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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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russian forces: 220mm uragan system. the installation is capable of hitting with missiles both moving targets moving at speeds of up to 60 km/h, and stationary targets such as dot and dzon under conditions of optical visibility. in front of the podium is the triumph anti-aircraft missile system. currently, the complex plays a key role in the new concept of the russian armed forces, which consists in the impossibility of enemy troops to be and move within the radius of the restricted zone systems without the risk of causing damage. triumph can amaze both currently in service and promising means of aerospace attack against a potential enemy in a wide range of altitudes and speeds. in front of the stands
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is the bastion coastal missile system, designed to destroy surface ships of various classes and types, as well as ground targets in conditions of intense fire and electronic countermeasures. the missile system provides protection of the sea coast with a length of more than 600 km from enemy landing operations. time since receipt. refusal on the march until complete deployment is 5 minutes. eternal glory to the participants of the great patriotic war. we and future generations of russians will always be proud. the soldiers of the great
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patriotic war showed dedication and courage in defending their homeland. their names are forever inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of our country. the historical scale and significance of the victory are not subject to time. victory day is an invaluable asset of our people. a symbol of courage and heroism, honor and unity of a multinational country.
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smirnaya na mesa with song first step.
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it was a connection from yuzhno-sakhalinsk, i went there. the victory parade in moscow was greeted by the propaganda train of the ministry of defense strength in truth, the train traveled from the capital to vladivostok and back, the traveling exhibition was viewed by thousands of russians, and margarita semenyuk also saw the exhibit at the belarusian station.
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so, in the distant forty-fifth, trains with soviet soldiers and front-line concert brigades returned to their homeland with victory in the face. artists of the central academic theater of the russian army showed how they greeted the winners, in during the great patriotic war, they were sent from the belarusian station to front-line brigades to raise the morale of soldiers; they gave more than a million performances. the defense ministry's propaganda train traveled almost all of russia and arrived in the capital. we believe that the main goal of the action is to demonstrate the unity of the army and society. achieved, emphasized that an action of such a scale using a military echelon was carried out for the first time, its implementation became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the ministry of defense, the open joint-stock company of the russian railway, the heads subjects of the russian federation. here, among
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those greeting echelon was a veteran of the great patriotic war, assistant minister of defense of the soviet union, admiral svet turunov. it's nice to see that ten years later. mechanic, today is such a special important day for our family, my mother has never seen her grandfather, so today,
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receiving these award documents, they are especially important and dear to us, dear as a memory of our hero, next to veterans , shoulder to shoulder, participants in a special military operation, those who are now finishing off nazism, i i love this holiday, i respect it, my ancestors also fought and died, i treat it very respectfully and with dignity. for this holiday on may 9, this train also has military equipment, here is a captured american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, our soldiers captured it in the avdeevsky direction in november, the grenade launcher hit the track, thanks to our serviceman of the repair company, a night under enemy fire with the help of two combat vehicles , this infantry fighting vehicle was removed from the entire zone, in general the minibus is more than 5 km, bypassing minefields, and this infantry fighting vehicle was intended for active defense of ovdeevka, went on a combat mission for the first time, since it covered a total of 240 km, it was delivered to the combat zone by truck. in sochi, a monument to those killed in the northern military district was unveiled; the sculpture was donated to the city by the pontoon of helping disabled people and
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combat veterans. this is a significant event for all residents of our city, region, and i think for the whole country. we pay tribute to the memory of the guys who are today on the fields of a special military operation, who gave up their lives for our russian world. in on the eve of the holiday, the victory museum in moscow opened an exhibition of relics found by search engines on the battlefields of the great patriotic war, and a concert was held. at the german embassy, ​​dozens of people came out with “no to nazism” posters, the germans themselves were among those gathered, soviet wartime music was played near the diplomatic mission building, russian flags and the victory banner were flying, an action against it.
