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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the mongol is leading the parade formation, the chief of staff of the battalion, lieutenant colonel ayungchuter. mongolia's contribution to the victory in the great patriotic war is enormous. from the very beginning of the war, mongolia provided comprehensive assistance to the soviet union, sent horses to the front with food, and paid for the construction of tanks and airplanes. the ceremonial march of the 36th combined arms army is headed by colonel fatikhov ilyas rinatov. officers of the thirty-sixth army, participants in combat operations, the pride of our armed forces. the parade continues with the combined battalion of the thirty-seventh, separate guards budapest red banner order of the red star of the motorized rifle brigade named after shchadenko of the fifth separate guards, tatsin red banner order of the suvorogo second degree tank brigade.
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the ceremonial formation of the guard is headed by lieutenant colonel andrei gennadievich krupsky, five heroes of the russian federation, 528 cavalry of the order of courage, 384 recipients of the zhukov medal, 425 recipients of the sovorov medal, 850 have medals for courage. the parade parade continues the red banner of the orders of kutuzov and bogdan khmelnitsky, second degree, of the 103rd missile brigade is headed by colonel venediktov dmitry vladimir. this year alone, for the impeccable performance of military duty, 23 were awarded the zhukov medal 25 the suvorov medal 40 servicemen of the brigade were awarded other state awards parade crews of the thirtieth artillery brigade solemnly march in front of the stands artillery god of war more than 230 of them were awarded the zhukhov suvorov medals 61 are holders of the order of courage the parade squad is headed by a major. arpov
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nikolay alexandrovich. on the main square of the republic of buryatia, the parade squad of soldiers of the thirty-fifth guards anti-aircraft missile brigade is headed by lieutenant colonel yuri sergeevich kuzmenkov. 135 military personnel received state awards; 32 military personnel from the brigade were awarded the order of courage. soldiers of the 75th guards control brigade march in parade formation along the soviet square, shikane shak. parade calculation.
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awarded other state awards soldiers of the 102nd separate logistics support brigade , led by lieutenant colonel denis vladimirovich zhukov, pass in front of the podium. support has a history of more than three hundred years. the parade squad of the sixth military transport passes in front of the podium. the aviation regiment
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, newly formed a quarter of a century later , is headed by the regiment commander , colonel vakulin alexander nikolaevich. military transport aviation allows increasing the mobility and maneuverability of troops, ensuring the rapid transfer of personal composition. representatives of the space forces are marching solemnly; the parade crew is commanded by lieutenant colonel valery sergeevich snapkov. a separate command and measurement complex is included . a unique combination of aerospace forces. on the main square of the republic of buryatia there is a parade squad of the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the republic of buryatia. the parade squad is headed by colonel timofeev gerald georgievich. employees of the main department honorably perform their duty when extinguishing fires, conducting rescue operations and emergency response. representatives of the federal service of the national guard of the russian federation march in parade formation. the parade crew is blessed by
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colonel eremiev roman anatolyevich. for his achievements, the officer was awarded the zhukov medal, and also had 10 departmental awards. the students march in a solemn march. over the years of its existence, the military department has trained more than 1,000 officers. pupils of the republican cadet boarding school pass across the stands, parade squad headed by colonel negmatzyanov farid nailovich, a participant in the hostilities. of the arab republic, in front of the central rostrum of the square , a consolidated parade squad of representatives of the all-russian military-patriotic movement yunarmiya is marching in a solemn march . the column is headed by a teacher of additional education at the center for pre-conscription training and
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patriotic education in the city of ulanude, a participant in the hostilities of the syrian arab republic, reserve lieutenant colonel tirkov dmitry anatolyevich. representatives are approaching the podium in parade formation novoselenginsk general education cossack boarding school. the parade squad is headed by lieutenant colonel of the khim reserve yuri semdekovich. today , children from the selenginsky, dzhidinsky and laginsky districts of the republic of buryatia, as well as from the city of ulan, study at the cossack school. beat
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the history of the russian military band service goes back more than. the victory parade on the main square of the capital of the republic of buryatia is accompanied by the combined orchestra of the ulanoden military garrison under the direction of the military conductor of the fifth separate tank brigade guard major dudar anton sergeevich. the combined orchestra includes musicians from the 11th separate guards air assault brigade and the thirtieth artillery brigade.
