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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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for the first time , many flags of other states, with portraits of war participants, walked along the great river, while on the embankment , foreign cadets of the far eastern military school were observed by the townspeople watching the water procession. a large-scale parade took place in chita; perhaps no other far eastern city had so many tanks in columns. in the finale, the combined military orchestra of the local garrison performed in front of the audience. in ukraine this year, for the first time, may 9 is not victory day, now it is europe day, despite the bans and persecution, residents carried flowers to the eternal flame in the park. in kiev, but
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not everyone was allowed in; the police detained a pensioner because she used soviet symbols. anastasia ivanova has details. for the first time in ukraine, may 9 is a working day. perhaps the zelensky regime was counting on the fact that people would not come out to honor the memory of the red army heroes at the memorials, but these expectations did not materialize. today is a sacred day for everyone, normal people, victory day, the day of victory over fascism, this is the city of kiev. eternal flame, look how many flowers, how many people, people remember, i tell you so i’ll say, ukrainians are a victorious people, we have something to celebrate, the police, if not policemen, have a different opinion, they detain pensioners for soviet symbols, i don’t know, show me who is banning the cap, what savagery, i repeat, the ukrainian union of soviet officers , there is symbolism, you know?
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they no longer have parades, the words “grandfathers fought”, local media resources put them in quotation marks, and write with neo-nazi pomposity that they have been cleansed of victory day, because now it is europe’s day. hence the visit of the head member of the european parliament to ukraine roberta mitsola, who was hugged by the chairman of the rada stefanchuk at the station as if she were her own. eu flags fly in kherson's freedom square, a bitter irony for a supposedly independent ukraine. the kiev authorities are seeking not just to rewrite. to destroy our common history,
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the history of victory in the great patriotic war, but to invent a completely new history for our people. in ukrainian textbooks, the great patriotic war is called the soviet-german war, in which there is no feat of the soviet people, including ukrainian people. in ukrainian textbooks, ukraine appears as, so to speak, a victim of two authoritarian regimes, the soviet one. both fascist and as a battlefield between the soviet union and fascist germany, and the fact that ukraine is a testing ground for the west now, of course, no one will write about square. for example, zelensky published such a video. not a word about the feat of his grandfather semyon ivanovich, a front-line soldier of the great patriotic war, but eu flags, clichés about democracy, freedom, human rights, a man who is arrested for being remembers history, but zelensky has a different history, he creates it himself, hence europe day, unique conditions for
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reformatting people’s thinking, this , of course, is the destruction of all soviet holidays, although, as everyone knows, ukraine itself exists precisely thanks to soviet power, now in ukraine , those who go to the victory monuments are performing a real feat, because the next monuments that should be demolished, following the example of the baltic states, will be the few remaining monuments about the patriotic war to the soviet soldiers who are talking about the true history, about the victories, about what needs to be... remembered, russian hackers say, the parade from red square is being broadcast on ukrainian channels today. on the websites of educational institutions, the truth about ukrainian collaborators. russian hackers from the kiloby v group successfully congratulated students on the websites of ukrainian educational institutions on our common holiday, victory day. our president has always considered the ukrainian people to be brotherly and we want to convey this idea to the younger generation ukrainians through the nazi... propaganda
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of the followers of hitler and bandera, we express the hope that the new generation of ukrainians will understand this truth. how much is the memory worth for ukrainians who remember the feat of the soviet soldier, it is priceless, truly. 80 years ago , the crimean offensive operation ended, the peninsula was heroically liberated from fascist occupation, hitler’s plan for crimea, the exploits of soviet soldiers and local residents, a special report by anna afanasyeva. it's just may 1944. liberated sevastopol, life against the backdrop of war, war against the backdrop of life, children banging spoons on plates, gobbling up porridge, girls, look at the mothers, what beautiful bows they imposed, and maybe not the mother anymore,
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boys sunbathing at the monument to sunken ships, they jumped bombs straight from the pier into the sea or soldiers, still very young sailors of the cruiser mole. these are the youth who fought and knew that victory will be ours, and we will definitely win and we will be alive in the new time. how did the residents of sevastopol survive in the occupied city? we became adults very early, so
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we were 6, 7, 8, 9 years old, we already knew by the sound where the bomb was falling, where it was falling, how it was flying by the sound, where the shell was, either to run or to lie down. and how they built a new life on the ruins, what they experienced is impossible, it’s not the same thing to forget, you know, because it’s me... even in the breather, when they shoot, my heart, i’m not afraid, but my heart drops somewhere and i feel bad. when the war began, iraida ivanovna was a three-year-old girl, her father, a naval pilot, was immediately taken to the front, and in sevastopol she stayed with her mother
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older sister. for example, i told my dad, i’ll be a pilot, only a pilot, that’s all, when that means, they started throwing bombs at... to work, the main thing for them is to work for germany, my mother somehow got into a raid. iraida ivanovna’s mother will spend 2 months in prison for refusing to work for the nazis, but trouble does not come alone, after her release she falls ill with typhus, the house where the family lived burns to the ground, the girls end up in an orphanage, the skins were thrown out of the kitchen, from
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the german, the stone sculpture stood nearby and now this means we collected the liquor in landfills where we threw it out and dried it on potbelly stoves.
