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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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this will be an honest detective. the russian army repulsed 16 attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, liberated the settlements of kislovka and novokalinovo, zelensky’s formations lost more than a thousand soldiers, mercenary officers, and were destroyed. in addition, the army launched
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a group strike with long -range precision weapons against ukrainian military enterprises and energy facilities; the targets were successfully hit. egor grigoriev has all the details. the strikes hit energy facilities in seven regions of ukraine (video report by the head of the country’s ministry of internal affairs). the enemy noticed drones, winged and ballistic rockets. the minister of energy of ukraine addresses the people. electricity generation and transmission facilities were attacked in the poltava, kirovograd, zaporozhye, lvov, ivanofrankivsk, and vinnytsia regions. impacts on the energy sector, problems for military production and logistics, but they will be solved at the expense of ordinary citizens, who are encouraged to save. in the medium term, yes, there may be problems, because the ukrainian railways is very electrified, there simply isn’t enough.
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power lines in the carpathian region were damaged and an object was hit energy infrastructure, a fire broke out. russia attacked two energy facilities in the lviv region, hitting a generation facility in the chervonograd region and a critical energy infrastructure facility in the stryi region with cruise missiles. impacts on the station in kherson, damaged tracks, kiev-kherson kiev train traffic is temporarily limited. three thermal power plants of dek were attacked, and power equipment was seriously damaged. the company confirmed arrivals to... the strikes were carried out on stations
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in ukraine. equipment for secondary frequency regulation in the network, you will need to go straight out and figure out how to keep the ukrainian energy system from collapsing into an accident, maneuverable capacities are knocked out, this leads to becoming even more dependent on electricity flows from the european union, and these flows are not limitless, not infinite, there is a certain limit on power, so far it is set at 1.7 gw, well , one and a half gw have already successfully overcome the last shock. the cost of maintaining ukraine for there will be more european union. higher, because
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the energy systems are synchronized, and kiev will shift all costs onto ordinary people, unless, of course, the tsk manages to catch it and send it to the trenches even earlier. egor grigoriev, andrey sapegin, natalya uvarova, news. russia is increasing the volume of purchases of products from uzbekistan from year to year and will increase them further. this was stated by vladimir putin. the president held talks in the kremlin with the leader of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev.
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we are waiting for vegetables from uzbekistan, fruits and vegetables from uzbekistan, we are waiting, like last year, well... the volume of purchases from uzbekistan from year to year will be yes, it would be great, that’s all i said today agraexpress in his speech also said: we have the opportunity to saturate the russian market with agricultural products, we will develop it, we have already grown over
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the past couple of years , a level that has never been seen before, let us increase it. the eac has shown its effectiveness in the face of new challenges and... sanctions, vladimir putin stated this at the tenth anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow. the leaders of the participating countries met first in a narrow format, but then in a wider format. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what was the focus of attention. the development of relations based on mutual benefit, respect and consideration of the interests of each party, the future of the eurasian space, was discussed today in the kremlin. and special attention to the relations between the two countries belonging to the eu.
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the economic indicators of cooperation within the framework of the eurasian economic union were discussed in the kremlin earlier at the anniversary summit of the organization. however, the russian president immediately indicated that the meeting was a business one. they talked a lot not only about the already known results of joint work, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, but about what strategy the community should follow in...
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armenia, and the anniversary summit was supposed to be held in yerevan, but at the suggestion of vladimir putin the meeting moved to moscow. however,
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nikol pashinyan, as expected, acted as chairman of the summit. the head of the cabinet of ministers of armenia called the eurasian economic union an important platform for interaction. we consider it necessary focus our efforts.
