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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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here in special care, surrounded by special attention, they very willingly communicate with journalists, tell their stories, the stories of their fellow soldiers, here are participants in the great patriotic war, home front workers, and those who as children saw the most terrible pages of history, world history, but after a few minutes very soon , 2,700 people on foot, five battalions, 19 companies, all types of troops will be represented in... here a parade column of special operation soldiers will pass near us, this will be the first time like me i already said, now they are showing us that very soon everything will begin here, a mechanized column will also be there today, this is an important very bright part, but it must be said, by the way, that in the khabarovsk territory the largest parade in the entire far eastern district, so there is a mechanized column now it seems to have frozen, although a few minutes ago everyone was still in preparation, polishing the cars and... the first to pass will be the t-34 tank,
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legendary, no less legendary, we will see that same katyusha, of course, modern weapons will also pass here, very bright the column will be a column of retro cars, it will also open the immortal regiment action, in the car windows we will see photographs of heroes of the great patriotic war for the first time this year, heroes of a special military operation, well , of course today it is in all events ...
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okay. under the defeated refstag, soldiers of the 150th infantry division, sergeant mikhail egorov and junior sergeant militon kantaria, the victorious banner. since then, this assault flag has been a banner of victory and is handed down from the hands of front-line soldiers, sons, grandsons and great-grandchildren, heir.
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it’s not difficult, it’s honorable to do it responsibly. the unit participates in events, meeting and seeing off senior state officials, foreign delegations, laying wreaths, opening state monuments, accompanying the district’s battle flag, as well as for the dedication of military units. every year the banner of victory flies proudly. on the main square
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of the city of khabarovsk, the head of the parade formation reminds veterans of the battle path they have passed. at ease! pleased! attention! to meet on the left! the parade takes participant in five armed conflicts, holder of three orders of courage, acting commander of the troops of the eastern military district, lieutenant general mikhail nosulev. the performer commands the parade.
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the troops of the khabarovsk garrison for the parade to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war were built by the commander of the parade, major general kozlov.
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hello comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war.
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hello comrades! congratulations on 79 anniversary of the victory! "hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great war, hurray!
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hello, comrades, i wish you, comrade general, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hurray! hurray! hurray!
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hello comrades! congratulations on your seventy the ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! hello, comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic
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war ! hurray! great patriotic war.
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at ease! dear veterans of war and military service, comrade general officers, respected residents of khobrovsk and... the regional center, soldiers of the khabarovsk garrison, i congratulate you on
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the holiday, the day of the great victory, for all of us this day is the brightest and dearest event, it is a symbol of the courage and heroism of the people , the honor of the unity of the national country in the face of the enemy. today we remember those who gave their lives for a holy cause, for the freedom of our people, for our right to live according to our own, and not imposed. out of principle, these are millions people who will forever remain in our memory, but the memory of the war is not only sorrow, it is the memory of glorious battles and great achievements, devotion to one’s cause and one’s homeland, about the war victors, today we bow our heads to the bright memory of those who returned from the battlefields, veterans who left us, the moral power of unparalleled feats and warriors... the triumph of our people, the harsh heroic truth about the war should not be forgotten. our sacred duty is to preserve
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the spirit of the meaning of the great victory, to remember and honor names of the winners. with us in the same ceremonial ranks are young patriots, suborists, young army men and cadets, and this means that there will be no invocation of the people’s memory, just as there will be no invocation of the glory won by front-line soldiers on the battlefields. today we have to fight again. for a safe and independent future of our homeland, our compatriots, participants in a special military operation, look up to veterans, their unprecedented combat and tour feats in the name of... the homeland, in this connection of generations, in our unity there is a huge strength that makes us invincible in the face of trial. we will always protect russia, strengthen the traditions of patriotism, and faithfully serve our fatherland. our dear veterans, you defeated fascism and brought liberation to millions of people. with heroic labor they raised
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cities and villages from the ruins and built a peaceful life. thank you for your greatest patriotism. sacrifice shown in the name of life, long live the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, glory to front-line veterans and home front workers, eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for their homeland, glory to the victorious people, glory to the great victory, hurray, hurray!
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porad, deathly to the solemn march, company by company at one linear distance, the first company straight ahead, and the rest to the right. shoulder strap, alignment to the right, step, march,
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the military parade is led by a holder of the order of alexander nevsky. the school trained more than 12 thousand graduates, 13 of them became heroes of the soviet union and russia. on the main square of the city of military glory of khabarovsk, the drill training and coherence of the unit is demonstrated by the honor guard company of the eastern military district. subdivision
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has a long history and strong traditions of conscientious service to the fatherland. company commander, major alexander lepchik. on the central square of the regional center, a combined company of officers of the joint strategic command of the order of lenin of the red banner order of suvorov of the eastern military district. the ceremonial crew is commanded by a holder of two orders of courage, major general sergei bobrov. the district's troops are deployed in eleven constituent entities of the russian federation. the total area of ​​which is more than 40% of the territory of russia. passes in front of the podium parade squad of the red banner air force and air defense forces.