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to eliminate the offspring of the black sea fleet and russia on its southern borders, to capture the peninsula and to seize air and sea communications. at the black sea. hitler's command planned to seize crimea quickly. they knew that sevastopol was a naval base, perfectly fortified by the fleet, but without land defensive fortifications. the offensive operation was entrusted to the german eleventh army, commanded by one of the best military leaders of the wehrmacht, general erich von manstein. even before the start of the war, hitler spoke. that the most important task before the capture
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of moscow is the capture of crimea, the destruction of russian naval bases on the black sea coast, they needed it in order to replenish the meager reserves of strategic raw materials, namely oil, and crimea, in fact, was an obstacle.
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and destroy russian troops on the kerch peninsula in order to be able to cross to the caucasus, but he received neither one nor the other. order, at any cost to hold crimea was also dictated by the nazis’ future plans for the peninsula. doctor of historical sciences, oleg ramanko, has been researching the topic of germanization of crimea for more than 30 years. he worked a lot in german. archives, where he studied the originals of the most important documents. first, in july of the forty
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-first year, here is the famous meeting of hitler, where he said that crimea should be cleared of all non-germans. then in december 1941 rosenberg met with hitler, where hitler again repeated that crimea must be cleared of all strangers, in december forty-first, actually a month after the occupation of crimea, the beginning of the occupation, this question arises. about the famous gotenland project, that's what hitler said to rosenberg at this meeting, well, it is advisable to rename crimea to gothenla, because the goths are their heritage there, let's call simferopol, gothenburg, gottburg, and sevastopol theodoric with hafen, theodoric's harbor, theodoric is one of the kings of the goths who lived here in the 3rd-4th centuries, there were several concepts of what the year would be like.
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this is the plan of the sss leadership itself mimler there, in particular, iss about the transformation
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of crimea into such an outpost of germanization on the borders of the third reich, nothing prevented such plans from making crimea gibroaltar and the riviera and gotenland, but they somehow still ended up intersecting from the point of what and what - something needs to be done with the local population, like germanizing or... and those who lived in crimea. germanization is a complete sociocultural, ethnonational reformatting of the region. put away. the entire population from crimea to populate crimea with germans, there were two options: either germans from palestine, or from south tyrol, thereby solving his internal german problem, but hitler, in general, was a person who may have resolved issues very harshly immediately without
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stopping, but nevertheless... he believed that the basis for conquering territories could perhaps, in this case for crimea, it may be the fact that these lands once belonged to representatives of the german race. at the end of the forty-second year, when almost the entire crimea was under fascist occupation, the annerbo society sent german archaeologists on an expedition to the ancient cave city of mangubkale, their goal is to find traces of the presence of the goths here, whom they considered their ancestors, according to one of the versions that existed then, it was mangubkale, the capital of the ancient god state.
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crimean archaeologist alexander germenovich hertsin,
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in which he in every possible way emphasized the value of the significance of this peninsula for the life of germany, he sent here the chief of police of taurida, major general alfred alvensled, a representative group, she visited mangub, precisely mangub, they walked around it, which means they did photographs, this romantic and enthusiastic essay was written. about the mangup who soon caught the eye of the himlers. the german expedition did not discover any new artifacts from the godsky period; they will be found by soviet archaeologists in the post-war years. here below us is a huge gotoland burial ground in the almalyk apple ravine. and
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that’s where we have the goths, and we can say they’ve screwed up, as they say. there can be no question at all that crimea is a german, one of the german prorodin. to implement the program of germanization of crimea, there was enough theoretical evidence that the gothos actually lived in this territory. for example, himmler came here, and to crimea,
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why did he come here? goals came, rosenberg came. occupied sevastopol opened new pages of a terrible period in the history of the city. during the 250-day defense period, the city was destroyed, so when the germans arrived, they
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understood that the city needed to be put in order. advertisements and propaganda posters were placed on buildings in the city of sevastopol, which it was said that every resident of the city of sevastopol must come to register and receive their assignment for work. the people of sevastopol are not the same people who could under the germans. on one of the central squares , three young men were hanged, a sign for sabotage was hanging on their chest, one of those executed was vladimir matsuk, his mother sent him to the commandant’s office for water coupons. a sixteen-year-old boy was arrested. mother found out about this...
