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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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from the famous tornado games, but in a new modified guise there will also be headquarters vehicles, and of course much, much more. the main heroes of today's holiday are, of course, veterans, they have already taken pride of place in the stands here on oktyabrskaya square, there are not only war participants, but spring soldiers, and of course the heroes of today are the participants, they are also on the square today. in general , about 2.0 events are planned in prikam today, in which more than 2 million people will take part. sergey, thank you, we wish you good luck, from molotov. so, on this day, may 9, 1945 , it began, it was called sperm. there was my colleague sergei ovchinikov. and we are in the hall of fame
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of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow. here, on marble slabs, are the names of 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia, awarded these honorary titles for exploits performed during the great patriotic war. in the center of the hall there is a ten-meter bronze figure of a victorious soldier. and from here, from the hall of fame of the victory museum in moscow, we will talk all day. about the most important events, now in sverdlovsk, the victory parade has begun there, look, a parade under the state flag of the russian federation and the banner of victories.
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two main symbols of russia are brought into the square to the music of composer alexandrov’s song “the holy war”: the legendary victory banner and the state flag of the russian federation. in the banner group, a serviceman of the honor guard company of the central military district. they were given the honor
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of opening the victory parade in the urals. the commander of the banner group is captain denis chupakhin, denis’s great-grandfather vasily nikifarov, veteran great patriotic war, awarded a medal for courage. for military merits and the order of the great patriotic war, second degree. vasily georgievich took part in lifting the siege of leningrad, the battles for könensberg and returned to his homeland only in 1946 , after the war with japan. the state flag of the russian federation in the hands of private ramazan gainuddinov. he is assisted by private dmitry kondratiev and... the victory banner
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is in the hands of private roman pungin, assistants at the victory banner are private denis trukhin and private german titov. victory banner, befriended 79 years ago over the rikstag, belonged to the 150th idlich order of kutuzov, second degree. the tradition of immersing assault flags originated in the red army during the great patriotic war, during offensive operations during the liberation and capture of populated areas. today , the victory banner is a symbol of courage and continuity of the glorious military traditions of those.
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modern defenders of the homeland, sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of the heroes of victory are continuers of the glorious traditions of the generation of the great patriotic war.
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at ease! parade to meetings on the left, the acting commander of the troops
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of the central military district, lieutenant general dmitry valerievich glushenkov, comes to the square. a meeting between the parade commander and the parade host will take place. lieutenant general glushenkov receives a report on the readiness of the troops. comrade lieutenant general, the troops of yekaterinburg... for the parade: commemorating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war are built, commander of the parade of generals. the cars are directed to the parade squad for the traditional greeting and congratulations,
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the parade is commanded by major general alexander lenikov. the best combat trainees are in the ranks : combat veterans, cavaliers. order of courage, who showed heroism and courage during a special military operation. by decree of the president of the russian federation, for their demonstrated steadfastness and professionalism, contributing to the successful implementation of special tasks, the military units of the central military district received the honorary name guards in the formation, among them the fifty-ninth guards sivazh red banner control brigade and the twenty ninth separate brigade. radiation, chemical and biological protection. all of them won the award, risking life and health, in the performance of military duty to protect the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions.
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“hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory, the great patriotic war, the host of the parade goes around the parade line, he greets the military personnel and congratulates them on the 79th anniversary of the great victory. the troops respond to the greeting with three times hurray. hello comrades. congratulations on the seventy-ninth
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anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hooray! air defense and ground forces are always in defense of the fatherland. at the combat post are communications, electronic warfare, and military specialists. on the square there are parade squads of the ural
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institute, the state fire service of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation, the national guard troops, and the ural law institute. hello comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war, parade squads are in formation federal penitentiary service of the yekaterinburg cadet corps, all-russian, children and youth and...
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is accompanied by a composition by mikhail glinka , glory, praising the greatness and strength of russia, the courage and fortitude of its defenders.
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the tour of troops is completed! lieutenant general dmitry glushenkov heads to the podium, the famous russian sounds over the square, hurray!
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dear veterans and home front workers, comrade generals, officers, warrant officers, sergeants , soldiers, distinguished guests, today we solemnly celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory of the soviet people, the great patriotic war, the meaning of this holiday remains unchanged.
