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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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these are the components of success for the military personnel of the russian ministry of emergency situations: prevention, rescue, assistance, this motto perfectly reflects the meaning of the activities of rescue soldiers. the passage of parade crews of mechanized columns begins, they include modern military equipment from the times of the great patriotic war. in service with
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military units and divisions of the southern military district. the first to cross the square is the famous t-34 tank, which became a symbol of victory and was recognized throughout the world as the best medium tank during the war. a copy of the victory banner in hands company commander lieutenant stanislav andreev. following the tank is a zis-5 vehicle with a seventy-six-millimeter zis-3 divisional gun, which became the most popular soviet artillery weapon during the war. the column includes modern military equipment, parade crews and motorized rifle and tank units of the eighth and fifty-eighth combined arms armies. the column is headed by senior lieutenant dmitry smirnov. motorized rifle units of the 242nd motorized rifle division are ahead. twentieth
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motorized rifle division on the btr-82 a. in addition transporters are designed to transport motorized rifle units to the battlefield. for fire support while dismounting, transporting weapons and military cargo. the firepower of the btr-82a is more than double that of its predecessors. behind the btr-82 a are modern infantry fighting vehicles bmp-3, which have no analogues.
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the main battle tanks of the russian army pass through the square. t-90m breakthrough tank is armed with a 125-mm holobarrel gun , a launcher for anti-tank missiles invar m, two machine guns, and is equipped with a fire control kalina. in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, the t-90 tank surpasses all tanks of nato countries. on the square there is a column of missile troops and artillery, headed by the battery commander, captain maxim golovushkin. ahead is the parade crew of grad combat vehicles. the bm-21 grad multiple launch rocket system is designed to destroy open, covered manpower, unarmored vehicles and armored personnel carriers, artillery positions, the destruction of observation strongholds, and ammunition depots. caliber 122 mm, maximum range. behind
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rszzo grad installations of the iskander m ground forces missile system are moving. the firing range of the complex with different types of missiles is up to 500 km. today , the iskander m high-precision missile system is one of the best in its class. in terms of technical characteristics, it surpasses foreign analogues. on the march, a ceremonial crew of air defense troops self-propelled launchers. installation of the s-350 vides medium-range anti-aircraft missile system is headed by the parade crew, senior lieutenant alexander kurbatsky. availability on each the launcher of twelve anti-aircraft guided missiles provides the s-350 vits air defense system with high combat effectiveness in destroying airplanes, helicopters, ballistic cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. on the square there are columns of special radio communications and radio relay units. special
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-purpose communication systems at stationary and mobile facilities, followed by krosukha-4 electronic warfare systems. the russian federation complex suppresses spy satellites, ground-based radars and aviation systems long-range radar detection, uav control radio channels, the range of the complex is 150-300 km, in the square there is a column of engineering troops of the rkhpz troops, headed by lieutenant andrey. ahead is the rcp defense calculation and analytical group based on the tiger uksoot t vehicle. for the first time at the parade, an engineering system for remote mining of agriculture is demonstrated. the installations have two replaceable blocks of 25 missiles, each of which contains
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a cassette with mines. the engineering system of agriculture is capable of quickly creating minefields of various configurations at a distance of up to 15 km. the passage of the mechanized column of military equipment is completed by the parade crews of the military inspection in special tiger armored vehicles and the military police in special ast-70-20 patrol vehicles, headed by captain pavel chernikov. in the established tradition, the military parade is opened by a combined squad of young drummers of the kronshtat naval cadet military corps, young musicians set the pace and rhythm
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of the movement of the parade squads, they march in formation pupils who proudly bear the high title of kronshtat newspapers, young heirs of admirals lazarev and ushakov. they sacredly honor and enhance the traditions of the russian fleet. banner groups with the state flag of the russian federation, the victory banner and the flag of the ministry of defense of the russian federation are passing. on the palace square there is a guard of honor of the three types of armed forces, the ground forces, the aerospace forces and the navy. approaching the stands. parade squad of the st. petersburg suvorov military school, one of the best in the pre-university training system of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. from its walls came graduates who became general officers, social and political figures who
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glorified our country with their achievements. on the palace square is the parade squad of the st. petersburg cadet military corps named after the prince. this school is celebrating its eightieth anniversary this year and is the oldest pre-university educational institution of the ministry of defense of the russian federation in our city. the best students of the nakhimov school are marching in front of the podium in a single formation.