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about 2.0 units of military equipment passed along red square 79 years ago, on part of victory day. the tradition of participating in the parade of heavy military equipment symbolizes the full power of the russian armed forces. attention, the hum of powerful motors is entering the council area. military equipment begins to pass the parade crews of the mechanized column. on the main square of the republic of buryatia, symbol the power and perfection of soviet military equipment of the great patriotic war, the legendary
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t-34 tank. this tank took part in the fighting during the liberation of smolensk, minsk and other countries. on his armor there were marks left from the hits of enemy shells like scars, reminding us of that war. tank commander, participant in a special military operation, sergeant bodalyan ernest lorentsevich, controls the tank, sergeant korkin, vladimir sergeevich. on the square of soviets, a rocket artillery combat vehicle, bm-13, katyusha.
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units passes a column of modern reconnaissance and engineer-sapper models btr-82a, which became a reliable support for personnel when performing training and combat missions. the parade column is headed by a participant in the special military operation, sergeant evgeniy sergeevich nedorezov, for his courage, the sergeant was awarded a medal for bravery. designed for
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high-speed spatial energy detection of sources of radio emissions, radio reception, communication signals, a mobile complex for determining peeling and radio monitoring of sources radio emissions of various ranges, the column is led by senior lieutenant marchenko yuri viktorovich, followed by radio rhenium from the r-416gm station, which are intended for operation. as part of field noise-resistant radio relay lines of direct visibility with packet switching operating in a continuous mode , the columns are headed by warrant officer aidob zariktovich dashiev and warrant officer rodnaev sangadievich, a participant in a special military operation awarded the zhukov medal and a medal for military distinction. the podium is approaching battle equipment of traditional chemical and biological defense troops. intelligence. brdm2 vehicles are designed for conducting radiation chemical biological
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reconnaissance. 40 years ago, these machines were the first to begin eliminating the consequences of the disaster at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. having passed through hot spots, various types of vehicles continue to carry out combat missions as intended. the column is headed by senior warrant officer anuriev yuri sergeevich. a convoy of ars-14 vehicles also passes. km stands for auto-filling station, designed for degassing and decontamination of the area, the column is led by junior sergeant magomedov murat almazovich.
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operations. the anti-tank battery column is replaced by a cannon artillery unit armed with 120mm d-30 howitzers. towing gambiuza is a powerful means of destroying and suppressing enemy manpower. the parade column is headed by senior sergeant nikolai sergeevich lisai, a participant in the special military operation. howitzer traction device, all- terrain vehicle, ural. 42, 43:20. following them
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il-76 military transport aircraft are visible in the sky. this is the main team of the military transport aviation fleet. it is the first sr military transport aircraft in history with turbojet engines. the aircraft is capable of transporting more than 200 personnel, delivering cargo and oil up to 47 tons to hard-to-reach places, including a drifting scientific station in the arctic ocean. bringing up the rear of the parade. the formation of military equipment by the crews of the 103rd missile brigade , which is armed with the latest operational-tactical missile system iskander m in combat vehicles , crew chiefs lieutenant anishchenko efim aleksandrovich and lieutenant urakov armangazy balgazyevich iskander m is a high-precision long-range weapon capable of hitting targets with a probable deviation of 5 m at ranges of up to 50 km. iskander is distinguished by mobility and minimal.
