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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
officer cadets of the khabarovsk border institute of the federal security service of the russian federation are in parade formation. the first head of the institute is our fellow countryman, the legendary border guard, participant in the events on damansky island, hero of the soviet union, major general vitaly dmitrievich bubenin, who is in this.
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the parade of troops of the khabarovsk garrison continues with military equipment, headed by a mechanized column, hero of the russian federation, guard colonel azadbeg amurbekov. on the main square of the city there is a legendary soviet tank t-34, which went through all the heroic battles and became. symbol of victory in the great patriotic war. the heavy tank iz-3 joseph stalin received the popular name pike due to the characteristic shape of the upper frontal part of the hull. the soviet heavy self-propelled artillery unit isu-152 earned the name st. john's wort for effectively defeating enemy armored vehicles. the bm-13 katyusha rocket launcher took part in all significant battles of the great patriotic war. terrifying the enemy.
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in front of you is a modernized t-80 bvm tank, separate guards motorized brigade. today, the crews of t-80 bvm tanks successfully destroy manpower and armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, providing fire support to the assault units of the group of forces of the russian federation in all directions. the column is continued by t-72b and t-72b3 tanks during a special operation.
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for transporting personnel to the front line, increasing their mobility, armament and security on the battlefield. btr-82 am is the newest russian armored personnel carrier. this is a new word in the production of heavy military equipment. the combination of maneuverability, fire power, mobility, and the ability to overcome water obstacles make this vehicle universal. the iskander m missile system is on the march. for the first time in a military parade, on the windshields of combat vehicles there are not only portraits of veterans of the great patriotic war, but also relatives and comrades of participants in a special military operation. at the head of the column is a participant in a special military operation, captain sergei kotov, who proudly bears the name of his grandfather sergei kotov, a veteran of the great patriotic war. the parade continues with the hall's rocket system.
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hurricane. the mlrs is intended to destroy manpower and lightly armored equipment of enemy tank and motorized infantry units on the march in concentration areas. at the head of the parade squad. a participant in a special military operation, major lenar avakumov, is the successor of a dynasty of military personnel that began with his grandfather, fyodor avakumov. on the square of the column-modernized multiple launch rocket system tornado age, at the head of the parade crew, a participant in the special military operation, lieutenant maxim overin, continues to proudly fulfill his military duty, just as his grandfather valentin overin did earlier during the great patriotic war. on the march are towed howitzers d-1 and d-30, anti-tank guns mt-12, at the head of the column, a participant in a special military operation, sergeant alexander elizarenko, grandson of the great patriotic war veteran alexei elizarenko, proudly continues the glorious
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traditions of protecting the sovereignty of our country. haupians provide fire support to russian motorized rifle and air assault units are hit.
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which began with his great-grandfather ivan gavrik, a veteran of the great patriotic war. the parade continues with a tugboat on a motor boat and the uran-6 robotic demining complex. at the head of the column, a participant in a special military operation, senior warrant officer mikhail piskov. he, like his grandfather,
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great patriotic war veteran vasily peskov, proudly continues the glorious traditions of protecting the sovereignty of our country. the vuzren caterpillar snow and swamp-going vehicle oliud passes through the square. at the head of the column, participant in the special military operation , ensign alexander gorshkov, grandson of the great patriotic war veteran vasily gorshkov. the first to take part in the parade are the bagiya-erofey tactical all-terrain vehicles. these are vehicles produced in khabarovsk, which for the second year now have been delivered to the zone of a special military operation, where they successfully solve a whole problem.
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and motorcycles of the last century of the khabarovsk autoretro-100 club, these are the famous gas m1, gaz-4, gaz-67, front-line suvs, the legendary gas lorry. having gone through the entire great patriotic war, ahead retro columns car pobeda m-72, symbol of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. all retro cars took part in the far eastern theater of military operations and liberated the northeast
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of the people's republic of china from militaristic japan. the legendary empa, who turned 88, is accompanied by famous motorcycles. during the great patriotic war, the m-72 and its modernized descendants, the heavy mv-750. in the cars are active members of the club in military uniform - a regular participant in victory parades, all-russian motor rallies, regional and city significant ones, organizes auto exotic festivals.
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in the solemn splendor of military parades. and just in formation on the parade ground we are glad to hear the sound of a military orchestra, it suits all rituals, give
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the conductor the command to the musicians, let the copper of ringing trumpets sing, military music, sadness and bravado calls us to new achievements. for the first time , the marching band of vadim lesikhin will be performed in one formation at a military parade. on the square, the combined orchestra of the khabarovsk garrison, under the direction head of the military band service of the eastern military district headquarters, colonel vadim pokhomov.
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burnt by the sun, a banner in the wind, baptized by bullets, stained with rot. somewhere the trumpet will blow, for sick russia, we will beat the enemy, we are all mothers in one ranks, russia will stand in any battle, your fate is revealed, your inexorable love.
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the guests of honor in the stands were, of course, the families of the participants in the special military operation, and the families of the fallen soldiers; they also received special words of gratitude, now for heroes of these years, i'm glad.
