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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades who fell in the fight against neo-nazism in a righteous battle for russia, a minute of silence is announced, among the guests, as part of the parade crews today , veterans of the northern military district, who are continuing the work of the glorious feat of the russian soldier, victory day. unites all generations, we move forward, relying on our age-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray!
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a group of drummers from the moscow military music school opens the parade on red square, young musicians set the pace and rhythm for the movement of the parade squads and the stamped step. on the paving stones there are banner groups of the honor guard of the 154th separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment. suvorovites, nakhimovites, cadets, young army soldiers on the march, under the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye , nikolaev, and odessa during the great patriotic war, a parade squad of participants in a special military operation is taking place. each example of courage and bravery, there are thousands of participants and veterans of the north military district in total at the parade. they warm you up on this cool day with their smile. the most beautiful, women's military
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column, then a very heavy force. the passage of equipment traditionally opens the legendary soviet t-34 tank under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. the second year is the only tracked vehicle. today, modern heavy vehicles on rollers are more important than the front, but the show turned out to surprise. debutant updated version of the typhoon phoenix armored car it was obviously not named by chance, it was assembled entirely from domestic components, it will withstand not only small arms fire, it will survive explosions of mines up to 8 kg of waste, for the first time in motion in public and a modification of the typhoon, the sanitary protected vehicle lens. each mechanized group is led by an btr-82. finally, on red square are our giants, anti-aircraft missiles. s-400 systems, which have already
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been nicknamed the f-16 killers, if these planes appear in the northern military district, iskander otrk launchers, a threat to the very alliance that the supreme commander-in-chief mentioned, can carry a nuclear warhead, this is an element of a tactical deterrent weapon. it taxis slowly and surely onto red square on 16 wheels, the weapon is strategic, self-propelled, the launcher is solid. with one blow it can destroy several targets the size of large cities and at a distance of up to 12 thousand km, in gloomy weather the complex looks especially menacing, the clouds parted slightly and suddenly a cuban diamond from the su-30 cm and mik-29 sparkled above the stands in the rays of the fleeting sun , and six attack aircraft
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a su-25 paints the sky over red square the color of the russian tricolor. after the end of the parade, vladimir putin, together with the guests, the leaders of the state, laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden in moscow, the carnation and stele of the city of the hero sevastopol, which was liberated from the fascist invaders 80 years ago. and the march sounds special today. legendary sevastopol. egor grigoriev, dmitry korsakov, danilo kuznetsov, news. details that remained behind the scenes of the broadcast, as well as personal impressions of those who are watching today marched along the cobblestones and those who watched them from the stands were gathered by my colleague, author and presenter of the moscow kremlin, putin, pavel zarubin. main hall of the main building of the kremlin: the leaders congratulate
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each other and those who help with organizing the visits on victory day. in the stands of red square, it seems, everyone is already a little nervous, but where are the actual presidents? look. how clearly everything is organized on kurando, look, 3 minutes before the parade, here are the leaders, at that very moment they left the first building the kremlin heads to the stands, we follow with them, next to the leader of belarus they also carry a jacket, because after the parade there were numerous negotiations, everyone reported about the cold and bad weather all morning today, but take a closer look at these shots, he is so strong and energetic that he would rather ignite .
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thank you, the kids helped, and they had 100 g with them, of course, here today is the son of a participant in a special operation, a posthumous hero of russia, the same boy who on national unity day said to putin, what are you, putin? today he, like all parade spectators, again i saw the president, today i believed that it was putin, ruslan has his father’s award on his chest, until he quite realizes that... no, and today, when he saw the parade where the paratroopers were marching, he stood and saluted all this time , the weather during the parade changes literally every 5 seconds, then snow and cold so that it doesn’t melt, then the bright sun, mr.
