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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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victory of the people rejoicing in the streets, victory, victory, we all went through the flames and smoke, glory to the dead, glory to the living, victory, victory, we have it in us, we will win with you.
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dear residents and guests of the kamchatka territory, dear veterans, home front comrades and children of war. in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war, this victory song sounds for you.
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so, this was a broadcast of the victory parade, which took place in petropalovsk, kamchatsky, well, in many countries of the world there were actions that reminded that it was the soviet union that made the greatest contribution to the victory over nazism, with details anton dadykin. the immortal regiment marched through the center of paris. the mayor's office approved the procession at the last moment, but ensured it. reinforced security, it was needed, the provocateur who tried to interfere was quickly subdued, the column of the immortal regiment from the republic square went to the perlaches cemetery, there they laid flowers at the monument to russian resistance fighters in france, transported, i’m with you. france is the only country from the g7 that still considers the day of the surrender of the third reich a holiday. may 8th there
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day off, president emmanuel macron , accompanied by a cavalry escort, rode from the monument to the leader of the resistance, general charles degaulle, to the parisian arc de triomphe, where he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. the liberal press ignored the 79th anniversary of the victory over nazi germany. i celebrated victory day with a completely different mood. slovakia's leaders and the heads of many diplomatic missions considered it their duty to honor the memory of soviet soldiers, the liberators of czechoslovakia. the monument to the fallen red army soldiers is located on the hill slavin in bratislava. this is a national cultural monument of slovakia. slovakia and the czech republic were liberated by the red army. this fact understandably
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creates a strong attachment between the inhabitants of the slovak republic and the peoples of the former ussr. i reject any distortion of history. and i will always officially declare that the greatest contribution to the defeat of fascism and the victory in world war ii was made by the troops of the red army. in sofia, on the eve of victory day , the russian house held a traditional meeting with russian veterans who live in bulgaria, but the city hall officially banned the march of the immortal regiment, scheduled for may 9. in the united states, the immortal regiment marched on the territory of the russian embassy in washington. the immortal regiment was held by the russian embassy in ghana, kenya and ethiopia. in india, a memorial ceremony, as well as the immortal regiment and st. george's ribbon events took place. including in sri lanka
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and cambodia; in bangladesh, the immortal regiment adopted the format of a motor rally, with more than 200 people participating in cars and motorcycles. day victory, victory day, in germany itself may 8 and 9 are working days. employees of the russian embassy laid flowers at the monument to the soviet liberating wars at the dresdon memorial military cemetery. there are more than 400 soviet military graves in germany and the number of cases of vandalism is growing. although not at the same pace as in eastern europe. chancellor olaf scholz commented on the seventieth anniversary of the victory over nazism with short messages on social networks. it is unclear from the text who liberated germany after all, which the german immediately pointed out to scholz entrepreneur, kimnatcom. may 8 is the day
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of liberation of germany and the world from the end of national socialism. this day reminds us that we must protect peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of law at all times. and you thank russia. supplying weapons to ukraine to support america's proxy war, shame! unlike scholz, many germans remember who liberated them from nazism? in berlin, people carried flowers to the memorial to soviet soldiers in treptower park. i come here every year for 30 years, and i really miss solemn ceremonies in memory of russian soldiers. previously, on this day, songs were played here, people celebrated victory, but what now? this is very sad and i am against it. in berlin, not only songs of the war years were banned, you cannot enter the territory of the soviet memorial complex with soviet symbols, for example, the victory banner and any military banners of the red army, the flags of russia and the ussr, as well as
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the st. george ribbon are prohibited, but the police have no complaints against anti-russian provocateurs arose, it outraged even the germans. we got instructions according to which ukrainian flags are allowed. the notice at the entrance says: well, now let’s return to russia, namely petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, where the victory parade literally just ended, our correspondent, alexandra ostrikova, works there and she comes out with us. for direct communication. alexander, greetings, we are waiting for all the details. anton, hello, first of all i would like to congratulate everyone on the great victory day. despite the approaching cyclone, the parade took place for the people of kamchatka. snow and rain on may 9 is more of a tradition. in honor of
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seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. today , ceremonial troops marched through the main square of the city. petrovchatsky garrison of the border department of the federal security service for the eastern arctic region and the department of internal affairs for the kamchatka territory, the kamchatka rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, of course, students from secondary higher educational institutions, cadets, young army men, the commander of troops and forces in the north-east of russia received the parade, vice admiral.
