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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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the musicians clear the area for the passage of military equipment. today there is a military parade on the square.
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our fatherland, and numerous spectators awaiting the continuation of the parade. pleasingly. it was these combat vehicles
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that were the best tank of the second world war. they were the first to break into enemy cities. the commander of the mechanized column is major alexander nisterov. behind the levers of a formidable combat vehicle is junior sergeant evgeny alekseev. from the second to the forties , the main large-scale production of the t-34 was launched at machine-building plants urals and siberia. the parade includes samples of historical military equipment. armored personnel carriers btr-40. armored car ba-64. tireless workaholic gas lorry. freight car. heir to the legendary
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katyusha, motorcycle platoon. following them is the soviet and russian utility vehicle of the uaz-3151 class. the simple, reliable design of the chassis contributes to a fairly long service life and is a favorite means of transportation around...
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a protected astace car is in parade formation an army vehicle is designed to perform special tasks. tasks, the all-wheel drive complex is capable of conducting reconnaissance operations while ensuring the protection of the crew of the equipment. next come the btr-82 am wheeled armored personnel carriers. the firepower is twice that of its predecessors. instead of a machine-gun turret installation, the new vehicle received a remote-controlled combat module. following them is the grad field multiple launch rocket system, designed to destroy enemy personnel, both open and closed. terrain. unarmored vehicles and armored personnel carriers.
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combat vehicles 9a54, a multiple launch rocket system, are passing through the square. tornado s. following are the transport-loading vehicles of the tornado s multiple launch rocket systems. unlike its predecessor, this specimen has seven types of ammunition, accelerated reloading and expanded equipment. iskander universal launchers are located on the square. iskander m has no analogues of its kind.
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following them is the armored multi-purpose vehicle tiger m. suspension double levers are designed for serious off-road conditions, fords, etc. i walk across terrain that can be easily traversed by a car. following them is the murmonsk electronic warfare complex, capable of intercepting and suppressing enemy radio signals at a range of up to 500 km. in front of the stands there are communications vehicles and antenna modules at the camas base, which... provide secure telephone communication and data transfer. on the square , the radio radio station is the main complex of tactical level radio communications.
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the parade ends with a performance by the combined military orchestra of the central military district. the orchestra included military musicians
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from the elansky, trekhgorny, saratov, chebarkul, ivsky, yekaterinburg garrisons and the ural district. on your screens there were footage from sverdlovsk, which is what we can proudly call yekaterinburg today. and we work in the hall of fame of the victory museum in moscow on poklonnaya hill. and there is just over an hour left before the main parade of the country. the procession traditionally starts at 10 am. preparations for the military parade began several months in advance. arrived for rehearsal yars mobile missile system. military equipment is displayed at the victory parade every year. all types of troops of the russian armed forces, representatives of law enforcement agencies and school cadets take part in the procession itself. in total , more than 9,000
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people and 75 units of military equipment will take part in the victory parade. the parade will end with a flight of air groups, russian knights swifts. our column includes regiments, battalions and... participants of a special military operation will also march along red square. will host a parade in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war vladimir putin. the president will address the meeting on red square. after the parade, vladimir putin and other high-ranking guests will take part in a joint flower-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. and then a gala reception will take place in the kremlin. also today, the russian leader will hold negotiations with the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea