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the parade squad of the st. petersburg fire and rescue college takes part in the victory parade. according to established tradition, the ceremonial crew includes boys and girls who are excellent students. athletes. according to the results of the finals of the championship in professional skills: professionals, the college team took first place, thereby confirming the high professionalism of students and teaching staff. much attention in college is paid to the development of moral and pain qualities students, love for the fatherland, preservation of historical memory. college graduates join the ranks of the russian ministry of emergency situations, as well as the special forces of the ministry.
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the movement is a living connection between generations of times, which unites organizations
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involved in the military-patriotic education of the younger generation, preserving the heroic history of great russia and the exploits of its people. the son of the hero of the russian federation, holder of the order of courage, captain alexander yuryevich ivanov, is walking in the ranks. young army soldier, vyacheslav ivanov. on palace square the main participants of the parade, officers of the joint strategic command of the leningrad military district. the leningrad military district is a reliable guarantor of peace and stability. currently, by decision of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, military personnel of the leningrad military district are directly involved in special military operations.
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qualified personnel for other federal executive authorities of the russian federation in the power bloc, as well as for the armed forces of 39 foreign states, among the graduates are 18 heroes of the soviet union, 10 heroes of socialist labor and four heroes of the russian federation. cadets of the orders of lenin and gutuzov, the military academy of logistics named after general of the army khrulev, forts and piers, naval bases built under enemy fire, buried command posts, the cosmodrome and plesetsk baikanur, all this is the brainchild of graduates of the military engineering and technical institute. during the war years, railway soldiers made a huge contribution to the uninterrupted delivery of equipment and material resources.
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hundreds of thousands of soldiers and commanders who continued the fight against the hated enemy were returned to duty under fire; now our military doctors are heroically fulfilling their duty in the zone of a special military operation. on the palace square is the legendary t-34 tank, a symbol of the great victory. the tank displays the battle banner of the thirtieth separate tank brigade, which was the first to break through the blockade.
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behind him are btr-40 vehicles. these are the first post-war armored vehicles, the development of which began during the great patriotic war. further the btr-40 was developed into the brdm-1 armored reconnaissance patrol vehicle. after modernization , a fundamentally new vehicle, brdm-2, was developed. closing
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the columns of the organization are the legendary soviet combat vehicles and rocket mines.
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the ural military-industrial complex is equipped with a yamz 536 diesel engine with a power of 360 horsepower and can accelerate to 100 km/h. it has enhanced mine protection. when a landmine weighing 6 kg explodes, the car. reliably protects the people inside. multi-purpose armored vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, pass in front of the stands the tyfund 53949 family with a 4x4 wheel arrangement and special tiger mm vehicles designed to solve the problems
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of comprehensive support for combined arms and special units in various environmental conditions. the body of the tiger armored vehicle is armored, welded from steel sheets. the cramium body is fastened in ten places through rubber pads. many improvements have been made to the design of tiger-m vehicles aimed at improving their performance properties, reliability and ergonomics of bulletproof and mine protection. protection. a crew of protected linza ambulances passes by dribun. the machine has a high quality. under the state flag of the russian federation and the banner of victory rolled up to meet on the left nacro more than 2,400 people take part in the military parade of the forces of the kaliningrad garrison and 115
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units of military equipment open the parade. young drummers, students of the nakhimov naval school, are the ones who set the pace for the entire parade. the formation is headed by captain of the second rank, sergei arkesov. as part of the parade squad of the drummers naval school, roman ferin, great-grandson of vasily migachev, who took part in defensive construction and was awarded medals. for the defense of stalingrad for the capture of budapest. victory banner. the victory banner was hoisted on the night of may 1, 1945 over the defeated nazi reichstag in berlin by intelligence officers mikhail egorov and belitonov kantaria. this red banner is the official symbol of the victory of the soviet people
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and their armed forces over nazi germany in the great patriotic war. accompanying state poster russian federation, lieutenant pavel svetsov, the honor guard company with the banner of the ground forces is headed by captain of the second rank pavel yasnikov, his det colonel of the medical service boris yasnikov met the victory in berlin. the company of the honor guard with the st. andrew's flag is headed by captain of the third rank andrei mitrofanov, the grandson of the ship's chief petty officer grigory mitrofanov, a participant. vorond of leningrad, awarded for courage and heroism with the order of the red star. the honor guard company with the flag of the aerospace forces is headed by major mikhail taran. his great-grandfather, senior lieutenant ivan goncherov, took part in air battles during the defense of the arctic. the company at the honorary guard with the flag of the federal security service of russia