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a propaganda train of the ministry of defense arrived in moscow strength is in truth, there is an exhibition about the history of the great patriotic war, on platforms there are military equipment from the special operation zone. the train traveled from the capital to... the central academic theater of the russian army, they showed how the winners were greeted during the great patriotic war, it was from the belarusian
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station that front-line brigades departed to raise the morale of the soldiers, they gave more than a million performances. the defense ministry's propaganda train traveled almost all of russia and arrived in the capital. we believe that the main goal of the action is to demonstrate the unity of the army and society achieved, stressed that an action of this scale using a military echelon was carried out. first, its implementation became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the ministry of defense, the open joint-stock company of the russian railway, and the heads of the constituent entities of the russian federation. here, among those greeting echelon was a veteran of the great patriotic war, assistant minister of defense of the soviet union, admiral svet turunov. it’s heartbreaking to see that, decades later , the memory of the tragedy that... we experienced in those terrible years, and also about the strength of spirit shown by the country to
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drive fascism from our land. on the eve of the seventy-ninth anniversary, the relatives of the fallen soviet soldiers, whose details were only now clarified, were presented with military awards of the ussr. i came to receive a certificate, an order for my grandfather, mikhev vasily semyonovich, who fought at the front. in a tank, was a mechanic, today is such a special important day for our family, my mother has never seen her grandfather, so today, receiving these award documents, they roads are especially important for us, roads as a memory of our hero, next to veterans shoulder to shoulder are participants in a special military operation, those who are now finishing off nazism, i love this holiday, i respect, my ancestors too... i am very respectful, i treat this holiday on may 9th with dignity. this
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train also has military equipment, such as a captured american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, our soldiers captured it in the avdeevsky direction in november, and the grenade launcher hit the track. thanks to our serviceman of the repair and innovation company at night under enemy fire with the help of two combat vehicles, this infantry fighting vehicle was from the gray zone. in general, a route of more than 5 km, bypassing minefields, this infantry fighting vehicle was intended for active defense.
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this year we are holding another parade, ready, there are several new products, for example, for the first time a box of the usuri cossack army will march, our headquarters is in khabarovsk, for the first time a group of tactical all-terrain vehicles bagi erofei, which we have set up production in khabarovsk, specifically for the needs of special operations,
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from new products, from 2022 we will double.
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but this year we are starting to use electric cars to make our veterans feel comfortable, we give them a lift, take them away, we also have a number of events planned today, this is the laying of a wreath and flowers at the eternal flame on the glory square in khabarovsk together with veterans, with youth, with non-army soldiers, of course there will also be , lunch, reception of veterans, where we will congratulate and raise the front-line 100. on the seventh we had a dress rehearsal, this is the second year it is taking place with full stands, before it was some kind of closed event, why did they decide to hold it like this? we encourage children, our youth, and on may 7, at the dress rehearsal for the second year, we have the best schoolchildren, students, winners of olympiads, young army members, volunteers, children of soldiers who defend russia in special operations, more than a thousand people, children
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watched the may 7 parade, it is no different from today’s general .
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andrey kolesnikov, andrey, greetings, how are you preparing to celebrate may 9? anton, hello, happy
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holiday, first of all, yes. mavusuriysky, here almost everything is ready for celebrations on the occasion of the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory and attraction, of course, there will be a central city square, where the parade will take place, there is already a lot of equipment on the adjacent streets, and the military personnel of the so-called boxes are arriving, who will march through the city square on foot, we have already managed to photograph the column of equipment a little, there are also missiles tactical systems, maneuverable armored personnel carriers. communication vehicles, electronic warfare radios, heavy mortars, legendary tanks, as well as impressive developments of the engineering troops, in a word, the best weapons, one of largest combined arms formations before
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the war years was called completely differently, the city of varoshilov, one of the largest far eastern cities, it was very far from the front line, but nevertheless, the contribution of local residents to the victory in the common cause of the fight against fascism cannot be overestimated, hence over 25,000 people went to the front, and as historians later calculated, every fourth person died remained on the battlefields. large enterprises very quickly rebuilt on a war footing, actively helping the front, the locomotive depot and the tree. processing plant, says andrei burdonov, chief curator of the suriya famine museum. let's listen. our city, although located very far from the front,