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ocean fleet, submariners, representatives of surface ships, naval
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aviation, of course, our legendary marines, representatives of a separate guards 155 order of zhukov marine brigade, they show excellent results in the area of ​​special military operations, of course, the decoration of the parade crews is a box of female signalmen, all this is the pride of the pacific fleet, and of course, behind the foot crews... svetlandskaya dvinitsa has a mechanized column and here, too , its unshakable traditions; at the forefront of the column are always the legendary t-34 tanks; museum exhibits start them up once a year for this occasion and they never fail, always at full speed. we prepared it for four days, yesterday we refueled it, wished him all the best, every year we do this to break the fast with him, because the car is like a living thing, that’s how... the crew member said, well, don’t let us down, my friend, of course, as part of
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a mechanized column there will be a modern equipment, t-80 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and those who control them today, have recently returned from the zone of a special military operation and today they congratulate with special trepidation the veterans who defended our homeland from the enemy and are located. here under peaceful skies and to take part, to honor in this and thereby to honor your ancestors, all your comrades, well, it costs a lot. self-propelled launchers of the bastion missile system also take part in the parade; it is also a carrier of onyx missiles, which they believe. the main anti-ship weapon of the russian federation. these vehicles are also actively
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used in the zone of a special military operation to destroy ground targets. self-propelled launchers of the bal missile system will follow. well again according to tradition, the passage of the mechanized column will be completed by retro equipment. in general, everything will be very spectacular, interesting, bright and festive. look forward to. novel. ksenia, we have no doubt. thank you, victory parade. in honor of victory day in primorye, we are waiting in literally 15 minutes, well, now the first parade in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory took place in kamchatka, how was it, do we recognize ours?
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department of the ministry of internal affairs for the kamchatka territory. kamchatka rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, of course, a student of higher secondary educational institutions, young army soldiers, cadets, were hosted by the commander of the troops. separately, i would like to say about the women military personnel, who , not for the first time, walked along the main square along with men, they defend with honor, honorably fulfill their military duty to protect our state, the solemn
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procession ended with a parade ground and an orchestra concert. forces, now there is a hola concert on the main square, in the spring of 1945 there are many thematic platforms, despite the fact that there was no military in the passage, in the ceremonial passage technology, you can look at it on the square, near the main stella, and at the stela of the city of military glory there is a wall of memory near the theater. may 9 is not only a day
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of remembrance and sorrow for our entire country, now that our country has once again stood up against fascism. roman, i greet you, the victory banner and the flag of the russian federation have just been carried to victory square in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. this is how the victory parade began, a holiday that symbolizes the strength, spiritual unity of the entire soviet people. soldiers of the 68th army corps marched solemnly,
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the parade was commanded by the acting chief of staff of the 68th army corps.
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in the morning, volunteers unrolled a huge st. george ribbon there, 300 meters away, more than 100 people held the canvas from the foot to the top of the monument. we would like this event to take place on may 9 in the afternoon with an orchestra, as we are used to at our grave, but for safety reasons and different conditions, yes, for now we are forced to hold events like this and then go to the cities, work and conduct local promotions. and in kalmykia , together with veteran pyotr leontyev unfurled the largest copy of the victory banner - 700 km, then fulfilled the small dream of a ninety-nine-year-old front-line soldier. let's launch down, bend over, yeah, pyotr leontyevich loves wild nature very much, together
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with specialists he released 79 young ducks and geese into the wild. the feeling is generally wonderful, i’m just rejuvenated, you know, i’m participating in such an event for the first time, of course, i’m very pleased with this event. special attention to veterans in ingushetia ; only one front-line soldier remained alive in the republic. good health and good in the mood to watch the victory parade. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, again. happy holiday to you. magomed medarov will celebrate his centenary in the fall. he was one of the first to go to the front; as part of the infantry squad of the forty -seventh rifle brigade, he took part in the heroic defense of moscow. for his courage and heroism.