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is headed by senior lieutenant dmitry chikashkin. his great-grandfather, as part of the 281st guards anti-tank artillery regiment, reached berlin and was awarded a medal for 20. on victory square , students of kaliningrad’s andrei the first-called marine. students of the combined company of cadets from municipal, autonomous, educational institutions, schools number 24 and
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28 in the city of kaliningrad. the formation is headed by the deputy director of the twenty-fourth school, lieutenant colonel denis raida. students of the cadet classes of secondary school number 46 are walking along victory square . lead the formation. curator of cadet classes vladimir goloenko. the banner group carries a copy of the unique combat pioneer banner of the 1023rd infantry regiment of the 307th infantry novosynkovskaya red banner order and kutuzov division, which passed the battle path next to the battle banner of the union from the village kostornoye, kursk region, to künexberg , an assault on the don tower was established. students of the kaliningrad business college are walking along victory square, headed by
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colonel alexander rosenov , in the parade formation, cadets of the law enforcement department, over 12 years of work , more than 460 people who serve in the armed forces have become graduates of the department. the crew is commanded by senior lieutenant ekaterina klachikhina, the great-granddaughter of private ivan berlizov, a participant in the battle of the dnieper. many
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bright pages were written by women in the military chronicle of our state. on the square are cadets of the baltic higher naval school named after admiral fyodor ushakov. the head of the faculty heads the parade squad. captain of the second rank alexey ivanov. over the years of the existence of the educational institution, more than 19 officers have been trained, perform combat service tasks on naval ships, and solve combat missions in the syrian arab republic during a special military operation. military equipment moves away in victory. dear comrades, on victory square there is a legendary t-34 tank with a red one. victory banner. this thirty-four took part in the assault on the city of the kuniksger fortress. the crew of the tank won five
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combat victories, including the destruction of the fascist self-propelled gun ferdinand. t-34 tanks were in service throughout the great patriotic war, and there was no better combat vehicle in any army in the world. on victory square. heavy motorcycle k-750, developed on the basis of the famous motorcycle of the great patriotic war f-72. gas m1 - soviet passenger car, mass- produced at the gulkovsky automobile plant factory from 36 to 42. willys is an all-terrain army vehicle. gas-67 was widely used as a headquarters and reconnaissance aircraft. pm-13, the famous rocket artillery fighting vehicle. which
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became one of the most recognizable symbols of the great patriotic war. modern armored military equipment, which has successfully proven itself in local conflicts in recent years, including a special military operation, wins on the square. army vehicle camas 53501 with armored capsule. armored personnel carriers btr 82 a. their task - delivery of infantry to the battlefield and its support - using standard weapons, imported san mortars, 120 mm caliber, pass by the tributes, mortars are designed to engage with mounted fire manpower located openly or located in the shelters of fire weapons, teams of observation posts, weapons in enemy military equipment, the maximum firing range is 7 km. during the war , the red army was armed with various
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artillery systems. which today received more powerful 152 mm hyacin guns, designed to suppress the destruction of enemy personnel, weapons and military equipment on the march, in places of concentration in strongholds. biacinth, having great firepower, can be transported over any distance by any type of transport, and is capable of performing complex tasks in combined arms combat. the geocints are followed by grad multi-charge divisional multiple launch rocket systems. the grandchildren of the legendary katyusha rocket launcher, whose fiery volleys caused horror and panic among the fascist troops, having a range firing range up to 40 km and a significant area of ​​destruction, this system has proven itself well during a special military operation. on victory square, a modern
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self-propelled anti-tank missile system chryzontema. the complex is designed to destroy tanks, engineering and fortification structures, helicopters and other armored targets, including shelters in open areas. the combat vehicle has high maneuverability and is capable of operating in conditions of damaging factors.
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the purpose of these formidable combat vehicles is the conduct of active, decisive and dynamic combat operations on land, both offensively and defensively, in any situation. the design of the tank managed to include a significant reserve for modernization and the creation of many special vehicles on its basis. this is a tank created for combat, the dignity of the t-72, high reliability, firepower. it was highly appreciated by experts from all over the world. yes. designed for constructing bridge crossings over obstacles up to 40 m wide. now footage from the faceted chamber of the kremlin:


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