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made a very big contribution during the war. the fact is that very large industrial enterprises were located here, primarily connected with the railway. and from the first days of the war, these enterprises switched to war footing. in addition to the production and repair of its own rolling stock, which suffered greatly at the beginning of the great patriotic war, the plant established production. mines of shells, that is , the blockheads themselves, which then went to the factories, in fact, they were then used to make military shells, in addition, we had a fairly large woodworking enterprise here, at its capacity, just during the war years, they established the production of butts for various type of weapons, primarily for the mosin rifle, and for the shpagin submachine gun, for the dp, these butts again went in large quantities to those factories where they were directly assembled. well, what if to return to the column of cars, in which, in general, we are standing now; in general, we cannot fail to mention the retro technology, from which, in fact, everything will begin. for several
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years now, the honorary rule of the first number belongs to the ms-1 light infantry tank, which once formed the basis of the armored vehicle fleet of the soviet army, and until the end of the thirties, these vehicles, which had already been withdrawn from service, nevertheless still served for quite a long time as such machine-gun nests . placed on the border, in the colony there was also a place for the legendary katyusha and a semi-truck and a light suv, as they were popularly called, a gazik, as well as executive soviet passenger models, and what - what would i like to add at the end, that we are waiting for the parade, like everyone else, there is a little more than an hour left before the start of the parade, we, of course, let's go live again, and the very passage of the equipment itself, the passage on foot. the columns, of course, will be broadcast, so stay with us, we are temporarily leaving the air for now. anton, yes, andrey, thank you, happy holiday andrey kolesnikov, and
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preparations for the celebration of victory day in basuriysk. portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and special operations appeared in front of the estonian embassy in moscow. it was there that an exhibition was opened dedicated to people who became famous for fighting the nazis, including modern ones. i looked closely at the faces of victory. tatyana panomarenko-leverage is called the chronicler of heroism, and her works are tools that accurately hit the target. on her canvases are the heroes of the past and present, those who, at the cost of their own lives, defended our country on its most diverse frontiers. on the eve of victory day, the chronicler of donbass and the cultural front russia was presented with her work outside the estonian embassy in moscow, as an inoculation for the nato ally against attempts to rewrite history. from the age of fourteen. my hometown donetsk was shelled, bombed, mocked civilians, these comrades showed nothing to their citizens, they will
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lie and lie until they are afraid. while in donbass, i heard lithuanian and latvian speech, the french, lithuanians are already fighting there, i think there are estonians, let them see from the windows of their embassy on victory day on the eve of may 8th. our heroes, here is the first head of the dpr alexander zakharchenko, donetsk residents called him father, and next to him was the famous korsa, olga kachura, the only female commander of the dpr artillery division. she participated in combat battles for 8 years, commanded a battalion and fired from all types of weapons. awarded the title of hero of russia. along with the military, the exposition was visited by representatives of youth organizations and foundations that help our soldiers today. in february they sent about 12 tons of various cargo, now literally at the end of april there are 7 tons of all kinds of aid medical instruments. means for
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accommodation in tents, the tents themselves, tarpaulins, cars, times are very difficult now, so i think that now is exactly the moment when we need to unite together to defend the independence of our homeland. the artist worked on each of these portraits with family and friends. the helmet of the hero of russia, pilot asa roman filippov, for example, was written by the parents themselves. when his plane was shot down and surrounded by militants, he blew himself up with them, saying this is for you. and this is evgeny radionov, he was held captive by militants, islamists for more than 100 days, when they invited him to remove the cross, renounce the orthodox faith and join them, he chose death, in syria he is now revered as eugene the great martyr. the heroes of our time are here, together with the heroes of the great patriotic war, vera voloshina, zoya kosmodemyanskaya and the gazdanov brothers, linking generations with the names of victory. so far, on the eve of victory day in estonia
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, all meetings and processions using russian symbols are prohibited today. is the first to host a series of victory parades. today, on one of the main squares in yuzhno-sakhalinsk victory square, this grandiose event will take place, the military of the 68th army
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corps in... full, one might say, combat readiness, sakhalin residents began to flock to this square several hours before the start of the event, in order to see the pride of our countries, military, by the way, many of those who will march today in victory square took part in a special military operation and returned from there with medals of courage and other awards, it is worth noting, which is literally a few minutes on...
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and i will add that despite the fact that today the weather here is truly winter, nothing will interfere with the victory parade. roman, that's all for me. elena, thank you, elena zhenchenko was on direct communication from yuzhnosalinsk.
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in many countries around the world, actions were held that recalled that it was the soviet union that made the greatest contribution to the victory over nazism, with details from anton. the immortal regiment marched through the center of paris, the mayor's office approved the procession at the last moment, but ensured reinforced security, it was needed, the provocateur who tried to interfere was quickly subdued, the columns of the immortal regiment from the square of the republic went to the perlaches cemetery, there they laid flowers at the monument to russian resistance fighters in france, a green one, i gave birth. france is the only
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country from the g7 to surrender on the third day.


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