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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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russia will continue to develop a mutually beneficial partnership and friendship with everyone who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice and advocates strict compliance with international law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of the second world war.
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vladimir putin discussed the situation on the battlefield in the special military operation zone with unit commanders. the meeting took place on may 7 immediately after the inauguration ceremony. the conversation turned out to be frank, what was going on speech, our correspondent will tell you.
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and they give their lives for russia, unfortunately, this is impossible, these are hundreds of thousands of people, but i take this opportunity, through you i want to convey to them my best wishes, wishes for success and victories. the country faces great challenges in the economic, social sphere, education, and healthcare, and there is every opportunity to implement these tasks, the president noted. but only under one condition, subject to your successful work. on the battlefield, this is the key link today, we all understand this, all the country understands this, so you see, the whole country supports you, i want to personally thank you for your courage, for your ability to command troops, you, your subordinates, are worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war and defended their homeland, here... now we know about cases of courage,
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heroism, and this is not from case to case, these cases happen, but this is practically on an ongoing basis and this is extremely important, this is one of the key conditions for our victory, in this i there is no doubt. vladimir putin said that such meetings are of particular importance for him, because they are a frank conversation about what is happening on the battlefield and how, what needs to be done additionally. in order to solve combat missions with minimal losses, a specific proposal was immediately made: first , the number of a special military operation - confidently my formation was 2,441 people, a number of routine activities were carried out, 19 new combat units were included in the brigade, 11.00, and on at the moment, the strength of the unit is 11,365 people, the brigade has become large, it was 3.0 at the beginning with a small one now.
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was of an aircraft type with fpv carriers just like drones, that is, the so-called womb, avia womb, this will increase, firstly, the range of use, and secondly, it will be both a reconnaissance means, a means of fire destruction, and a means of aerial control, that is, it will carry three components in one, plus everything, it will increase the fire capabilities of the unit, for our the enemy is being worked on by the entire western community, which sleeps and sees that russia, in
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its current form, no longer exists; in order to be successful in this system of confrontation, we need to be one step ahead in new technologies, the president emphasized. this concerns reconnaissance, this concerns strike weapons,
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guard colonel khalikov, whose 74th guards motorized rifle brigade took berdychi in the avdeya direction, raised the topic of robotic systems, they perform well on the front line. in this locality, ground transportation was used the courier robotic complex, which was equipped, two of them were equipped with a gs17 automatic grenade launcher, the use of such equipment in assault operations will save lives.
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russia will expand its line of air, water and underwater drones; the president mentioned the already famous fabs, high-explosive aerial bombs with a controlled planning and correction module, against which enemy electronic warfare systems are powerless. russian
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designers, scientists, engineers work during the day and at night - said vladimir putin, completing the open part of the meeting with officers, and this is one of the keys to victory. anton potkovenko, news! so, festive fireworks will thunder today in the heroic cities, these are volgograd, aka stalingrad, kerch, murmansk, novorossiysk, st. petersburg, aka leningrad, sevastopol, smolensk and tula. also, in accordance with the order of the minister of defense, fireworks are planned in the cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets of combined arms armies and the caspian flotilla are located. the west is trying to distort the truth about the second world war, because it interferes. colonial policy, these are the words from the president's speech at the victory parade. this year , leaders of foreign states also took part in the celebration of this anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. and these are precisely those who, just like our country,
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stand for the preservation of equal cooperation and strict adherence to international norms about the holiday atmosphere in the report by anastasia efemova. all those who have gathered here on red square today, whether they are guests, whether they are participants in the parade, whether then the leaders of the states who were on the central podium, they were all united by one thought, they were united by the desire to defend the historical truth and the reluctance to rewrite this very history. today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about world war ii. it interferes with those who are accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, name traitors and accomplices of the nazis, cross out the memory of the heroism and
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nobility of the liberating soldiers, of that the great sacrifice they made for life.
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our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west, they would like to forget the lessons of the second world war, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from... murmansk, to the caucasus and crimea. traditionally, speaking on
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red square on may 9, the head of state notes the contribution to the overall victory of the allies, but today a new shade has appeared in his speech, after all, despite the fact that the country, as before, will remember and honor this very contribution of the allies, it is very important not to forget that the first three terrible war years of nazism, the soviet union resisted alone. let me emphasize that russia has never downplayed the importance of the second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all the soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan, we will never forget our common struggle inspiring traditions.
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they believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds the generation of heroes of the fatherland, the country remembers and remembers every hero of the fatherland...
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a minute of silence is announced next to the head of state on this day, may 9, the parade on red square was watched and veterans, colonel evgeny kuropatkov, he fought with...
