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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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and nuts. here is another order from general field marshal of the wehrmacht alfred reichinau, issued on october 10, 1941. on the behavior of troops in the eastern space. the soldier's task is to eradicate asian and jewish influence in europe. and he is defined not only as a fighter for the ideas of national socialism, but also as an avenger of atrocities against the german people. as part of the policy of severity towards. to the slavic subhumans, the german troops were ordered to treat women and children in russia especially cruelly, which is exactly how they behaved on the territory of the soviet union.
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every 30 seconds a bell rings here in memory of people burned alive. this village is not on the map of belarus. khatyn is one of the symbols of the tragedy and sorrow of the entire soviet people. on march 22, 1943, a belarusian village was destroyed by a punitive detachment, 149 residents, including 75 children, died in the fire, the tragedy of the hut... just one of thousands of facts
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indicating a deliberate policy of genocide towards the population of the soviet people. only in belarus alone was there 9,200 villages were created, of which 1,886 were completely destroyed along with their inhabitants. none of them were ever revived.
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according to data, by the beginning of 1942, about 4 million people were captured, that is, about 70% of all soviet soldiers captured by the germans during the war. most of them are captured in the first years and even months of the war, when nazi troops rapidly advance into the interior of the country. since time immemorial, russians have been accustomed to the harsh , ruthless intervention of authority. quote from the high command directive wehrmacht dated may 14, 1941. the okw demands that merciless measures be taken against the civilian population; wehrmacht soldiers receive complete exemption from responsibility for committing any violence. next, on june 6 , 1941, the wehrmacht issued an order on commissars. commissars are not recognized as soldiers, nothing in between. national legal protection
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does not apply to them, immediately after the start of the war this attitude applies to all soviet prisoners of war, already on june 28, on the sixth day of the war, they immediately created a camp for prisoners of war, what kind of camp is this? 100,000 people of approximately our prisoners of war in minsk, in the open air, surrounded by barbed wire, it was even impossible to sit there, they would stand there for several days, as we understand with you, this is a field... without a roof, fenced with wire, step behind the wire execution, maybe they’ll give you some kind of gruel, or eat grass, that’s it, the trees there were gnawed to the height of one and a half human heights, that’s it, all the punishment was eaten, you know, such barbaric conditions for soviet people it is the leadership of the wehrmacht that deliberately regulates it, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of exhausted prisoners of war die.
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hundreds of thousands of atrocities were committed by the nazis during the years of occupation on the territory of belarus, ukraine, russia, and these crimes against humanity were committed by soldiers and officers of the wehrmacht, they were released from criminal liability first by the american and english judges of the narnberg tribunal, and then they were whitewashed by the new chroniclers of halder, the us service . 1950 americans land in korea. the ussr
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sends military personnel to help the korean army advisers, air defense aircraft. in this regard, the value of the german branch also increases. us army branches. the americans want to see not only the german perspective on the war, but also resort to the expertise of wehrmacht generals. halder's general staff is asked to review the us army field service regulations. in 1950 , a 257-page text was published. the final version is edited by halder himself. the cold war is in full swing. former nazis not only write memoirs and reports. many of them were again called up to serve, now they are participating in creation of nato. halder himself and a group of generals at this time were actively helping to create a new german army, the bundeswehr. when the bundeswehr began to be created, german generals not only played
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a major role there, but they also flowed into nato. if we look at the leaders, military organizations, yes, there is a headquarters or some military structures, there... but the use of the nazis in the cold war with the soviet union is still of a closed nature. former allies are uncomfortable, especially after the nuremberg trials, openly cooperate with functionaries of the third reich. the world's memory of their atrocities is still too fresh. that is why the americans and germans. it is necessary to quickly reinterpret the events of world war ii to form a new public opinion. the project lasted 15 years until 1961. over the years, more than 700 german officers took part in it. more than 2,500
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individual texts were written on various topics. halder himself received the meritorious civilian service award shortly before his death. second in... german generals, and accordingly, these the memoirs became the basis for writing historical works with american money ; a basic layer of materials was created, on the basis of which later, for 50-60 years , the history of the second world war is still being written. under
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the patronage of the cia, halder and his subordinates managed to form stable myths: idealistic about the german army, disdainful about the soviet one. in general, the army leadership. the wehrmacht were portrayed as victims of hitler. the reasons for germany’s defeat were obvious factors, such as morozov and the lack of roads in russia, but not the power and professionalism of the red army. quotes from halder's diary. wehrmacht soldiers always showed miracles of fortitude and fighting spirit everywhere. the soviet command is tactically much weaker than the german one. halder was very critical of russian tactics. russian. offensive tactics: a three-minute fire raid, then a pause, after which an infantry attack with a shout of hurray in deep -seated battle formations of up to 12 waves, without support from heavy weapons fire, even in cases where attacks are carried out from long distances, hence the incredibly
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large losses of the russians, in fact it was the other side of the coin, that there is a certain image of the russians, so to speak, as somehow poorly organized, but at least they have no... problems with the manpower of the masses, but on the soviet-german front there, with a colossal superiority in people, the red army acted ineffectively, which is not true, now even the western one.
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stories within the project. in germany itself , a paradoxical situation has been developing for years: in a divided, defeated country, for many years are silent about the past and listen to the voice of the vanquished, who are interested in this silence. the awakening begins only in the nineties, when the gdr and the federal republic of germany.
