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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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a holiday with soviet symbols infuriated the slovakian defense minister a couple of years ago. yaroslav nagy called his compatriots from potortor a rabble. yaroslav nat, thank god, the former secretary of defense, is head over heels in america's rear end, which is why he insulted us. on the day of the city's liberation from nazi germany, he was present here at the celebrations. they should be grateful because they live thanks to the fact that the soviet red army liberated us. if the advice had not come then, so would yaroslav nat, perhaps today i wouldn't live. jaroslav nat, like the entire previous government, resigned; in the fall of 2023 , slovakia has a new leadership that does not abandon the country’s history in order to please. overseas friends. this
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applause is for the prime minister, who has been in office for several months. on april 4, robert fica, on the anniversary of the liberation of bratislava , came to the memorial where different generations of slovaks lay flowers every spring. come here every year? yes, from such a young age. warriors of the red army. but we are.
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devices after world war ii. we are obliged not to allow anyone to question the decisive role of the former ussr in the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned, i will do everything to ensure that this story is never distorted. the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia has an entire department for the protection of military graves. every year, money is allocated from the country's budget to care for monuments to soviet soldiers. slovakia erected 193 monuments to its liberator. in battles for this country.
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then to the concentration camp from which he escaped. after the escape, yakov pervushin joined the partisans, who fought in these mountains. one day , a russian soldier, as archival documents testify, came down to the village here to pick up a doctor and take him to the detachment to see his wounded comrades, and just at the same time the ss men arrived in the village with a punitive operation, a jewish doctor and a russian partisan, they shot. his family didn’t know any of this; for them he was missing, news. his
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nephew thought that he was killed in germany and buried, his nephew is 85 years old, he lives in petersburg, he cried when they told him about the grave of his ancestors, now they write to us, they thank us for the fact that you are doing all this with your own money, in your own time, why do you need this?
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poorly trained, without much desire to fight, slovaks in german units. quickly became a burden; the nazis trusted them mainly with the protection of railway junctions in occupied ukraine. my father, as a conscript soldier, arrived in ukraine, they were supposed to guard supply routes and bridges, not far from zhitomir, but they immediately joined the partisans, back in october 1942, because they saw that there are no jewish bolsheviks, as the fascist slovak state called them, they saw ordinary people, such as those who lived in slovakia, they saw how they suffer. the slavs did not want to kill the slavs, the surrender was massive, 80% of the slovaks sent with the germans to the east went to the partisans, jan nelepka was the first slovak to receive
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the title of hero of the soviet union. captain nalepka actively lured his colleagues to the soviet side, here he is next to one of the generals of the red army. slovenian warrior. slovak soldiers passed on information about disposition of the germans, and the soviet partisans behaved neutrally towards the slovak soldiers, pretending that they did not see each other, did not shoot at each other, and if they did shoot, they shot over their heads to make it look like they were fighting against each other . in august of forty-four , a national uprising began in slovakia itself, parts of the regular army, partisans opposed the pro-fascist government of tis, moscow sent weapons and saboteurs to help them. the nazis, deciding to drown the uprising in blood, threw large, heavily armed units. the germans suppressed the uprising with great difficulty and huge losses, but the advance of the soviet troops was not stopped. the slovak national uprising is, if you like, one of the pillars of
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the self-identification of the slovak nation. the participants in this uprising went to the mountains and were partisans. these 130,000 people really fought actively. when the war ended. then slovakia was not among those who would have been in the camp of the losers in the camp of hitler’s germany’s satellites, with all the ensuing political, legal, moral, economic consequences. the first settlement in slovakia was liberated by the red army on october 3 , 1944; ahead were 7 months of continuous, difficult fighting. the red army was moving forward, it was not moving. freedom for all of czechoslovakia. it was spring, and it was a muddy road, the roads were washed out. still a very difficult landscape. there are water barriers on the way of their red army soldiers. for example, this river gron was crossed under continuous fire from german artillery. the nazis are located
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there, on the other side, at the height of the red army to advance to bratislava, it was necessary to first cross the river and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched. “war is the most evil, and we can tell children what happened, and naturally we don’t want it to continue, children are frequent guests here, teacher anna marachkova brought students to history lessons, she gave knowledge much broader than the school curriculum, she found her daughter
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natalya radionovna, malinovskaya, i wrote her a letter saying that i wanted to give a lecture here for our residents of the city of levitsa, she told me everything..." very serious information, troops of the second ukrainian front, under the command of marshal of the soviet union marinovsky, developed an offensive deep into czechoslovakia from hungary and occupied the city of bratislava. bratislava is a heavily fortified city by the germans. ditches, barriers, mines, nothing helped. the red army liberated the capital of slovakia 2 days earlier than required by headquarters. the soldiers helped restore electricity, water supply, and sewerage in the city, and cleared the roads. april, a telegram was sent to moscow about the situation on the ground. official propaganda before in recent days, she assured the townspeople that soviet troops would not be able to overcome the defensive structures around bratislava. the townspeople emphasize that they are doubly grateful to the red army, since bratislava was taken quickly and in a short time. the war
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had not yet ended, but grateful bratislava had already erected this monument to soviet soldiers on may 5, 1945. in every region. slovakia has monuments and memorial plaques, single and mass graves of liberators. the cemetery in zvolen is one of the largest burial grounds of red army soldiers in europe. in lies in single mass graves. only 3 years ago we managed to discover that he was buried here in a mass grave. his coffin, and his relatives, they knew where he died, no, no one knew, his mother really
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wanted his grave to be found, we contacted the belarusian search engines, they found his younger brother, he is 77 years old, they agreed that he on may 9, he will come to slovakia to look at the grave of his brother; in minsk , representatives of the slovak movement brother for brother met with the younger brother of red army soldier vladimir kapustin, a motorcycle rally along the roads of victory they organize it every year, we were in moscow. in volgograd, sevastopol, in the cities of the czech republic and, of course, at memorials here in slovakia. we are trying to preserve the memory of the soldiers of the second world war of the red army, primarily because the european community, the eu, and the current government, want to destroy the memory of the liberators. if schools taught respect, respect. so that this situation does not happen in ukraine, what is happening in europe does not happen when
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they destroy the memory and replace it with a new one, glorifying the same bandera. the atrocities of bandera are also remembered here; there are monuments and memorial plaques to their victims in slovakia. here is a communist who was beaten to death for having a party card. in neighboring kolbasovo , a whole family of 11 jews who survived the holocaust returned home after the war to this village bordering ukraine. and tamu already had ukrainian nationalists persecuted by nkvd detachments. bandera's followers fled from the soviet army under the wing of the americans. the american occupation zone after the war was in austria, and just before it the shortest route through slovakia. another village in the east of slovakia, here is also a memorial in memory of those who died at the hands of bandera. fallen soldiers of the czechoslovak people's army who died in the battles against bandera. in 1947 the names of six soldiers.
