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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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who watched with his own eyes the moment when our aerobatic teams, russian vetyazis and guards took to the air, who showed truly the highest skill in the sky above moscow today, i hastened to say a few minutes before the parade that it is indeed very clear, the sun is shining , the weather was favorable for the aviation part to take place, but the weather changed literally every 10-15. from the sun to gusts of wind, snow, blizzard, but still the aerial part of the parade took place. dash, we now have the opportunity to move to another point, which was extremely important in the preparation of this parade, namely the intercession cathedral, and our colleague, maria kudryavtseva, works there, so she had the opportunity to first meet all the participants in the parade crews, and then, of course , carry them out. maria, tell us what it was like, what was happening there, you may have already seen some interesting technical aspects of those people who were marching while... colleagues, good afternoon, we are really
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working today at the intercession cathedral and this, perhaps one of the most atmospheric points, from here red square is in full view, but at the same time, walking parade crews and columns of equipment passed literally a few meters from us, everything was very clearly visible, and despite the weather, and today we were during the parade we saw the snowstorm and the sun, on the faces of every participant who took a step along the training ground today. concentration and pride in their country, according to the ministry of defense, this year more than 9,000 people and more than 70 pieces of equipment took part in the victory parade, according to tradition at the very beginning the victory banner and the state flag of the russian federation were brought to red square, and today walking crews of military personnel, heroes of a special military operation, as well as cadets of the suvorov, nakhimov, and music schools walked along the paving stones, and of course, one of... the most anticipated units the parade
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is the passage of military equipment, a mechanized column; by tradition , today the legendary tank of the great patriotic war was opened, this is the t-3485, it was put into service in the forty-fourth year and remained the basis of the soviet tank forces army right up to 1950, and i note that in some countries this equipment was in service right up to 2010, but a mechanized column. this year's victory parade is especially interesting in that it allows us to trace the evolution of russian armored vehicles, for example, this year's depute is the lens protected ambulance, this is a technique that helps save the lives of soldiers in hot spots, and also the already familiar participants took to the paving stones, this is the tiger m, this is typhoon k and other armored vehicles, and of course special attention was paid for iskander ms4 missile launchers.
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it is known that the first launch was in 2007, just in may, but today lilacs are blooming near the intercession cathedral, but they are under the snow, and despite such frosts, the weather here today was still very warm and... festive atmosphere , colleagues, yes, thank you, marya kudryavtseva was with us, we congratulate you on the holiday, may 9, the great victory day, let me remind you that maria kudryavtseva works at the intercession cathedral in moscow. well, now the parade is taking place in kaliningrad, the westernmost region of our countries, it started there at 11:00 moscow time, at 10:00 kaliningrad time, now. today we suggest
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watching it, probably yes, these are the shots that you see now on the screens, footage of the parade in kaliningrad, alexey ivanov, over the years of the existence of the educational institution , more than 1900 officers have been trained, many have become admirals and generals, well, they said , now wait. a parade squad of the kaliningrad border institute of the federal security service passes through the square russia, at the head of the border guard formation, the deputy head of the institute, colonel andrei grutko. the institute trains specialists to protect the state border and ensure the security of our homeland.
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the cadets of the kaliningrad branch of the st. petersburg university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, one of the oldest educational institutions in our region, are marching; the head of the branch, a colonel, is leading the line.
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pre-parade crew of the federal penitentiary service of russia for the kaliningrad region, commands the crew deputy head of the department, colonel of the internal service evgeniy putkin. women employees of the federal
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penitentiary service of russia for the kaliningrad region are walking across the square; colonel of the internal service olga apsatarova, granddaughter of private nikolai vaityuk, a participant, is in command. ukraine shows courage, fortitude and heroism. on victory square , sailors from surface ships of the baltic fleet. the parade crew is headed by lieutenant commander evgeniy shestovets, assistant commander of the kalmykia mpk, great-grandson
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junior sergeant afanasy botvenko, who fought in battles from stalingrad to prague. on victory square, personnel of the artillery regiment of the guards motorized rifle division. army corps, the crew is commanded by the deputy regiment commander for weapons, lieutenant colonel yuri varinovsky. since 2023, the regiment's personnel have been taking part in a special military operation, protecting our fellow citizens from the heirs of nazism. on victory square there is a separate bialystok guards order of suvorov, alexander nevsky and zhukov. marine brigade. leading the parade. built by lieutenant colonel sergei markevich. the motto of the marines has always been, where we are, there is victory. the brigade, the successor to the heroic traditions of the 347th infantry regiment, which began its glorious military journey at
