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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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internal affairs of russia in the city of upa. commander of the parade squad, police lieutenant colonel, artur amitov. regiment employees ensure the protection of public order and solve a significant number of offenses and crimes. a parade squad from the finnish law institute and the ministry of internal affairs makes a ceremonial march onto the square. russian federation, the parade squad is headed by police colonel, viarel blocha. created more than 50 years ago, the ufa law institute provides training for departments of investigation, criminal investigation, anti-corruption and economic security. over the years of its existence, they have undergone training within the walls of the institute. a high level of training for future
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specialists is ensured by a teaching staff consisting of 10 doctors of science, seven professors, 91 candidates of science, 46 associate professors, 20 employees with honorary titles and... state awards, providing training for specialists for the internal affairs bodies of russia, ubimsky legal the institute carries out the educational process with a modern material and technical base using the latest educational technologies. attention, the solemn passage of military equipment from the great times.
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the most massive tank of the great patriotic war, the t-34 tank, is passing in front of the stands. the legendary thirty-four played a decisive role in the battles of moscow, stalingrad, and the kursk bulge near berlin.
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a t-26 light infantry support tank is approaching the central stand. the fastest and most maneuverable tank of the early thirties, tank the t-26 took part in the battles of the spanish civil war. in the battles of lake kazan and the kalkhin gol river. soviet-finnish company at the beginning of the great patriotic war. there is a t-60 tank on the square. light infantry escort tank, adopted for service in 1941. the role of the sixty was especially great in the defense of moscow. there is a light amphibious tank t-38 on the square. having received a baptism of fire in
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the thirties in the far east, the amphibian t-38 tank was part of the rifle divisions. ceremonial passage of military equipment from the great patriotic war completes the zis5ka truck, which formed the basis of the road transport of the red army. follows the car. an artillery gun, a 76 mm sis-3 anti-tank gun, recognized as one of the best in the world. the passage of modern military equipment opens with the multi-purpose, all-wheel drive, armored tiger vehicle, created for operation in any climatic conditions.
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military equipment appears under... a pool of powerful engines on lenin square. traditionally, the first symbol to cross the area is great victory tank t-34. the right to open the passage is granted to tank warriors 84.
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in front of you passes a multi- purpose off-road vehicle, an armored car, and an army suv gas-230 tiger. thanks to its high level of armor,
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specialized radio communications and night sights, the tiger is successfully used in reconnaissance and special operations. following along the square is a column of modern armored personnel carriers btr-82 am, equipped with the latest types of weapons, designed to deliver infantry to the field. combat and fire support for personnel, which have become a reliable support for motorized rifle forces during combat operations in any kind. in the conditions of the btr-82 am received the nickname tank destroyer.
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by area. named after lenin , the radio relay station r-416 gm is moving; it is intended for operation as part of line-of- sight, noise-resistant radio relay lines with packet switching. fronttree. bunoy passes the reid 2 os basic complex with the r-431 am antenna module, designed for quickly building a closed wireless digital communication network on any terrain. it passes in front of you.
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the r-431a atmospheric station is designed to organize digital communications at the operational-tactical control level at a distance of up to 450 km. equipment from the novosibirsk military institute passes in front of the podium. national guard troops, a column of btr-80 armored personnel carriers. the armored personnel carrier is designed for fire support and transportation of personnel over rough terrain and overcoming water obstacles.
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transport-loading vehicles from the operational-tactical squad are passing in front of you. iskander m missile complex . the latest scientific, technical and design developments for the creation of military equipment have been introduced in this complex. it is designed to engage ground targets with high-precision missiles.
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the typhoon anti-sabotage combat vehicle is moving across the square. is a reconnaissance and security complex located on the ptr-82 base and is intended for the protection and defense of the yars missile system. comparison to the right, segam, they open
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the passage with a solemn march, the drummers of the chervetny terminal school of ibernade with initial flight training, school director, honorary worker of the russian federation, alla aleksandrova valeonova, followed by the slovenian groups of the member branch.
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the drummers of school number 45 of the city of chelyabinsk, the director of the school sergei borisovich khaidukov, continue the march. the drummers of the cadet corps are followed by yunaria, a children's and youth social movement whose goal is the patriotic education of the younger generation of russian citizens, the column is headed by the head of the regional of the youth headquarters alexey zyazin. a reconstructed platoon of canine specialists with service
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dogs, the gufsin of russia for the chelyabinsk region, walks across the square, symbolizing the historical memory of the heroism of our fellow countrymen, a reconstructed company in uniform with weapons from the times of the great patriotic war walks across the square. the regional veterans' organization, the russian one, is marching across the square. union of veterans, the organization is led by a retired colonel, yuri vitalievich secretaries. the parade squad passes through a ceremonial march twenty-first guards, red banner order of suborva, third degree, orsha mixed aviation division, whose personnel take part in a special military operation. commander, honored military pilot of russia, guard general.
