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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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now from the central stand they are still continuing their movement towards the alexander garden. vladimir putin exchanged a few words with the leader of tajikistan, emali rakhmon. right now the heads of state are entering the alexander garden. let me remind you that traditionally, immediately after the end of the parade on red square, flowers are laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier, ixtelom of the hero cities. and that's part.
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so, we saw that the leaders laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, the faces of the heads of state were very expressive, standing at this eternal fire, at the slab on which your name is written, it is unknown, your feat. death, immediately after this the presidents laid flowers at the masters of the hero cities, at the stele of sevastopol, and i will remind you that may 9 marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation, the complete liberation of sevastopol from the nazi invaders and the head
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of state has already sent a telegram of congratulations to the residents this great city of hero, city of incredible history, incredible glory.
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we saw the honor guard company pass with a solemn march through the alexander garden, past those very steles, cities, heroes, once the cities of one big country, which together, by joining forces, having accomplished an incredible feat, won a victory over nazism, a victory over evil, which, as it seemed, would never happen again,
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many of guests today believed that it goes without saying that in the current weather,
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such windy, low clouds, very changeable, cold, snowy, planes would not even be able to take off in a way that would be safe for them and for the guests today's event, but fortunately they did it and we had the opportunity to observe the tricolor in the sky over red square,
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the snow begins again, as it begins, it must be said in the alexander garden,
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apparently, the weather surprises for today are not over yet, but i must say that, of course, this snow certainly does not interfere with the mood of the guests of today’s parade, if even before the start of the parade we were afraid that maybe for some the atmosphere would not be festive enough, because of course in order to... sit in the open air, here at the kremlin walls, for more than an hour, well, the weather, let’s say, is not very favorable, especially since people with children also came here, but now we can absolutely say that the weather did not interfere with anything, that the weather did not spoiled neither the mood nor the holiday, made certain adjustments, of course, it became a bright touch of today, that’s absolutely true, the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, we will, of course, remember as perhaps the snowiest may 9th, but nevertheless, fortunately the holiday was not disrupted,
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we are celebrating the holiday today and will, of course, celebrate it all day long. there are a lot of events today, and they are taking place all over the country, in all cities, without exception, we saw parades in various cities on our broadcast today, we saw events that are taking place, volunteer actions, actions of social movements, and we saw congratulations to veterans, we saw songs of victory that are being played and of course will be heard, we are of course waiting for the traditional festive evening fireworks.
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they put traitors and accomplices on the peedistals nazis, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis are part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts. interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of any state or alliance to exclusivity, we know what this leads to the exorbitance of such ambitions. these same unnamed, but completely obvious
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states and alliances, claiming exclusivity, have recently taken on more and more new ones. and new heights of escalation, more and more new threats are heard, of course, against russia and the head of state, of course, could not help but respond to these same threats, noting that the country will do everything to prevent a global clash, but its strategic keeps his strength in full readiness. russia will do everything to prevent a global clash. but then at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us; our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west, they would like to forget the lessons of world war ii, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev,
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stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev. in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. traditionally, speaking on red square on may 9, the head of state notes the contribution to the overall victory of the allies, but today a new shade has appeared in his speech, because despite the fact that this very contribution of the allies, the country, as before, will remember and honor, it is very important not to forget that the first three terrible military...
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operations, this is the thesis that is heard in every speech he made on may 9, starting in 2022 year, and it sounds very simple: each of those who defend their homeland today is a real hero. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation; all its participants, those on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we bow to yours.
