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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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a holiday with history, may the victorious days of '45 not be erased from our memory, may the world be strong, relations between countries be good neighborly, and mutual understanding reign between people, may our children learn about the horrors of war only from time-worn chronicles, on the great holiday that celebrates the whole country, dear friends, happy victory day! it was a victory parade in
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vladivostok. and we continue. in germany , soviet and russian symbols are still banned. an exception was made only for our diplomats. they were allowed st. george ribbons. about the symbols of the great victory. our own correspondent in berlin, mikhail antonov. monument to the war of liberation in berlin's treptower park, the main artistic symbol of the great victory. in the idea of ​​a central figure proposed by the sculptor vuchetich and the architect belopolsky. a sword appeared in the soldier’s hand, cutting the swastika. the worldly image gave way to a religious plot. the statues were cast at a factory in leningrad, then transported piece by piece to berlin and installed here. in 2003, during restoration work works, the germans did a chemical analysis of the metal. for 40 tons of monument weight.
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an exhausted german came, he said that he had been in a concentration camp under the nazis and remembered a place on odor where prisoners unloaded valuable types of stone, so ours found a whole warehouse filled with granite and marble, unfortunately, history did not preserve the name of this man, on the way back , when our officers were driving with this german through the forest, he asked to relieve himself to the car and never returned. scandinavian granites and italian marble, from which hitler's architect scheer was going to build the capital of the millennium.
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on the contrary, they perpetuated the fact of its collapse, but the soviet symbols today especially hurt the eyes of the german authorities, as last year red banners, songs of the war years, and, of course, everything connected with today’s russia were banned: tricalor, tactical signs of the northern military district, flags of the donbass republics, zaporozhye, kherson and for some reason the chechen republic. st. george's ribbons in ladskani are allowed only to diplomats. russian ambassador sergei nechaev laid flowers at the memorial today. in sean holzer-heide. we, we did the appropriate a statement that this step by the berlin authorities is unacceptable to us, and that i know that civil activists are trying to appeal this case, including through legal means. 2 years ago, chancellor scholz directly declared that germany no longer felt moral responsibility to russia, the successor to the ussr. however, the agreement on the care of military graves is one of the few bilateral legal acts that... germany follows
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punctually, we must pay tribute to the local authorities, they come into contact, provide assistance, monitor and promptly respond to all our comments and suggestions. the doors to the crypt, located at the base of the monument, are opened very rarely. on the ceiling there are chandeliers in the form of an order of victory, on the walls around the circumference there is a mosaic by anatoly gorpenok, depicting a scene of commemoration of the fallen. it has a special history of creation, coinciding with the first berlin crisis of 1948, when the western allies first provoked an exchange of trade and economic sanctions. the performers were german pull and wagner company. it was located in the american sector of berlin. despite the fact that the distance between the workshop and the site and the construction site is only 600-700 m, people had to obtain special permits in order to actually deliver.
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on this pedestal, under glass , a book should be kept with the names of soviet soldiers buried in treptow, whose data was known at the time of the opening of the memorial, but the decision turned out to be unsuccessful, because this room is not protected from changes in temperature, humidity, the book quickly began to deteriorate, so now it is kept in the berlin city hall, sofyan binding, parchment pages, the last one with a ballpoint pen shows the total: 2200. the book contains a letter received in berlin almost 40 years ago, this is also a sign of its time, written by a resident of the village of tarasovka , zaporozhye region, ivan shiyan. my father often tells me about his father, he is buried in treptow park. i have
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a big request to you, if possible, send me a photo of the page where my grandfather’s name is. in '84 the germans had to fulfill such a request, but just in case, in the book really. there is a record of shiyan gp, ​​born in the twenty-sixth year. he rests next to his comrades in mass graves under the plane trees of the park. how many grandfathers are there among them? forever nineteen? mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. in novosibirsk , a fighter aircraft from 16 eras of the great patriotic war will take part in the victory parade. it took... more than 20 years, what else will they see spectators at the solemn procession, we will find out what events are planned from our correspondent ksenia klimina. ksenia, greetings, the floor is yours. hello roman,
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final preparations for the victory parade are underway on the main square of novosibirsk. the atmosphere, of course, is exciting; the first spectators are already beginning to appear, those who specially got up early in order to take the best seats. a column of mechanized equipment is on display on lenin square; the parade will traditionally be opened by the legendary t-344 tank under the control of tank crews 84 separate repair and restoration battalion. this tank was restored and prepared specifically for the parade by army personnel. inside the t-34 is a portrait of its creator, mikhail koshkin, a soviet designer. his great-grandson, by the way, is a resident. he even managed to ride in a tank during the parade rehearsal. a column of modern btr-82 am armored personnel carriers equipped with the latest types of weapons will also participate in the solemn procession.