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bessau, invited to the parade. russia's merits in victory in world war ii cannot be doubted even in conditions when the world is rising attempts are being made to rewrite history. north korean leader kimchin in stated this in a telegram to the russian president. through the second world war, the russian people created the law of history, any aggression attempting to dominate. is everything ready for the parades? yes, hello, happy holiday, we are really working on
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manezhnaya square, this is where the mechanized column and military equipment that will march along red square starts from here, now the car has already taken its place, right here right next to the monument to georgy zhukov there are several cars, armored vehicles, the main part of the column is already lined up several hundred meters along tverskaya street. i’ll tell you a little secret, the machines that are parked here are backup equipment; they will be used in case any technical problems arise. the main column, as i already said, is now standing on tverskaya, headed by the legendary t-34 tank. eh, a weapon of victory, we can talk about it for a very long time, if we have time in this inclusion or in the next one, i will definitely tell you more about some interesting facts that may be unknown to our viewers. as for other equipment, there will actually be about 70 samples in total, a significant part of which will be armor. there will be no mobile tracked vehicles, except for the legendary t-34 tank, this year, as in the past, but among
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the armored vehicles there will be quite a lot of interesting examples, including those presented at this parade for the first time, well, for example, an armored car from the series the typhoon, called "phoenix", was presented for the first time at the army 2023 forum, interesting car, including, today cars will be shown that are completely import-substituted with russian power plants based on... kamaz, and an ambulance will be shown for the first time on its base. in addition, the boomerang armored personnel carrier, it has already participated in the parade, but nevertheless, it is an interesting vehicle on modern architecture, which opens up impressive capabilities, including as an amphibian. and among the usual equipment, of course, this is the 82 armored personnel carrier, a vehicle that has proven itself over several decades, the equipment is reliable, and we today we will also see, there will be anti-aircraft ones. the entire
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list of equipment, it is really impressive for those who are interested, i think there will be something to see, if we are talking about the aviation part of the parade, then it was not cancelled, but we see that the weather is very changeable, then the sun is shining brightly, then suddenly it's starting to snow, so i think a lot will depend on the weather, but since there was no cancellation, chances are high that the aviation part of the parade will also take place. i promised to say a few words about the t-34 tank, it seems to me that it really deserves special attention. the vehicle that is presented here is a modification of the t-3485 with an 85mm cannon, one of the latest modifications. in general, it is not for nothing that this tank is called a weapon of victory; its maneuverability and its technical characteristics gave such a powerful impetus in general. to the entire world tank building, which , according to experts, many tanks still
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take, so to speak, borrow some kind of equipment, some characteristics from this legendary t-34, about as i already said, we can talk about it for a very long time, most of the samples have already taken their places on pedestals, in museums, but there are several cars that traditionally participate in victory parades, including in moscow, today is no exception, colleagues, yuri, thank you, in direct contact with the manege. where preparations for the main parade of the country were being completed was my colleague yuri bogdanov. and on red square gradually. guests and participants of the victory parade gather. my colleague, anastasia efimova, works at the stands. anastasia, i greet you, tell me what’s happening in these minutes. well, the main question is, how is the weather, is it possible to withstand such an action in the open air? yes, good morning, well , we probably can’t answer this question yet - in the affirmative, since we haven’t spent much time on red square,
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we are very cold, the weather, let’s say, this year is atypical for may. traditionally, on victory day it was rainy, it was windy, it was cool, but for frost to occur on the night of may 9, we have never seen anything like this before; just recently one of our technical vehicles passed by here along red square, there is snow right on the hood, so in general i can assume that the equipment that will participate in the parade today also had to be cleared of snow, of course, all the guests who are now arriving in the stands, they tried to prepare , they are warm enough.
