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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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on the march, students of the combined arms academy of the armed forces of the russian federation.
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cadets of the prince alexander nevsky military university, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, are passing by the stands ; the head of the university, lieutenant general igor mishutkin, heads the parade squad. today the university is a multidisciplinary educational institution, the successor of six academies and military schools. among the university graduates are heroes of russia, on red square, the military academy of logistics named after army general khrulev, at the head of the parade formation was major general igor goryainov. the academy has been training officers for more than 120 years. logistics
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support, nine academy graduates were awarded the title of hero of russia for their exploits during a special military operation. in parade formation are cadets of the mikhailovsky military artillery academy, the main forge of personnel for artillery and missile units. the parade crew is in charge. among the academy's graduates are 163 heroes of the soviet union and the russian federation. on red square, a parade squad of female military personnel is headed by lieutenant colonel maria vasilyeva. the crew includes future specialists from the communications forces, radiation, chemical and biological protection, and psychologists. and translators, lawyers and
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financial professionals. on the march, ceremonial crews of the aerospace forces are opened by officers and cadets of the zhukovsky and gagarin air force academy. at the head of the parade squad is the head of the academy, colonel general gennady zebrov. academy graduates continue glorious traditions of their predecessors.
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on red square there are parade crews of the navy, in front are cadets of the baltic higher naval school named after admiral.
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cadets of the higher naval engineering school are passing by the stands; the formation is headed by the head of the school, captain of the first rank andrei klimenko. the educational institution is the first naval and engineering university in the world. 38 graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and the russian federation. a naval parade parades across red square corps of peter the great, commanded by the head of the corps, captain of the first rank, oleg ignasyuk. today, cadets continue the tradition of their predecessors,
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following the motto: honor to service to the fatherland, loyalty. on the march, cadets of the pacific higher naval school named after. schools of 18 heroes of the soviet union and the russian federation, three commanders-in-chief of the russian navy. on red square, the parade squad of the academy of strategic missile forces named after peter the great, at the head of the parade formation, chief academy general
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it is headed by colonel sergei semyonovich, and command engineering personnel emerge from the walls of the educational institution to operate mobile ground-based missile systems. on red square there is the front door of the crew office.
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on the march, the moscow border institute of the fsb of russia, the parade squad is headed by the head of the institute, major general mikhail chepik, graduates of the institute stand guard over the state border of our homeland, ensuring it inviolably. on red square , cadets of the military academy of radiation, chemical and biological defense named after marshal timoshenko, headed by the head of the academy, lieutenant general igor
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emelyanov. during a special military operation, four academy graduates were awarded the title of hero of russia. soldiers of the thirty-eighth separate railway brigade, led by colonel igor orlov, walk past the stands. today, railway warriors are restoring railways in the zone of a special military operation and ensuring uninterrupted advancement into military echelons. on the march, military personnel police of the armed forces of the russian federation. the parade line is headed by lieutenant colonel roman dunin. military police honorably perform the tasks of maintaining law and order in the zone of special military operation. on red square, the parade squad
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of the orders of zhukov and the red star, the academy of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, is headed by the chief. on the march, military personnel of the separate operational division named after tsershinsky of the russian national guard troops are led by the division commander, major general nikolai kuznetsov. this year the illustrious unit turns 100 years old for its services in ensuring law and order and public safety in the zone of special military operation, the division was awarded.
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the all-russian cossack society represents the parade squad of the cossacks of the all-great don army, led by cossack general vitaly kuznetsov. more than 30 thousand cossack volunteers are fighting in the special military operation zone. for courage and heroism , seven were awarded the title. hero of russia. the cadets complete the walking part of the parade the famous moscow higher combined arms command school. the kremlin's parade squad is commanded by colonel yaroslav glodkikh. over its hundred-year history , more than 60,000 officers for the ground forces have been trained within the walls of the school. many of them became military leaders of the highest rank. today, in the sleep of a special military
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operation, units and military units led by kremlin officers are successfully solving their assigned tasks. for their courage, perseverance and unbending will to win, more than 5,000 school graduates awarded state awards. 17 were awarded the title of russian hero. musicians clear red square for the passage of military equipment. the musical accompaniment of the parade is provided by a combined military orchestra. moscow garrison under the leadership of the chief military conductor, honored
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artist of russia, major general timofey mayakin. on red square there are parade crews of a mechanized column. it consists of 61 units of military equipment in service with the russian army. according to tradition, opens passage of equipment of the legendary tank of the great patriotic war t-34 under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army, commanded by a crew of thirty-four , senior lieutenant alexander vorobyov. on red square there is a column of universal
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multi-purpose armored vehicles tigr-m and multi-purpose armored vehicles of the ural military-industrial complex with additional protection of the 16th guards special purpose brigade, commanded by captain alexander stoyanov. samples presented on red square for the first time special armored kamaz vehicles with a 4x4 wheel arrangement from protected lens ambulances, designed to solve the problems of comprehensive search and evacuation of personnel from the battlefield, are headed by captain airad rakhmatullin.
