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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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t-72 b3m tanks, the most popular second generation battle tanks. the main purpose of these formidable combat vehicles is to conduct active, decisive and dynamic combat operations on land, both offensively and defensively, in any situation. the design of the tank managed to include a significant reserve for modernization and the creation of many special vehicles on its basis. this tank is made for combat, dignity. high reliability and firepower were appreciated by experts from all over the world. on victory square engineering equipment, heavy mechanized bridge 3m, designed for constructing bridge crossings over obstacles up to 40 m wide. now footage from the faceted chamber of the kremlin. dear colleagues, dear friends. today, on victory day, with
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special warm feelings we welcome our reliable partners and friends to moscow, russia. this sacred holiday is solemnly celebrated in the states of the commonwealth, in many countries of europe and the world, wherever they realize the eternal value of justice, equality and humanism, where they remember and... honor heroism, the exploits of warriors, who defended freedom and future for the peoples of the planet. the greatness of the grandiose victory of 1945 is beyond the power of time, and despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons that the world community learned in the crucible of the second world war are also not immutable. the nazis, the japanese militarists, got involved.
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almost 80% of the world's population unleashed aggression in europe in north africa, in the asia-pacific region, killed millions of innocent people, eternal, unfading glory, the heroic feat of those who stopped and crushed this evil. we remember the contribution to the fight against nazism by allies in the anti-hitler coalition, participants in program convoys.
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the struggle was the prologue to the emergence of independent sovereign states in asia, which today play a growing role in the global economy and world affairs. the soviet union bore the brunt of the nazi war machine; the enemy received the most furious, unyielding rebuff. the entire soviet people stood up to defend the fatherland. and history has never known such unity, such mass heroism. for the heads of the commonwealth of independent states who have gathered here today, victory day is a great holiday, war veterans, home front workers in our countries are in every family, we just rode here on the bus together and talked about it, counted how many veterans remained in the ranks, the memories of those who left are inalienable and a very important part of our common history, our common military labor triumphs, which defeated nazism,
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defended its freedom, also sincerely supported other peoples in their rightful self-determination, in word and deed helped the peoples of the african continent, asia and in the period of their anti-colonial struggle and after they gained state independence. i believe that the president of the republic of guinea-bissau, who is present here, agrees that such a consistent policy of the soviet union, and then. and russia has brought its fruits. africa is strengthening its potential to become one of the distinctive, successful centers of a multipolar world. confidently forms genuine political and economic sovereignty. i would like to emphasize that russia will continue its course towards developing mutually beneficial partnerships and friendship with everyone who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice, advocates strict observance. international
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law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of the second world war. the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future. dear friends, let me propose a toast to the generation of winners, to great victory, for peace and prosperity, for our good friends. thank you for being there! with us, these were footage of the speech of the president of russia from the gala reception on the occasion of victory day. well, we move on to the next information hour and continue our special broadcast from the hall
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of fame of the victory museum, a place that personifies the fortitude, resilience and heroism of the soviet people. the names are placed on the marble slabs here. for 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia. in the center of the hall there is a ten-meter bronze the figure of a victorious soldier, and under the dome of the hall - the names of hero cities, countries of the former soviet union. this year , nine foreign leaders are taking part in the celebration of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory in the patriotic war, together with russian president vladimir putin. they watched the main military parade on red square, after which...
