvov, ivano-frankivsk, and vinnytsia regions. the enemy wants to deprive us of the opportunity
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it is enough to produce and transmit electricity. economical use of electricity is the contribution of each of us to victory. responsible consumption in the morning and evening is especially important.
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russia attacked two energy facilities in the lviv region, hitting a generation facility in the chervonograd region and a critical energy infrastructure facility in the stryi region with cruise missiles. impacts on the station in kherson, damaged tracks, kiev-kherson kiev train movement is temporarily limited. three thermal power plants were attacked dec, power equipment was seriously damaged. the company confirmed arrivals to burshtynska tes, ivano-frankivsk region, ladyzhynska tes.
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energy from the european union, and these flows are not limitless, not infinite, there is a certain limit on power. so far it is set at 1.7 gw, but 1.5 gw was successfully overcome last time. the cost of maintaining ukraine for the european union will become even higher, because the energy systems are synchronized, and kiev will shift all costs onto ordinary people, unless, of course, tck won’t have time to catch them and send them to the trenches even earlier. egor grigoriev, andrey sapegin, natalya uvarova, news. well, now some interesting footage from the donetsk republic, where the so
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-called experimental british air defense system was destroyed by russian loitering ammunition. upon closer examination, it turned out to be a hybrid of six light armored vehicles and a makeshift launcher for a pair of srm missiles, and the latter were actually intended for air-launching, but apparently, out of desperation, they were adapted for ground. as a result, the range of action is seriously limited, if you’re lucky, you can with... well , at best, a very low-flying object, all this is about the question of western wunder waffes, by the way, about what kiev is waiting for and what it ultimately gets. japan is ready to give the united states patriot anti-aircraft missile systems produced under an american license, but will put forward mandatory conditions not to send them to third countries, including ukraine and will require appropriate written guarantees. these are today's statements by the japanese minister of defense, who, apparently, has set point in the long debate about whether tokyo will help strengthen?
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however, the states are in no hurry to transfer them, but behind the scenes they are pushing the europeans to do so. at a meeting with the president of romania, joe biden
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thanks him for the deployment of us troops on the eastern flank of nato, near the ukrainian borders; there is not a word about the patriots in the white house release. however, this topic was discussed, reporter klaus iohannis admitted, and he is open to it, although giving air defense systems to ukraine is unacceptable for bucharest, this is a quote. anyway, without political bargaining from four complexes purchased from washington. so far only one, and that one was not particularly serviceable during recent exercises, the rocket jammed, there was a communication failure between the control system and the launcher, it took almost an hour to repair it, in real combat conditions petriot himself would have become an easy target, which is why, as the british financial times writes , european countries reject calls to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system, the main argument would be for them not to lose their defense capability, and only then to protect the kiev regime, this gang of beggars. on the one hand, they strive to saturate the defense of large strategic objects, well, these are
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again various elements of the tek system, and the capital, on the other hand, they want to strengthen the defense of the troops, well, military air defense, since they are now in many ways simply defenseless from attacks by russian aviation, without there is no need to talk about any serious stabilization in especially loaded areas, so hence the urgency, hence the scale of requests in terms of quantity and... hence the constant discussion of this topic. fierce debates have been going on in europe about who can betray patriot systems to ukraine for several weeks now. the third complex of its twelve was sent by germany. in return, their manufacturer, the american company raytheon , offers to buy four. that is, who really benefits from all this. not berlin or kiev, but washington. but the german ambassador to ukraine martin jäger, recently visiting the kharkov region, announced other supplies, for example, the system.