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geach, isn’t it frozen, frozen, yes, but the weather is still like that, changed every few seconds, changed , but this is not, not an obstacle to being proud of this holiday, what, of course, caused especially hot the support of the stands, in the literal sense of the word , hot, very cold, but nevertheless , the girls in the military, how else, in uniform, in skirts, i am the commander of a breed battalion, i have been walking for the fifth year, i’m already used to it, we were all worried about you, no, everything is in order, well , look, it’s surprising, of course, the sun came out , the aerial part of the parade still took place, despite the fact that until the last minute it was unclear whether this would happen, now with the president of kyrgyzstan. sunglasses, and we were able to ask the president of belarus about impression of the parade. alexander grigorievich, did you like the parade? very worthy. thanks a lot. even more exciting details, of course, on sunday and only in the
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moscow kremlin-putin program. pavel zarubin, alexander medvedev and andrey vershinin, vesti and moscow program, kremlin, putin. residents of estonia today in narva. that on the russian border they were able to watch the concert for victory day, it was broadcast from our opposite bank of the river from ivangorod. in estonia , may 9 is not officially celebrated. find out more from our correspondent salema zarif, she's in direct contact with the salem studio. happy holidays. tell us how the concert went, how many spectators were there? good evening, anton, happy holiday to you, on the sacred victory day. veda today fully justified its name, having gathered on both banks of the norovaya river, almost the entire population of our russian ivangorod and estonian narova, you see these fortresses behind me, nowhere else in the world is there such a close proximity of opposing fortresses, the arrow flight distance is 130 m, at this narva is the most
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russian city in estonia, both cities have a common history and common memory, and ivan the city of narva today reminded of this. let's look at the fragment. almost 4 hours and all this time people stood, listened, watched, applauded and sang along, it was very touching, even taking into account that for celebrating victory day in estonia they could face real fines and even real imprisonment. the estonian authorities
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forgot that more than 100 thousand people, including estonians, died during the liberation of narvo. they tried to distract the norovites' attention from the celebration today. city organized a concert dedicated to europe day on narva town hall square. there would, of course, not have been any europe day if not for victory day, and the norwegians preferred to watch the concert on... the other side, the concert in ivangorod, many have relatives and friends in this country, and today we watched as people waved to each other friend, greeted friends and acquaintances, let's listen, it's a russian city, it's my native city, i was born there, i moved there, i moved there all my life, when i was born here, i moved there, i've been there all my life i lived my life there, i studied there, my brother lives there, my sister lives there, my mother lives there and that’s why. there are friends there, i have a lot of friends living there, i love them, respect them, this is a russian city, narva, russian, and
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almost everyone has such stories, the festive festivities in ivangord do not end at this concert, there will be another grandiose fireworks display today, it will begin at an hour later than in other cities at 11 o'clock moscow time, with the expectation that the sky would have time to darken, in our north-west, russia has already quietly... told us that happens at the border. military parades took place today in twenty-eight russian cities , involving more than 50 thousand people and about 1,000 samples of military equipment. both the most modern cars and historical ones, they are carefully stored and maintained on the move. our correspondent collected the brightest moments.
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spectators in the stands pay special attention to nuclear deterrent weapons . a mobile launcher of the yars missile system, and more than one, passes along the central street, demonstrating its impressive scale. weapons with such characteristics in the world no longer exists. the soviet combat fighter i-16,
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which took part in the battles of the great patriotic war, took to the skies over novosibirsk. it was restored especially for the 79th anniversary of the victory. the center of yekaterinburg, what our artillerymen are actively using today in the special operation zone, multiple launch rocket systems - hurricane. in front of them is rszzo grad, a previous-generation installation, but with consistently high results.
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strategic boundaries. in our hearts there is pride for our homeland, for its brave, wise people, without their participation the battles for diehard and multinational people. and boundless gratitude, addressed. parade
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in the pouring rain in chelyabinsk , military personnel march solemnly across revolution square. the abundance of umbrellas in the stands is impressive, the spectators do not leave, a tribute to the most important day in the history of the country. against the scorching sun, the troops of the astrakhan territorial garrison marched along lenin square. murmansk, crews of t-8 tanks.
