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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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ruslan ilyazov, who was awarded a medal for courage. in front of the stands is a parade squad of the escort department of the federal penitentiary service under the command of major of the internal service, vasily matveev. his grandfathers vasily matveev and ivan yakovlev fought from the first days of the war, fought for stalingrad, both reached berlin. the parade squad of the regional branch is on the march.
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this is russia 24, we work from the hall of fame of the victory museum. the whole country is celebrating the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the first festive events took place in the far east. next, siberia took over the festive baton. the main parade of the country will begin in moscow.
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to the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden, then a gala reception will be held in the kremlin, also today the russian leader will hold bilateral negotiations with the leaders of foreign states who arrived at the victory parade in moscow, these are the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea bessau, now we are just seeing the broadcast , footage from the center of moscow, how the cortege arrives, this is one of the leaders of the state who will be received today participation in the victory parade, and this is the president of guinea, bisao. and he arrived in moscow the day before, his name is marusi soquimbala, by the way, he will stay in moscow in russia until may 10 and will take part in the victory parade and he also has a number of bilateral meetings planned, as part of his visit there will even be negotiations with vladimir putin are envisaged; it is planned that at the meeting the issues of strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the trade, economic and international spheres will be discussed.
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city ​​level, of course, in baikanur. during the great patriotic war, kazakhstan was part of the soviet union, and of course, participated in the fight against the anti-hitler coalition, and entered the war from the moment the army of nazi germany invaded. 1,200,000 natives of kazakhstan went to the front and more than 600,000 of them died on the war fronts. warriors of kazakhstan took part in all battles. over 100 thousand soldiers born in kazakhstan were awarded honorary awards of the soviet union, military orders, and medals of the ussr. 500 people were awarded the highest state award heroes of the soviet union, who were born in kazakhstan. but i would like to add, of course, despite the fact that there are no parades in kazakhstan, we are happy to welcome the leaders of this country. yes, so here we are. participation in the summit
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of the eurasian economic union, they were just discussing issues of cooperation, sadyr japarov arrived in moscow on may 7, may 8, as i already said, there was an international meeting of eac leaders, today sadyr japarov is taking part in the victory parade. sadyr japarov has already congratulated his compatriots on victory day of the great patriotic war. the leader of kyrgyzstan noted, that this date is especially significant for the soviet people who... and as brothers, as siblings, god and god fought during the great patriotic war against fascism, more than 150 thousand kyrgyz officers and soldiers were awarded honorary titles of awards of the soviet union. well, of course, i would like to draw parallels between our history and
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today, how relevant are today’s relationships, the economic potential that our countries are developing, and of course in the post-soviet space, the contribution that is now being made. toby our countries in a common cause within the framework of eurasian economic cooperation, cooperation, developing all the necessary connections that exist along this path, and also today, of course, sadyr japarov, the guest of honor, the guest of honor, who will also participate today in watching the victory parade , and after that they, together with all the leaders of the state who are invited today to this parade, alexander garden in order to lay flowers to the eternal flame. today there will be nine state leaders in the stands, but we have already seen the arrival of the leaders of guinea bissau, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, six presidents will still arrive, in total on red square, today in the stands, i don’t count now, of course, the participants in the victory parade directly, there will be more than 9,000 participants,
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there will be more than one and a half thousand people in the stands on red square, and of course we are waiting for everyone, we are waiting for the arrival of each motorcade on our air and... we will talk about it directly, so, if, if we talk about how the preparation for the victory parade is going, as you could see in our broadcast, our colleagues work there, who are from literally every country of the red square, we monitor how the equipment is assembled, we monitor how it goes directly to the parade site, which is already less than half an hour away, more than twenty, too, too , a little more.