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russia will do everything to prevent a global clash, but at the same time
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, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west they would like to. forget the lessons of the second world war, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. traditionally, speaking on red square, on may 9, the head. the state notes the contribution to the general victory of the allies, but today a new shade has appeared in his speech, because despite the fact that this same contribution of the allies the country, as before, will remember and to honor, it is very important not to forget that the soviet
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union resisted nazism alone during the first three terrible war years. let me emphasize: russia has never downplayed the importance of the second front of assistance. allies, we honor the courage of all soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, and the courage of the people of china. who fought for our independence against the aggression of militaristic japan, we will never forget our common struggle and the inspiring traditions of alliance. and of course, the president spoke a lot today about participants in a special military operation. this thesis, which is heard in each of his speeches on may 9, starting in 2022, and it sounds very simple: each of those who defend their homeland today. a real hero, we celebrate victory day in the context of a special military operation, all its
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participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes, we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you our veterans believe, worry about you, and spiritual involvement to your destinies. before the memory of civilians who died from
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barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, before our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against neo-nazism, in a righteous battle for russia. a minute of silence is announced. next to the head of state on this day, may 9 , the parade on red square was watched by veterans, colonel evgeny kuropatkov, he fought in stalingrad and near leningrad, and alexander aleshina, she took part in the battle of moscow. while the parade was going on, several times the camera showed the president talking about something with colonel, when the anthem sounded, he saluted and did it while standing. despite the fact that he turned 100 years old last year, this is,
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of course, an incredible generation, a generation of winners, whose descendants are absolutely worthy of their feat. anastasia efimova, sergey eliseev and valery glushakov. news. the main symbol of this day is the banner of victory in the great patriotic war. it was traditionally carried out to red square during. victory is sacred, this is a relic that we have for every russian, this banner, the banner was handed down by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave your life, for the sake of peace and for the sake of our future, and now a few words about armament... we could see at the parade today. a mechanized
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column of military equipment passed through red square. according to the tradition of recent years, it was led by a tank from the great patriotic war t-34 under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. then came a column of universal armored vehicles of multifunctional value tiger-m and many target armored vehicles of the ural military-industrial complex. for the first time, samples were presented on red square special armored vehicles. kamaz with 4x4 wheel arrangement from protected lenz ambulances, but these lenza ambulances, they are designed to solve the problems of comprehensive support, search and evacuation of personnel from the battlefield. the military equipment of the missile forces and artillery was represented by high-precision iskander m missile systems. with their help today, missilemen with their sudden and powerful strikes cause irreparable damage to the enemy in the special zone. operations, also parade spectators were able to see a convoy of
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s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile systems. but i note that the combat characteristics that were incorporated into this complex by russian designers were fully confirmed by the results of practical use during a special military operation. well, if we talk about another important important topic of this parade - this is aviation , the pilots of the famous aerobatic teams - russian knights and... swifts, consisting of nine su-30 sm and mig-29 aircraft, flew over red square over the entire capital. and after that, six su-25 aircraft were painted the sky over moscow is in flowers. russian tricolor, for victory day, of course, moscow was noticeably transformed, over 400 decorative elements were installed in the capital, but the main design color traditionally became red, the color of victory, the color of the victory banner, some decorations really stun the imagination, for example,
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a banner was installed near gorky park victory, which simply makes you stop and look at it, thematic ones have appeared at the entrances to the metropolis. designs for the holiday of may 9 and the hero city of moscow. at the stations, at the metro, at train stations, embankments, flag compositions were also installed. red banners were also hung on the facades of buildings on kutulsky prospekt, and decorative structures of the star of russia and victory salute were installed near the building of the ministry of defense. in the severnovichny station park you can also see more stands with archival wartime photos. yes, indeed, today there are portraits of ours on every street, in every park. heroes, portraits of our ancestors, those people who fought during the great patriotic war, on interactive on screens installed throughout the capital, footage of war chronicles, chronicles of 1941-45, how destroyed cities were later rebuilt, and of course, even today you can see lines from poems by poets of the war years,