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this technique is used to deliver infantry to battlefield and fire support for personnel. among the military personnel, the btr-82 am received. similar types of weapons in the world. the i-16 monoplane fighter from the great patriotic war will fly in the sky over novosibirsk. in the forty-first year he committed. forced landing in karelia half a century later, activists of the winged memory of russia project found it, as it turned out, this monoplane was assembled in novosibirsk, here it was given a second life, this is the only i-16 in russia, which is now on the move, so residents
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of novosibirsk will be able to see him in action. total more than 30 pieces of equipment and almost 2,000 people, these are military personnel, will take part in the parade in novosibirsk. employees of various law enforcement agencies, cadets. for the first time this year , a female squad of the ministry of emergency situations will participate in the novosibirsk parade. it included 85 girls, all of whom underwent and began to undergo drill training back in november last year. today, of course, is a special, exciting day; we will tell you about all the events that will take place in novosibirsk in the following broadcasts. thank you, it was ksenia klimina from novosibirsk, where final preparations are underway for the victory parade. well, now in direct communication with blagoveshchensk, alexey cherbakov will tell you about how the celebration of victory day is taking place there. alexey, greetings, the parade is not over yet. good morning, yes, it’s still
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early morning in moscow, in the amur region , victory parades are already in full swing, right now one of them is going on in belogorsk, and the other is in blagoveshchensk, where i’m now at... of which six are direct participants in the hostilities, almost 70 home front workers,
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just a few minutes ago on the main page military equipment left the city square, here were t-80 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and army all-terrain vehicles, well, the column of the restored t-34, our legendary tank, which during the war was called a combat friend, was headed by a commander.
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they were all here and i would like to note that on the windshields of these cars there were portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and heroes of a special military operation, the new erofe buggy is a light tactical all-terrain vehicle, it began to be produced in the khabarovsk territory quite recently for the needs of a special military operations. but they have already been placed in the special operation zone, 30 cars there are already going to victory, a bright spot every year is traditionally in
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khabarovsk, retro cars, they are coming from the local autoretro club, these cars are literally collected bit by bit, from the khabarovsk territory during the great patriotic war it was called 90,000 people, 47,000 did not return. the khabarovsk territory, like the whole country, of course, remembers everyone, and today we say: with tears in our eyes, thank them for our future, for our peaceful future. anna kolchuk, konstantin krutikov, lead khavarovsk. the ministry of defense's propaganda train, strength in truth, was met in moscow. the train traveled from the capital to vladivostok and back. the traveling exhibition was viewed by thousands of russians. at the belarusian station , margarita semenyuk also saw the exhibit. that's it, in distant forty-five trains with soviet soldiers.
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was in the capital, we believe that the main goal of the action, the demonstration of the unity of the army of society , has been achieved, stressed that an action of this scale using a military echelon... was carried out for the first time, its implementation became possible thanks to the common efforts ministry of defense, open joint-stock company of the russian railway, heads of constituent entities of the russian federation. here, among those greeting echelon was a veteran of the great patriotic war, assistant minister of defense of the soviet union, admiral svet turunov. it’s heartening to see that decades later,
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the memory of that tragedy is still vividly preserved.
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they also fought, died, i have a very respectful and dignified attitude towards this holiday on may 9th. this train also has military equipment, including a captured american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. our fighters captured it in the avdeevsky direction in november the grenade launcher hit the track directly. thanks to our serviceman from the repair company, at night under enemy fire with the help of two combat vehicles, this bmp was evacuated from the gray zone. in general, the route is more than 5 km, avoiding minefields.
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monetization of the image of the monument "the motherland calls". the grandson of the sculptor evgeniy vuchetich receives royalties for any of his demonstrations. he achieved this through the courts. the deputies are confused, because we are talking about national property, a symbol of victory. the topic will be continued by zinaida kurbatova. precedent, which cannot be called anything other than scandalous. previously, the rights to the image of the monument “rosina ’s mother calls” on the mamayev kurgan belonged only...
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from, let’s say, my interests. the sculptor’s grandson may be interested in art, but there is also the material side of the issue. now the enterprising heir must not only request permission to publish, but also pay for it. vuchatich jr. has an agreement with the upravis association. we have tools related precisely to monitoring the proper use of copyright. and in in this sense, we simply presented our claims, which are not claims, but rights. according to valdez martinez, the starting point was a deck of playing cards with the image of the motherland, printed under a licensing agreement with the museum. this story was very cleverly used by the representing lawyers. the grandson also benefited from the way rospatent registered the trademark motherland. the grandson's associations appealed his registration and were revoked; the court dismissed them
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. if i analyze the situation and, for example, turn to the archives, i cannot exclude that the sculptor himself and the team of authors who participated in the work on this work signed documents, everything was created within the framework of the order, in these... realities, even in the conditions of modern legislation, the interpretation may not be in favor of the copyright holders, when someone - orders the creation of a particular work, the exclusive right in a large number of cases passes to the customer. by law, all artistic masterpieces belong to the country’s museum fund, and in order to publish a reproduction of the painting in book or print it on a t-shirt, you must ask permission from the institution where the exhibit is stored. now the stalingrad museum. the battle became the only one in russia that shares these rights with the author’s heir, there were no lawsuits with the museum, in general, we have fairly normal relations with evgeniy viktorovich,
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because in addition to the fact that he is the heir, he is also in this case acts, so to speak, in the same vein as the museum, experts say, it is impossible to register a trademark in in the event that the transfer of rights to his grandson also causes the head of the team of authors and full of questions, including from state duma deputies, they became interested in this problem. zennaida kurbatova, nikita korneev, lead. and in many countries of the world there were actions that reminded us that it was soviet. made the greatest contribution to the victory over nazism, with details anton dadykin. the immortal regiment marched through the center of paris. the mayor's office approved the procession at
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the last moment, but provided enhanced security as it was needed. provocateur, who tried to interfere, was quickly tied up. the column of the immortal regiment went from republic square to the pervashes cemetery. there they laid flowers at the monument to russian resistance fighters in france. rasku is red and green. france is the only country from the g7 that still considers the day of the surrender of the third reich a holiday. on may 8, a day off, president emmanuel macron , accompanied by a cavalry escort , rode from the monument to resistance leader general charles de gaulle to the arc de triomphe in paris. there he laid a wreath to tomb of the unknown soldier. the liberal press ignored the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory over nazi germany.