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margari did not name spain, the gift was too expensive, it was made under pressure from the allies nato. now the situation is critical, and even if the west, for example, dares to send there. troops, troops without air defense cover, these are, well, suicide bombers by and large, all their attempts are valid, because they do not change the situation in any way. ukraine does not allow them to prepare for the next counter-offensive, and it is becoming more and more difficult for them to maintain their defense. the dominance of russian aviation in the air disrupts all these plans. it is precisely for long-term defense that not only american patriots are required, but also, for example, franco-italian septties. their the new party, as the milan press found out,
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is being prepared to be transferred to kiev by prime minister george meloni as part of the ninth military aid package. even next week, that’s what we found on the website of the french military-industrial corporation thales, they began producing four hundred missiles that are used in these sampsey complexes. and another interesting coincidence: this week about seventy ukrainian military personnel began training to work on patriot systems in germany. this is exactly the composition of one battery. accelerated courses just 6 weeks instead of six or even 9 months. it's a race against time, writes the new york times. and the clock is not ticking in favor of ukraine and its western curators, here is a quote: deliveries of new weapons from the states of great britain and germany may take months, and even the already promised patriots will arrive no earlier than the end of june, but this will not change the situation on the battlefield, military experts say. recent events show that these air defense systems do not have the effectiveness
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that the west was counting on, that calculated in kyiv. the means of destruction knock out these systems quickly enough, they will not be able to really protect the kiev regime, that is, this will really only prolong the agony, it will prolong this war and prolong the very process of destroying the ukrainian nation, which mr. zelensky is now engaged in, there are those in the west who are good at this understands that greece, cut off from... refused to transfer the patriot and s-300 air defense systems to ukraine, even despite political pressure from outside. athens needs these complexes itself. but zelensky has enough complexes theirs. but this is no longer about air defense, and he is unlikely to get rid of them. boris ivanin and the air defense crisis. news came from the fronts in the kharkov region today about the liberation by fighters of a group of troops from the west of the
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village of kislovka, and the soldiers of the central group completely took control of novokalinov. avdeevsky direction of the northeastern district. 11 counterattacks of ukrainian militants were also repelled there. the enemy lost over 400 personnel, a leopard tank and a lot of other equipment. about the situation on the contact line. report by pavel prokopenko. the 122-caliber gvozdika howitzer of the first army corps of the southern group of forces smashes the enemy's dugout to pieces. it was located next to a residential building. no disguise. ukrainian armed forces soldiers flee. carnation. continues to work, this is not a planned target, but an operational stud aimed and struck within a few seconds. the howitzer fires from closed positions, they are so closed that they completely blend into the terrain, anti-drone mesh protection and additional camouflage. days and nights they cooked from kamikaze, because they
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they fly by, basically we have this armor, well , the entire bc is located here, they are trying to do the right thing. we need to beat the side , that's why we welded the studs, cut them off at least to soften the blow, let's fire one fire, one fire, the echo of the shot sounded at the same second, here in general everything happens very quickly, we work intensively, from morning to night, from morning to morning, it’s even better to say, this is a decision-making room, in it we cannot show a single centimeter of space, reconnaissance finds targets for us, from the air it’s much more easier. adjust our fire, targets come to the gun commander, he left his small homeland from avdeevka 10 years ago, now with special zeal he drives the enemy away from the city. i haven’t been to avdiivka since the liberation, but i hope to get there soon, i want to go into my apartment, and the only thing that interests me there are photographs,
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my parents’ albums, my albums, many residents of the liberated ones... we continue and will, we will crush fascism and we will go forward for our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, for victory, shot, pavel prokopenko,
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konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, donetsk people's republic. several types of rszz, howitzers, armored vehicles, one might think, lined up next to each other in a very strange and illogical way ... close to each other, but everything falls into place if you pay attention to the boards and beams stacked next to each other, this is exactly what a fairly large-scale production of painted wooden beams looks like models of russian military equipment, which, by the way, drew attention from the enemy camp. let me remind you that he boasted a long time ago similar productions, he assured that such decoys make it possible to constantly protect real weapons, including nato ones, from artillery and drones. well, now, to the unpleasant surprise of kiev, a quite worthy russian answer has appeared, which means we also have something to do with... confusing aerial reconnaissance, and most importantly, the appearance of any significant number of such products in the special operations zone will most likely become much more difficult for the ukrainian armed forces a bigger headache than ukrainian deceptions for our soldiers.
