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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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ຂອບ ໃຈ ທ່ານ ວລາດ ມີ ປູ ຕິນ ທານ ອະ ທິ ບະ ແຫ່ງ ຊາ ຮັບ ພັນ ລັດ ເຊຍ ທີ່ ໄດ້ ຂ້າ ພະ ເຈົ້າ ມາ ຮ່ວມ ສະ ຫຼອງ ຫຼອງ ຫຼອງ ຫຼອງ ປີ ຂອງ ຊະ ອ່າ ມະ ໄຊ ນະ ຟັດ ສິດ ແລະ ຂ້າ ເຈົ້າ ໂອ ກາດ ໄດ້ ເຂົ້າ ຮ່ວມ
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" ບັນ ດາ ປະ ມຸກ ລັດ ມື້ ເຈົ້າ ຮູ້ ສຶກ ວ່າ ກະ ເຈົ້າ ສ່ວນ ຕົວ all rights reserved . ທອງ ອາ on today's day,
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i am very pleased that such a good atmosphere of communication with ຫນຶ່ງ ຂໍ ສະແດງ ຄວາມ ສົມ ເຊີຍ ເປັນ ພິ ເສດ ທີ່ ແລະ ຫນ້າ ໃຫ້ ລັດ ບານ ຕ່າງ ຫນ້າ ປະ ຊາ ຊົນ ລາວ ໄດ້ ນະ ສ່ວນ ຕົວ ອ່າ ແດງ ຄວາມ ຊົມ ເຊີຍ ແລະ ສະ ຍິນ ທີ່ ທ່ານ ທານ ບ ດີ ວລາດ ອ່າ ຕິນ ຮັບ ການ ຮັບ ຕັ້ງ " ຫນຶ່ງ:
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ລາວ ກັບ ລັດ ເຊຍ ນີ້ ໃດ ໃດ all rights reserved. i would like to express my confidence that our friendly relations will be η. ​​​ ພິ ຊາ ສາ ມາດ ແລະ ເດັດ ດຽວ ຫຼາດ ສອງ ໄສ ທ່ານ ປະ ທາ ນະ ບະ ດີ ປູ ຕິນ ແລະ ວ່າ ຈະ ຖືກ ດັນ ປານ ໃດ ກໍ ຕາມ ແຕ່ ລັດ ຍັງ ສືບ ເຂັ້ມ ແຂງ ແລະ ມີ ການ ທະ ຢ່າງ ເຂັ້ມ ມີ ຖ້າ " ອະ ນາ ຄົດ ແລະ ກໍ ສຸກ ການ ການ
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all rights reserved. all right. 30 ຄົບຮອບ ແຫ່ງ ລົງນາມ
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ຈາ​ ງບັນດາ ທີ່ທ່ານ all right. the success of the implementation of many points in this agreement and we are now ahead to develop our bilateral relations and friendship. all rights reserved.​​ ງ ສະເຫນີ ໃຫມ່ ອາ.
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on armored personnel carriers boomerang, which brings up the rear of the mechanized column, in anticipation of movements, which tverskaya street seemed to freeze, the cars are lined up as if in a line, there is absolute silence all around, but after in a few minutes the engines will roar and
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multi-ton vehicles will proudly walk along the kremlin cobblestones. in the stands on red square, the main heroes of today's holiday, many of them have become a little smaller. the red banner, hoisted over the reichstag by the soldiers of the 150th drite division in 1945, today again flies in the wind, the car of the acting minister of defense passes through red square, and sergei shaigu
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reports to the supreme commander-in-chief. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. ready for the victory parade, army general shaigu, holiday vladimir putin addresses the guests of the parade, veterans and citizens of the country. i congratulate you on victory day, on our most important, truly national, sacred holiday. we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they defended their native land and crushed nazism. today we see the truth.
