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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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and we want to convey this idea to the younger generation of ukrainians through the nazi propaganda of the followers of hitler and bandera. we express our hope that the new generation of ukrainians will understand this truth. how much is the memory worth for ukrainians who remember the feat of the soviet soldier, it is priceless, and history is winning so far. anastasia ivanova, anatoly tyurkin, olga alvukhina. news. we are in the hall of fame of the victory museum, where there are marble slabs. the names of 11,800 heroes
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of the soviet union and heroes of russia who were awarded these honorary titles for feats accomplished during the great patriotic war. in the center of the hall is a ten-meter bronze figure of a victorious soldier. well, today, may 9, we remember the feat of our heroes, front-line soldiers and home front workers. it was they who, 79 years ago, gave us a great victory and saved the world from fascism. this. a holiday, as vladimir putin noted today, a sacred holiday for our country that unites all generations. speaking at the main victory parade on red square, the head of state congratulated all russians and addressed the military separately and veterans, as well as heroes of the northern military district. and, of course, he recalled the numerous attempts to distort the truth about the war, and thereby erase the memory of the heroism of the liberator soldiers.
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today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about world war ii. it interferes with those who are accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on their pedistals, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of that great sacrifice,
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exclusivity, we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. veterans of the great patriotic war from the moscow region were congratulated by the regional governor andrei vorobyov. he invited them to a meeting at the regional government house, and then to a parade on red square. among the guests were war participants, including fighters of partisan detachments, home front workers, residents of besieged leningrad, and former prisoners of concentration camps. pupils of cadet schools and buildings. we are very glad to see you in our government house, we know that people of extraordinary destiny have gathered here, who have gone through many trials, there are those who came to us from donetsk, there are those who went through the besieged leningrad, i want again...
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happy victory day to everyone, today is klavdia viktorovna’s birthday, i want from all of us gathered here on this day to congratulate you on your birthday, wish you the very best, hug you. memory of those killed during the great patriotic war honored in the lugansk people's republic.
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we have no doubt about it, this is a very significant and historical event, in general, which constantly reminds us of what feat... our grandfathers and great-grandfathers accomplished in those distant times of 41-45, which they defended at the cost of their lives freedom and independence of our great country, defended the freedom and independence of the lugansk people's republic, and this allowed us, all this time allows us today to be independent, live, build and create. victory over nazi germany with celebrated on a grand scale not only in russia, but also... in other countries. in moldova, to the sounds of an orchestra of songs from the war years with portraits of their relatives, a procession of many thousands of the immortal regiment took place. in the center of yerevan today , a hundred-meter st. george ribbon was unfurled, and the memory of the heroes was honored at
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the mass graves memorial complex in baku. residents of other republics of the former soviet union contributed to the overall victory. about the feat of front-line soldiers and rear workers of the central asian states. robert frantsev. monument to twenty-eight panfilov heroes in almaat. and thousands of townspeople are drawn to the eternal flame like a living river to honor the memory of the heroes. from almaty to moscow is almost 4.0 km. here the 316th division, the future legendary panfilov division, was formed, and from here it went to moscow for the decisive battle, in one of the most dramatic moments of the war. the queue to lay flowers at the eternal flame in astana and other cities. ceremonial march on the square in baikanur.
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about one and a half million kazakhstanis fought, many of whom found themselves in the thick of the war. every second soldier who went to the front from kazakhstan gave his life for victory. in the kyrgyz ussr , every fourth person fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war. today, the descendants of the heroes came out to a requiem rally in the center of beshkek. military personnel of the bishkek garrison marched solemnly and laid flowers at the eternal flame. the memory of the great feat is sacred to the people of turkmenistan. i would like to tell young people to remember the feat of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, so that they carefully preserve the world that our fathers conquered. hello, comrades, in tajikistan on may 9, unit 201 of the russian military
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base, the youth army members marched in parade formation and saluted the veterans. robert frantsev, arman baiduletov, tatyana safarova, victor innas otkachenko. central asian news bureau. in the capital of gagauz, the city of kamrat, the eternal flame at the military glory memorial was lit by particles of the eternal flame from the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. this was reported by the head of the autonomy, evgenia gutsul. earlier , opposition moldovan politician elon shor took part in the flower-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. he also organized the transfer of fire to moldova. the bird of eternal flame is now flying to our homeland moldova and will be handed over to all those responsible who conduct victory marches in our country. there is no future without the past, so today i think i am sure that we must remember this day absolutely always, we
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must honor it, we must do everything so that our children in 5 years, in 20 years, in 100 years, are exactly the same as today we rejoiced at the day of a great common victory. military parades in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war took place today in 28 cities of the country. so, more than 50 thousand people, about 1. samples of military equipment, took part in the festive processions. the brightest moments are on our air right now. governor of the tula region, hero of the russian federation. comrades, officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the great
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victory, for all faithful sons and daughters, for the fatherland, for true patriots, this holiday has... special, highest meanings and feelings, in our hearts there is pride for our homeland , for her brave, wise. unbending and a multinational people, boundless gratitude addressed to the veterans who defended their native land and practically saved the whole world from fascism. a low bow, our victors, your feat cannot be measured by anything, and there are no words that can... express how grateful we are to you, you, your former
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comrades, fought and worked beyond the bounds of human strength. may 9, a holiday with tears in your eyes, you defeated an evil equal to which history has never known, no one has ever taken so much...
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during the day, in the cold, in hunger, you forged victory in factories in factories, saved the wounded, fought underground in memory of everyone whose lives were taken.