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for the military, the weather has never been and is not an obstacle, but for those who will be in the stands, well, blankets will be distributed, people will change their clothes, dress warmly, but the weather will not be an obstacle for everyone, well, because after all, may 9 - this is the most the main holiday in our country, so it’s not the weather, now we already see it as guests. they bring here to the stands in special electric cars, i don’t know, maybe these electric cars will come into your frame, and we also see how the participants of today’s parade are already marching right along red square, it’s clear that they are just lining up in the columns, almost everyone, by the way, goes with songs, and apparently, with songs it’s much more fun and maybe even a little warmer, because like us
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we see that some of the participants are also dressed in summer uniforms, some are fortunately warmed up, in general... it is quite obvious that the current parade is unusual, but this will probably make it even more spectacular, even more interesting , even brighter, and today we have the opportunity to follow it literally as close as possible, of course, to tell you everything, colleagues, anastasia, thank you, happy holidays, it was anastasia efimova, she works on red square and monitors the preparations for the parade, despite the weather conditions, in leningrad on the palace square everything... is also ready for the parade, 4,000 people are participating, plus columns of equipment, both retro and modern, and the main detail of this year will be a traveling exhibition reconstruction of the leningrad victory. we will find out all the details from our correspondent dmitry akimov. dmitry, i greet you, tell me what is happening to you at these moments. good sunny
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morning, from the city of heroes of leningrad, happy holidays, colleagues, everything is really ready for the parade on the palace square. more than 400 the participants will march in parade formation on the main square of the northern capital as part of the parade squads traditionally: suvoros, young army soldiers, cadets of the city's military educational institutions, military personnel of the leningrad military district, rosgvardeytsy, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and many other departments that are responsible for our safety and tranquility. following the foot columns, we are waiting for mechanized parade squads on the palace square; a tank will lead the formation. behind him, behind the symbol of victory , will be the gaz-67 command vehicle, armored personnel carriers, as well as two legendary katyusha, we talked with the crews of these formidable historical machines, let's listen to what they told us today, one of our goals is the patriotic education of youth, we have a lot of children,
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children, family members, participants, with great enthusiasm and great desire . participates in these events, and we are trying to say, by bringing out historical equipment on the device, that we have something to be proud of, if we talk about the technical characteristics of this equipment, then for me it is simply a masterpiece of engineering thought of those years, i feel proud when participating in the parade, a crucial moment, we prepared the equipment, the equipment is completely ready, technically serviceable, so... we are trying, as we can say, to be even better than we could, from modern equipment this year we presented the uast hunter suvs, armored... apk ural , kamaz and tigorm, it is separately emphasized that they are all now honorably fulfilling their assigned tasks in the northern military district zone, in addition, we will see the lenza ambulance armored vehicle,
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even its wheels are armored, as well as a mortar complex sled with medvete tractors from msta b howitzers, and also the iskanderm bastion and s-400 triumph missile systems, which need no introduction. there is no doubt that this parade will be another one. evidence of the readiness of the troops of the leningrad military district to carry out assigned tasks, but of course the holiday does not end there; at 15:00 a festive concert will begin at the hermitage, in which musical groups will take part, which have repeatedly visited military personnel on the front lines of the northern military district with creative performances, but it will end victory day in leningrad with fireworks at 22:00 from the walls peter and paul fortress, we will definitely keep an eye on the numerous, bright...
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maria, i greet you on the holiday, tell us how your situation is, what ’s going on? colleagues, happy holiday, we are at the intercession cathedral and, perhaps, this is the most atmospheric point, from here you can see red square at a glance, but at the same time , foot crews, a mechanized column, will all pass literally a few meters from us, and i must say that the stands are visible from here, we see that they are already filled with guests,
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well, this is what you want to see before starting here, we heard songs of the war years, and of course the parade, let me remind you that this will happen at 10:00 am, a parade in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, according to the ministry of defense, this year it will be attended by... people and more than 70 units of military equipment; military personnel, foot crews, as well as cadets of the suvorov, nakhimov, cadet and music schools will cross the paving stones. also this year, heroes of the northern military district take part in the victory parade. and here to red square after the start, the victory banner and the state flag of the russian federation will be brought out. and of course, one of the most spectacular parts of the parade is the military passage. equipment, i would like to remind you that, according to tradition, the legendary t-3485 tank is the first to hit the paving stones. let me remind you that it was put into service in 1944 and remained the basis of the tank forces
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of the soviet army until the 1950s. it was removed from service in russia only in 1993, but it remained in service in other countries until 2010. it is also, of course, worth noting that this year there will be debutants. at the victory parade, in this case it is a protected ambulance lens, this is a technique that helps save the lives of soldiers, it reliably protects the crew of doctors, allows you to provide immediate assistance right during transportation, and, of course, special attention is paid to rocket launchers at all parades , they are usually especially awaited, this is the famous iskander m missile system, its missile is practically invisible to air defense systems .
