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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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russia celebrates one of the most important holidays in the country's history: victory day in the great patriotic war.
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the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war was built. the commander of the parade, colonel anyara, vice admiral alexander lyuldashev, heads to the barade crews of the troops of the petropalskomchatka garrison to greet the military personnel and congratulate them on the seventy-ninth.
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hello, comrades, good health, congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory. patriotic day. hurray, hurray, hurray. hello comrades. congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hurray, hurray, hurray! hello comrades, hello.
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congratulations on the 79th anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war. cheers cheers! hello comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! hooray! hooray! hello comrades! comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary
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of the victory in the great patriotic war. hello comrades. happy seventy-ninth anniversary. hello comrades, congratulations on 79 anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war, hurray, hurray! trazos itavares!
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79th anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war, hello comrades!
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i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the great victory. hello comrades! congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great war! hurray, hurray, herbalists!
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we wish you hello, comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! hooray! hooray! hello comrades! i wish you good health, comrade! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war war! hooray! hooray! hooray! hello comrades, we wish you, comrade vice admiral, congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic
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war! hurray, hurray, hurray,
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commander of the troops and forces in the northeast of the russian federation, vice admiral alexander yuldashev. dear veterans, comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, comrades, officers, generals, admirals, soldiers and commanders, participants in a special military operation,
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residents of the city of petropavlovs-komchadsky, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war war, with a holiday in honor of ours... in may 1945 , a battle against hitler’s fascism, unprecedented in its scale and ferocity, ended victoriously. the victory banner, hoisted over ristag in 1945, will forever remain a symbol of the triumph of our united soviet people, their unparalleled feat, unity and spiritual power. in fierce battles near moscow on the streets of hot stalingrad. in the smoke of tank battles, on the kursk bulge in the icy depths of zapaliar.
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soviet soldiers decided the outcome of the war every day. the iron will, the indomitability of the people, their fearlessness and resilience saved the whole world from nazi slavery. the exploits of officers, sailors, and soldiers will forever remain in the history of our country in our memory. on these significant days we have created, we pay tribute to everyone who gave. their lives in the name of the fatherland, who, having gone through the war, lived to see peaceful days, who worked in the rear, provided the army and navy with everything necessary to achieve victory. we must be worthy of the feat of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they fought to the death, defended their native land, won nazism. today, civilization is again at a decisive turning point. once again unleashed against our homeland. a real war, but we have fought back against international terrorism,
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we will protect the residents of donbass, we will ensure our security, for us, for russia, there are no unfriendly hostile peoples, neither in the west nor in the east, like the absolute majority of people on the planet, we want to see a peaceful future, free and stable, today our wars, multiplying under... their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, reliably ensure the security of the borders of the fatherland, showing heroism in the fight against the followers of neo-fascists in ukraine, defending what our fathers and grandfathers fought for, for them the highest meaning of life has always been the well-being and safety of the homeland, and for us, their heirs, devotion to purification is the main value, a reliable support for the independence of russia, heroic the deeds of our ancestors... will not be forgotten in the centuries, they will not be destroyed by western history restorers, who, having forgotten
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about the crimes of fascism in europe, support and finance the neo-nazi regime in ukraine. those who crushed nazism in the years of the great patriotic war showed us an example of heroism for all times. this is a generation of winners, and we will always look up to them. we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all who gave their lives for freedom. and the peaceful future of our people, we mourn for those who are no longer with us, a minute of silence is declared.
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dear military friends, we are proud of the participants in the special military operation, everyone who fights on the front line will provide under fire... the front saving the wounded, no, now things are more important than our combat work. the security of the country rests on you today, the future of our country depends on you, you are happily fulfilling your military duty, fighting for russia, your families, children, friends are behind you, they are waiting for you, i am sure you feel their support, the whole country has rallied to support our heroes, everyone is ready to help, praying for you.