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denis alekseev, lead. the president of azerbaijan and the country's first lady paid tribute to the memory of the victims in the great patriotic war. ilham aliyev and mehriban aliyeva visited the monument to the twice hero of the soviet union, major general of tank forces aziyaslanov in the center of baku. the republic made a great contribution to the victory. more than 6,000 azerbaijanis fought in the war against fascism, of which 300,000 died. 130 people were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, another 30 became full holders of the order of glory. the anniversary of the victory was celebrated on a grand scale in turkish antalya. more than 300 people joined the immortal regiment action. our correspondent reports from the scene leila alnazarova. the 79th anniversary of the great victory
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in antalya is celebrated on an unprecedented scale, more than 500 people gathered in the park. institutions of the cis countries, leaders of society in abkhazia, azerbaijan, our turkish partners, also a large number of citizens of our countries, including mixed russian-turkish families, this indicates that people honor their history, pay tribute to the memory of our grandfathers... great-grandfathers who achieved this great victory, and would like to note that here in antalya i especially feel support and respect for the russian the federation, to its traditions, is evidenced by the fact that the antalya authorities, the security department, and the police are taking unprecedented security measures during this event. field kitchen, photo exhibition, screening of films about the war and
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patriotic songs performed by russian musicians. organized by the russian orthodox church with the support of the consulate general of russia. antalya allowed people to fully experience the atmosphere of a great holiday far from their homeland, for me this holiday is about supporting traditions in the family, because our family is half turkish, half russian, i want to convey all the emotions, all the feelings to my child, son, and for me it’s also being russian, it’s being a patriot of my homeland, it’s very unexpected that everything was organized like that here, it’s great and... .. against the backdrop of the fact that now even in many cities of russia it has been cancelled, such unity is doubly pleasant, with people gathered who remembered their, our, or rather common ancestors who achieved such a great victory. among the guests are not only russians, but also citizens turkey, as well as representatives of the diplomatic mission of all
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cis countries in antalya. the immortal regiment action has long become an international procession in antalya. is taking place for the eighth time, people came here from all over the turkish province with portraits of their ancestors, participants in the great patriotic war, to once again show the memory of the heroes, eternal regardless of place, time and circumstances. on the eve of the procession, it took place in alanya, almost 400 people took part in it, and veterans living in the turkish city were presented with personal congratulations from the president of russia. the heroes of the great patriotic war were remembered in the turkish capital; for the third year now , the immortal regiment has been marching on the territory of the russian embassy in ankara; hundreds of compatriots, employees of russian foreign agencies in the republic and members of their families, to the music of the song holy war , made a lap of honor, leading a column of military personnel with a red banner victory, the russian ambassador to
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turkey, alexey erkhov, also took part in the procession. the immortal regiment traditionally took place in istanbul at the summer residence of the russian diplomatic department. according to consul general andrei burovov, such an action of memory is especially relevant today. it fills hearts with pride and strengthens the connection with the homeland. leila alnazarova, daria leonova, vesti turkey. more than 8.00 sochi residents took part in the flower-laying ceremony. to the eternal flame and the avenue of marshals, among them was my colleague, kristina kolesnikova. the ceremonial hall brightened the sky above. thousands of people came in the morning to lay flowers to honor the memory of the soldiers who died during the great patriotic war.
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commemorative actions were held at all the monuments of the resort; there are 140 of them in the city. townspeople came with photographs of the relatives of those killed at the front. for me this is a big, great holiday, and i am proud that i am the grandson of those people who fought and defended the honor of our country. this is my grandfather. and this turns out to be my uncle, well, we didn’t know him, because he died during the war, songs of the war years are heard everywhere today, but for each sochi veteran they organized a personal concert in the yard. mayor of sochi alexey kopoygorodsky came to congratulate victory day of russian hero pavel syutkin. the honorary citizen of sochi will celebrate his 102nd birthday in june. on the streets of sochi , the history of the great patriotic war came to life. in honor of
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victory day, historical reconstruction sites were opened, each dedicated to different types of troops and services of the red army. there is a very interesting stand of a military traffic controller, they talk about those girls who helped our columns move during the war, there are legendary photographs just against the background of the broken one. the brendenburg gate, where our traffic controllers stand, indicate the way. in this the site has a mock-up of a 1902 model 76mm field gun, which was used during the battle of the caucasus, and parachute training courses are held here. you can test your vestibular system or feel like a paratrooper during a jump by wearing a real parachute. the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war was honored at the highest point of the resort in the mountains with a symbolic race. instead of numbers on the starting numbers, participants wrote the names of their ancestors. there were two stops along the course, at 1941 meters and 1945 meters for memorable photographs.