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gradually, this wave seemed to be growing, and some reorientation, let’s say, not completely, not completely, but some reorientation nevertheless occurred in the public opinion of western germany, and then of the united germany. the project led by halder is not the only one supervised by the intelligence services of the united states and great britain. historical myth-making after the second world war it is only gaining strength. for the formation and dissemination of mythology. they are building an extensive infrastructure.
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hundreds of anti-soviet and then anti-russian centers are being created in the usa and western europe, whose tasks, in addition to collecting and analyzing information, include the formation of ideology and the dissemination of false history. a broad subculture of nazi followers continues to rewrite history to this day.
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but in russia today few people talk about this; numbers are also mentioned: 100,000 women in berlin and 2 million throughout germany. western media instantly pick up the resonant topic. the black myth immediately becomes part of the anti-russian information campaign. the red army came to berlin and raped 2 million. where did they get them from there again according to these rumors, which in the fifties all this appeared, it all spread, the americans contributed to this, it seemed, yes, they forgot everything, our documents appeared, which said that the red army should be guarded, firstly this matter was stopped, and then no such there were no traces of huge numbers, these were still isolated cases, unfortunately, the authors of the myth about soviet rapist soldiers apparently forgot that in the end - this myth was created by one of adolf hitler’s closest and most faithful followers,
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propaganda minister joseph goebbels. the myth was launched in hitler's germany to intimidate the population, to maintain their obedience, so that the germans would fight until the very last moment. today, the united states is among the european allies. it is considered useful to work to denigrate the image of russia, and the glorification of nazism, manipulation and, in general, falsification of history about the second world war is taking on new forms and... this is a coordinated action, moreover, we are faced with the fact that history is turning into a tool, a tool of manipulation, a tool of world politics, we used to like to say that history i can’t stand the subjunctive direction, and in general this is some kind of simply abstract scientific discipline about the past, history is now acquiring a very relevant sound,
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moreover, due to the fact that we are offered different versions of history, as we see that it turns out... the western and liberal world has become accustomed to keeping silent about rallies in the usa and europe and torchlight processions in ukraine, but the public death of high-ranking officials at the state level to the executioner from the sss is celebrated, perhaps, for the first time. canada: september 22, 2023. so in parliament , yaroslav gunko, a veteran of the 14th volunteer infantry division of galicia, the ss unit of hitler's germany, was greeted with a standing ovation. among others, the former nazi is applauded by
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canadian prime minister justin trudeau and president of ukraine vladimir. the entire territory of western ukraine, i would say, is infected with fascism. modern europe, desecration of the demolition of monuments to soviet liberating soldiers in latvia, poland, bulgaria. after the second world war , more than a million soldiers and officers of the red army were buried in central and eastern europe, and approximately 400 monuments to soviet liberating soldiers were erected. over the years, russia, as the legal successor of the ussr,
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has concluded bilateral agreements with many of these countries. providing maintaining military graves and monuments in proper order, but nowadays in most european countries no one remembers these agreements. these are the forces that are pursuing an anti-russian course. ultimately, they want to ensure that russia is defeated. there are plans to split russia into 16 separate territories. something similar is thriving in this russophobia. and in estonia, latvia, lithuania. there has also been continuity of personnel since the post-war period. these were the fascist regimes that existed there. today the monuments soviet soldiers-liberators in europe are under threat. many memorials have already been destroyed. in the west they are trying to abolish everything russian, to erase the facts of world history. these are
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pagan savages, which modern people actually practice. this is a banal desire to erase human memory. hans ziemel, ottakan, in this place rest
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those who once doubted that crimea is... ours, a german military cemetery near sevastopol, more than 25 thousand german soldier officers are buried here, the cemetery is looked after, it is guarded. in russia, in contrast from many european countries they honor the memory of those who died, even if they were enemies of the state.
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a universal human dispute, you can agree or disagree with some ideological guidelines with our way of life, their way of life, but you can never touch the graves,
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you can’t fight with the dead, because those who are doing this now, i hope that we will never do this we won’t, and those who are doing this now in europe will simply burn water when war is on the threshold, and we know what that means... this is war, the ancient gods awaken, and heroes rise from asana, when war is on threshold, 300 shooters appear, and behind them are millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, everyone is ready, when war is on the... when is war on the threshold, when is war on the threshold?
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we are in the hall of fame, the victory museum, where on the marble slabs that are on the walls, exactly 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia, awarded these honorary titles for the exploits committed during the great patriotic war, are placed, well, in the center of the hall there is a ten-meter ten-meter bronze figure victorious soldier, seventy-ninth anniversary of the great patriotic victory.
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this is evidenced by the fact that the antalya authorities and the security police are taking unprecedented security measures during this event. field kitchen,
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photo exhibition, screening of films about the war and patriotic songs performed by russian musicians. the organizers of the russian orthodox church, with the support of the consulate general of russia in antalya, allowed people to fully experience the atmosphere of the great holiday in the distance. well now broadcast on our tv channel. dear mr. president, dear friends, we are very glad to see you in russia, in moscow, especially on the occasion of the victory day of the soviet people in the great patriotic war.
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​​we are grateful to you, dear mr. president, to all our colleagues for their support of teaching the russian language. we cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the united nations.
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