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due to age, not everyone can personally come to parades and concerts on may 9, so the artists themselves go to visit the front-line soldiers, thank you very much to everyone, these are not unfounded words, we are truly proud, they are truly significant for us and the truth... we always love you with all our hearts and we come and congratulate you. in nizhnevartovsk, in victory park, the lawns were cleared of debris and last year's leaves, and the memorial plaques of the monument dedicated to fellow countrymen who died during the war were washed. this was done by employees of the rosneft company. there will be a rally there for victory day. schoolchildren, students, city residents and, of course, veterans will come. may 9 is a great holiday, making our city more beautiful for this holiday is in our hands, in ours possibilities. and in the orenburg region there are students. oil classes planted 79 young birches, schoolchildren carefully planted and watered each tree so that in the future the birch grove would delight the residents of the region. several dozen
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russian tricolors and wartime flags of the primorsky territory of the ussr were raised over the waters of the amur bay. in vladivostok , a victorious swim took place for the ninth time on the main may holiday. about 60 athletes swam in parade formation one after another, not even frightened by the temperature of the water. raised the victory banner, this is an annual tradition, during the war, the theater premises became a refuge for valuable exhibits from the tretyakov gallery and the hermitage. in may of the victorious forty-fifth , the long-awaited premiere symbolically sounded there. industrial climbers are raising the banner of victory, sergei mazarev’s grandfather, a front-line soldier , went through the entire war, and for sergei, securing
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the red canvas is not just a job. we are very proud that we had such an opportunity, an extraordinary thrill, great pride. on the morning of may 9, a military parade will be held in novosibirsk, the entire column will be aligned with this developing banner of victory. anastasia ponko and... irina zaborskaya. news. the singer shaman visited our soldiers in the moscow clinical hospital, they are undergoing rehabilitation there. the artist congratulated the military personnel on victory day and performed his hits. after a small concert, the participants in the special operation took the singer’s autograph and took photographs with him; as a souvenir, the shaman gave the fighters a guitar with his signature. 14
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schoolchildren, winners of an all-russian essay competition without a statute of limitations , received an invitation to the victory parade on may 9 on red square. results of a big project brought to the ministry of education. more than half a million schoolchildren wrote essays based on the memories of their relatives. participation in this action, they brought portraits of grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, and ceremonial assembly took place.
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more than 2 million teachers and parents participated, on may 9 , victory day, there will also be assemblies in schools. after the immortal regiment, the children gathered for homeroom hours, and veterans of the great patriotic war, home front comrades, as well as participants in a special military operation came to them. the russian embassy. great britain regrets that london decided to expel the military attache and tighten the issuance of diplomatic visas to russians. ambassador andrei kellin called the reasons given by the british foreign ministry absurd. in the united kingdom, these measures also interrupt some communication channels between capitals. as has happened many times before, new measures were introduced under groundless and even ridiculous pretexts. in this case, there was a fire in some
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warehouse in the east. london, but they are trying to make another spy story out of this. at the same time, signs of preparation for these hostile steps appeared, according to our observations, about 6 months ago. the corresponding campaign accusing us of absolutely every conceivable sin has been promoted in the media all this time; it is deeply regrettable that during a period of acute international tension, when dialogue is especially important. to prevent further escalation in london they continue to feign belligerence and undermine remaining ties, all of this will certainly receive an adequate response from russian side. the uk resorted to an outright lie to justify the expulsion of the russian military attaché and the removal of diplomatic status from our real estate properties in london. this was stated by official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. she noted that there was no evidence
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of moscow's guilt in any way. the british once again failed to present themselves in malicious actions, so london is seeking ever greater escalation. with the active participation of the british , a cynical disinformation campaign was launched about the alleged the involvement of the russian military in indiscriminate attacks on civilians in buchei. as is known, this production was staged in order to disrupt russian-ukrainian negotiations. launch a pre-prepared package of western anti-russian sanctions. after this , busche literally became a synonym for the cynicism of ukrainian propaganda, closely patronized by anglo-saxon political strategists. such actions by the british authorities, who are literally choking on russophobia, fully confirm their bias hostility of the british line in the russian direction. london has been repeatedly warned that any unfriendly actions
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... will receive an inevitable, proportionate response. russia's reaction will be tough and measured. in the khabarovsk territory this year it was decided to expand the format and composition of participants in events for victory day. this is how the youth association of the district cossack society was formed for the first time. our correspondent anna kalchuk joins the broadcast. anna, hello, how is the project going? roman, greetings, it’s really a holiday, despite the fact that today our weather is not very good, the rain has just stopped, it is very cold, but there are smiles in the stands, and this is important, indeed, we have many new products, i’ll tell you about them in a little more detail, but the first new product is, of course , it concerns our veterans, today they were driven in comfort in electric cars, as usually happens in moscow, we have this format for the first time in khabarovsk, well, they have already promised that this format
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will be... suitable, of course, veterans are in special care here, are surrounded by special attention, they they are very willing to communicate with journalists, tell their stories and the stories of their fellow soldiers, here are participants in the great patriotic war, home front workers, and those who as children saw the most terrible pages of history, world history, but in a few minutes , very soon foot troops will pass here nearby, 2700 people, five battalions, 19 companies, all types. will be presented for the first time here, a parade column of special operation fighters will pass near us, this will be the first time, as i already said, they are already showing us that very soon everything will begin here, there will also be a mechanized column today, this is an important, very bright part, but it must be said, by the way, that in the khabarovsk territory there is the largest parade in the entire far eastern district, and so the mechanized column now seems to have frozen,


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