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of which there is just over an hour left. and all the country celebrates the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the first festive events took place in kamchatka and the far east. next, siberia took on a festive atmosphere in novosibirsk. in addition to the parade, one of the main events of victory day will be the 77th athletics relay in memory of pilot ace alexander pokryshkin. in omsk, in a soviet park, a record will be set. i will press the barbell, residents and guests of the city will lift a barbell weighing 79 kg 1.418 times according to the number of days of the war, according to
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the number of years that have passed. in hantemansi in the autonomous okrug of ugra, yak aircraft of the barsa aerobatic team from surgut will fly with portraits of heroes on their sides over the cities of the region. in the westernmost region of the country, kaliningrad, the column of military equipment will be led by the legendary t-34 tank, which took part in the assault on koeniksberg in april 1945. in the south of the country in crimea, a copy will be unloaded onto mount aipetra. in the victory banner of the assault flag of the 150th order of kutuzov, second degree, idridsky infantry division. in the north caucasus in kislovodsk they will lay an alley of their own, which will be dedicated fighter fighters special military operation. in donbass and novorosiya, due to possible provocations from the ukrainian army , in-person ceremonial marches with the participation of the military are not taking place. they are not taking place yet, but various festive
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events and promotions are planned. so in donetsk today they will dance the victory waltz, and at one of the memorials in memory of the victims of the crimes of nazi germany there will be a candlelight vigil. in the lugansk people's republic, the head of the executive committee of the popular front, mikhail kuznetsov, handed over a particle of eternal flame from alexandrovsky garden in the stanitsa-lugansk municipal district. in the kherson region, flowers will be laid at the monument to the unknown soldier. in melitopol they will show a broadcast of the victory parade on red square in berdyansk. motor rally, and now to another point on red square, perhaps the most beautiful, now my colleague alexandra suvova is there. alexandra, i greet you on the holiday, tell me what you see right now at these moments? tatyana, greetings, congratulations on the holiday, and this the most beautiful point, we talk about this every year, but today is probably also the coldest due to the wind, because we are at the height of a seven-story building, of course.
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it opens amazingly, because behind me are both makhovaya street and the alexander garden, where today, immediately after the parade, vladimir putin, together with his colleagues, heads of other states, will lay flowers at the grave of the dishonest soldier. further, manege square, columns have already been lined up here since the morning, not only the equipment that will go further to red square, but of course the equipment that is a backup in case of any malfunctions, it is standing right here nearby, and of course at... tsetverskaya from 6:30 in the morning equipment began to arrive here on the neighboring roofs, we i’m not alone here, my colleagues, our journalists, are working, also from other russia-1 channels, literally to my left, and of course the most important thing, probably the most spectacular part of the parade, which i want to talk about, standing on perhaps one of the most high points here today, that's for sure the aviation part, it is tentatively planned that it will be there, usually meteorologists always say that literally, given
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the current weather... conditions, the situation can definitely be resolved, literally in an hour, already since it remains, i think in the next few minutes we will understand, will aviation be part of the parade this year, given that we have already seen during the dress rehearsal the figures that will be shown here, then at the beginning nine planes will fly by, these are russian vitezi and swifts, they will fly in the shape of a rhombus, these are cuban diamonds , and the peculiarity that our planes are made, this is due to the fact that at a very short distance between themselves there are different types of aircraft, these are light fighters, mik-28, mik-29 guards, but also the su-35 - these are heavy multifunctional aircraft, already six more planes will fly behind them, they will paint the sky in the colors of the russian tricolor, it will be visible here on tver and of course on the main red
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square, and they will fly further here over the capital, so far the plans are what we plan to see here, this is how it will change will the situation be necessary today? weather conditions so that at high speed, let me remind you that planes fly at speeds from 200 to 550 km/h, all this beauty flashed by here, so we continue to monitor how things are developing, here in fact on the manege square, nearby , or rather above it, and we’ll tell you about what other changes will happen before... closer to the beginning of the victory parade, let me remind you, at 10:00, while i give the floor to tatyana studio. yes, alexandra, thank you, of course, you have one of the best points for observing the events of today, in direct communication my colleague alexandra suvorova was with the studio in the very center of moscow. well, we are taking up the baton from the broadcast, darya kozlova and georgy podgorny are working for you. on victory day, we are broadcasting from an absolutely special place.


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