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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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no matter what city, the traditions remain unchanged, the column of military equipment is headed by the victorious classic, the t-34 tank. the value of these vehicles is colossal; they are collected literally bit by bit to give the original appearance of the victory tank. they took it away, it was completely empty, that is, there was no engine, no gearbox, that’s all, they provided us with the engine, the gearbox, well, they assembled it. special attention of the spectators
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in the stands to nuclear deterrent weapons , a mobile launcher of the yars missile system passes along the central street, demonstrating its impressive scale, yes, not just one, there are no weapons with such characteristics in the world anymore. the soviet combat fighter i-16, which took part in the battles of the great patriotic war, took to the skies over novosibirsk. it was restored especially for the 79th anniversary of the victory. the center of yekaterinburg, what our artillerymen are actively using today in the special operation zone, the hurricane multiple launch rocket system. in front of them is rszzo grad, an installation of the previous generation, but with consistently high performance.
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fighting for strategic boundaries is not without, in our hearts there is pride for our homeland, for its brave, wise, unbending and multinational people, boundless gratitude addressed to veterans who defended their native land and practically saved the whole world from fascism. parade in the pouring rain in chelyabinsk. the military personnel march solemnly across revolution square, the abundance of umbrellas in the stands is impressive, the spectators do not disperse, and there is no respect for the most important day in the history of the country. parade in astrakhan, opposite, under the scorching sun,
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troops of the astrakhan territorial garrison marched along lenin square. murmansk, tank crews. denis alekseev, lead. now let’s talk about the project that gave birth to a mythology that is still alive today. right after world war ii, on german territory, us intelligence agencies created a german branch
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of the historical branch of the us army. under the leadership of the americans, hundreds of officers of the former wehrmacht general staff of the ss troops began to rewrite the history of the war. so watch the documentary now. they lost the war, but tried to take revenge on the pages of textbooks. 328 german military leaders were collected by the americans. how dozens of myths about the war were created, which still live today, generals, senior officers at the level of colonels and lieutenant colonels.
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usa, september 2023. a column of neo-nazis marches near disneyland in downtown orlando. the militants have established ties with the ukrainian nationalist association azov. some took part in military operations against russia. and this is europe. italy, center of rome. hundreds of hands.
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russia's historical past, it is no coincidence that its the official makes the statement in the us, speaking before the atlantic council, an american think tank funded by nato. they are trying to downplay everything positive that comes from russia and the soviet side in the context of this conflict, so it is best not to find anything positive in the russians, only through this can it be ideologically strengthened.
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actually put the nazi aggressors on the same level, and the soviet union almost accuses the ussr, along with nazi germany, of starting the second world war, as as if they forgot who attacked poland on september 1 , 1939, and the soviet union on june 22, 1941. the civilized world needs a new historical doctrine, without mentioning russia’s participation in it. harsh statements are being made more and more often and harshly. europe is in the pre-war period, the most alarming thing now is that literally
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any scenario is possible, we have not experienced such a situation since 1945, according to the distant descendant of the first german chancellor otto von bismarck, it is the united states that is pushing today’s eu leaders towards a direct military conflict with russia. they instill fear of war and then spread it. fear these politicians, we know this, when you, as a politician , spread fear, in this way you can limit certain basic rights of people, and you want to attract people to your side in this way so that they also support your aggressiveness. we all know, including in europe, that the us is pushing us. of course, these are the interests of the americans, not the europeans. and otto von bismarck said that those who want eternal peace must take into account the interests of others, but now, unfortunately. we we are seeing only escalation, the majority
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of the washington elite wants to make you believe that the neo-fuhrer, who is hiding in putin, will march through europe again, just like hitler in the forties, they say that another war will break out, and the united states will be drawn into it, that’s the setup, which we have to fight with, you must have heard about it many times on the news channels, but is it true? victory in the great patriotic war? has enormous, one might say, sacred significance for the public consciousness of russians, but recently, especially from outside, black pseudo-historical myths have been introduced. an entire industry of disinformers creates hundreds of fictitious facts about the great patriotic war, the red army, and the atrocities of its soldiers. these pseudo-historians create a picture that stalin's ussr and hitler's germany are equally totalitarian regimes. the soviet union allegedly threatened the world no less, perhaps more than the third reich, and
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the usa and great britain made a decisive contribution to the defeat of hitler. this large-scale activity did not begin today, this work began long before of the present moment. may 1945. germany capitulates, the war in europe is over. throughout the world, the soviet union is recognized as the winner. you will be responsible for everything. march to the defendants' bench, a fascist pack. courtroom in nuremberg. here the freedom-loving peoples of the world judge the main perpetrators of the war. let judgment be done. germany, autumn 1945. the international one begins its work. ussr, usa,
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great britain and france, in the dock are some of the highest-ranking functionaries of the third reich: giering, hess, rosenberg, ribentrop, keitel, donets, ydel. they will answer for everything, these warmongers are violators of peace. division of the us army. the american command received
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a colossal number of people who had experience of war with the soviet union. this was the most important thing. that is, this is the center of military history. he, of course, studied military history as such, but that was secondary. essentially, the historical branch of the us army recruits the service of senior wehrmacht officers. they are given the task of writing their own history of world war ii. interest in what happened in soviet-german front, he woke up. quite quickly, it was really a movement associated with the impending cold war, and of the entire array of collected materials that were deposited as foreign military studies, a significant part was devoted specifically to actions on the soviet-german front from the
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highest strategic level to the tactical... level. the us office of strategic services, this organization that would later become the cia, quickly forms the structure of the new unit. lead the historical the department appointed journalist, official historian of the us army, brigadier general samuel marshall. in reality, he does not play any significant role in the project. in fact, the real characters are hiding in the shadows for the time being. these are recent generals. headquarters and ss troops. only now they are under the control of the intelligence services of the united states. senior officers of hitler's general almost immediately after the formation of the project , a german boss appeared, franz halder, colonel general of the wehrmacht, former chief of the general staff of the ground forces germany from 1938 to 1942.