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and not everyone alone would be able to maintain
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their sovereignty. a lot has certainly been done, although the challenges in integration construction have not decreased. wednesday's events in the kremlin were the first since the start of a new political cycle in russia, with vladimir putin taking office as president. and tomorrow most foreign guests will take part in the celebrations on the occasion of victory day. the victory that the peoples of now independent countries achieved together, the importance of cooperation and mutual support is our states understand now. true warriors do not give up, even when the situation looks hopeless. a group of russian fighters was ambushed in a special operation zone, several were injured, anton potkovenko found out what happened next. they survived, despite their wounds, thanks to support. comrades, who took refuge in the wreckage of an armored vehicle knocked out by the enemy, but our warriors, unbroken
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, managed to hold out on a completely shot-through section of the front in the donetsk direction until vsushniki retreated with losses. everything is on video. here is a field pitted with craters, in the middle of which there is an island of an armored vehicle in a rut. our soldiers took a position near the burnt armor, their front-line comrades are helping them. here is a bottle of water flying from the copter; they also dropped food and medicine among them. here is a fighter with a serious leg wound, clearly getting to the dumped water in such a situation, this can really save a life, can you imagine what our guys had to go through, they didn’t flinch, here’s a fighter showing his thumb, saying it’s okay, let’s hold on, i saw that our guys didn’t fall spirit, worked on the situation, held on, we waited, this is actually very important, just hold on and stand and believe, this is already a big strength. what the future actually demands from a person in this situation, it was not possible to organize an evacuation, a damaged box,
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as armored vehicles are called at the front, is constantly in the enemy’s line of sight, everything is shot through, and then an armed forces pickup truck got stuck nearby on the off-road, or they deliberately sent it, wanting to finish it off our fighters, the militants began to surround the damaged armored vehicle, these are graphics from colleagues from the telegram channel of the archangel-special forces, the sushniks, apparently, they didn’t even have time to notice... yes, who wanted to profit, yes, to finish off the wounded. the comrades in arms copied, that is
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, they quickly noticed the apu pickup truck, it started to explode, they worked extremely carefully so as not to hurt their own, the apu soldiers ran headlong, away from the damaged equipment, away from the wounded soldiers. under certain conditions and circumstances, a russian warrior is able to endure, wait out, and take advantage of it. with what you have, turn your weaknesses into advantages. the enemy is actually retreating, five sushniks are visible, and they can’t run far, our birds see everything, the enemies are being hunted by an attack drone, a targeted strike, an explosion, ukrainian militants abandon the wounded and hastily leave. this is a clear example of how they fight and how we fight. when you still find the ability to hold on, don’t panic. to be in the ranks and wait for support, it costs a lot, and you can see
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how our drones simply bombed these ukrainians, ours continued to support them, in the end what happened was what happened, the enemies fled, that’s what happens at the front, veterans say wow, we need special ones strength, special courage to wait, to live until the very moment when you or your comrades can strike. a decisive blow, and most importantly, the soldiers who were ambushed, to whom our drone pilots dropped water and medicine, who held out in the rubble of the damaged armor, were saved, writes the special forces archangel. they were evacuated, now the real warriors are in the hospital, recovering. ukrainian oligarch kolomoisky was accused of contract murder. the kiev prosecutor's office raised a twenty-year- old case and announced suspicion to the defendant. zelensky’s former sponsor, listed as a terrorist in russia, has been in a ukrainian pre-trial detention center since september last year, accused of
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fraud and money laundering. well, why was another criminal needed? in other words , the charge in this case of organizing a contract murder was brought, as reported by the kiev office of the prosecutor general, quote: a well-known businessman, for some reason they tried to hide his face in the photo, however, it is not recognizable in the photo of igor kolomoisky, the same one who is included in the list in russia terrorists and extremists, you have to try. according to the investigation , the suspect, motivated by personal revenge, ordered the murder of the director of one of the law firms for failure to comply with the requirements for the annulment and invalidation of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of an open joint-stock company. we are talking about a crime that happened no more and no less than twenty years ago. in 2003 , lawyer sergei korpenko was attacked in the center of feodosia. they beat us brutally with hammers, iron rods and
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knives. the perpetrators were detained without delay.
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at least until june 2 on charges of fraud and legalization of proceeds from crime. a new criminal case is an excellent opportunity to ensure that he will not be released from behind bars, either now or later. it is necessary to remember that igor valerievich was one of those people who brought the team of the 3rd government, who financed all these processes. his contribution to the victory of zelensky and not
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only zelensky in the presidential elections, but also of the servant of the people party in the parliamentary elections.
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support, therefore, the party, the human here is completely united, just as we are all united, shoulder to shoulder, for the country, for the people, for victory.
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my colleague anastasia ponko will tell you what events are taking place in moscow on may 9th. the sour grave memorial in the dpr is one of the main symbols of the defeat of the enemy during the great patriotic war. in 1943 , fierce battles took place in these places for the liberation of donbass from the nazi invaders. at dawn at four. volunteers unrolled a huge st. george ribbon there 300 meters away, more than 100 people held the canvas from the foot to the top of the monument. we would like this event to take place on may 9th in the afternoon orchestra, as we are used to at our grave, but for safety reasons and different conditions, but for now we are forced to hold events like this and then go to the cities, work and hold local events.