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more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent, independent centers of world development. russia claims exclusivity, from someone no matter what, it won’t tolerate it, a global clash is not an option, but we won’t allow anyone to be threatened, vladimir putin added. he is listened attentively by those who share their position with the veterans in the stands - the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, cuba, laos, and guinea bissau. russia is now going through a difficult, transitional period. the fate of the homeland, its future, depends on each of us. we
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are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line combat contact, these are our heroes, we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us. in front of the memory of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our... today, veterans of the northern military district, among the guests in the parade squads that continue the work of the glorious feat of the russian soldier, victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together
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we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray! alignment to the right. the drummers' company of the moscow military music school opens the parade on red square. young musicians set the pace and rhythm of the parade movements. in a minted step along the paving stones , the banner groups are walking the guard of honor. under
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the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, odessa during the great patriotic war, a parade parade of participants in a special military operation takes place, each example of courage and bravery, in total, there are thousands of participants and veterans of the northern military district at the parade, the most beautiful women’s military column, further on, warming this cool day with their smiles. quite a heavy force. the passage of equipment traditionally opens the legendary soviet t-34 tank under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. the second year is the only tracked vehicle. today, modern heavy vehicles on rollers are more important than the front, but the show turned out to surprise. debutant is an updated version of the armored car. it was obviously not named phoenix by chance; it was assembled entirely from domestic components will withstand not only
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small arms fire, but also the explosions of mines up to 8 kg spent. for the first time in public movement and typhoon modifications, the sanitary protected vehicle lens. each mechanized group is led by an btr-82. finally, on our red square there are giants, the s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, which have already been nicknamed the f-16 killers. “if, after all, these planes appear in the northern military district, iskander otrk launchers, the threat of the very alliance that the supreme commander mentioned, can carry a nuclear warhead, that’s it an element of a tactical deterrent weapon, slowly and surely taxiing onto red square on sixteen wheels, a strategic weapon, a self-propelled launcher of solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missiles of the iyar complex. the missile carries up to six warheads with a power of 100
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kilotons, with one blow it can destroy several targets the size of large cities and at a distance of up to 12,000 km, in gloomy weather the complex looks especially menacing, the clouds parted slightly and suddenly sparkled above the stands in the rays of the fleeting sun a cuban diamond from the su-30 cm and mik-29, and six su-25,
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354 attack aircraft, an interactive exhibition of weapons and deception samples was opened, military field mail was also placed there, where you can write congratulations on victory day on a triangular envelope and send it to the participants of the special operation , here at the museum of the special purpose garage of the federal protective service of russia, there is an exhibition of wheeled military equipment, various models of cargo transport, an ambulance van and a motorcycle are presented72.
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on the screen we see that once an hour a train arrives, a train with winners, right here on the screen shows and there are photographs of the winners, those who returned from the front, and it was precisely in 1945 that the winners were met at the belarusian train station; creative arts are performed here. collectives, here art shows talk about the exploits of front-line soldiers, about the exploits of home front workers, about women and children who dug trenches, about those teenagers who worked 12 hours a day along with adults in factories and factories, did everything for the front, everything for victory, it’s very there are a lot of people with red carnations, they still hope
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to meet veterans of the great patriotic war, congratulate them... say a huge thank you to them from the holidays, of course, all those people who are here remember their heroes, the heroes who went to the front and did not return, and those heroes who still reached berlin and unloaded the banner of victory over the reichstag. my father fought with me, it turns out that this is his great-grandfather. he graduated from the military artillery school at the age of 17, just in the forty-first year, and immediately went to the front to berlin and returned, thank god alive, but he was wounded, his grandfather literally immediately got it there wound, which he was unable to fight further, and his great-grandfather, his father, he spent the entire war
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as an artilleryman, defended stalingrad. we arrived today from nizhny novgorod and continue our journey to rzhev today, where our grandfather is in a mass grave, and today we came to see it because there is such an exhibition that everyone has probably heard about, we are very happy that we visited. participants in a special military operation, who
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are now on the front line, with weapons in their hands, protect. they died once, but turned into white cranes. heroes of russia, heroes of special military operation, together with veterans of the great patriotic war, today were invited to the parade in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory.
