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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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may 9 is the day of military glory of russia, may 9 , 1945 is victory day. marshal zhukov signed the surrender of nazi germany in berlin. victory day of the soviet people in the great patriotic war has become the main holiday of our country. moscow followed the valiant troops of the soviet army with thirty artillery salvoes from a thousand guns. victory day is celebrated in russia, the whole country remembers and honors the heroes who defended...
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yegor grigoriev will tell you how the main parade took place on red square. the flags of the military branches took their place on boomerang armored personnel carriers that bring up the rear of the mechanized column, in anticipation of movement, which the tver street seemed to stand still, the cars are lined up as if on a line and... there is absolute silence all around, but in a few minutes the engines will roar and multi-ton vehicles will proudly walk along the kremlin cobblestones. in the stands on red square, the main characters of today's holiday, many are just under 100 years old, and have a steel bearing, shaking hands with russian president vladimir putin while standing. attention, moscow is showing. listen, watch red square.
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the smirna team sounds under the national flag of russia and the banner of victory. the banner group begins the movement. the red stick erected on drichstag by the soldiers of the 150th drite division in 1945 is today. flutters in the wind, the car of the acting minister of defense passes through red square and sergei shaigu reports to the supreme commander-in-chief. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. the troops of the moscow garrison are ready for the victory parade. army general shaigu. vladimir putin addresses the guests of the parade, veterans and citizens of the country. congratulations on victory day. with our most important,
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truly national, sacred holiday, we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they defended their native land and crushed nazism, today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about the second world war, it interferes with those who are used to building their own, essentially colonial policy based on hypocrisy and lies, they demolish memorials. true fighters against nazism, puts to death traitors and accomplices of the nazis. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to restrain sovereign, independent, independent centers of world development. russia
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will not tolerate claims of exclusivity from anyone, a global clash is not an option, but we will not allow threatening anyone, vladimir putin added, he is listened attentively by those who share the position with the veterans in the stands, the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, cuba, laos and guinea bissau, russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the homeland, its future, depends on each of us. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes, we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us. in memory of the civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, before ours... in a righteous battle for russia.
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a minute of silence is announced. and among the guests, as part of the parade crews today, are veterans of the northern military district, who are continuing the work of the glorious feat of the russian soldier. victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia. our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray,
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alignment to the right. roto drummers of the moscow military music school opens the parade on red square, young musicians set the pace and rhythm for the movement of the parade squads, the banner groups of the honor guard of the 154th separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment walk along the paving stones. suvorovites, nakhimovites, cadets, young army soldiers on the march, under the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev during the great patriotic war. podessa goes through a parade squad of participants in a special military operation, each an example of courage and bravery; in total, there are thousands of participants and veterans of the northern military district at the parade. warm this time cool day with their smile the most beautiful, female military column, then
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a very heavy force. the passage of equipment traditionally opens with the legendary soviet t-34 tank under the battle banner of the first guards red banner. the army is in its second year - this is the only tracked vehicle, today modern heavy vehicles on rollers are more important than the front, but the show turned out to surprise. the debutant is an updated version of the typhoon car armor, named phoenix obviously not by chance, assembled entirely from domestic components, will withstand not only fire small arms, explosions of mines up to 8 kg will survive. first.
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in gloomy weather, the complex looks especially menacing, the clouds parted a little and suddenly a cuban diamond made of su-30 cm and mik-29 sparkled above the stands in the rays of the fleeting sun, and six su-25 attack aircraft paint the sky above the red square the color of
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the russian tricolor. after the end of the parade, vladimir putin, together with the guests and state leaders, laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown. soldier in the alexander garden in moscow, carnation and nastella of the hero's city sevastopol, which was liberated from fascist invaders 80 years ago, today the march, the legendary sevastopol, has a special sound. egor grigoriev, dmitry korsakov, danila kuznetsov, news. but the details that remained behind the scenes of the broadcast, as well as the impressions of those who took part in the parade and those.
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in the stands of red square, it seems, everyone is already a little nervous, but where are the actual presidents? look how clearly everything is organized, look at kurando, 3 minutes. before the parade, here are the leaders at this very moment moment they left the first building of the kremlin and headed to the stands, we followed with them, next to the leader of belarus they also carried on and... after all, after the parade there were numerous negotiations. everyone has been reporting about the cold and bad weather all morning today, but look at these pictures. so strong and energetic that he would rather light a fire than freeze. the main guests of the central stand, of course, are war veterans, just think about it for many of those who are here on the stand today for more than 100 years, but that’s what it means, veterans do not grow old at heart. aunt! the blocking circle and the main guests of the parade - the main thing presidential attention, how old are you,
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excuse me for asking this question? 101, 101 and you are here today in this weather, it’s cold, it was snowing, thank you guys, i saved you, i helped you, and you had 100 with you, of course, here today is the son of a special operation participant, a posthumous hero of russia, that same boy , who on the day of national unity said to putin, and what about you, putin, bye yes, bye yes. today he, like all the spectators of the parade, saw the president again, today did he believe that it was putin? yes, ruslan has his father’s award on his chest, until he quite realizes that his father is gone, and today, when i saw the parade where the paratroopers were marching, he stood and saluted the whole time . the weather during the parade changes literally every 5 seconds, then snow and cold so that it does not melt, hello, then bright. the sun, mr. geach, well, isn’t it frozen, frozen, yes, but the weather is still like this, it changed every
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few seconds, it changed, but this is not, not an obstacle to being proud of this holiday, well, that’s what, of course, caused especially warm support from the stands, in the literal sense of the word hot, very cold, but no less than girls, military personnel, otherwise in uniform, in skirts, and the commander of the parade battalion, i’ve been going for five years now, i’m already used to it, we were all worried about you, no, everything is fine. well, look, it’s surprising, of course, the sun came out, the aerial part of the parade still took place, despite the fact that until the last minute it was unclear whether this would happen, now the president of kyrgyzstan is wearing sunglasses, and we were able to ask the president of belarus about his impression of parade: alexander grigorievich, i liked the parade, it was very worthy, thank you very much, even more exciting details, of course.