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those lines that each of us knows by heart, just on the way to the victory museum, i saw the lines of konstantin simonov, wait for me, i... and if today you look closely at how moscow is decorated, then these lines, which are imprinted in the historical memory of each of us, they are visible everywhere , here on every corner, on every street, in every park. today this is the foundation of our education, on which we must place special emphasis, and also in almost three dozen moscow parks in honor of the seventieth anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war on may 9, an extremely extensive cultural program is planned, and guests are expected to see a theatrical one. the great victory excursion has been organized, as well as the ninth annual victory ball, well, in the mozion art park they show a recording of the victory parade of 1945. and in the evening the festival starts there. thank you for victory with songs of the war years in modern adaptation. and
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today at the tsarina museum-reserve there is a literary and musical program dedicated to the cities’ heroes. here you go. a rich program was prepared on poklonnaya gora, exactly where our studio works , including one of the central venues for celebrating victory day, and until the evening , exhibitions, concerts, premieres, performances, and even masters were organized on the territory of the complex. classes, photo zones and of course much more, and now we have a direct studio, direct communication in our studio comes from our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, varvara, greetings, as far as i know, you are now working on poklonnaya hill, what is happening in this memorable place, have you already managed... poklonnaya hill, an iconic place, one of largest memorial complexes in our country, created to honor the memory, glorify each participant in the great
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patriotic war, today traditionally from all over the country, despite the bad weather, the storm wind, ... snow and rain, thousands of people came here so that together all country to literally celebrate this most important day, this most important date, in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory, a really very large program has been prepared here, i’ll tell you about it a little later, the first thing that catches your eye, despite the fact that the regiment is officially immortal this year for security reasons is not carried out, but a huge number of people came with portraits of their... relatives, many from other cities, because they want to honor and remember not only on this day, but always the memory of their relatives, of heroes, many of whom reached berlin. i am the daughter of a war veteran, zhigorev makar danilovich. he met the war in latvia and ended it. the city of talsya, and my mother
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came to him after 2 years of occupation. i got in there, they saved our fatherland, we are russian, russians, we are our fatherland, they saved it for us, if it weren’t for them, we would n’t exist, i bought tickets 2 months in advance to come here and from here, well, i didn’t return the tickets, i came to show here on the square, they didn’t let me in on the red one, here at least let people from our family look. victory day on poklonnaya hill is always a big concert program in the next
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few minutes on the big stage, i don’t know if it’s visible behind me, but believe me, it’s there, the musicians of the joint symphony orchestra of the bolshoi and mariinsky theaters under the direction of people’s artist of russia valery will perform gergiev. traditionally a point of attraction. for the thousands who came to pay their respects in victory park today, there was also an exhibition of captured equipment of those same vaunted american and western european military vehicles that our soldiers were able to defeat, recapture and bring to moscow so that everyone can see the power of our russian army, and of course, it is very important to note that on poklonnaya hill most of those who came are young people, these are students, these are schoolchildren, these are those who... know the history of our country not only from school textbooks, but those who grew up in families that carefully preserve the memory of grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, of
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everyone who fought for today's peaceful sky here in moscow for us, this is the day when we there appeared, let's say, peace, life and freedom of our people and so that they do not die from the nazis and... victories are the main event not only for our people, but for the whole world. if you were not our, so to speak, army, then the world would be completely different, all the youth who should remember, so to speak, the events, should come here, so to speak, we are proud of the victory of our people, well, over the fascists, and we... we remember all this, because our great-grandfathers and grandfathers stood at our border, now it is important to know the history of the country, and so that we
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pass on this history to our children and believe in victory, they believed in our people, a large concert program with songs from the war years, theatrical performances, a large number. well, i will add on my own behalf that indeed this year the immortal regiment procession is not being held in the traditional format, in the format of a large-scale procession of many thousands along