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on red square, a column of armored , protected special vehicles based on a kamaz vehicle, designed to transport personnel in combat areas and provide fire support in the special operations zone at the head of the parade calculation.
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on the march, a column of s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile systems, 549 order of lenin, red banner anti-aircraft missile regiment of the russian aerospace forces, is led by major akhmed maysigov. the combat characteristics of the complex are complicated. strategic missile forces, a mechanized column
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consisting of autonomous launchers of the yars 54 missile system passes past the stands . russian federation. wheeled armored personnel carriers on the boomerang platform with flags of the branches of the armed forces of the russian federation.
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above red square, the famous cuban diamond consisting of nine su-30 sm and mig-29 aircraft of the russian knights and
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swifts aerobatic teams is headed by colonel andrei alekseevich. the sky above red square lights up with the colors of the state. the russian federation has six zu25 bm attack aircraft , headed by lieutenant colonel vladimir mordov.
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at the end of the parade, military musicians from the combined orchestra will perform the song “native country.” it’s not for nothing that you and i are together, not without reason, at all times hay, victory, battles come, native,
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fatherland, native country, native country, we sing in praise. rebirth, native country. a military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war is taking place. to the sounds of the farewell of the slavs march, the orchestra leaves red square. the victory parade is over, long live the 79th anniversary
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of the great victory! glory to the veterans of the great patriotic war! congratulations to all russians on this great holiday! this was, perhaps, the most unusual parade in all 79 years since the end of the great patriotic war war, such a snowy may 9th. we definitely haven’t seen yet, just as we haven’t seen marching columns, literally under the snow, we see that now the president, together with the acting
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minister of defense sergei shaigu, are leaving the podium, the parade is officially completed, however, there is another very important part of this special for history ahead our country's day, of course, the laying of flowers in alexandrovsky district
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was received by veterans after this parade, it is obvious that we will find out about this by talking with them ourselves, a little later, when the official part of today's events is completed, right now in the stands, all the people have stood up, everyone is now filming what is happening on red square on their phones, however, it was similar during the parade, which you saw, as always spectacular, as always very. .. bright and even the aviation part, which in general, i must say honestly, we did not expect, we hear shouts of hurray,
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in fact, hurray, it was for the russian president, sitting in the stands, seeing that the head of state stood up and walked past them, just him thus greeted, obviously, including... express solidarity with the words that the president said today, speaking on red square, speaking at the podium, speaking about the significance of this day about how amazingly , almost eight decades after the victory of the great patriotic war history has repeated itself, how again russia is forced to fight against fascism, to fight against nazism, against neo-nazism in modern times, and that the outcome of this battle will be exactly the same as it once was, that... victory will be inevitable and of course it will be for us, but for this, of course, great efforts need to be made, not only by the military, but by the entire
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country, as well as... and the central podium, and of course, each of them probably shares the point of view about how dangerous it is to rewrite history , how important it is today not to forget it, by the way, vladimir putin also spoke about this from the podium today. however, for those who closely follow the president’s speeches on victory day, today’s speech had one distinctive feature, perhaps, always the head of state
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talked about the contribution. and of course, the feat of the allies and their contribution to the victory should not be forgotten, but apparently it is not worth exaggerating, also in the current situation, when i say again, history repeats itself, it is obvious that it was these accents that the head of state considered it necessary to place once again, until no one leaves red square, the stands are still as crowded as it was during the parade, we see that the head
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of state, vladimir putin is now... communicating with the cuban leader, a translator is helping them, of course, it is obvious that they say including about today's parade on red square, which was as spectacular as possible, despite the fact that for the last 3 years there has not been as much equipment as there was in the days before the special military operation, there is not much equipment in the mechanized column, but this goes without saying, understandable, of course, today this technology is much more important at the front.
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however, none of them looked scared, none of them looked frozen, on the contrary, most of them , arriving at red square, first of all tried to have time to take a photo before as they take their places on the podium, it is obvious that the african continent today is one of the most dynamically developing in the world, and the focus of attention, of course, is now on africa, and we see what kind of struggle for africa is taking place, including in european countries that. ..
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continuing our movement towards the alexander garden. vladimir putin exchanged a few words with the leader of tajikistan, emali rakhmon. right now the heads of state are entering the alexander garden. i will remind you, traditionally, immediately after the end of the parade on krasnaya squares, where flowers are laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier to the steles of the cities of heroes. and this part of today's ceremony always has too. great value.


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