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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the eurasian economic union has become one of the centers of a fair multipolar world and has proven its high stability. in conditions when the entire international trade system is actually collapsing due to illegitimate sanctions, vladimir putin made such statements today at a meeting of the supreme council of the eurasian economic union, which this time meets in two compositions, first narrow and then expanded, with the participation of heads of observer states, and the agenda of the meetings, report by alexey golovko. first to the kremlin for a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council alexander lukashenko arrived. the huge bouquets of ros in the hands of the protocol service of the belarusian leader caught my eye. may be? this is part of
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the congratulations to the russian president on taking office. the presidents of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan also arrived at the large kremlin palace and the prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan climbed the grand staircase. the eurasian economic union celebrates the 10th anniversary of its existence. despite the fact that armenia is chairing the ias this year, it was decided in advance to hold the anniversary summit in moscow. it is best to talk about how the eurasian economic union has changed over these 10 years.
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active and self-sufficient centers of the emerging multipolar world. the eurasian union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, the intensification of business contacts, and the expansion of cooperative ties, which ultimately bring real benefits to each of the participants in our association. now we are just before entering the hall here, just with our colleagues talked about this and stated very good indicators for the development of our economies. and the countries of the eurasian economic union are the geographical core of new transport routes, north-south west-east other interethnic associations maintain relations with the organization, this is how new economic ties are formed that are beneficial to everyone. russia highly values ​​mutually beneficial multifaceted relations with... with partners in the european union, and
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we sincerely strive for further joint work on the comprehensive development and strengthening our integration association. i am convinced that all colleagues share this attitude. this year, the formal chairman of the organization limited himself to only a short greeting. i propose, dear colleagues, to immediately begin discussing the issues on the agenda and thank the media representatives for their work. thanks a lot. while the leaders were talking without the press, two more motorcades appeared in the kremlin. shavkat mirziyoyev, the president of uzbekistan, literally flew up the stairs, followed by the president of cuba, miguel diaz canel bermudez. these two countries participate in the eac as observer states, and all the summit participants take photographs together. and again, at a meeting in an expanded format, the russian president takes the first floor. nikolavich, well , it’s agreed that i’ll start, right?
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almost all structures created in the post-soviet space are curtailing, for example, active participation in the csto. describing the processes of economic integration, iravan also talks about what is not satisfactory about it.
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the russian embassy in great britain expressed regret in connection with the latest unfriendly actions of london, which announced the expulsion of the russian military ottache, and also decided to tighten the rules for obtaining diplomatic visas for our citizens. the ministry of foreign affairs of the united kingdom claims
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that all this is connected with the allegedly harmful activities of the diplomatic mission, but its head andrei kellin called the accusations absurd. in the united kingdom, these measures are also being interrupted. some channels of communication between the capitals, as has happened many times before, new measures were introduced under groundless and even ridiculous the pretext, in this case, a fire in some warehouse in east london, but from this they are trying to inflate another spy story, at the same time, signs of the preparation of these hostile steps appeared, according to our observations, about 6 months ago, the corresponding company absolutely accused us. .. has been promoted in all conceivable sins and seen enough in the media all this time, it is deeply regrettable that in a period of acute international tension, when dialogue is especially important to prevent further escalation in london continues to feign belligerence
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and undermine remaining ties. all this will certainly receive an adequate response from the russian side. the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova , reacted very harshly. she emphasized that moscow considers such actions of the british authorities not only unacceptable, but also systematically russophobic and reserves the right to take retaliatory steps. we consider extremely irresponsible and categorically unacceptable the statements of the british about the alleged involvement of our country in certain malicious actions, especially without evidence of those conclusions. which they came to, i don’t know, in the foreign office or downing street, this is not the first time london has used such tactics; with the active participation of the british , a cynical disinformation campaign was launched about the alleged involvement of the russian military in
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indiscriminate attacks on civilians in buchei . as you know, this staging was staged in order to disrupt russian-ukrainian negotiations from... releasing a pre-prepared package anti-russian sanctions of the west. after this, busche literally became a household symbol of the cynicism of ukrainian propaganda, closely patronized by anglo-saxon political strategists. london was repeatedly warned that any unfriendly actions would receive an inevitable, proportionate response. russia's reaction will be tough and measured. lithuania intends to refuse ukrainian refugees in the form of profit. in essence, it will squeeze them back into the square adjacent to the clutches of the shopping center employees. this is the information of the western media with reference to sources in parliament baltic republic. but what’s interesting is that at the same time, vilnius seems to be ready to send its own military contingent to ukraine, supposedly as part of some kind of training mission. and what