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strengthen the traditions of patriotism, we will preserve this sacred, unfading glory, we will not allow the betrayal of the honor of heroes, all those who, without sparing themselves, gave us happiness. live a free and peaceful life. unbreakable the connection between generations is our enormous national asset, in it lies the strength and dignity of russia. there is nothing in the world stronger than our love for our homeland. glory to the victorious people, for russia, for our valiant armed forces, happy holiday to you, happy day of great victory. hooray!
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hooray! hooray!
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but not a parade, death to the solemn march! in turn at three linear distances, banner groups straight, the rest on the shoulder, alignment to the right, step, march, commemoration of the day.
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colonel vladimir onyanov parades on gordor square. russian national flag federation and victory banner. the parade procession opens. roto honor guard of military forces in the northeast of the russian federation. the guard rotor is commanded by lieutenant viktor khazov, the unit was formed on the basis of the famous marine corps unit. privates, sergeants, warrant officers and officers, with their military service, worthily continue the glorious traditions of the heroes of the great patriotic war. in the parade formation, the combined company of the headquarters officer
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of the red army troops of the forces in the north-east of russia is headed by the varat commander naval aviation women soldiers are walking along the main square of the city; the secretary of the military council of military forces in the northeast, captain, is in command of the parade squad. lieutenant marina silivanovna. about 300 women serve in formations and military units. along with men, they honorably fulfill their military duty to protect the state. on the march is a parade squad of military personnel from the 53rd
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air defense division of the 11th air force and air defense army. the parade crew is headed by the deputy commander of the radio engineering regiment, lieutenant colonel yuri toshin. the division is armed with modern radio technical equipment, s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile systems and bantser s. anti-aircraft missile and gun systems. personnel are on duty around the clock to protect russia's air borders. military personnel march through the main square of the city , bearing the red banner twice. the unit earned the honorary name during the harsh years of the war. the second
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parade squad of marines is commanded by the guard, lieutenant bulat dambaev, a participant in a special military operation, awarded a medal for bravery. marine pikhotins worthily continue the traditions of military service to the fatherland. by decree of the president of the russian federation.
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lieutenant colonel maxim lanin, crews of fighters and anti-tank aviation squadrons, multiple winners of the sea az competition, winners of the cups of the commander-in-chief of the russian navy in the festive officer formation.
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on the square are cadets of the kamchatka state technical university, the head of the military educational institution, captain of the first, is in command of the parade squad rank, maxim vasiliev, university, one of the leading universities in the far east, hundreds of graduates. under the banner of the cadets of the ministry of internal affairs , a student of the cadet classes of secondary school number 45 in the city of petropavlovsko-kamchatsky is walking across the city square, led by colonel of justice alexey puzyr. cadets, participants in military-patriotic and military sports games.
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the solemn procession of the parade squads of the troops of the petrovsko-komchatka garrison ends with a parade concert of the orchestra of the headquarters of the army forces in the northeast under the control.
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it’s not in vain that the country hopes for us, all kinds of black words, moscow is behind us, we remember from the times of borodin, hidden words, moscow is behind us, we remember from the times of maradin, hugging the sky with strong arms, the fox is gaining bream. the one who, right from childhood, has been friends with the skies, and will give his first dream to the century, if you knew, if you knew how the horns yearn for the helm, the pilot has only one dream, expressed, height, the highest dream.
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height, height, we need tours to the sea so you can argue with me, we need mine, we need an avotator, and we also need faithful guys, then then we have an office, then we have a family crew. and then any of us would not mind, for the rest of our lives, living in the navy as the planet spins around.
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you have over our homeland, and that means we need one victory, one for all we will not stand for the price, one for all we will not stand for the price, a deadly fire awaits us and yet cheerfully, doubt goes away in a separate night. tens of our gesant battalion, tenth of our gesant battalion, we cannot forget the celebrations of this day, victory, victory, people cheering in the streets for...
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victory, victory, we all went through the flames and smoke, glory to the dead, glory to the living, victory, victory, we have, we will win with you.


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