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you can learn about the feat of each of them thanks to the banners that are now placed throughout the city. also on victory day , many patriotic events take place in russia, including abroad, and people join them. that may 9 for every russian family is not just a red date on the calendar, not just a day off, it is a sacred holiday, it is the history
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of every family where the memory of their heroes, colleagues, maria, thank you, maria valieva spoke about the festive program that is taking place today at vdnkh and we are waiting for inclusion, and we continue, victory welcomes guests, distributes st. george ribbons to them, and also talks about how to wear this symbol correctly, in total , more than 12 thousand ribbons will be distributed here on poklonnaya hill, from where we broadcast. the commemorative action st. george's ribbon, dedicated to victory day, has been held since 2005; black and orange ribbons have become a symbol of memory of the victory in the great patriotic war. eternal sign and a sign of eternal gratitude to the veterans who liberated the world from nazism. also here, in the victory museum, the “faces of victory” project is being implemented. it gives everyone the opportunity
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to perpetuate the memory of the contribution of their relatives, home front workers and front-line soldiers to the defeat of nazism and transfer family stories about them for eternal storage in the victory museum. anyone can add to the archive of the faces of victory project on their own on the website. personally in the victory museum, that is, here or in the centers, my documents. well, for the youngest guests of the victory museum, thematic master classes. the topics were the history of the great patriotic war, the heroism of the soviet people, and the exploits of soldiers. well, in addition, museum visitors could become participants in an intellectual team game - a historical quiz dedicated to katyusha. how formidable.
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everyone who is now at the front is fighting for a common cause, for the whole country, just like their grandfathers and great-grandfathers 80 years ago. the victory museum today has become a real center of attraction for muscovites and guests of the capital. everyone comes here to celebrate may 9th. flowers are laid at the main building of the cultural square of seven. they lay flowers. also first guests.
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a large festive program has been prepared for visitors to celebrate the great patriotic war. the main building of the cultural site on poklonnaya hill is open to the public until 20:00. a historical and scientific intensive course was also held on the site of the victory museum. museum staff told guests about little-known facts and pages from the history of the great patriotic war, about battles, about military equipment that was used on the soviet-german front, about the exploits of soldiers and officers of the red army. student artists the theater and theater school of oleg tabakov organized a concert for the guests of the museum on poklonnaya gora, the program is called “one victory for all”. it is based on famous war songs and literature. excerpts from robert rozhdestvensky's poem requiem are heard from the stage. as well as
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the songs of katyusha, cranes, how young we were, the eternal flame, attending the concert for free, well, in ukraine this year for the first time may 9 is not victory day, we all know about this, unfortunately, now it is europe’s day, but despite to prohibitions and persecution, the inhabitants of the country still carry lights to the eternal flame in the park of glory in kiev. artyom, unfortunately, doesn’t let everyone in; the police detained the pensioner forever. fire only because she used soviet symbols. anastasia ivanova has details. for the first time in ukraine , may 9 is a working day. perhaps the zelensky regime was counting on the fact that people would not come out to honor the memory of the red army heroes at the memorials, but these expectations did not materialize. today is a sacred day for everyone, normal people, victory day, the day of victory over fascism, this is
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the city of kiev, the eternal flame is burning, look.
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the words “grandfathers fought”, local media resources put in quotation marks, with neo-nazi pomposity they write that they were cleansed of victory day, because now it is europe’s day. hence the visit of the head of the european parliament to ukraine, roberta mitsola, who was embraced by rada chairman stefanchuk as if she were her own at the station. eec flags fly in kherson's freedom square, a bitter irony for a supposedly independent ukraine. the kiev authorities are seeking not just to rewrite, not just to destroy. history, the history of victory in the great patriotic war, but come up with a completely new story for your people. in ukrainian textbooks, the great patriotic war is called the soviet-german war, in which there is no feat of the soviet people, including the ukrainian people. in ukrainian textbooks, ukraine appears as, so to speak, a victim of two authoritarian regimes, soviet and
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fascist. different conditions for reformatting people’s thinking, this, of course, is the destruction of all soviet holidays, although, as everyone knows, ukraine itself exists precisely thanks to the soviet government, now in ukraine, those who go to the victory monuments are committing a real feat, because the next monuments that should be demolished according to the baltic model will be the few remaining monuments to the patriotic war, to soviet soldiers that exist.
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they tell about the true history, about victories, about what needs to be remembered. russian hackers are broadcasting the parade from red square on ukrainian channels today. on the websites of educational institutions there is the truth about ukrainian collaborators. russian hackers from the group successfully congratulated students of students on the websites of educational institutions of ukraine with our common holiday, victory day. our president has always considered the ukrainian people to be brotherly, and we want to convey this idea to the younger generation of ukrainians through nazi propaganda afterward. how much is the memory worth for ukrainians who remember the feat of the soviet soldier, it is priceless, and history is winning so far. anastasia ivanova, anatoly tyurkin, olga alvukhina. news. we are in the hall of fame of the victory museum, where there are marble slabs.


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