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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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their regime, their authorities crossed out for themselves, crossing out their pages of history, which they wrote at one time with us, but at some point they decided to go their own way, what do belgorodians, igor, have to do with this moment, how do they relate to this the place where you are? hello, georgy and daria, despite the difficult situation in the belgorod region, local residents here feel an incredible uplift of spirit. we see, despite the fact that, due to the threat of shelling, it is now prohibited mass events, in the windows people put portraits of their relatives, participants in the great patriotic war, we saw a huge number of car rallies, a huge number of russian flags, a huge number of red flags, people in... such a great emotional patriotic
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mood, despite the difficult situation in the belgorod region, today, ukrainian militants fired at belgorod from a multiple launch rocket system into the vampire, at about 4 o’clock in the morning, they hit the residential sector, one of the shells fell directly into the wall apartment building, the blast wave knocked out the windows with shrapnel, the damaging elements are pieces of metal like these, they are sawn in such a ram-shaped shape, after the explosion they scatter hundreds of meters, this was done so that there were as many casualties as possible, the force of the explosion such that such metal pieces even pierce the asphalt, as a result of this morning shelling eight people were injured, the head of the region vyacheslav glodkov reports about this, now everyone is getting the necessary medical care, no threat to life, four patients. hospitalized with shrapnel
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wounds, including an eleven-year-old, an eleven-year-old girl, she had a leg injury, the rest of the patients received medical assistance on the spot, let's give the floor to the belgorod residents, well, i went out into the street, my car is standing there, it's on fire, it's always scary, of course, this it’s natural for a person, you live in the same way that i’m also afraid. that they can have a timid moment from this, you can’t even hide it through the siren screamed and about, well, through literally 2 minutes it all started, the shelling started to fly in, the fire started , the windows started to fly out, now municipal services are working on the spot, they are eliminating the consequences of the shelling, they are removing cars , they are removing shell fragments from the road , they are working now. assessment commission, first of all
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, it is necessary to restore the windows so that people can live normally at home - at home, according to preliminary data - windows are damaged, windows in nineteen apartment buildings are damaged, in addition, there is damage in the neighboring village of dubovoe, there private estates were damaged, according to the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, about half an hour ago there was shelling of a settlement in voluysky. urban district, people there were advised to take shelter, in addition, today there was shelling of the border village of krasnoye, shebekinsky urban district, and also the border krasnoeruzhsky district , the day before the village of ravenyok and the village of malinovka were fired upon with the help of attack drones, fortunately there were no casualties there, colleagues, yes igor, thank you, the shelling of the belgorod region really does not stop, especially. on these holidays, igor pikhanov
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was in direct communication from the region, he spoke about the consequences of new shelling, strikes by the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod, and of course, i would like to wish all residents of the belgorod region a peaceful sky above their heads. that's for sure. so, in the capital of gagauzia, the city of kamrati, the eternal flame at the memorial of military glory was lit by particles of the eternal flame from the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. this was reported by the head of the autonomy , eugenia gutstsu. previously in...
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we must remember absolutely always, we must honor him, we must do everything to our children in 5 years, in 20 years, in 100 years, just as we rejoiced at the day today. you wouldn’t expect to see a street on may 9th in an eu country, if only because europe celebrates victory day on the 8th and has been demolishing it lately...
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we must not allow anyone to question the decisive role of the former ussr in the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned.
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came down here to the village to pick up a doctor and take him to the detachment to see his wounded comrades, and just at the same time they raided the village ss men with a punitive operation, a jewish doctor and... his nephew thought that he was killed in germany, he was buried, his nephew is 85 years old, he lives in st. petersburg, he cried when they told him about the grave of his ancestor, now they are writing to us, because that you found a grave, you are doing all this with your own money, in your own time, why do you need this,
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because these, these, these were young heroes who, this is our historical debt, in a very, they, they fell, because they died for us , for our freedom, slovakia had its own army, but fought on the side of hitler, in june 1941 the country's president, josef tisza , mobilized 3,600 slovaks to support the fascist blitz in the east. poorly trained and with no particular desire to fight, the slovaks quickly became a liability in german units. the nazis entrusted them mainly with the protection of railway junctions in occupied ukraine. my father, as a conscript soldier, arrived in ukraine, they had to.