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spot every year traditionally in khabarovsk, 30 cars there are already going to victory, bright of course, retro cars, they are coming, the local autoretro club literally collects these cars bit by bit, this is in the car of the great patriotic war, they went through the entire great patriotic war, but they show on the go every year. that they can give even modern cars a head start, and this, of course, also this column was part of the immortal regiment action, because we also saw the heroes of the great patriotic war, and heroes of a special military operation on glass, they then drove around the city, they will stop so that everyone can look at these heroes, the immortal regiment today, of course in organizations, in the windows of houses we
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see portraits of heroes, there will also be a lot... we are glad that we can hear stories from them first-hand, of course, we pay tribute to the memory of those who did not return, 90 thousand people were called up from the khabarovsk territory during the great patriotic war, 47 did not return, the khobarovsk territory, as the whole country, of course, remembers everyone, and today we speak with'.
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the parade is over, and we continue to acquaint you with what is happening here, the calculations were lined up an hour before the start of the event, and as the military says, in general, a holiday, the active part of it took place as usual, honorary officials were present in the stands today guests, veterans, children of war, this year about 50 military vehicles were involved in the columns, modern, modern of course, but the passage of the vehicles began precisely with retro equipment, led by the ms-1 light tank - this it’s already a good old tradition in usuriysk, the tank was found in one of the border areas , it was restored and now almost every day of victory begins with it, and
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equipment begins to go. also the legendary katyusha, a semi-truck, was also in the retro column. and light off-road vehicles, all-wheel drive soviet jeeps, as they were called abroad, where they were quite popular. this year , about a thousand military personnel were involved in the parade, as well as representatives of the usuri cossack army for the first time the growing shift of cossacks passed through the square. today , residents of the city of usuriysk, who honor the memory of the war, were ready for the celebration. later, historians will consider that the city of usuriysk region sent more than 25 thousand fellow countrymen to the front, and as is known, every fourth of them did not return, died on the battlefields here...
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it did not directly touch this territory, but the contribution of residents and employees of local enterprises cannot be overestimated, firstly, the railway in the local repair depot, those injured during the shelling of trains, formed new repair trains that restored broken railways, also from here to the front , equipment and troops were transferred by rail, of course , classified as secret, but among other things, the railway workers fixed it up. as they say , they got their hands on the production of butts for
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weapons of various types, several hundred thousand of them were produced here, trains with food for the red army were also formed here, one of these record-breaking trains consisted of 60 cars, and 30 aid cars for the besieged were sent from here. and detachments, there were people who donated very large amounts of money to help the front, the most famous case is probably tanya karavaika, who persuaded her parents
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to sell a cow, they transferred 5.00 rubles to the front, in fact they wrote about her in the newspaper, we have preserved letters, her correspondence with soldiers who wrote from the front, because it was replicated in newspapers, and completely different people from different fronts wrote to her, and we have preserved some of these letters. well, i remind you, we are in the very center of usuriysk, today in the first motorized riflemen, military personnel of special units, parade crews of missile troops, engineer units, paratroopers, artillery, as well as military personnel of the women's battalion marched in the column here, and the coastal cossacks closed the formation on foot, i already said that today 50 units of military equipment took part in the parade , about retro. we have already told you a little about the machines, and of course there were also samples of the modern components of the combat power of the armed forces of northern russia, first of all these were tactical missiles
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iskander installations, tanks, heavy mortars, there was, of course, other equipment, i hope you followed what we showed in our live broadcast, we showed the entire parade in the city of usuriysk, but we are not finishing, our live broadcast is ending. tatyana panomarenko-leverage is called the chronicler of heroism, and her works, with guns that accurately hit the target, on her canvases show the heroes
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of the past and present, those who, at the cost of their own lives, defended our country on its most diverse frontiers. on the eve of victory day, the chronicler of donbass and the cultural front russia was presented with her work outside the estonian embassy in moscow, as an inoculation for the nato ally against attempts to rewrite history. may of our heroes, here is the first head of the dpr , alexander zakharchenko, donetsk residents called him father, and next to him is the famous korsa, olga kachura, the only female
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artillery commander. the exposition was visited by representatives of youth organizations and foundations that help our fighters today. in february, they sent about 12 tons of various cargoes, and now, literally at the end of april, he is providing all kinds of help, medical,
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this is for the boys. and this is evgeny radionov. he was held captive by islamist militants for more than 100 days. and when they invited him to take off the cross, renounce the orthodox faith and join them, he chose death. in syria he is now revered as eugene the great martyr. the heroes of our time are here, together with the heroes of the great patriotic war, vera voloshina, zoya kosmodemyanskaya and the gazdanov brothers, linking generations with the names of victory. for now, on the eve of victory day , all marches and meetings are prohibited in estonia using russian.
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employees of the border control department, the ministry of emergency situations, cadets, members of the young army are still organized with military equipment, in all events of alexander ostrikov. i would, of course, first of all want to congratulate everyone on the day of the great victory, despite the fact that in the morning it was snowing and raining, the parade took place in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, and ceremonies were held in the main square of the city. scores, troops were interrupted from the kamchatka garrison of the border department of the federal security service for the east arctic region, the department of the ministry of internal affairs for the kamchatka territory, the kamchatka rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, of course, students of higher secondary educational institutions, members of the young army, cadets, hosted the parade, the commander of troops
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and forces in the northeast.
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well, now vladivostok, i propose to see how the victory parade went there.


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