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several times the camera showed the president talking about something with the colonel, when the anthem sounded, he saluted and did it standing, despite the fact that last year he turned 100 years old, this is of course an incredible generation, a generation of winners whose feats are absolutely worthy. anastasia efimova, sergey eliseev and valery glushakov. news. along red square. a mechanized column of military equipment passed and , according to the tradition of recent years, it was led by a t-34 tank from the times of the great patriotic war under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. then came a column of universal armored multi-purpose vehicles tiger-m and
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multi-purpose armored vehicles of the military-industrial complex ural. well, for the first time they presented it on red square. samples of special armored kamas vehicles with 4x4 wheeled protected ambulance vehicles lens, designed to solve the problem of ensuring the search and evacuation of personnel from the battlefield. the military equipment of the missile forces and artillery was represented by high-precision iskander m missile systems. with their help, today the missile forces...
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passed a mechanized column of strategic missile forces, in its consisting of autonomous launchers of the yars missile system of the 54th guards missile division, a highly mobile complex, high-precision weapons capable of hitting a target almost anywhere in the world and invulnerable to the enemy. well, we completed the parade of military equipment, wheeled armored personnel carriers on a boomerang platform. well, and also on... red square , pilots of the famous aerobatic teams “russian knights and stryzhi” , consisting of nine su-30 sm and mig-29 aircraft, flew over the entire capital, followed by six su-25 attack aircraft painted the sky over moscow in the colors of the russian flag. on victory day in russia
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, reliable partners and friends are greeted with special warm feelings. the president spoke about this today at... this sacred holiday is solemnly celebrated in the states of the commonwealth, in many countries of europe and the world, wherever they realize the eternal value. justice, equality and humanism, where they remember and honor the heroism and exploits of soldiers who defended freedom and the future for the peoples of the planet. over the greatness of the grandiose victory of 1945, there is no power time, and despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons
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that the world community learned in the aftermath of the second are also not immutable. the message came from abroad, the king and crown prince of saudi arabia sent vladimir putin congratulations on victory day in their message and wished the people of russia progress and prosperity. russia's merits in victory in the second world war are subject to doubt even in conditions when attempts are being made around the world to rewrite history. north korean leader kim
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chin-in stated this in a telegram to the russian president. i i will quote: through the second world war. what is happening now on poklonnaya hill, who came to this memorable event today, is the weather interfering? vera, artyom, i greet you and congratulate you on this most important, perhaps one of the most important, holidays in our country.
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regarding the weather, terrible wind, hail, snow, rain, but we all understand that this is not an obstacle for thousands of people who traditionally come here on may 9, victory day, to pay tribute to everyone.
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a large number of people watch with pleasure the virtuoso performance of musicians i invite you to enjoy it. another point of attraction on poklonnaya hill was the exhibition of captured equipment, the same western military power, as it was presented to us, is now on display in moscow, here you can see those same leopards and german marder infantry fighting vehicles and much, much more.. .
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to see the military equipment used by our soldiers, and so on and much more. it is important to note that a lot of young people, students, schoolchildren, very young children come to poklonnaya hill today, some independently, someone as part of their family, and we communicate with these people, and we can say that the knowledge of these guys... is much broader than what is written in history textbooks, and this is very pleasing, it means that from generation to generation the memory of the great
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feat of our people is passed on, and nothing is forgotten and no one is forgotten. my great-grandmother and great-grandfather certainly took part in the battles on the fields of the great patriotic war, my grandfather khmatyanovich was a mortarman, and of course, songs of the war years, great holiday concerts, a large number of patriotically
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oriented ones. scale for the guests, they organized a unique concert in the form of an installation and a flash mob, as well as the most massive performance of the song “victory day” in the country, here is a special program prepared by the garage museum, communications our correspondent, maria valieva, maria, welcome, welcome, maria, what in general atmosphere at vdnkh, how is the holiday celebrated? yes, colleagues, welcome to vdnkh, victory day is celebrated on a grand scale, we are
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now working for...
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great-grandfather, he graduated 17 years old, just in in the forty-first year, the military artillery school and immediately went to the front to berlin and returned, thank god alive, but he was wounded, his grandfather was literally immediately wounded there, which he could not fight further, and his great-grandfather was his father, he served in artillery throughout the war, defended stalingrad. that
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there are a lot of people with red carnations here, they came here to vdnkh to meet the veterans, to congratulate them, to tell them: thank you very much, today a banquet was organized for veterans in the house of russian cuisine, and in general at vdnkh, the program is very it’s rich, there is a garage and a field kitchen next to the museum, and military equipment is also displayed there, a great holiday, victory day, so we really wanted to see this equipment from the war years. it’s good that this equipment is being demonstrated, you should definitely watch it, study history, because this equipment traveled more than 1 km along military roads, it is very important that it is here and can, especially the younger generation , get involved in this technology, there is a lot cars, one manufacturer, linro, he even has brands, there’s also a tag written there, and cars, i like everything very much, our grandfathers, fathers fought so that we could continue to live, to have our freedom.
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