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sent with the germans to the east, went to the partisans. jan nelepko was the first slovak to receive the title hero of the soviet union. captain nalepka actively lured his colleagues to the soviet side. here he is next to one of the red army generals. slovak soldiers conveyed information about the location of the germans, and the soviet partisans behaved neutrally towards the slovak soldiers, pretending not to see each other, and did not shoot at each other.
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losses, but the advance of the soviet troops was not stopped. the slovak national uprising is, if you like, one of the pillars of the self-identification of the slovak nation. the participants in this uprising went to the mountains and were partisans. these 130,000 people really fought actively. when the war ended, then slovakia was not among those who would have been in the camp of the losers, a satellite of hitler’s germany with all that it entails. hence political, legal, moral, economic
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consequences. the first settlement in slovakia was liberated by the red army on october 3 , 1944. there were 7 months of continuous, hardest fighting ahead. the red army marched forward, it brought freedom to all of czechoslovakia. it was spring, and it was a muddy road, the roads were washed out. still a very difficult landscape. there are their soldiers on the way. red army water barriers, for example, the hron river , were crossed under continuous fire from german artillery. the nazis were located there, on the other bank, at a height; in order to advance to bratislava, the red army had to first cross the river, and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched. the bratislava-byrnovo offensive operation was commanded by marshal malinovsky, and a monument to the military commander appeared in 2021 near the place where his command post was. the slovaks decided to build and erect this beautiful monument, why here? i think that it is
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very correct, marshal malinovsky is here, firstly, you see this, this is a museum, here you can see this, and guns, and an2, and t-34, we show this to the children, so that it has never happened, we need to take something like this in our hands, war is the most evil thing, and we can tell the children that it happened and it’s natural that we don’t want you to continue, children are frequent guests here. teacher anna marachkova brought students to history lessons; she provided knowledge much broader than the school curriculum. and i found my daughter natalya radionovna, malinovskaya, i wrote to her a letter to... i wanted to give a lecture here for our residents of the city of levitsy. she gave me all the very serious information. the troops of the second ukrainian front, under the command of marshal of the soviet union malinovsky, developed an offensive deep into tychoslovakia from hungary and occupied the city of bratislava. bratislava is a heavily fortified city by the germans. ditches, barriers,
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mines, nothing helped. the red army liberated the capital of slovakia 2 days earlier than required. soldiers helped restore power supply in the city, water supply, sewerage, roads cleared. on april 10, a telegram was sent to moscow about the situation on the ground. until the last days, official propaganda assured the townspeople that soviet troops could not overcome the defensive structures around bratislava. the townspeople emphasize that they are doubly grateful to the red army, since bratislava was taken quickly and in a short time. the war is not over yet, but gratefully. bratislava on may 5, 1945 already erected this monument to soviet soldiers. there are monuments and memorial plaques in every region of slovakia, single and mass graves, liberators. the cemetery in zvolen is one of the largest burial grounds of red army soldiers in europe. more than 17 thousand soldiers lie in mass single graves. and slovakia
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remembers its liberators. this memorial is protected by the state. the state doesn’t mind when they appear. portraits of fallen soldiers not provided for by the ensemble are installed by slovak volunteers. vladimir kapustin, he was 21 years old when he went to war, his younger brothers never saw him, only 3 years ago we managed to find him, that he was buried here in a mass grave. and his relatives, they knew where he died, no, no one knew, his mother really wanted his grave to be found, we contacted the belarusian search engines, they found him...