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people of russia and belarus. considering that belarus was the first to take the blow that came with the beginning of the great patriotic war. yes. these were the images we saw live from the kremlin. we have now completed our broadcast from the center of the russian capital. and what i wanted to say is that now you see on your screens the names of the hero cities. 12 cities of heroes bresse fortress. which, as you already noted, georgy, was the first to take the blow of the fascist troops in the early morning of june 22, 1941 and the brest fortress was awarded the title
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of hero fortress, here are the names of the cities of heroes of the hero fortress won here in the hall of fame in the victory museum, from where we are broadcasting our festive broadcast today, but a few details about the parade itself, we wondered for a long time, it was clear whether there would be an air... there won’t be a parade, but it still happened. we have a correspondent working in kubinka, who could see with his own eyes the takeoff, the takeoff of swifts, the takeoff of vityaz, we have the opportunity to contact him. stanislav bernwald works in kubinka. stas, do you hear? are you us? stas, we welcome you. so, please tell us what happened at the moment of takeoff, how many journalists came to see it, in general, what feelings did you experience at that moment when our aircraft departed towards red square? hello, colleagues, happy holiday, happy victory day for everyone, a truly significant day for all
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of russia, well, it’s worth saying that we... are at the kubinka military airfield, until the last moment it was unclear whether the air unit would take place, the point is that the weather doesn’t whisper at all, it’s really not may at all, and last night, as you know, there was heavy snowfall in moscow, there was a blizzard, this morning it rained, literally 15 minutes before the start of the parade, and it was reported that the air unit after all, the planes of our aerobatic air groups, the russians, you see, are on the ground. 35 seconds from the swift at instant-29, they just landed, here is instant-29 behind me, you can see that now the pilots are talking to the press, telling how this flight went, well, it’s worth saying that nine planes are passing over moscow, passed over moscow, red square rhombus, officially this aerobatic maneuver is called the cuban diamond, not
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to be confused with the cuban diamond. kubinsky, because it is the kubinka military airfield, where our own aerobatic teams are based, the uniqueness of the diamond is not that nine planes fly on one, in the same formation at short intervals between themselves, but because the mig light fighters form a single formation 29 and heavy multifunctional su-35, aircraft with various flight characteristics characteristics. the second group is front-line bombers, in combination. six russian tricolor, you saw, on board, each pair paints the sky in its own color, everyone writes together, over the moscow sky how it happened, now the weather is changing, that is, as the pilots say, they managed to hit the spot in that gap, which was necessary, and indeed, it
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was... very cool to watch from here from the kubinka military airfield how - the guys went out onto the taxiway, how they lined up - got into formation, how they took off, then there was a flight here over kubinka, and , of course, an enchanting return, this also had to be seen, because the guys dispersed in groups, then performed several aerobatic maneuvers here, well, apparently too... such training exercises are no longer for the general public, so apparently for ourselves, in order to hone some elements, now we are seeing that the pilots have approached the press, are communicating, and it is worth saying that i will remind you once again that until the last minute it was not known whether there would be the aerial part of the parade, well, of course today there was no
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helicopter in such an abbreviated version. but nevertheless, now is such a time , our most important aircraft have come out, shown their class and really captures and takes pride in our aviation, in our aerospace forces, in our army, we continue here in kubinka to monitor what is happening, colleagues, i congratulate everyone on this great in the afternoon, happy victory day to all of us, all russians, the whole world - this is truly the most... probably the main holiday for millions and millions of russians and people all over the world. stanislav, thank you, we we join in the congratulations on this great day, victory day, the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. our correspondent stanislav bernwald is now working at the kubinka airfield, and he witnessed with his own eyes the moment when they took off
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. our aerobatic teams, russian vetyazis and guards, who showed, today in the sky over moscow, truly the highest skill, i hastened to say a few minutes before the parade that it is indeed very clear, the sun is shining, the weather is favorable in order for the aviation part to take place, but we saw how the weather changed literally every 10-15 minutes from the sun, gusts of wind, snow, snow, but still the air part of the parade took place. dash, we have it now. the opportunity to move to another point, which was extremely important for the preparation of this parade, namely the intercession cathedral, and our colleague, maria kudryavtseva, works there, so she had the opportunity to first meet all the participants in the parade calculations, and then, of course, conduct them. maria, tell me how it feels was what was happening there, you may have already seen some interesting technical aspects of those people who were marching while...


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