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may 9 is a holiday with tears in our eyes, the most important and most sacred, the day of the triumph of the justice of life itself, today is our ideals, principles, our world again. strength test. the kiev regime, having chosen neo-nazism as its ideology, became a puppet in the hands of the corrupt and cynical rulers of the west. ukraine and its people were turned into a springboard for waging war with russia. and it became the absolutely correct, the only, correct answer to this. difficult decision military-political leadership of the country,
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to do everything for the security of our homeland. the faithful sons of their fatherland, the armed forces of the russian federation, the troops of the national guard and other security forces, mobilized, volunteer units stood up to defend the country, and they formed a strong line of defenders of their fatherland. in the first days of a special military operation, support for our guys on the front line is provided by
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all residents of the tours region, from young to old. parcels, letters, children's drawings, and much more, raises morale and increases effectiveness of combat missions. our guys feel understand, take it off. the whole country, all our people, a people who in the most difficult times become one and... cheers for the day of the great victory.
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porana is a peaceful solemn march in battalion style at one linear distance. a group of drummers straight ahead, the rest on the shoulder , alignment to the right, step by step, the march opens the parade
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, temporarily acting for... lieutenant colonel evgeniy iryanov. traditionally, a company of drummers leads the parade squads. suborovsky military courses, ahead of the company of drummers is the teacher of additional education of the school in the combined company, students of different schools, reserve major sergei kosmitsky. on the central square of the city of geroyatuly there is a banner group with the state flag
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of the russian federation and copies of the victory banner. a company of honor guard passes in front of the stands. which is headed by guard captain mikhail pogorelov. roto carries the flags of the ground forces, aerospace forces and the navy of the russian federation. a company of military personnel walks across the square military uniform from the great patriotic war. a consolidated parade squad of military personnel, participants in a special military operation, enters the square. groupings west, south, center, east, etc. dnepr, military personnel honorably fulfill the combat missions facing them and defend the interests of the fatherland. the crew is commanded by senior lieutenant kirill khvostov. the parade squads of the tula suvorov military school pass in front of the stands. the parade squad is headed by
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the head of the school, colonel sabasa dmitry sakseev. a parade passes in front of the crowd crew of the pervomaisk cadet school, commanded by reserve captain of the second rank andrei fedotov. the parade squad of the cadet center of the legal police college is passing in front of the stands. headed. a mechanized parade column enters the site, headed by the t-34 tank, a symbol of victory, glorified in the battles of the great patriotic war. it was these combat vehicles
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that were the best tank of the second world war. they were the first to break into enemy cities. the commander of the mechanized column, major alexander nesterov, behind the levers of the formidable combat vehicle, junior sergeant evgeniy. urals and siberia. the parade includes samples of historical military equipment. armored personnel carriers btr-40. armored car ba-64. a tireless worker, a lorry of gas. heir to the legendary katyusha, motorcycle platoon.
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following them is the soviet and russian all- terrain utility vehicle class uas 3151. the simple, reliable design of the chassis contributes to a fairly long service life and is a favorite vehicle. movement over rough and relief terrain. in a protected astace car is in parade formation.
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an army vehicle is designed to perform special tasks. the all-wheel drive system is capable of conducting reconnaissance operations while ensuring the protection of the equipment crew. next come the btr-82 am wheeled armored personnel carriers. combat vehicles 9a54
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of the tornado s multiple launch rocket system are passing through the square. next are transport-loading vehicles of the tornado ets multiple launch rocket system. unlike its predecessor, this copy. has seven types of ammunition: faster reloading and expanded equipment. the square contains universal launchers for iskander, a mobile operational-tactical missile system. the missile system currently in service is increasing its production. iskander m has no analogues of its kind. following them is the armored multi-purpose vehicle tiger m. the double wishbone suspension is designed for serious
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off-road conditions, fording rocky terrain, which the vehicle can easily overcome. following them is the murmansk electronic warfare complex, capable of interception. suppression of enemy radio signals at a range of up to 5,000 km. in front of the stands there are communications vehicles and antenna modules based on camas, which provide secure telephone communications and data transmission. on the square there is a radio relay station - the main complex of tactical level radio communications.
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the ceremonial passage is opened by a company of drummers of the bashkir cadet corps of the volga federal district named after hero of russia alexander dastovalov. the world counting parade is led by junior sergeant alan karesen,
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the company has excellent students.
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crew soldiers awarded state awards for courage and bravery. on the march is the parade squad of the military training center at the ukhima university of science and technology, the squad commander, participant in the hostilities, colonel magir beledov. the center trains personnel officers for the aerospace forces of the russian federation. the parade squad includes excellent cadets ainur akhmetzyanov and konstantin malenki. on the square there is a parade squad of the department of the federal penitentiary service for the republic bashkartastan. crew commander colonel of the internal service mikhail kabustin. as part of the crew , colonel alexander kozlov was awarded the suvorov medal and the medal for courage. medal for excellence in maintaining public
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order colonel konstantin. at the march are employees of the penitentiary service and institutions of the criminal executive system. the crew is headed by lieutenant colonel of the internal service anna schendel. service employees are entrusted with the tasks of maintaining public safety, reliable isolation of the criminal element, and correction of convicts. on the square ceremonial crew of the headquarters. in the republic of bashkartastan, the crew is headed by colonel of the internal service vitaly barzakin, who were awarded medals for courage in the fire named after general sheymuradov in the parade formation, senior lieutenant azad davlidyanov, warrant officers marad eparov and alexey dudar, sergeant maxim mogila. on the square is the parade squad of the regiment, the police patrol service, and the department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the city
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of upa. commander of the parade squad, police lieutenant colonel, artur amitov. regimental staff ensure the protection of public order, solve a significant number of offenses and crimes. the parade squad of the ufa law institute and the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation enters the square in a solemn march. porad. the crew is headed by police colonel viarel blocha. created more than 50 years ago, the ufa law institute trains personnel for the investigation department, criminal investigation, anti-corruption and economic security. over the years existence within the walls of the institute were trained.


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