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the central streets of moscow, but you can take part in the immortal regiment action, including online, and there are also broadcasts on digital screens, and in many cities and in many even rural settlements today there are you can see ceremonial car rallies and the broadcast of the immortal regiment directly on our channel. well, the first to celebrate on victory day were, of course, the people of the far east. military parades commemorating the 79th anniversary of the great patriotic war took place in yuzhnosalinsk, vladivostok, usuriysk, blagoveshchensk, chita and khabarovsk. evgeniy nipot will tell you how the far east celebrated victory day. the national flag of the russian federation is on the square and is with us. the very first parade dedicated to 79 anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, was held in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. the weather, of course, did not interfere, as the locals say, for them snow and rain on may 9 is
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more of a tradition. it turned out to be a truly frosty morning in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, but what a frost for a russian soldier, especially when it’s such a day. congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the mechanized column was led by katyusha, her worthy descendants, the hail, and the hurricane multiple launch rocket system. technique parade in khabarovsk was opened by the legendary t-34 trio, three with a characteristic flattened turret and the kasau 100 self-propelled gun. often at parades it is written on it “battle friend” or beat the bastards. the cars that brought victory closer during the great patriotic war went along with those that bring victory closer now. the column is continued by t-70 tanks. 2b and t-72b3 control equipment throughout the country, and members of the northern military district march in formation. this year , portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and special
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military operations are placed on the windshields of cars. the feat of the heroes of the great war honored in yakutsk, centenary veteran naum sleptsov addressed the crowd, and later he laid flowers at the memorial. the parade squads moved one by one along the main street of vladivostok. the holder of the order of the great patriotic war, second degree, vladimir maksimovich kortashov, for the first time, could not come to the central square on victory day; the ninety-six-year-old front-line soldier was not allowed by his health, about how he went. the commander of the pacific fleet, admiral viktor liina, personally told him. i am very grateful to you , the military council of the fleet, for not forgetting. servant. you volunteered in 1943 ? in '43, volunteers. he fought with militaristic japan and devoted more than 30 years to the pacific fleet. yes, i wish i could live until my eightieth, eightieth anniversary. here's the challenge. all
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will be. mushenkov is 30 years old, and he is a hero of russia, he promised his wife and three children to return, he kept his promise to survive, today he brought his family to watch the victory parade in usuriysk. we were surrounded and had to call fire on ourselves so that our surviving comrades could escape. on the third day i was only able to go out, while pulling out two more wounded comrades, he received numerous shrapnel wounds. samples of equipment, the first domestically developed tank ms-1 followed in the colony, along with military equipment , zim cars drove through the main city square and, of course, victory. in blagoveshchensk on the amur , a parade of border ships was organized, about three dozen boats, to the sounds of sirens with a victory banner, for the first time with portraits of war participants
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, they walked along the great river, while... there were many flags of other states, along with the townspeople watched the water procession by foreign cadets from the far eastern military school. a large-scale parade took place in chita, perhaps not a single far eastern city had so many tanks in columns; in the finale, the combined military orchestra of the local garrison performed in front of the audience. evgenia nipot, ksenia kolchin, andrey sapegin and lyubov storovoytova, lead. well, now the news that comes to the informagen feed with reference to re news, putin and pashinyan have agreed on the withdrawal of russian military border guards from a number of regions of armenia. about this is reported by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. at the same time, at the request of the armenian side, russian border guards will remain on the border with iran and turkey. and another one.
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urgent message from the kremlin, vladimir putin is currently holding negotiations with the president of tajikistan imali rahmon. well, now we move to belgorod, to a city to which today, more than ever, i want to wish a peaceful sky above my head. after all, even on this holiday in belgorod , attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on civilians do not stop. at least eight people, including a child, were injured in as a result of nighttime drone strikes. and this morning another one was committed. so we can find out the details from our special correspondent igor pikhanov, he joins the broadcast. igor, of course, first of all, a few questions, what is known about the condition of the wounded and what is the situation in the city, and of course, additionally, we cannot ignore the country, but those military provocations that militants organize in the ssu, knowing that they are doing this in regarding those people who will not be able to answer them and will not be able to do anything, especially on that sacred holiday for us, which the militants of the kiev regime gave them to their
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power. despite the fact that mass events are now prohibited due to the threat of shelling, people put portraits of their relatives, participants in the great patriotic war, in their windows, we saw a huge number of car rallies, a huge number of russian flags, a huge number.


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