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evgeniy is ready to share evidence teshkovets, evgeniy, greetings, here we must take into account that the enemy is suffering from a shortage of shells. good evening, of course, alexey, when every shell counts , you don’t want to waste ammunition on a piece of carpentry art. hey, vsushniks. i see double: russia has more than enough military equipment to effectively conduct combat operations, and we never tire of reminding the enemy of this. photo from ukrainian drone pilots, in the comments for some time, no mockery, just a statement of fact, the armed forces of ukraine have big problems. on the image shows towed artillery, armored personnel carriers and trucks in camouflage, a whole hail. this is just what we were able to film. how many of these deceptions have already been placed in the fields? stripe: many, many centuries ago, sundzy wrote that war is a path of deception, and accordingly, everything that happens in war
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is always an attempt to mislead the enemy, and we often saw how high-tech soldiers try for a very long time to practice various fire techniques using means made there by the guys at the front, some kind of ersatz imitators of firing points, pillboxes there everything else. this is good, it makes sense, even if it literally sends a few percent of the missiles in the wrong direction, this is already a huge advantage. let’s say right away that there is no sign of any technical revolution here, the mock-ups were in service with the soviet army, are now used by russian troops, there are false radars, tanks, and even airplanes. not all of them are wooden; the decoys can be made of iron or can be inflatable on a frame. but in any case, they are distinguished by the highest level of detail, and are also equipped with heat sources and radio emissions to fool the electronics of reconnaissance drones. it’s not that
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it was impossible to distinguish deception from reality; for example, in this video, the ukrainian drone operator managed to see through an inflatable t-72, but this was solely thanks to the extremely powerful optics. the quality of the picture is not always so high, and in real combat no one... will allow the early guide to look at the target for a long time, we take a couple of fighters with a compressor, a crowbar, several stakes, in 5-10 minutes they erect a model from scratch, inflate a tank, an anti-aircraft missile system, an airplane, if you set aside a regiment for a couple of hours, then it is capable of deploying, for example, an imitation of a division of a missile system, and even an air defense system, which even with long-term observation from space will be impossible to distinguish from the real thing, life will be imitated there, it will roll traces, equipment, the russian army, let’s say, can fool the enemy quite professionally, if
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required. however, the russian military, in the conditions of the northern military district, is developing concepts that have existed for decades, for example, creating not only models of large equipment, fake mortar positions, which are also very actively hunted by the enemy, have become an urgent need at the front. uav. the guys are great at making city dwellers, they usually make it out of their hands. a fairly simple thing, but it helps us out a lot. it would seem that a pair of glued together plumbing pipes, painted green, cost a penny, and high technology is powerless against them. this year there will be a benefit performance in the twenty-fourth year, according to forecasts. the beginning of a new era of kamikaze drones that will use artificial intelligence to target recognition, this is how artificial intelligence can be deceived of this kind.
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stories are more than real, but what about the enemy, he also uses deceptions, only the higher-ups discovered this fact before us, they make models in ukraine, in neighboring countries, in particular in the czech republic. this wooden structure, for example, was captured by russian army soldiers near avdievka; this is actually an american sentinel radar. yes, they did not spare both time and effort. but they saved money on arming personnel with these. machine guns stood on avdeevka streets checkpoints, which ukraine feels not only a hunger for shells, but also a hunger for weapons, respectively, the machine gun is completely plastic, it’s a toy, it’s like a kind of, well, scarecrow for local residents who, well, people are afraid of weapons, but in general , if you look at the situation philosophically, then the russian the army gives the high school, the high land
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, what kiev cannot give. at least some choice: to hit or not to hit very convenient , temptingly located targets. evrgen teshkovets and military cunning. ukrainian oligarch igor kolomoisky was accused of contract killing. the kiev prosecutor's office raised a twenty-year-old case and announced suspicion to the defendant. zelensky’s former sponsor, included in russia’s list of terrorists, has been sitting in a ukrainian pre-trial detention center since september last year. he is accused of fraud and money laundering, but it would seem that this is not the case. this is enough for a serious sentence, but why another criminal trial was needed, anastasia efimova will explain. in the ukrainian criminal procedure code this is called the proud word pedozra, in other words, the charge in this case is organizing a contract killing, was charged, as reported by the kiev office of the prosecutor general, quote: a well-known businessman, for some reason they tried to hide his face in the photo, however, the photo of igor kolomoisky, the same one who is included in the list
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of terrorists and extremists in russia, is not recognizable, you have to try . according to the investigation, the suspect, motivated by personal revenge, ordered the murder of the director of one of the law firms for failure to comply with the requirements for the annulment and invalidation of decisions of the general meeting shareholders of an open joint stock company. we are talking about a crime no more, no less than twenty years ago. in 2003 , lawyer sergei korpenok was attacked in the center of feodosia. they beat us brutally with hammers, iron rods and knives.
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survived, even took up a political career, who in the early 2000s he interfered with so much, understood perfectly and shared with the investigation in detail, but while the oligarch kolomoisky, along with billions, not hryvnias, but dollars, was in the business of power, the ukrainian justice, apparently, did not consider necessary to upset respected person. i know sergei korpenko very well, he was a deputy of the city council from the lazarenko bloc, he survived miraculously and... he is still alive for only one reason, because he gave exhaustive testimony against kolomoisky, with his death he only seemed to , if something happened to him, he would only, as it were, emphasize kolomoisky’s guilt, because there are no other people interested in his death. it turns out that the dossier on kolomoisky has been lying quietly peacefully in the prosecutor general’s safe all these years,
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now is the time.


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