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stalingrad, liberated belarus and poland, and ended the war on the elbe. the brigade's unit successfully accomplished combat missions in the north caucasus. peacekeeping tasks in nagorno-karabakh, today baltic marines perform combat service tasks on fleet ships, solve combat missions of the syrian arab republic and part of a special military operation. military equipment is moving into victory square. dear comrades, on the square. victory legendary tank t-34 with the red banner of victory. this 34th army took part in the assault on the city of krepostiksberg. the crew of the tank won five combat victories, including the destruction of
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the fascist self-propelled gun ferdinand. t-34 tanks were in service throughout the great patriotic war, and there was no better one. gas m1 is a soviet passenger car, mass-produced at the gulkovo automobile plant from the thirty-sixth to forty-second year. willys is an all-terrain army vehicle. gas-67 was widely used as a headquarters and reconnaissance aircraft. the pm-13, the famous rocket artillery combat vehicle, is known as the katyusha. zil 157 - soviet and russian. which has become one of the most
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recognizable symbols of the great patriotic war: on victory square there is modern armored military equipment that has successfully proven itself in local conflicts in recent years, including a special military operation. army vehicle tamaz 53501 with armored capsule. armored personnel carrier. btr-82 a. their task is to deliver infantry to the battlefield and support it with fire from standard weapons. imported san mortars, 120 mm caliber, pass by the tribute. mortars are designed to destroy manpower with overhead fire, located openly or located in shelters of fire weapons, command observation posts, weapons and military equipment of the enemy. the maximum firing range is 7 km. during the war, the red army was armed with various artillery systems,
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which today have been replaced by more powerful 152-mm hyacinth cannons, designed to suppress the destruction of enemy manpower, orchid weapons and military equipment on the march, in places of concentration in strongholds. iacinth, possessing great firepower, can be transported to any. distance by any type of transport, capable of performing complex tasks in combined arms combat. the launchers are followed by grad multi-charge divisional multiple launch rocket systems. grandsons of the legendary katyusha rocket launcher, fiery ash which caused horror and panic among the fascist troops, having a firing range of up to 40 km and a significant destruction area. this system has proven itself well during the course. carrying out a special military operation, on victory square, a modern
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self-propelled anti-tank missile system chryzontema, the complex is designed to destroy tanks, engineering and fortifications, helicopters and other armored targets, including in shelters in open areas. fighting machine. has high cross-country ability capable of operating in conditions of damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction. gvozdik's 122-millimeter wolf self-propelled howitzers continue to move across the victory square. the self-propelled artillery unit is designed to compare the destruction of manpower of artillery and mortar batteries, as well as to destroy fortified enemy facilities and support. passages of minefields and field obstacles, increasing the firepower of amphibious assault forces,
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the howitzer is used by artillerymen in the area of ​​a special military operation. on victory square self-propelled artillery mounts mstas, modern russian 152-mm divisional self-propelled howitzers. designed to destroy tactical nuclear weapons systems, artillery and mortar batteries, tanks and other armored vehicles, anti-tank weapons, manpower, air defense and missile defense systems, control posts, as well as the destruction of field fortifications. at victory square, t-72 b3 tanks are the most popular second generation battle tanks. the main
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purpose of these cross combat vehicles is the conduct of active, decisive and dynamic combat operations on land, both offensively and defensively, in any situation. the design of the tank managed to include a significant reserve for modernization and the creation of many special vehicles on its basis. this tank is made for combat. dignity. and now footage of the meeting between the president and military personnel, which took place on may 7 after vladimir putin took office as president of russia.
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see you all at the inauguration events good afternoon, dear comrades, i am very glad to see the president of the russian federation. i would really like for all our comrades to be present at this ceremony. who solve problems within the framework of a special military operation, do not spare their health, and if necessary, give their lives for russia, unfortunately, this is impossible, these are hundreds of thousands of people, but i take this opportunity, through you, i want to convey to them my best wishes, wishes for success victories we have big tasks
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for the development of the country in the economic sphere, which is the basis of all our successes in this. opportunities for all these tasks to be fully realized, but only under we have all the possibilities, all on absolutely one condition, subject to your successful work on the battlefield, this is key. but today, we all understand this, the whole country understands this, so you see, the whole country supports you, we have gathered here today, i asked the minister to gather here leaders, commanders of various units, commanders of regiments, brigades , divisions, armies, the most distinguished behind
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recently during a special military operation, and i want... to thank you personally for your courage, for your ability to command troops, i want to ask you to convey my best wishes to all your subordinates for the combat work that they do in the interests of the fatherland, and we have one comrade among us whose birthday is today, now the cameras will stop working, let me congratulate you.