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awarded the order of kutuzov. on khavarovsk square there is a parade squad of a unique formation of the russian armed forces, a separate covering brigade. the personnel of the unit perform difficult service on the very borders of our vast homeland. commands the parade crew, acting as brigade commander. lieutenant colonel denis kulkov. in front of the podium, the parade squad of the guards krasnograd red banner order of suvorovo, second degree motorized rifle brigades. in the ranks are worthy successors
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of the victorious soldiers, continuing the glorious tradition of twenty-three heroes of the soviet union and two heroes of a special military operation. guard colonel vyacheslav makarov and guard red andrei masharovsky. the commander of the parade squad of the guard is mayor nazar salikhov. on the central square of the city, the ceremonial squad of the cluj order of suvorovo and kutuzov, third degree, of the eastern military district command brigade. the parade crew is commanded by lieutenant colonel igor bonenko. now signal soldiers perform their military duties with dignity during a special military operation.
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the military personnel of the separate guards red banner order of the red star engineering brigade of the eastern military district are marching in a solemn march; the parade squad is headed by the deputy commander of the guard brigade for
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germany, the city of berlin. the brigade's military personnel demonstrate steadfastness and courage in offensive operations while carrying out the tasks of a special military operation. at the head of the parade squad is the deputy commander guard brigade colonel sergei dmitrenko. by decree of the president of the russian federation , the brigade was given the honorary name "gvardeyskoye". solemn march. cadets of the red banner order of kutuzov of the second degree of the district training center named after the hero of the soviet union, marshal
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vladimir ivanovich petrov are walking, the parade and crew are headed by the holder of the order of courage, colonel andrei krovtsov, the right to bear the name of the illustrious chief of the warrior of the formation has been earned by his joyful work and worthy continuation of glorious military traditions. the employees of the illustrious formation, as during the great patriotic war, are trained as specialists for fighting formations and military units, including operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. the parade squad of the separate order of the red banner of labor and the railway brigade of the eastern military district is approaching the podium. the parade crew is headed by the deputy brigade commander , lieutenant colonel sergei naumov. they pass in even ranks.
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on lenin square, the parade squad of a separate operational battalion of the eastern district of troops of the national guard of the russian federation. at the head of the parade squad is the battalion commander, participant in a special military operation, holder of the order of courage, lieutenant colonel maxim pavlenko. from the first days , the battalion has been performing service and combat missions during a special military operation for its courage, dedication and
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and professional duty in the area of ​​special military operation. for the first time , a parade parade of the youth association of the district cossack society of the khabarovsk territory, uzuri cossack, is taking place across the square. troops. the parade squad is headed by the head of the cossack association, igor khairulin. the mentor of the young cossacks is a deputy of the first people's council of the lugansk people's republic. the parade squad of the cadet school of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation is passing in front of the podium. the parade squad of the emercom school is headed by vice-senior sergeant vladislav makov. during their studies, cadets receive basic military training skills. a combined detachment of khabarovsk young army soldiers is passing through the square. in parade formation, students twenty secondary educational institutions. higher
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education of the regional center. the parade squad is headed by the winner of the best yanoarmets competition of the city of khavarovsk, cadet of the vzlyot military-patriotic education center, leonid radchenko. on the central square of the city, cadets of the khabarovsk cadet school no. 1 named after the famous rafter admiral fyodor ushakov. at the head of the parade squad is the best commander. based on the results of all-russian military-patriotic competitions. khadet, foreman, yuri gorshkov. for the first time on the square of khabarovsk solemn a combined company of participants in a special military operation is marching. at the head of the parade squad of the guard is lieutenant colonel rizvan obiev. in the ranks of the crew are officers and soldiers who arrived for the victory parade directly from the line of combat contact. among them are military personnel who participated in battles under
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temporary conditions. cadet officers of the khabarovsk border institute of the federal security service of the russian federation are in parade formation. the first head of the institute is our land, the legendary border guard, participant in the events on damansky island, hero soviet union, major general vitaly dmitrievich bubenin, who turns 85 this year. no, the high honor of completing the passage of the foot columns was given to the parade squad by a cadet of the famous far eastern higher combined arms command school named after marshal of the soviet union, rokosovsky, headed by major alexander govaraev. over its history, the school has trained more than 5,000 officers for motorized rifle troops, marines, mountain and arctic
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units. for merit.


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