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halder's candidacy was not chosen by chance. the americans come up with it for him and... it was he who became the engine of a new program for the study of war, already in the aspect of confrontation with the soviet union. thanks to us patronage, halder escapes punishment. at the nuremberg trials he acts only as a witness, but even in the courtroom he proudly declares:
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if adolf hitler had not intervened in the activities of the military. germany in 1945. not on some small ones, but on a large one, he as the main war criminal, because he is responsible for the polish company, to some extent for the french, for the battle on the soviet-german front in forty -two, by the majority of the judges of the nuremberg tribunal. vermakt is not recognized as a criminal organization; the former allies do this deliberately in order to make halder not subject to prosecution, like other nazi criminals they need. a member of the tribunal from the ussr, comrade nikitchenko, expressed a dissenting opinion. he stated that he did not agree with acquittal of schacht, von papen and fritsche. they must be condemned. he doesn't agree with
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gus's sentence. not life imprisonment, death. immediately after his appointment to his new general staff , halder begins the selection of consultants and chroniclers on a grand scale. under the supervision of cia handlers, he actually creates a paramilitary formation from former senior ranks of the german army. at the first stage, halder recruits about 200
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officers, although all of them are still in the status of prisoners of war and live in a camp for... the nazis are paid on a par with american officers, they are allowed special conditions for this contingent: to move freely, to see family and relatives. a shadow has fallen on the picture of the world, so recently illuminated by the victory of the allies. nobody knows what soviet russia and its international communist organization intend to do in the near future. and what are the limits, if any, to their expansionist and conversionist tendencies? usa, march 5, 1946. winston church. "we are no longer allies with the ussr,
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the nuremberg trials are not yet over, but the enemy indicated, the cold war begins, already in june 1946, german officers, most of whom are generals, go to work, their task is to draw up reports and memos in the smallest detail." without the red army, galda heads the so -called control group, consisting of eight ranks former general staff of germany, among those who take an active part in the work of the historical department are general field marshal küchler, colonel generals gudarian and routh, colonel generals of the ss troops, hauser and dietrich, generals erfurt, schwepenburg, milentin. later , other former members will join the work of this association.
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changed into ordinary civilian clothes, pragmatic americans need to understand what the military machine of the red army is, this is where the german generals come in handy with their four years of experience in the confrontation with the ussr. the reason for the war, the reason for the defeat, the analysis of experience through certain geopolitical possibilities, through certain tactical possibilities, and that’s it. indicates that america and the west are preparing for potential war with the soviet union, which was primarily of interest to the americans, for example, the berlin operation, when
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the possibility was considered, for example, of using hand grenade launchers in the red army in the soviet army, which was already emerging, because if we return to the realities in the second world war, the red army soldiers used captured false cartridges, more abundantly and more often than the germans themselves. that is, it required some preparation. 1947 europe is divided into western, capitalist, and eastern, socialist. the americans are significantly expanding the activities of the historical department. the americans wanted to collect as much as possible. and, therefore , it was necessary to form a different attitude towards the victory, which was not even called general at that time, because they understood that it was a victory that was 2/3, or even 3/4.
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persona, now he prefers to be addressed only as mr. general, behaves as if he is directing military operations, giving valuable instructions and working out strategy. halder was there a very specific person, so it was his personality that imposed a certain, certain shade on this activity. halder was a man who was ready to commit any crime with one. provided that he found an excuse for himself personally. halder personally processes incoming reports, meticulously discussing with subordinates the details of what
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to remove, strengthen or add. he leaves difficult topics, especially those where politics influences the military sphere, for himself. by march 1948 , more than a thousand individual texts had been created with a total volume of 34. finally, from the depths of history. hitler, about the mistakes of the ss men, about the world war, they will talk about the bad crimes of the ss men, but in all honesty, germany must stand even as a loser,
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only hundreds of documents say: the refusals of hitler and rosenberg, then everything here was absolutely purposeful and ironclad, dumped on party leadership. that is, if it was hitler’s order, or even it was an order signed by keitel on hitler’s orders, then all the blame fell on hitler. according to plan nazi ideologist alfred rosenberg, russia was awaiting division into protectorates. the jews, as subhumans, are completely eliminated, the slavs are
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after partial destruction. were to become slaves. the main point of rosenberg’s program for the division of the ussr is the creation of local national governments, the separate formation of the ukrainian, belarusian governments and a number of independent states on the territory of the soviet union. hitler appointed him reich minister for the occupied eastern regions. rosenberg called for the liquidation of the ussr as an independent state, tear it to shreds, deport the russians to siberia, germanize the baltics, make belarus a german province, ukraine a german colony, seize caucasian oil into german hands. rosenberg developed plans, keitel sent troops, then himmler himself arrived.
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in their opinion, to establish a new order, these subhumans were treated, including the slavic peoples, primarily the east slavic ones and, oddly enough, the poles and czechs, whom hitler especially despised, the czechs for their not resistance, but the poles for their, well, it’s not clear why, it’s just like that, so ...
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