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engaged in practical training of navigator cadets, the base is commanded by a first -class pilot, colonel vadim vasilyevich mondrovsky, chikanya shah on the revolution square and... here are cadets from the navigator training faculty and the air traffic control aviation combat command faculty. employees of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation for the chelyabinsk region are marching in a ceremonial march; the main directorate is headed by police lieutenant general mikhail ivanovich
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skogor. the cadets are in parade formation. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, students of the chelyabinsk vocational college, director of the college elena gennadievna vasilyaovskina. the ceremonial crew is commanded by college student ivan vyacheslavovich kolisnikov. the military training center at
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the south ural state university enters the square. the center is commanded by colonel nikolai. karpov, a combat veteran, was awarded the order of military merit and the suvorov medal. the staff of the center was awarded certificates of honor from the deputy minister of defense, the minister of education of the russian federation and the commander of the troops of the central military district. on the square there is a consolidated column of the headquarters of the federal bailiff service . in the chelyabinsk region on the march , a parade squad of employees of the main directorate of the federal penitentiary service for the chelyabinsk region, led by directorate colonel of the internal service igor evgenievich tretyakov. the ceremonial
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passage through revolution square is completed by the parade squad of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations. in the russian federation for the chelyabinsk region, heads the department, major general of the internal service, yuri nikolaevich burenko. a column of armored vehicles from the great patriotic war and the post-war period appears on revolution square. at the forefront is the legendary tank from the great patriotic war , the t-34, which was produced. in chelyabinsk tractor factory and formed the basis of the armored forces of the red army. the chelemensky collective farmer tank was one of the first to break through the fortifications of the encircled fascist troops in stalingrad and completed the liberation of the city. currently, this tank is installed on the mamayev kurgan in the volgograd memorial complex.
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the is-3 heavy tank continues its passage. this is a tank of the final stage of the great patriotic war, is a successor to the famous tanks kv-1 and kv-2, is-2, developed in chelyabinsk in the design bureau under leadership of nikolai dukhov. and it was produced at the chelyabinsk kirov plant by the people's commissar of the proma tank, the current chtzz ural-fuck. on the march , the isu-152 self-propelled artillery mount was used for the first time in battles on the kursk bulge. the chief designer of sao is the lion troyan. fifty-pound self-propelled gun shells literally broke through the armor
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of hitler’s heavy tanks and tore off their gun turrets. the vaunted pandars and tigers. turned out to be powerless against the strong armor and powerful artillery strike of the isu-152. the sau isu-152 is followed by modern transport-loaders vehicles 9t-255, 232 guards rocket artillery, prague red banner order of the great, second class brigade. used for transportation, temporary storage, loading and unloading of the tornado s long-range missile system. hello comrades, hello!
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congratulations on your seventy-ninth anniversary of victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! tova! congratulations on your glorious victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! hooray!
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garrison, as well as a military police training center. the technology is represented by cars about exceptional off-road capability. hello comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! on the main square of the city
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are officers, air force cadets arbinov zhukov, lenin, the october revolution. the parade squad is commanded by the head of the command department of the academy, colonel vladislav len, head, graduate of this educational institution, honorary citizen of voronezh and the voronezh region, doctor of pedagogical sciences, colonel general gennady tebrov leads the parade squad aerospace forces, presented. officers and cadets at the military parade in the city of heroes of moscow. there are 29 students in the officer's parade squad, participants in a special military operation
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who were awarded. the order of courage, the achievements of the academy are inscribed in golden letters in the annals of the country and the world history of aviation and astronautics. having celebrated its centenary, in 2020 the academy is rightfully proud of its graduates who have made a worthy contribution to the exploration of the airspace of the space generation. over the years of the academy's activity, more than one thousand and one thousand of its graduates were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and the title of hero of the russian federation. 60 people twice, and air marshal ivan nikmitovich kazhedub was awarded this title three times. the academy's graduates include the first cosmonaut on earth, yuri gagarin, and the first female cosmonaut in the history of mankind, tereshkova. today, the academy is the largest systemically important university of the russian ministry of defense, which trains highly qualified officer personnel throughout
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the entire complex. using the most modern educational and material base, the latest and promising models of aviation equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based means of supporting flights of electronic warfare equipment. today , 167 doctors of science and professors, 1250, are conducting educational scientific activities at the academy
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. graduates of the institute serve in all regions of the russian federation, as well as in countries near and far. on the square there is a parade squad of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of the russian federation for the voronish region. the motto of every rescuer is prevention. rescuing aid, headed by the parade crew, head of the main department, major general of the internal service, alexander khoshel. on the square are students of the voronezh mikhailovsky cadet corps, one of the oldest cadet corps in the russian federation, founded in 1845 . cadet mikhailovtsy continue the glorious traditions of previous generations; the cadet squad is headed by the corps director, colonel.
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valery avgeev, on the student square of the voronezh soviet school named after alexander vasilievich svorov. students of the kobet school have repeatedly become winners of festivals and olympics at the regional and federal levels. over 20 years , more than 400 cadets graduated from the cadet school. the cadets are marching in parade formation. over the 10 years of its existence, the corps was four times included in the construction of the best cossack cadet corps in russia. they undergo training in the cadet corps. we are located.


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