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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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says moscow shows, listen, watch red square, victory parade!
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it's time to fly the russian national flag. federation and the banner of victory to attention for a meeting on the left on the edge, military personnel of the honor guard bring the russian state flag onto red square.
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“sacred, this is a relic that was handed down to us by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave their lives for the sake of the world of our future. the banner group includes the best military personnel of the 154th separate commandant’s preobrazhensky regiment, the right to fly the flag of the russian federation.
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varad! to meet on the left! on the crow! to the sounds of a counter march, the minister of defense of the russian federation, hero of russia, army general, heads towards the center.
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in accordance with the procedure for holding a military parade, the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief
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of the ground forces begin a tour of the parade squads of the moscow garrison troops. today they are taking part in the solemn event. over 9,000 military personnel, including more than a thousand participants in a special military operation. defense minister sergei shaigu and parade commander oleg solyukov sent to greet students of the military academy of land search, cadets of the military university and military academy of logistics. hello comrade, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic
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war. hurray! over the course of many years of history, the ground forces have reliably stood guard over the fatherland. the ground warriors, as in the harsh years of the great patriotic war, step by step liberate the world from the minions of neo-nazism and international terrorism, while showing courage, bravery and an unbending will to win, acting coherently and decisively, in the most difficult conditions. hello comrades, i congratulate you on the 79th
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anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, hurray! the minister of defense congratulated the parade crews of the aerospace forces on victory day. pilot. congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary
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of the victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! the minister of defense welcomed the parade crews of the military police, the search for radiation, chemical and biological protection, the russian guard, the fsb and the ministry of emergency situations of russia, kremlin. hello comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, minister of defense. happy victory day parade crews of the strategic missile forces
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of the airborne forces. hello comrades, i would like to be a minister. congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the minister of defense welcomed the parade crews of the participants in the special military operation, the navy of the mikhailovsky military artillery academy all-russian cas.
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comrade supreme commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of the russian federation. the troops of the moscow garrison are ready for the victory ceremony. army general shaigu. dear citizens of russia, dear veterans, comrade soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, and warrant officers, comrades, officers, generals and admirals, soldiers, commanders,
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front-line soldiers, heroes of a special military operation, i congratulate you on victory day, on our most important, truly -a national, sacred holiday, we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they protected. land crushed nazism, liberated the peoples of europe, and reached the heights of military labor valor. today we...
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are exceptional, we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west,
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they would like to forget the lessons of world war ii, but we remember the fate of humanity. was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. the first three, long, most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union, all the republics of the former soviet union, practically one. they fought the nazis alone, while almost all of europe worked for the military might of the wehrmacht. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: russia has never downplayed the importance of the second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of
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the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the chinese people who fought. today, on victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly and invariably look up to the generation of winners, brave, noble, wise, but their ability to cherish friendship, to endure adversity with steadfastness, to always be self-confident in their country,
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to sincerely selflessly love their homeland. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation; all its participants, those on the front line on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we bow to your perseverance sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you, our veterans believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies. and the feat indestructibly binds the generation of heroes of the fatherland. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war. in memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, husbands, wives,
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brothers, sisters, relatives. friends, we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us, to the memory of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades who fell in the fight against neo-nazism, in a righteous battle for russia. a minute of silence is announced.
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thank you. our dear veterans, comrades, friends, may 9 is always a very
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emotional, poignant day; every family honors its heroes, peers at photographs of dear, beloved faces, remembers relatives, their stories about how they fought, how they worked. victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our age-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people. glory to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory.
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barakhmirna for the christmas march. at one linear distance, the first
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battalion straight, the rest, to the right, on the shoulder. turning to the right, marching in steps, leading the solemn passage of the parade squads.
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since 1940, parades on red square have been opened by a company of drummers from the moscow military music school named after lieutenant general valery khalilov, the parade crew is commanded by the chief schools, honored artist of russia colonel alexander gerasimov, young musicians. set the pace and rhythm of the movement of the parade units, banner groups with the state flag of the russian federation, the victory banner and the banner of the armed forces of russia pass past the stands, the banner groups are accompanied by an honorary guard of the 154th separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment, representing three types of armed forces: ground forces,
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students on the march moscow suvorov military school commands the parade squad colonel igor ekimov. this year the school celebrates its eightieth anniversary. three graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero during a special military operation. in russia, on red square, the students of the tver suvorov military school are led by colonel sergei tunden in the parade formation for their contribution to the education of the younger generation, the school was awarded the order of honor on the paving stones of red square by
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the kaliningradskogovsky parade squad. students are trained under the leadership of captain first rank nikolai davbeshka kronshtat naval cadet military corps. the cadet's dream is to become carnal officers; on the march, representatives of the all-russian military-patriotic social movement yunarmiya are led by the head of the main headquarters of the movement, olympic champion nikita nagorny. young army members actively help and
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support veterans. letters from participants in a special military operation serve as an example for their peers. under the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, odessa during the great patriotic war a parade squad of participants in a special military operation is taking place, with a hero at the head of the formation. russian lieutenant colonel evgeny khabarov, every serviceman of the parade squad, is an example of personal courage and bravery. there are seven heroes of the russian federation, 24 holders of the order of courage. students of the combined arms academy are on the march.
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