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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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remember at what price happiness was won, please remember, as you send your song into flight, remember about those who will never sing again, remember, tell your children about them, so that they will remember, tell your children’s children about them, so that they too will remember.
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eternal memory to the heroes who fell for the freedom and independence of our homeland.
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today, may 9, we remember the feat of our heroes, front-line soldiers and home front workers. it was they who gave us a great victory 79 years ago and saved the world from fascism. this holiday, as vladimir putin noted, is sacred to our a country that unites all generations.
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true fighters against nazism, puts traitors and accomplices of the nazis on a pedestal, crosses out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite. regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain the sovereign independent centers of the world development. we reject claims of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. the president recalled that russia rejects the claims of any state or alliance to exclusivity. since in our
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country they know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to, this is a response to the statement of some western politicians, which are very reminiscent of attempts to blackmail and intimidate russian society, let’s not forget our common struggle, russia will do everything to prevent a global clash, but in the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us, our strategic forces are always in combat readiness, in the west they would like... to forget the lessons of the second world war, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov , near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea, but a little later in the kremlin.
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a gala reception was held in honor of the foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir putin said that they are all reliable partners and friends. the president also held separate bilateral negotiations with the leaders of tajikistan, laos and guinea bissau, which was discussed, we learn from anastasia efimova. nastya, greetings, in the foreground today, of course, is the topic of preserving historical memory, but we were talking about joint projects, we are waiting. of course, since respect for the past is always the key to a productive future. reliable partners and friends, this is how vladimir putin greeted guests at the gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for the holidays events. on victory day, as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated everywhere where they realize the eternal value of justice, equality and humanism, where they remember and honor their heroes, countries with which moscow will continue to develop relations. russia will continue its course towards developing
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mutually beneficial partnership and friendship with everyone who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice and advocates strict compliance with international standards. the trials of the second world war, the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future. the future of an indivisible security system was discussed at the meeting of vladimir putin with the president of tajikistan; for moscow and dushanbe, may 9 is a common holiday, but unites the two countries, not only the past, after the march terrorist attack in krokuli, mamali
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rahmon was the first leader to express on behalf my people, condolences to the russians, thank you for your words condolences expressed. you, you were one of the first to say this, on the occasion of the terrorist attack in moscow, our special services are actively working to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both for russia and for tajikistan, it is working well, colleagues in are in test contact with each other, we support this work. and we will continue to do this, i have repeatedly stated from the rostrum that we are against standards in the fight against terrorism and extremism, terrorism is not has a nationality, has no religion, has no homeland, we must fight them, and subsistence
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everywhere, a sense of friendship and mutual respect unites russia and... with cuba, with the president of this country, vladimir putin also held a meeting at which it was discussed, in including about common challenges: both govana and moscow are faced with the consequences of illegal sanctions with countless attempts to discredit, and from the same side, the same one that considers itself a hegemon, having the right to impose its own rules and orders on others, our relations with cuba based on feelings of friendship. mutual respect, we always accept with hostility, with a sense of support for the cuban people, the attempts that have been ongoing on the part of the united states for many years, attempts to limit the development of cuba, to cause economic damage
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with illegal sanctions, illegal restrictions, just like russia, the united states is constantly trying to discredit . the binsk parties continued in a wide format, and after that vladimir putin talked with another guest of the current may celebrations head of laos. not everyone remembers this, but vientiane also faced aggression during the second world war, was occupied by militaristic japan, and
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tries not to forget its history. the two countries have historically established ties at the state level; for example, in soviet times , t-34 tanks were supplied to the laotian army. who returned to their homeland in the new century, as artifacts of the era, by the way, this is the model that traditionally opens the parade on red square, but relations are also developing at the level of citizens, sisulite, by the way. studied in st. petersburg at the pedagogical university. last year we saw a modest, but still 12% increase in trade and economic cooperation. world card holders have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow. cooperation in the field of defense and security is developing, scientific and humanitarian ties are being maintained. we are grateful to you.