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the consequences could be, evgeniy nipod figured out. lithuania is ready to send soldiers to ukraine on a training mission, although kiev has not yet asked for this. permission for such a step was received from the country's parliament. about this in the interview. not to send anything, we hear twice a month about someone being subjected to a nuclear attack. it is against the background of threats from western countries about sending military contingents to ukraine, russia announced an exercise using tactical nuclear weapons, but ms. shimonita decided to try her luck a little and said that she did not believe in russia’s attack on her country, since, i quote most of the time, the winds blow from west to east , truly rash statements with hope in the wind. the kiev regime is quite unpredictable, we have repeatedly said that direct intervention
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on the ground in this conflict by the military nato countries potentially pose a huge danger, so we consider this an extremely defiant provocation, no less, and of course we are watching this very carefully. since the early nineties, the lithuanian armed forces have actively cooperated with nato and after the country's accession. regularly participates in exercises and military missions of the association, such as in bosnia, iraq or afghanistan. from the point of view of technical equipment, this army is of absolutely no magnitude. it was originally intended to conduct a defensive battle of waiting coming to the aid of nato countries, using the terrain, swampy, hilly-wooded terrain and so on, that is. this is somewhat reminiscent of the experience of the forest brothers. in recent years, lithuania has been trying
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to increase the size of its armed forces. according to the local military department, by 2025 it plans to have almost 30,000 people under arms instead of 21. and conscripts have significant hopes. let me remind you that in 2008 compulsory military service in the country was abolished, but it was returned in 2015. now conscription in the republic is based on the principle of a lottery. those chosen by the computer go to serve. program. this format, apparently, is not very popular with the population. in 2023 , 14 thousand fines were issued to draft dodgers. i probably wouldn’t seriously consider them from the point of view of combat readiness, real combat readiness, because it is possible that the combat readiness of special forces is present to some extent in all nato countries, but no one has yet achieved a real level of combat operations, such as in ukraine. i haven’t experienced them, either in afghanistan or in iraq, that is, it’s all an easy steal of a walk. if they want to send, like the french, contingents there, well, they will have a priority goal, apparently
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realizing that in the event of a real clash , the lithuanian armed forces would simply be confused, the republican authorities staged a demonstration exercise, to which they invited the german military with chancellor scholz at the head, his photo walking in an armored personnel carrier should have looked like a signal of determination, saying that the allies would stand for the entire baltic states, but the journalist noted that it turned out to be such a grotesque thing, huge armored vehicles and a small chancellor with a cast iron mine, it looked funnier. tried to create an image of a courageous leader who raised the topic of sending nato troops to ukraine and allowed the participation of the french contingent in the conflict, if the french appear in the conflict zone, they are only french president macron, who will inevitably become targets for the russian armed forces. the lithuanian authorities joined this series of dangerous statements, perhaps not fully realizing all the consequences of such rash steps. evgenia nipot, olga alvukhina, host. between serbia and china today operates free trade agreement signed by aleksandar vucic and xi jinping
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following negotiations in belgrade. both leaders expressed satisfaction with a truly constructive dialogue, unlike what emmanuel macron and ursula fondeen tried to impose on the chinese leader a little earlier. but the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to the serbian capital is important not only for this reason and it is no coincidence that it took place right now, our european correspondent daria grigorova will confirm. the chinese leader approaches the government complex in the center of belgrade in his hanka's armored limousine, it is immediately clear that sizempina is in a good mood in belgrade. at the beginning there is an honorary parade of senior guardsmen , and an artillery salute sounds in honor of the guest’s arrival. in belgrade, sizenpin was also welcomed by ordinary citizens, several thousand serbs.
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the republic of serbia and the people's republic of china are moving from strategic cooperation to a community where the joint future of the two countries is at issue. for serbia , china's principled position on the issue of kosovo and metohija plays an important role. the european union is now demanding that serbia recognize the independence of part of its territory in the name of joining the eu, in addition, that belgrade
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break all ties with moscow and stop cooperating with china. china supports the territorial integrity and... during the bombing of yugoslavia, nato aircraft struck the prc embassy, ​​allegedly missing. at this place, 20 chinese citizens were injured and three of our colleagues were killed. these are journalists from the xinhua agency and the jamin jebao newspaper. since the strike, the united states and nato have been convincing china that the bombing was a mistake, but the chinese side does not trust these words. now on the site
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of the destroyed embassy there is a chinese cultural center with the address serbia-china friendship square house. in an article for now, the french press discusses new details of the visit. at the last moment, the protocol refused to serve the favorite dessert of macron and his wife; they were afraid to serve russian cake; the chinese leader was afraid. in serbia , the leaders of the people's republic of china promised to provide good food with traditional cuisine; it is possible that
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the popular serbian dessert will be on the menu moscow shnit. yes.