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having the honor of the entire personnel of the 600th military transport regiment, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. dear veterans, i express my great respect to you for your bravery and courage and exploits, your heroism is an example for all of us and reminds us of how important it is to maintain peace and fight for justice. with all my heart i wish you good health, clean energy, prosperity, optimism and endless faith in the bright future of our fatherland. hurray, comrade, victory will be
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ours. please leave your place with a song and march in step. at the finish line of preparations for the country's main victory parade on red square , dozens of samples of historical modern weapons will march in a column of military equipment. to send towards the center the equipment is being prepared in the southeast of the capital. our correspondent, evgeniy nipod, is there. evgeniy, greetings, what is happening to you at these moments? roman, greetings,
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the technology has just been released, the beeps of the technology have sounded and have already been opened. gate, that is, we can state that the final preparations are underway for the mechanized column to head to red square, i will remind you that the t-3485 tank will traditionally pass through red square, 85 - this is about the caliber of the gun, this is a real victory tank, here this is the same technique that helped win to our great ancestors in the great patriotic war, and here... equipment that is now helping to bring victory closer in the zone of a special military operation, it is stated that about 70 units of equipment will participate in mechanized columns, we are talking about, i have already mentioned historical samples, this is the t-3485 tank, but also, of course
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, about modern samples, a large range is presented. vehicle armor, we are talking about, for example, tigers m, military-industrial complex, urals, zss, akhmad, taifun, k feenix, that is , a large, i repeat, nomenclature armored vehicles, namely wheeled vehicles, but also, of course, we are talking about participation in mechanized columns, of course, the equipment that helps protect the sky, we are talking about protecting the sky. from enemy aviation targets, well, i’m now talking, of course, about air defense systems, in particular, the s-400 triumph will pass through red square. i will now ask my colleagues to show slides with the tactical and technical characteristics of these types of equipment, i will ask them to show
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the s-400 triumph, this anti-aircraft weapon defense that is capable of striking. targets at an altitude of up to 27 km, and the speed of these targets can reach 400 4800 800 m/s. and we are, of course, talking primarily about those enemy aircraft that pose a threat to russian territory, and what is also important to note is that one anti-aircraft missile system can fire... and simultaneously up to six targets and its range of action is about 300 km, that is, within a radius of 300 km, it provides security for objects on the territory of the russian federation. i mentioned above that it is presented the range of wheeled
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armored vehicles will also be large. we have also prepared the tactical and technical characteristics of this one. just like the btr-82a, versions have now been developed that are distinguished by increased armor protection, this is a machine, i hope that now on the screens you can see a slide with the tactical and technical characteristics of this unit, so this machine is designed for 10 people, has a powerful diesel engine, and its power is about 330 horsepower. which allows this vehicle, its weight of about 15 ton with ammunition, to already accelerate to 80 km/h. but if we are talking about conditions when the vehicle is moving along the highway, it should also be noted that
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the mechanized convoy will carry iskander operational-tactical missile systems, the mass of the warhead reaches 500 kg, and the minimum target engagement range is from 50 km and the maximum up to half a thousand; the mechanized convoy will be self-propelled launcher. it should be noted that iskanders, during a special military operation, proved themselves to be the most effective means of destroying enemy targets, including air defense. let me remind you that in the zone of a special military operation there are countermeasures. air defense is one of the highest priority goals, which , first of all, for which our fighters are primarily working, we return to wheeled vehicles,
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we are waiting for the start, i see that on the trawls on the track you can now see a tractor that will drive a t-tank 3485, but i will return to wheeled vehicles, this year... for the first time a modified version will be presented, a modernized, sorry, typhoon version k, and it's called fenix, this is a completely imported, replaced version, which is now entering service, the armored car, its developers report, is capable of withstanding not only small arms fire , but the explosions of mine shells that are equivalent to 8 kg of waste. and with a mass, with a full ammunition load of about 14 tons, the car is capable of accelerating to 100 km/h, its range is about 850 km, colleagues, we