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conversation about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how is needed to do additional things to ensure that the actions of our combat units are even more successful, that tasks are accomplished with minimal losses, and that we unconditionally achieve all the tasks assigned to us by our homeland, this is what i would like to say at the beginning, is there anything to add? please, if not, then i would ask you, well, just a few words, and then we ’ll ask the camera to leave and we’ll talk in a completely free and frank manner. please, if there is anything, please. generalos, commander of 810, separate guards marine brigade of the black sea fleet. comrade supreme commander-in-chief, at the beginning of the special
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military operation the number of troops - confidently my formation was 2,441 people. this is the path we need to follow, the minister and i talked about this yesterday, we need to transform,
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reorganize the brigade into a division, and build all the command and control bodies accordingly, we’ll do that, yeah, i know about your brigade, it’s always in the news, thank you for your military work, best wishes to all soldiers and officers, yeah. serve in russia. so, anything else please? separate guards special purpose brigade guard colonel malykh. supreme commander-in-chief, russia has historically taken part in many conflicts and hostilities, and as they say, active hostilities are the engine of progress. our divisions have been using active drones for more than a year. uh on the battlefield, we achieved a good, great result and i do not hide the fact that - application, it often
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brings down all the enemy’s attempts actively - to act on one front or another, sections of the front, but uh, as i already said, development is moving forward, uh, there is a need to consider the issue of implementation, and uh, maybe the production was of an aircraft type with fpv carriers just for drones, then there is a so -called matka aviamatka, this will increase, firstly, the range of use, and secondly, it will be both a reconnaissance weapon, a means of fire destruction, and a means of abetin control, that is, it will carry three components in one, plus everything this will increase the unit's firepower. therefore, i would like this, so to speak, direction to be developed. firstly, you just mentioned
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that russia participated in many conflicts, defending its interests, and this is true, and the most significant event for us, at least for our generations, is the great patriotic war. the day after tomorrow we celebrate a holiday, victory day, i want to congratulate you. with the approaching holidays, this is what i want to note, well, in different ways, in different situations, different people talk about it all the time us, about our contemporaries, about younger generations, about young people, but when difficult times come, i remember this over the past couple of decades, such times have come for us, we all know about it, you do n’t even have to remember it, but when difficult key moments come, the russian people show their best qualities and courage and heroism, regardless of
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age, this, apparently, is us in the region, this is what is happening now as part of a special military operation on the field battle, the best proof is that first of all i am addressing you, you, your subordinates, worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers... who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war and defended their homeland, now we know about cases of courageous heroism, and this is not from case to case these cases occur, and this is on a constant basis practically and this is extremely important, this is one of the key conditions for our victory, there is no doubt about it, and as for today, of course modern means... of armed struggle are changing very much with a big speed, and if we want to be successful, we must always be one step ahead, do
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we always succeed in this? probably not, we know that , and you know, this is better than anyone else, the enemy has enough of these modern means, because, because, well, the entire western community is working for our enemy, which. .. they see that russia in its present, in its present form no longer exists, they set themselves this goal, i have already said publicly, apparently they believe that in the system of confrontation that they for themselves they create, russia was a weak point, a weak link, i’m sure they were convinced that this is far from true, far from true, rather the opposite is true, but in order to be successful, we need to be... i repeat once again, our step is ahead in high technologies, and of course, those tasks that quite recently we thought so, and indeed everyone all over the world thought that could
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only be solved exclusively with the help of... uh, let’s say, aviation complexes, yes, now they are being solved - with small means, but with great, with great effect, we have learned this to do, we are doing this, this concerns reconnaissance, this concerns strike weapons, this concerns many other tasks, there are a lot of them, in the rear they can be solved with the help of drones on the field on the line of combat contact. we work in different areas, there are also special research institutions, structures of the ministry of defense, in the first case i meant civil services, here, as we often say now, the so-called people's defense industry is developing, that is, to be honest, i that's when i meet those who are like this or otherwise, involved in the activities of your combat
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work in... in the civilian sphere, to be honest, i myself am surprised, you know, so that we can fight effectively on the battlefield, thousands of people who do not have or have not had any connection before are thinking to military service, and acts very effectively, proactively very effectively, but of course, all this must be concentrated in a certain way, everything in a known way is laid out on the right shelves, supported at the state level, we so... at this
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point, ground was used robotic complex courier, which was equipped, two of them were equipped with an automatic grenade launcher ags-17, this design, accordingly, showed itself positively, precisely for this task, the use of such equipment, specifically in assault operations , will save the lives of military personnel -
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it is also possible for this equipment install various light weapons specifically for assault operations, you can also use it for evacuating the wounded, and for transporting material resources, for for the supply of food, for the supply of ammunition, it also has the ability to carry eight anti-tank mines, that is , it can mine a certain area of ​​the terrain, and also... we are thinking , with the developer, to use it as a shohitmobile, that is, there is some well, roughly speaking, they are impossible to approach and drive up to carry out a detonation accordingly. is it possible to organize mass production of such platforms and equip assault groups of units? yes, it's possible, of course, perhaps, but until recently we adapted similar, similar
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devices and developed them ourselves. so we have some developments, and we will take what to hide, we will take what we see on the international market, despite all the difficulties, we still get some things that are not of the same quality and character as a heavy flamethrower system, but these are mobile things, they are also double or triple for civilian purposes, of course they are...


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