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we will never forget who started this terrible war, whose inaction and duplicitous policies made it possible for tired , thin-legged fascism to develop in the last century. despite lessons from the past, the growth of nazism is again being revived in europe. the followers of hitler's ideas, the minions of bandera and shukhevych, supported by the west, have again raised their heads and are waging war for their ideals. we must not allow this to spread fascist plague. today, the heirs of the generation of winners in the zone of a special military operation are in fact proving their devotion to their homeland, their people, fighting for the fatherland, for truth, for justice, liberating the ancestral russian lands from neo-nazis. on this solemn day, i would like
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to congratulate everyone on the holidays, wish them health, strength of spirit, and success in all their endeavors. victory, glory to the victorious people, hurray, comrades, hurray!
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parade, vira, solemn march!
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the gate is at one linear distance, this is the gate straight, the rest, right, left. the military parade is headed by major general lenkov alexander. the ceremonial procession of troops is opened by a company of drummers,
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students of the yekaterinburg suvorov military school. young musicians set the pace and rhythm of the parade movements. the drummers' box is headed by the course teacher, major nikolai ryazankin. over the 79 years of its existence, the yekaterinburg suvorov military school has graduated more than 16 thousand suvorov students, among them 13 heroes of the russian federation and the soviet union, nine of them were awarded posthumously. more than 70 people awarded the highest military rank of general, more than 700 graduates became doctors and candidates of science, academicians and... the banner of victory and
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the state flag of the russian federation are developing majestically, captain denis chupakhin heads the flag bearer. the honor guard company of the central military district marches solemnly in the uniform of the three branches of the armed forces. the parade squad is headed by the company commander, major andrei porubov, a serviceman of the unit in the uniform of three types of armed forces of the russian federation, ground forces, aerospace forces and navy. on the 1905 square there is a parade squad of officers from the central military district. the system is headed by the head of the railway department appointed by decree of the president of the russian federation.
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in the hands of captain dmitry novikov. in the parade formation, the combined crew of the 90th guards vitebsk-nadgorod twice-red-banner tank division. the crew is headed by major sergei matveev. the regiment's banner is carried by ifreytor danil vasiliev. in parade formation, personnel of the 59th guards red banner sevazh command brigade of the central military district. headed. lieutenant colonel igor petukhov. the brigade banner is carried by brigade headquarters officer, guard captain alexander
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parshinkov. the personnel of the twenty-ninth guards brigade of radiation, chemical and biological defense, named after the hero of the soviet union, colonel general, are at work. the parade squad of the forty -third railway brigade under the command of colonel evgeniy strosslov is approaching in una. the brigade banner is carried by captain alexey semenov.
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the best officers of the unit are in the ranks. in the front door guardians of law and order and military discipline. combined military police company of the central military district. the military commandant heads the parade squad. yekaterinburg garrison. the parade squad of warriors is headed by major olga prokhorova. excellent combat trainees are in the ranks. guard senior lieutenant yaada megurskaya, warrant officer olga lobanov, senior sergeant alina vinogradova and sergeant svetlana fityunina. the personnel of the ural institute of state fire service of the ministry of emergency situations are marching solemnly russia. it is headed by the head of the institute.
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internal affairs of the russian federation. head of the institute, police colonel, pavel kapustyuk. with special pride, the institute preserves the memory of its graduate, hero of russia, police captain dmitry novoselov. the motto of the institute is the words: we value the past, in the present we create the future. there is a parade on the square. crew of the main directorate of the federal penitentiary service for the sverlovsk region, head of the main department, lieutenant general alexander fedorov, headed by colonel of the internal service andrei sladkov, banner in the hands of senior lieutenant of the internal service nikita zolotin. the youngest
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participants are on the main square of the capital of the urals. parade: parade squad of the yekaterinburg cadet corps of the national guard of the russian federation. the parade squad of young men is headed by the course teacher, major andrey pankratov. the standard bearer is vice-senior sergeant emil khanaev. the girls' parade parade is headed by physics teacher ilina kovaleva. platoon commanders are excellent in combat training. among them is vicestar. on the main square, the consolidated parade squad of the cadet corps of the sverlovsk region, the winners of the interregional rallies of young patriots of russia, marches solemnly. the parade squad is headed by the corps teacher boris shalokh. the banner of the ministry of education of the sverlovsk region in the hands of master cadet vladimir tamilov.
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assisted by gleb selantyev and... chikane-sha is undergoing a parade squad of the all-russian children's and youth military-patriotic movement youth army, the parade squad is headed by the chief of staff of the regional branch of the young army, elena kharitonova, was awarded a medal of the ministry of defense of the russian federation for strengthening the military commonwealth. the girls' parade squad is led by a student from secondary school number 16, sheybakova.
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