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me, that if you don’t listen to us, this will happen to everyone. longer in during the war there was only the blockade of leningrad and the defense of sevastopol for 250 days. and when the last days came, when the nazis essentially crushed the defenses of sevastopol, more than, well, let’s say, about 70 thousand people were captured there. column of prisoners of war. the wounded and tortured, who were being taken to the camps, was clearly visible from the window of the neighboring house. the owner prudently left the gate to the garden open, in case someone managed to escape.
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some water, a piece of bread, some potato, to support me somehow. the germans are being driven away, there is some kind of confusion, because, well, people and so on, they begin to drive them away from this column of prisoners of war. and vasilyin was in this... taking advantage of this turmoil, he rushed into one of the houses that was nearby, it was the house of a local resident, anastasia lopachuk, she decided to shelter him, hide him here, and he told her, whispered, i have a fiancée in sevastopol on the ship side. nina pavlovna - vasily revyakin's niece, she will decorate the house where her uncle's family lived with a bunch of red tulips, as a symbol of the fact that he fought for...
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under the herm of hitler's enslavers, to you we, your blood comrades, appeal to you to come out with us as a united battle front for the overthrow of the bloody nazi regime. revyakin’s young wife, lydia, also distributed leaflets. in these baskets with a double bottom, disguising them, for example, with rags or things that were exchanged.
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young people often gathered, sang songs, danced, even invited the germans living next door, they say, look, the doors of our hospitable home are open to everyone, we have nothing to hide, in the next room they even hung a portrait at the head of the bed hitler, so that no one has any doubts: this young family definitely lives according to the new laws established by the occupation authorities. for a long time, the revyakins did not arouse
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any suspicion among the nazis. and in the meantime they organized an underground printing house in the basement, but then they already understood that writing leaflets by hand like this would, firstly, take a long time, and secondly, this is handwriting, by which one can easily determine who touched this paper, they began to look for a mechanical method to produce leaflets, how? typewriter, sevastopol in ruins, broken and... destroyed, where to get a car, and this is also a crime from the point of view of the germans, but they are military people and knew where the headquarters were located, our headquarters during the defense of sevastopol, poking around in these ruins and ruins, they found two typewriters, of which they assembled one, and a decision was made to organize an underground printing house,
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a room the size of a room was dug under the house... for their homeland, in total they managed to make 25 copies of this newspaper, it was a powerful propaganda work, very powerful, the house
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was across the road, where. gestapa informant and he sometimes came here, how could you live and work in a house that is surrounded by german soldiers, representatives of security detachments, when you constantly, it means, experience this feeling of danger that is nearby, which you need to know, understand, skillfully bypass, although of course, they perfectly understood what death was, they themselves had gone through the war, they were generally ready for it, but they, of course, hoped for the best. hopes for the best were dashed when one of the underground members was arrested. ludwik zavolski, former prisoner of war, rescued revyakins and took refuge in their house. unable to withstand the torture, he broke his oath of allegiance. they brought him here to this house and he said: “yes, here he is, the leader of the sevastopol underground organization and on march 14 at 2:00 am, he was arrested.” the torture
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was great when he was sitting in the bagchesorai concentration camp, they buried him alive, they pushed him full of earth, his legs were tied to his chest, his arms back, well, and two more accomplices with him, they covered him with earth, a stone was piled on top, they arrested lydia revyakina and also thrown into the dungeons of the gestop, she was pregnant, but it didn’t save, it didn’t stop anyone at all, they tried to save the child, that is, to do everything for caesar, but they didn’t have time, and they took her pregnant woman and took her to yukharin balka, and there they shot her pregnant woman. the printing house was seized, it was mid-march 1900.


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