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it took a military operation to stop the terror. they were able to clear slovakia of bandera only in 1949. i was in lutsk. i was in lutsk, crying with despair when i saw a monument to bandera there. bandera, my god. well, the european union does not condemn this in any way. european union - people are being demolished, history is being rewritten: lithuania, latvia, estonia, bulgaria, czech republic, poland. this
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mine in the hungarian village of tardas is known throughout europe; red limestone, which is like marble, has been mined here for thousands of years since the times of ancient rome. palaces in different countries are decorated with stone and made of it. biztos, hogy volt 100%, de rengeteket szálít ottom. decorative stone, it has a very characteristic red tint, suitable for various monuments, many people ordered it from us, sold it to russia, austria, germany, slovakia, the czech republic, including poland, ordered before, yes, yes, poland bought before, former customers, new monuments are not erected, old ones are not repaired, in atilla budai’s native village, the monument to soviet soldiers shines, in the battles for hungary 2000 died
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. put flowers or candles for the hungarian soldiers, and for the russians too, since childhood we have been visiting this monument, taking care of the monuments here, this is our tradition. so in hungary, on the eve of may 9 , a monument to soviet soldiers, painted, polished, glitters in the spring sun; such work abroad
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is supervised by the representative office of the russian ministry of defense for military memorial work. hungarian. they are very respectful of the memory of those who died, they always treat our despairs, our requests with understanding, while, uh, the hungarian republic shows, for example, how to treat fallen heroes. there are 830 such burial sites in hungary alone; they are treated with care, with regular cleaning and repairs. more than 50 were repaired in 2021-23 monuments, how they are transformed. good visibility. according to an intergovernmental agreement, russia has indefinite use of the land under the monuments. this means that work coordination is easy. the hungarian authorities do not interfere, they only support. demolish monuments, as neighbors do.
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with them, they say, there was a terrible situation, because they say, here they were crossing with weapons from the danube, without any artillery barrage, without anything, here these german tanks, as they say, just put pressure. field hospitals were deployed almost in in each village, those who could not be saved were buried on the spot, on one of the mass graves
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in pakshi, the names of three red army soldiers. photos have been preserved of their relatives from the soviet union. in the archives, they were looking for exactly those who died on these banks of the danube, they managed to identify more than 100 soldiers, so this black paste with gold letters appeared next to the monument, here are the heroes by name, but not all, the search will continue so that no one is forgotten, flew by on a tridube. triduba is an airfield in slovakia, which during the great soviet pilots used the domestic one.
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in 404 , a li-2 transport aircraft crashed on approach in this field. the crew was immediately buried in wreckage.
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no answer came from them. in the warm season, battle sites are explored, when the weather does not allow, archives are studied. slovak enthusiasts are not only members of historical clubs, they are all anti-fascists, at heart, according to documents. pre-order to a member. i am a member of the slovak union of anti-fascist fighters. here's my membership card. and your ticket number is 48, and how many anti-fascists are there in slovakia, how many members your organization, now we are returning again ...
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already fresh, this is about 15 days ago, when he went, he was generally shocked, he says why do we buy abroad, but here it is cheap and environmentally friendly and most importantly, well,
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the price is normal, but we will increase the volume of purchases from uzbekistan from year to year, but it would be great if, as i told agraiexpress today, i also said in my speech, we have the opportunity to saturate the russian market with agricultural products. develop with us and has grown so much in recent years in a couple of years, we will increase it to a level that has never been seen before. vladimir putin met with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev.
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to be cleared of all strangers. let's call simferopol gothenburg. in official german propaganda documents, the peninsula is called gotenland, the mythical homeland of the ancient germans, which had to be returned at any cost. however, it was in crimea that the nazis suffered one of the most devastating defeats in the entire history of the great patriotic war. these are the youth who fought and knew that we will definitely win and we will be alive in the new time. daughter, i know it 's your birthday yesterday. i can’t give you flowers, i give you sevastopol, when there are raids from the ukrainian armed forces, we are not afraid, we will take care of our native sevastopol land.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
12:00 am
the russian army repulsed 16 attacks in su, liberated the settlements of kislovka and novokalinovo, and lost zelensky’s formation.


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