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occupied by japanese troops, since this state, like other states of southeast asia, was militaristic japan, and of course, laos also really became a tragedy for them, this is the occupation of militaristic japan in those years, and i think that the president of laos will give a speech today. will issue a telegram of congratulations on this memorable date of the end of the great
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patriotic war, well, i would like to talk about the leader of one state who will not be able to attend today, for example, that russia’s merits in victory in the second world war are beyond doubt, even in conditions when attempts are being made to rewrite history in the world, the head of the north korean republic, kemchinin, stated this in a telegram to the russian president, well, now let’s turn our attention to our screens, performing... in order to participate in events, ceremonial events dedicated to the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory,
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naturally, he was in moscow yesterday, we could see him at he took part in eurasian, eurasian, supreme eurasian council, anniversary, which took place yesterday in the kremlin, and also discussed a lot of bilateral topics that are so close to tajikistan and russia, during the great patriotic war it is worth noting that... crews who are already preparing for the parade, which will take place in 18 minutes,
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we have exactly 18 minutes left before the parade on red square, while there is time, i would like to say how moscow has really transformed today, the truly festive mood in the russian capital is you can feel it when you drive along the road, despite the weather, despite the cold, the snow that fell, these digital screens that were placed along the roads today, the flags. and i saw that on the digital screens there were portraits of our ancestors, participants the great patriotic war, portraits of heroes of the soviet union, now we have a new motorcade arriving, so let’s see what kind of state this is, unfortunately, turkmenestan, if i’m not mistaken, georgy, and if sevdar berdamukhamedov, the president of turkmenistan, also flew to moscow. on may 8, it is worth noting that when vladimir putin invited serdar berdomukhomedov to
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a ceremonial event, he stated that the bonds of fraternal friendship declared during the great patriotic war would remain a reliable basis for the development of relations between our countries and peoples, here i would like to add that if we talk about the historical context, about 300,000 turkmen citizens, soldiers and officers, fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war, near moscow, stalingrad, kursk, in the caucasus, in the countries of eastern europe, now on our screens we see that... once again high-ranking guests arrive at the parade site on red square, we see the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin, who also greets mikhail mishustin, the acting prime minister, everyone is gradually taking their places in anticipation of the main parade of the country, which will begin literally very soon, 15 minutes remain, and a new motorcade is now arriving, we will now see which of the leaders is again, and this is the leader of the club, miguel diaz kanel, yes. cuba entered the second world war in december 1941, and little
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is said about it now, but cuba was also an active participant in the anti-hitler coalition; it entered the war 2 days after the japanese struck pearl harbor, which really became disastrous, destructive for the us navy, it was the cubans who ensured the safety of those convoys that passed through the caribbean sea, because there was action in the caribbean sea.
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yes, deputy dmitry medvedev is on our edvedev and next to valentin matvienka valentina so valentina matvienko now , unfortunately, we don’t see what’s happening, but we see the stands, the guests of honor have taken their places in the stands, as i already said, 1,500 people are now in the stands, these include veterans of the great war and veterans of a special military operation, but distinguished fighters. those warriors, fighters who received the title of hero of russia during a special military operation, they will march in a separate box along red square today and will also take part in the main parade of the country. unfortunately, it must be stated that those veterans who, during the war years, provided our today, our today, our
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future with heroic deeds, there are fewer and fewer of them left, and the state is doing everything possible to help them, and... we are already heard from speeches those who were able to reach this day, about the feat they accomplished, these are absolutely incredible people, incredible depth, incredible range, we see vladimir putin on our screens,
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shavkat mirziyoyev is arriving now, the president of uzbekistan is arriving now. the day before , the president of uzbekistan arrived and took part in the eac summit, and today he will also watch
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the parade on red square.
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with other high-ranking guests who dmitry medvedev, as everything is ready for the victory parade, is less than 10 minutes remain, as even you correctly noted, yeah, just a couple of minutes ago we saw how vladimir putin met all the high-ranking guests, all the leaders, leaders of other states who were invited and came to the parade on red square, what i wanted to say, state , what a really special atmosphere today.
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dmitry peskov said earlier that the weather would not interfere with the aerial part of the parade, but we see that the weather does not plan to interfere, indeed, it is very sunny, very clear, everything is conducive to today we saw the skill of our aerobatic teams of the russian knights swifts, who will fly over the center of moscow today. and now, of course, we are waiting for the aerial part of the parade, whether it will happen or not, and indeed there is some symbolism in the weather, which is now clearly changing.
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also, to keep warm while waiting for the parade to start, many today either marched or even squatted, many sang, lifting their
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spirits and trying to warm themselves up a little with a song. by the way, there were very different traditional war songs sung here katyusha, modern, for example, viktor tsoi’s blood type sounded, and a different repertoire, but invariably a great mood, the guests of the parade today, of course, also prepared, it is clear that everyone looked at the weather forecast, everyone dressed very warmly, the guests are sure to be given warm blankets for this to prevent them from freezing here, veterans are actually met and escorted to their places by volunteers, this happens to everyone. the troops of the moscow garrison are lined up for the parade, colonel general ramanchuk, war, war!
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yes, yes, i hear it. so we see how straight now the leaders are heading from the kremlin straight here, to red square, to the podium, from which, in fact, they will watch today’s parade. only a few minutes left. before it starts, i will remind you that at exactly 10:00, with the tenth strike of the kremlin chimes , the banners will be carried out onto red square, now they are ready, this is the traditional russian tricolor and the banner of victory, in fact, this is where the parade traditionally begins, leaders like we see right now on our screens, they are going straight to the podium on red square, vladimir
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putin is walking next to kubinsky. a state seemingly very distant, nevertheless, honoring history and preferring not to rewrite it, which, unfortunately, is done very often today. we see that vladimir putin is now climbing the stairs to the podium, he has a st. george ribbon, like practically, well, probably everyone who is here now, every guest of today’s parade, we see that the president greets both military personnel and a veteran,
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veterans squeeze him. there will be footage in which it will be more understandable, but we can probably assume that these are, of course, words of greeting, that these are words of congratulations on today’s holiday, and of course, on the inauguration ceremony , on the victory in the last presidential elections, many veterans, by the way, are actively they voted on them and said that today it is of particular importance to support the current course, precisely because the current day so rhymes with
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events. says moscow shows, listen, watch red square, victory parade!


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