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slovakia celebrated victory day with a completely different attitude. the country's leaders and the heads of many diplomatic missions considered it their duty to honor the memory of the soviet soldiers who liberated czechoslovakia. the monument to the fallen red army soldiers is located on slavin hill in bratislava. this is a national cultural monument of slovakia. slovakia and the czech republic were liberated by the red army. this fact cannot be changed; this fact clearly creates strong attachment between the inhabitants of the slovak republic and the peoples of the former ussr. i reject any distortion of history and i will always officially declare that the greatest contribution to the defeat of fascism and the victory in the second world war was made by the troops of the red army.
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in the united states, the immortal regiment took place on the territory of the russian embassy in washington. in india, memorial ceremonies, as well as the immortal regiment and st. george's ribbon events took place in mumbai, kirala and calcutta; similar events took place in many in other asian countries, including sri lanka and cambodia,
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cases of vandalism are growing, although far from soviet military graves, and the number is at the same rate as in eastern europe. chancellor olaf scholz commented on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory over nazism with a short message on social networks. it is unclear from the text who liberated germany after all, which was immediately pointed out to scholz by the german businessman kitkom. may 8. liberation of germany and the world from the scourge of national socialism. this day reminds us that we must protect to defend peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of law at all times. and you thank russia by supplying weapons to ukraine to support the american proxy war. a shame! unlike scholz, many germans remember who liberated them from nazism. in berlin, people carried flowers to the memorial to soviet soldiers in treptowpark. i come here every year
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throughout. 30 years and i really miss the solemn ceremonies in memory of russian soldiers, earlier on this day songs were heard here: people celebrated the victory, but what now, this is very sad and i am against it. the authorities of berlin, once liberated from nazism , banned not only songs of the war years; it is forbidden to enter the territory of the soviet memorial complex with soviet symbols, for example, the victory banner and any military banners of the red army, the flags of russia and the ussr, as well as the st. george ribbon are prohibited. but the police had no complaints against the anti-russian provocateurs. this outraged even the germans. we received instructions according to which ukrainian flags are allowed. the notice at the entrance says that the flags ukraine is also prohibited. flags that are not associated with russia or the ussr are allowed. after a conversation with indignant citizens, the police still suggested that the ukrainian provocateur leave the territory of the soviet memorial. anton dadykin, matvey popov,
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evgenia zemtsova, lead. the russian embassy in the uk regrets that london has decided to expel the military attaché and tighten the issuance of diplomatic visas to russians. ambassador andrei kellin called the reasons given by the british foreign ministry absurd. united kingdom, including these measures interrupt some communication channels between capitals. as has happened many times before, new measures were introduced under groundless and even ridiculous pretexts. case there is a fire in some warehouse in east london, but they are trying to inflate another spy story out of this. at the same time, signs of preparation for these hostile steps appeared , according to our observations, about 6 months ago. the corresponding company, accusing us of absolutely every conceivable sin, has been promoted in the media all this time, causing deep it is regrettable that in a period of acute
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international... tension, when dialogue is especially important to prevent further escalation, london continues to feign belligerence and undermine remaining ties. all this will certainly receive an adequate response from the russian side. the uk resorted to an outright lie to justify the expulsion of the russian military ottache to remove diplomatic status from our real estate properties in london. this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. she noted no the british once again did not provide evidence of moscow’s guilt in any malicious actions. thus, london is seeking ever greater escalation. with the active participation of the british, a cynical disinformation campaign was launched about the alleged involvement of the russian military in indiscriminate attacks on civilians in buchei. as you know, this...
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london has been repeatedly warned that any unfriendly actions will receive an inevitable, proportionate response. russia's reaction will be tough and measured. we are transported to bulan d, there at these moments the victory parade begins. live broadcast on our channel. under the state flag of the russian federation. and the banner of victory.


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