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are waiting for the convoy to start, when it starts, we will definitely come back and tell you more about the vehicles that will be pass us by moving to red square. roman, i give you the floor. evgenia, thank you, we will wait for evgenia nipot about the equipment that will take part in the victory parade today on the red one. in the amur region, the victory holiday is already in full swing in belogorsk , more than a thousand military personnel plus 30 units of military equipment marched in front, our correspondent victoria sotenko is in direct communication from the region. victoria, welcome to what’s on the holiday program. now the parade has ended, this is the smallest city in our country where a celebration of such a scale is taking place. to belogorski about 60 thousand people live here, but the headquarters of the thirty-fifth red banner combined arms army is located here. yes, about a thousand people took part in the parade, these are artillerymen, motorized riflemen,
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signalmen, military units of radio-electronic work, radiation, chemical, biological protection, female military personnel, as well as school students who are members of the all-russian military-patriotic movement june army, beautiful, smartly dressed with his head raised as part of the team ceremonial... it was very touching to see the portraits participants in the great patriotic war and special military operations on
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the windshields of cars, but let me turn a little to history: in the early forties , about 140,000 amur residents went to the front voluntarily by conscription, this is almost half of the adult population of the region, of which 40 thousand never returned home, time is inexorable for the participants... amur residents, who came not only locals in general, of course, the parade was watched by thousands of residents, but also visitors from other settlements of the region, the parade took place approximately about an hour. we were really lucky with the weather today, of course, victory day is celebrated today by the entire amur region. the second largest event took place in blagoveshchenskaya, the solemn passage of the troops of the blagoveshchensk garrison in all of them. in other
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settlements, cities and villages , rallies took place near memorials, of course, people and houses join in the celebration, someone decorated their sleep windows with symbols of the great victory, without exaggeration , thousands of events are held in schools, colleges, universities, all for the sake of in order to modern youth knew their roots, loved their homeland and kept its history undistorted. victoria, thank you for how the region celebrates victory day, victoria sytenko said. ilya koshlinov is in direct contact with azulanuda now, he will tell you how a military parade was held in the capital of buryatia in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory. ilya, i welcome what the audience saw. the parade, it began exactly at 10 o’clock local time, after the chiming clock to the music, holy war, banner group
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on... soviets, that’s the name of our square, they brought out the flag of the russian federation and an exact copy of the legendary victory banner. i note that the banner group includes the best officers of the 103rd missile brigade of the fifth separate guards tank brigade, of course, all of them are participants in a special military operation. well, i will note that the military parade of the formations and military units of the ulanuden garrison also participates in the victory parade in vlanuda. guests from mongolia took part in it, but i’ll tell you about that a little later, i’ll add that among the guests were also residents of the regions of the republic, home front workers, veterans, as well as children of war and residents of besieged leningrad, well , drummers , artillerymen, tank crews, gunmen, signalmen, paratroopers, young army soldiers and just representatives of the armed forces of mongolia traditionally marched in a solemn march. and
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to this day our state maintains friendly relations, because well, during the great patriotic war, the inhabitants of the neighboring state greatly helped the soviet state in the cause of victory, because they collected funds for which airplanes, tanks were built, and were also sent to front, a very large shipment of humanitarian aid, also a lot of horses, which were used in places where there are no roads . traditionally, the parade consisted of two parts: foot crews and, of course, a parade of equipment, which was led by the legendary t-34 tank, which was collected bit by bit by specialists, but it is legendary not only by its name, but also by the fact that it was the very vehicle that participated in our parade , she took part in the hostilities in podsmolensk, minsk and a number of other states in europe, but also behind the t-34 tank the legendary katyusha machine passed, well...
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modern equipment passed, which is now involved in a special military operation, is also in service with the russian army, of course it was interesting to watch aviation, three an-2 aircraft and 76 cargo planes flew over the soviet square, well, this is how we celebrated the great victory day parade here in lannud, of course the official event will continue, now competitions and concerts will be held in various parks...
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