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i would like to express my confidence that our friendly relations are built on the principles trust of mutual benefit, i would like to note your successful leadership of the country, despite western pressure, your country is gradually developing, while you are helping us develop a multipolar world so that all countries live with... a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, more precisely, the whole continent, african. the head of guinea bissau also became a guest of the victory parade at a meeting with him , vladimir kutin recalled that russia made a significant contribution to supporting the besai struggle for independence, and today the countries are developing relationships precisely in the spirit of partnership and respect for mutual interests? it is very pleasant to note, we have already talked about this with you today, that you have come to russia not for
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the first time, you pay great attention to the development of bilateral contacts, but today you are on victory day, this is a special day for all of russia, for everything the former soviet union, bearing in mind that enormous contribution, these enormous sacrifices that were made on the altar of victory.
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yes, and this process cannot be stopped. thank you, anastasia efimova talked about the series bilateral meetings of the president with the leaders of the countries who attended the victory parade in the capital today. well, vladimir putin also discussed with the unit commanders the situation in the special military operation zone. the meeting took place on may 7, immediately after the inauguration ceremony , and the conversation took place. frankly, anton potkovenko knows what was discussed. a strong handshake with each of the guests, almost immediately
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after taking office as president on may 7 , vladimir putin met in the kremlin with commanders of military units, regiments, brigades, divisions and armies that have most distinguished themselves recently during a special military operation. i would really like all our comrades in arms who are solving problems within the framework of a special military operation to be present at this ceremony; they feel sorry for their own.
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2,441 people, a number of organizational measures were carried out, 19 new combat units were included in the brigade, 11.00, yes, at the moment the strength of the unit is 11,365 people, the brigade has become large, there were 3,000, but at the beginning with a small number, now there are more than 11 thousand, this is a division, we need to transform, reorganize the brigade into a division, and accordingly, build all the control bodies, we’ll do that, we talked, of course, about drones. in particular fpv drones. their use, as noted by military officers, often nullifies enemy actions at the front. we must move on. there is a need to consider the issue of introducing and, perhaps, production, of an aircraft type with fpv carriers just like drones, that is, the so
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-called womb, an aircraft womb. this will allow increase, firstly, the range of application, and secondly. it will be both a reconnaissance means, a means of fire destruction, and a means of objective control, that is, it will carry three components in one, plus everything, it will increase the fire capabilities of the units. the entire western community is working for our enemy, dreaming that russia in its current form will no longer exist. to be successful in this confrontation system, we need to be one step ahead in new technologies, he emphasized the president. this concerns intelligence, this concerns. strike weapons, this applies to many other tasks, there are a lot of them, in the rear they can be solved with the help of drones and on the field on the line of combat contact, we work in different directions, special research institutions are also working, the structure of the ministry of defense is working, in the first
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case, i meant the civil services, this is how we often do now... the result will be. guards colonel khalikov, whose 74th guards motorized rifle brigade took berdychi in the avdeysk direction, raised the topic of robotic systems; they perform well on the front line. in this locality , a courier ground robotic complex was used, which was equipped, two of them were equipped with an ags-17 automatic grenade launcher.