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kristina kolesnikova, dimit danilovsky, grigory miroshnikov, news from sochi. so, victory day is celebrated not only in russia, but abroad. promotions are even taking place in antarctica. he will tell you how the memory of the heroes was honored. a holiday that unites generations of peoples, countries and continents, the descendants of the heroes who won that terrible war all over the world join the procession of the immortal regiment, bring flowers to the graves and sing their favorite front-line songs. people go out to mass rallies and gather where there are few compatriots, but everyone remembers their history: day victory, victory day, victory day. in the cities of israel, wreaths are brought to memorials; people who survived the holocaust also found the strength to talk about those times. let all the jewish people know
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that a jew passed through berlin. russian nuclear scientists traditionally laid flowers in the colors of the tricolor in the egyptian city of el alamein. here, during the second world war, decisive battles took place on the north african front; immigrants from russia fought as part of the allied forces. today a car rally took place in cyprus, in addition, a lamp was brought here, which was lit in moscow from the eternal fire. the same lamp was handed over to their homeland by moldovan politicians who came to the russian capital for the holiday. the leader of the victory bloc, the head of ggauzi and a deputy of the national parliament of moldova in the alexander garden honored the memory of the fallen and supported all compatriots who came out to the celebrations in honor of may 9 in the may days. and no matter how much the current authorities of moldova tried to convince their fellow citizens that today the country should
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celebrate a certain european day, the people chose what is close to their soul. in cities and villages throughout moldova, today they are talking about victory of the soviet people over fascism, about the common feat of memory, which must be passed on from generation to generation, despite the whims of the authorities. celebrated on six continents in antarctica at the vostok station, polar explorers of the russian expedition and the builder with portraits of their heroes in their hands congratulated the whole country on the day of the great victory. we say a big thank you to our veterans and friends for how they brought us victory 39 years ago, and we also convey a big thank you to our russian military personnel.
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may 9 is a holiday that knows no boundaries, language barriers and not requiring strict connection to memorials or other symbols. in india, on victory day, flowers were laid at the monument to the tolstoy lion, no matter what fate decreed, and no matter where the descendants of the victors ended up in may, they would remember the feat of the heroes of the great patriotic war. khramtsov, to lead. here are some unfriendly actions in honor of victory day.
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russia to lay flowers to the victorious soldiers without success. in helsinki, vandals desecrated a monument to soviet soldiers. and in berlin there is no restriction on the procession and laying of flowers steel, but the authorities banned any symbolism. flags, st. george ribbons and even songs of the war years. in short, everything that can remind the world of fascism was liberated by the soviet union. here the police are asking a woman wearing the wrong t-shirt to leave. on the chest is a symbol of friendship
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between two. people, but here the violation of the dress code is more serious and there is an immediate arrest, and why were you arrested, for what and for a t-shirt with putin, think about it, they took away the flag with st. george the victorious, peaceful people come with flowers, with songs, to honor the memory, they waited for 40 minutes, the documents checked that he was wearing a ribbon st. george’s, but it didn’t work out to snatch the tricalor, the whole crowd, russia, russia, is already standing up for the man. part of my political views are to honor those who gave their lives so that we could live, i am horrified by orders that we cannot wear symbols or sing here, this is an unreasonable approach to german history. more than 700 red army soldiers are buried in this memorial complex in berlin; every year on may 9 , thousands of people come here to honor their memory ; of course, this cannot happen without provocateurs, however,
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this time krikunov is with... may 9 is military day glory of russia, may 9, 1945 - victory day. marshal zhukov signed the surrender of nazi germany in berlin. victory day of the soviet people in the great patriotic war has become the main holiday of our country. moscow saluted the valiant troops of the soviet army with thirty artillery salvoes. guns, eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our homeland. victory day is celebrated in russia.


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