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we are trying to preserve the memory of the soldiers of the second world war of the red army, first of all, because the european community, the eu and the current government want to destroy the memory of the liberators, if schools were teaching respect, reverence, then this situation would not have happened in ukraine, what is happening in in europe, when they destroy the memory, they replace it with a new one, glorifying the same bandera. the atrocities of bandera are also remembered here; there are monuments and memorial plaques to their victims in slovakia. here is a communist who was beaten to death for having a party card. in neighboring kolbasovo , an entire family was killed. 11 jews who survived the holocaust returned home after the war to this village bordering ukraine, and there were already ukrainian nationalists there, persecuted by nkvd detachments. bandera's followers
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fled from the soviet army under the wing of the americans. the american occupation zone after the war was... stopped. they were able to clear slovakia of bandera only in 1949. i was in lutsk. i was in lutsk, crying with despair when i saw a monument to bandera there. bandera, bandera, my god. well, the european union does not condemn this in any way. the european union is bandits. these are bandits. their goal
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is to destroy the slovenian peoples. their goal is to destroy the slavic peoples. after the war , more than 400 monuments were erected to soviet soldiers throughout europe, but now bandera is on the pedestal, and memorials to the red army soldiers are being demolished, history is being rewritten: lithuania, latvia, estonia, bulgaria, czech republic, poland. this mine in the hungarian village of tardas is known throughout europe. red limestone, which is like marble, has been mined here for thousands of years since ancient rome. palaces in different countries are decorated with stone. many monuments were made.
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dear sharipovich. thank you very much for coming to us for the celebrations of the subsequent victory day. this is our common holiday, you and i have talked about this many times, including yesterday and today during our meetings and contacts. thank you for your words condolences expressed by you, you were one of the first to say this on the occasion of the terrorist attack in moscow. our special services are actively working to relieve common problems.
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the main trade and economic partner of tajikistan, we occupy first place in terms of trade turnover, and our relations are developing more and more actively in many areas, and this cannot but rejoice, we have the opportunity today to discuss the entirety of our joint work, and once again i want to say that i’m very glad to see you, you’re welcome, dear. big thank you for the invitation, for the hospitality, wonderful conditions, firstly, i would like
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to congratulate you on the holiday, victory, this is in our common fight, you are right about this, and yesterday in my address to the people i said that 50% of the working population tajikistan of that time participated ae... the position is as follows, i have repeatedly stated from the rostrum that we are against and standards in the fight against terrorism and extremism, terrorism has no
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nationality, has no religion, has no homeland, we must fight them, and sabshaya everywhere everywhere, our two sides, our special services. they have worked very well all these years and continue to work, only to great regret, this is the tragedy that happened, the people of tajikistan and the government, yalisha called, i myself, we ourselves survived, and we are still fighting against extremism, terrorism, not it’s just that in our opinion, we know what extremism is. and what is terrorism, you know where tajikistan is there, right, so this is a global problem, as for
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some other issues, i think that of course, our enemies wanted, they want to create controversy, which can be scattered in various ways, well, i think that... we need to work, we need to fight together against global challenges, global threats, so, and, of course, today i would like to join you
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and... discuss some issues, especially in relation to our labor emigrants, this is a very sensitive one for us, one of the main issues, since the demographic level in tajikistan, 2 and half population growth annually, it was one of the former soviet republics, which ensured and... construction battalions of the then soviet army, construction battalions and in all komsomol construction projects, major construction projects, tajiks participated, are now participating, building, especially in construction, i think that tajiks are a very ancient people with an ancient history, culture, civilizations, i and
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that , what happened, of course. this is absolutely unacceptable for us and the fact that this caused very serious damage to the property, history, culture, traditions of our nation, and we will continue to work closely with you contact, this question, once again, and today i was here before departure, i opened the largest memorial to the participants of the great patriotic war under the victory with the participation of representatives of the state duma of the russian federation, this is a unique building, a unique place, this itself is a worthy place of inspiration for our capital, this says a lot, you know, my personal attitude towards culture, history,
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therefore, we want to live in a civilized world, moscow, russia has always been, i think it will remain, the center of secular civilization in post-soviet space, for which today i am present at this solemn ceremony, indeed.
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this was footage from the kremlin; vladimir putin held a meeting with the president of tajikistan, imali rahmon. this is russia 24, we are broadcasting from the hall of fame of the victory museum. i suggest you take another look at the main parade of this day. parade.
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on the red square. glad in birno to meet on the left on the edge to the sounds of the counter march of the minister of defense of the russian federation.


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