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special attention to veterans in ingushetia , there is only one front-line soldier left alive in the republic, in good health, so that i can watch the victory parade in a good mood, thank you, thank you very much again , happy new year. happy holiday. magomed midarov will celebrate his centenary in the fall. he was one of the first to go to the front, as part of the infantry departments of the forty-seventh rifle brigade took part in the heroic defense
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of moscow. for his courage and heroism he was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. the all-russian victory song event is perhaps the most beloved among veterans. due to age, not everyone can come to parades and concerts in person. may 9 is a great holiday, making our city more beautiful for this holiday is in our hands, in our capabilities, in the orenburg
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region, students of rosneft classes planted 79 young birches, schoolchildren carefully planted and every tree was watered so that in the future the birch grove would delight the inhabitants of the region. several dozen russian tricolors, flags of the primorsky territory, wartime ussr. raised above the waters of the amur bay. in vladivostok, a victorious swim was held for the ninth time for the main may holiday. about 60 athletes swam in parade formation one after another. even the water temperature -8° did not scare me. we have a victory flag because we went first today. we were given such an honor to support the memory of our grandfathers, the memory of the victory of our great victory. in novosibirsk the building of the opera and ballet theater was raised for the holiday.
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ordinary awe, great pride. on the morning of may 9, a military parade will be held in novosibirsk, the entire column will be aligned with this developing banner of victory. anastasia ponko, ilena shtylina, anastasia putintseva, irina zaborskaya. news. singer shshaman visited the moscow clinical hospital, where participants in the special operation are undergoing rehabilitation. the artist congratulated the fighters on the upcoming victory day and performed his hits.
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the military greeted the performance with applause, and after the concert they took autographs from the singer, took photographs and recorded video greetings to their relatives. the shaman also gave the fighters a guitar, which he signed. portraits of the heroes of the great patriotic and special operation appeared in front of the estonian embassy in moscow. it was there that an exhibition dedicated to people opened. who became famous for their fight against the nazis, including modern ones. sofya sergeeva took a closer look at the faces of victory. tatyana ponomarenko levverazh is called the chronicler of heroism, and her works are tools that accurately hit the target. on her canvases - heroes of the past and present, those who, at the cost of their own lives, defended our country on its most diverse frontiers. on the eve of victory day, the chronicler of donbass and the cultural front
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of russia presented her works near the building. the estonian embassy in moscow, as a vaccine for a nato ally against attempts to rewrite history. since 1914, my hometown of donetsk was shelled, bombed, mocked civilians, these comrades showed nothing to their citizens, they lied and will lie until they are afraid. being in donbass, i heard lithuanian and latvian speech, the french and lithuanians are already fighting there, i think there are estonians. let them see our heroes from the windows of their embassy on victory day on the eve of may 8th. here is the first head of the dpr, alexander zakharchenko, donetsk residents called him father, and next to him is the famous korsa, olga kachura, the only female commander of the dpr artillery division. she participated in combat battles for 8 years, commanded a battalion and fired from all types of weapons. awarded the title of hero of russia together with...
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the military exposition was visited by representatives of youth organizations and foundations that help our soldiers today. in february , they sent about 12 tons of various cargo, now literally at the end of april there are 7 tons of all kinds of aid, medical instruments, means for placing in tents, the tents themselves, tarpaulins, cars, the time is very difficult now, so i think that now is . we must unite together to defend the independence of our homeland. on each of these portraits the artist worked with her family and loved ones. the helmet and overalls of the hero of russia, pilot asa roman filippov, for example, were painted by the parents themselves. when his plane was shot down and surrounded by militants, he blew himself up with them with the words “this is for you guys.” and this is evgeny radionov. he was held captive by militants and islamists for more than 100 days, when they offered him to take off the cross, renounce
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the orthodox faith and join them, he chose. death, in syria he is now revered as eugene the great martyr. heroes of our time are here, together with the heroes of the great patriotic war, vera voloshina and zoyka smodemya and the gazdanov brothers linking generations with the names of victory. while all marches using russian symbols are prohibited in estonia on the eve of victory day, today songs about the great patriotic war are heard outside the walls of the estonian embassy. and it stands: pobeda 1956, produced at the country’s main defense plant. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunity to please those
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