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during the work, the germans made a chemical analysis of the metal, 40 tons of the weight of the monument, a kilogram of gold. a monument to soviet soldiers who fell during the storming of berlin was unveiled in berlin's treptower park. may 8 , 1949, from project to implementation 3 years. the first question that arose was what to build from in berlin for every single brick; importing from the ussr, of course, is also not an option. construction history of the find.
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only diplomats are allowed. russian ambassador sergei nechaev today laid flowers at the memorial in schon holzer-heide: we did a corresponding statement that this step by the berlin... authorities is unacceptable to us, and that i know that civil activists are trying to appeal this case, including through legal means. 2 years ago, chancellor scholz directly
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declared that germany no longer felt moral responsibility to russia, the successor to the ussr. however, the agreement on the care of military graves is one of the few bilateral legal acts that germany follows punctually. we must pay tribute to the local authorities, they come into contact and provide i contribute. the doors to the crypt located at the base of the monument are opened very rarely: on the ceiling there is a chandelier in the form of the order of victory, on the walls along the circumference there is a mosaic by anatoly gorpenko depicting a scene of commemoration of the fallen. it has a special history of creation, which coincided in time with the first berlin crisis of 1948, when the western allies for the first time provoked an exchange of trade and economic sanctions. the performers were the german company puhl and wagner. it was located in the american
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sector of berlin. although the distance between the workshop and the place and the construction site is only 600-700 m, people had to obtain special permits in order to deliver, in fact, products to the construction site, very reminiscent of today's realities. in the mass graves of treptow. about 7,200 soldier-officers who died during the storming of berlin were reburied. to date, a third of them remain unknown. on this pedestal, under glass , a book should be kept with the names of soviet soldiers buried in treptow, whose details were known at the time of the opening of the memorial. but the decision turned out to be unsuccessful, because this room is not protected from changes in temperature and humidity, and the book quickly began to deteriorate. therefore, it is now kept in the berlin city hall. sofyana. bound with parchment pages, the last one with a ballpoint pen shows the total: 2232. the book contains a letter received in berlin almost 40 years
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ago. this is also a sign of its time. it was written by a resident of the village of tarasovka, zaporozhye region, ivan shiyan. my father often tells me about his father. he was buried in treptow park. i have a big request to you, if possible, send me a photo of the page where my grandfather’s name is. in the eighty-fourth year, the germans had to fulfill a similar request, but just in case, the book actually contains a record of shiyan gp, ​​born in the twenty-sixth year, he rests next to his military comrades in mass graves under the plane trees of the park. how many of them are grandfathers, forever nineteen years old? mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. and today they opened a house in kuzbass.
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portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and special operations appeared in front of the estonian embassy in moscow, where an exhibition dedicated to people who became famous for fighting the nazis, both the nazis and the nazis, opened. and their followers already in the modern history of the country. the portraits show not only military leaders, but also ordinary soldiers, doctors, journalists, and sofya sergieva took a closer look at the faces of victory. tatyana
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panomarenko-reverage is called the chronicler of heroism, and her works are like weapons that seem to strike on target. on her canvases are the heroes of the past and present, those who, at the cost of their own lives , defended our country on its most diverse frontiers. on the eve of victory day, the chronicler of donbass and the cultural front of russia presented her works. outside the estonian embassy in moscow, as an inoculation for the nato ally against attempts to rewrite history. since 1914, my hometown, donetsk , was shelled, bombed, mocked civilians, these comrades showed nothing to their citizens, they will lie and lie until they are afraid. being in donbass, i heard lithuanian, latvian speech, the french and lithuanians are already fighting there, i think. the danish residents called him father, and next to him was
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the famous korsa, olga kachura, the only female commander of the dpr artillery battalion. she participated in combat battles for 8 years, commanded a battalion and fired from all types of weapons. awarded the title of hero of russia. along with the military , the exposition was visited by representatives of youth organizations and foundations that help our soldiers today. in february they sent about 12 tons of various cargoes.
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