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the use of such equipment in assault operations is allowed. there are developments, and we will take what to hide, we will take what we see on the international market, and we developed them ourselves, so that despite all the difficulties, we still get some things, they are double, triple, there are also civilian purposes, of course
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they can be adapted for modern combat operations, but i repeat once again there are good developments of our own, so we will definitely bring this to light. russia will expand its line of air, water and underwater drones. the president mentioned the already famous fabs, high-explosive bombs with a controlled planning and correction module, against which enemy electronic warfare systems are powerless. russian designers, scientists, engineers “work day and night,” vladimir putin said, concluding the open part of the meeting with officers, and this is one of the keys to victory. anton potkovenko, all. well, dig. festive events take place throughout moscow, for example, at vdnkh in front of the arch of the main entrance, a concert of the opera singer, honored artist of russia eldar abdrazzakov. big program. today we are at the russia exhibition, we’ll learn more about everything from our correspondent maria valieva, she’s joining us live . maria, hello, tell me, please, what did you surprise your guests with today? yes,
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anton, greetings, a very rich festive program, here at vdnh, a concert is currently taking place near the main entrance, and one of the first to perform here was the honored artist of russia. singer ildar abdrazakov. they are still there from those distant times. they fly and give us their voices. that’s not why it’s so often sad. we fall silent, watching. to the skies, russia, russia, on the industrial square, attention, all visitors to vdnkh are attracted
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today by an exhibition called echelon victory. creative groups perform on stage, sing songs of the war years, artists talk about the exploits of front-line soldiers, home front workers, and about those women and children who dug trenches. about those teenagers, who are essentially children, worked 12 hours a day in factories, along with adults, forging a common victory, an exhibition of military equipment from the great patriotic war was organized next to the garage museum, a banquet for veterans was held today in the house of russian cuisine, a lot here people with red carnations, they came and congratulated veterans, they told them... thank you, and they , in turn, wished our soldiers, who are now on the front line, health and to quickly return with victory to their wives, mothers and
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children, the very same wish is needed by people who need health, happiness, returning home with victory , you thought that everything, now, the war is over, victory is here... their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are defending the borders of our homeland with weapons in their hands, they recorded a video, sang the song cranes, it seems to me sometimes that
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soldiers have not arrived from the bloody fields, they once perished in our land.
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in berlin, but reached his destination, completed the combat mission, and for this he received the order of the red star. happy victory day, our cosmonauts congratulated everyone today. dear friends, the crew of the russian segment of the international space station sincerely congratulates you on victory day. almost 80 years have passed since may 1945, and every year there are fewer and fewer witnesses to those events. it is more important to preserve the memory of the feat of our ancestors, passing on to the next generations knowledge about this war, which claimed the lives of tens of millions of our compatriots. yes, maria, thank you, ours.
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victory day and not only on earth, but in space. well, the first to celebrate victory day were the residents of the far east. military parades took place in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, vladivostok, usuriysk, blagoveshchensk, chita and khabarovsk. evgeniy nipod. more details about everything. on the square is the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner. the very first parade dedicated. the ceremony of victory in the great patriotic war was held in petropolovsk -kamchatsky. the weather, of course, did not interfere, as the locals say, for them there was snow and rain on may 9 is more of a tradition. it turned out to be a truly frosty morning in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, but what a frost for a russian soldier, especially when it’s such a day. i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hurray, hurray, the mechanized column was led by
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katyusha, her worthy descendants. in khabarovsk , the equipment parade was opened by the legendary t-34 from-3 trio with a characteristic flattened turret and a self-propelled gun. often at parades it is written as a fighting friend or beat the bastards. cars that brought victory closer during the great patriotic war, walked along with those who are bringing victory closer now. tanks t-72b and t-72b3. the feat of the heroes of the great war was honored in yakutsk, centenary veteran naum sleptsov addressed the audience, and later he laid flowers at the memorial. the parade squads moved one by one along the main street of vladivostok. knight of the order of the great
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patriotic war, second degree. for the first time, vladimir maksimovich kortashov was unable to come to the central square on victory day, the ninety-six-year-old front-line soldier was not allowed by his health, about how the parade went, he was personally told by the commander of the pacific fleet, admiral victor leina. i am very grateful to you, the military council of the fleet, for not forgetting the serviceman, you volunteered in the forty-third year, the forty-third year to the volunteers, the polian volunteers, who fought with militaristic japan for more than thirty years.
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samples of equipment, the first domestically developed tank ms-1 followed to the colony, along with military equipment , zim cars drove through the main city square and, of course, victory. in blagoveshchensk on amur they organized parade of border ships. about three dozen boats, to the sound of sirens with a victory banner, for the first time with portraits of war participants , walked along the great river, while on the embankment there were many flags of other states, along with the townspeople , foreign cadets from the far eastern military school watched the water procession. a large-scale parade took place in chita; perhaps no other far eastern city had so many tanks in columns. in the finale
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, a combined military orchestra performed in front of the audience.


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