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the original appearance of the victory tank was taken away, it was assembled literally bit by bit, so that it was completely empty, that is, there was no engine, no gearbox, that’s all, they provided us with the engine, the box, well, they collected it from the world piece by piece. novosibirs, on a festive morning , 2.0 military personnel, cadets, cadets and young army men marched in a solemn march. special attention of spectators in the stands to weapons of nuclear deterrence along
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the main street, demonstrating the impressive scale, a mobile launcher passes installation of the yars missile system, and not just one; there are no weapons with such characteristics in the world anymore. the soviet combat fighter i16, which took part in the battles of the great patriotic war, took to the skies over novosibirsk. the center of yekaterinburg is what our artillerymen are actively using today in the special operation zone, the hurricane multiple launch rocket system, in front of them is the rszzo grad, an installation of the previous generation, but with consistently high performance indicators, tested by the svo. next in the iskander complex, this is already from high-precision weapons, here is also iskander.
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vulan ud, together with the ceremonial crews of the russian armed forces , military personnel from mongolia marched in a solemn march. they take part in the victory parade.
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important, wise, unbending and multinational people, boundless gratitude addressed to veterans who defended their native land and practically saved the whole world from fascism. the parade in the pouring rain in chelyabinsk, military personnel march solemnly across revolution square, the abundance of umbrellas in the stands is impressive, the spectators do not disperse. tribute the most important day in the country's history. the parade in astrakhan is opposite, under the scorching sun. troops of the astrakhan territorial garrison marched across lenin square. murmansk. the crew of t-80 tanks confidently
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drives through the may snow. the weather certainly won’t intimidate anyone, our tankers. honor to the foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir putin said that they are all reliable partners and friends. the president also held separate bilateral negotiations. what was the focus? - anastasia efimova found out. reliable partners and friends. exactly this is how vladimir putin greeted guests at a gala reception in honor of the heads of state
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invited to moscow for festive events on victory day. as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated everywhere. where they realize the eternal value of justice, equality and humanism, where they remember and honor their heroes, countries with which moscow will continue to develop relations. russia will continue its course towards developing mutually beneficial partnerships and friendship with everyone who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice and advocates strict compliance with international law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of world war ii. the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future.
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vladimir was talking about the future and an indivisible security system.
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the feeling of friendship and mutual respect unites russia and cuba, with the president of this country , vladimir putin, also held a meeting, at which they also discussed common challenges and govan. and moscow are faced with the consequences of illegal sanctions with countless attempts to discredit, and from the same side, the same one that considers itself a hegemon with the right to impose on others.
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states, attempts to limit the development of cuba and cause economic damage are illegal. sanctions, illegal restrictions. just like russia, the united states is constantly trying to discredit cuba. coordinated various media, there are attacks on the prestige of figures, false news, distortion, manipulation of all these events. the russian federation can always count on cuba's support. we constantly condemn the geopolitical manipulation carried out by the us government by threatening nato to move closer to russia's borders.
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by 12%, mir card holders have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow.
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cooperation in the field of defense is developing, security, scientific and humanitarian ties are maintained. we are grateful to you, dear mr. president, and to all our colleagues for your support of teaching the russian language. we cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the united nations. i would like to express confidence that our friendly relations are built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit. i would like to note your successful leadership of the country. despite western pressure, your country is gradually developing, while you are helping us develop a multipolar world so that all countries live justly, peacefully and prosper. a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, or rather to the whole continent, african. head of guinea. bissau also became a guest of the victory parade ; at a meeting with him, vladimir putin recalled that russia made a significant contribution to supporting the bisaya struggle for independence, and today
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the countries are developing relations precisely in the spirit of partnership and respect for mutual interests. i am very pleased to note that we have already spoken about this with you today, that you have not come to russia for the first time, you pay great attention to the development of bilateral contacts, but... today you are on victory day, this is a special day for all of russia, for the entire former soviet union, having in i can see the enormous contribution, these enormous sacrifices that were made on the altar of victory by the peoples of the former soviet union. we are happy about this historic victory of the soviet union, we have been good allies and expect to remain so. you can count on guinea bissau.
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but despite the prohibitions of the threat, hundreds of ukrainians still brought flowers to the eternal flame in the park of glory, in memory of anastasia ivanov. for the first time in ukraine. may 9
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is a working day, maybe the zelensky regime was counting on the fact that people would not come out to honor the memory of the red army heroes at the memorials, but these expectations did not materialize. today is a sacred day for everyone, normal people, victory day, the day of victory over fascism, this is the city of kiev, the eternal flame burns, look how many flowers, how many people, people remember, i i’ll tell you this, ukrainians are a victorious people, we have something to celebrate.
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but in lviv they do not hide their joy that they no longer have parades, the words of the grandfathers fought, local media resources are put in quotation marks, and with neo-nazi pomposity they write that they have been cleared of victory day, because now it is europe’s day. hence the visit of the head of the european parliament to ukraine, roberta mitsola, who was embraced by rada chairman stefanchuk at the station as if she were her own. eu flags fly in kherson's freedom square, a bitter irony for the supposedly independent ukraine. the kiev authorities are striving not just to rewrite, not just to destroy our common history, the history of victory in the great patriotic war, but to invent a completely new history for their people. in ukrainian
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textbooks. the great patriotic war is called the soviet-german war, in which there is no feat of the soviet people, including the ukrainian people. in ukrainian textbooks, ukraine appears as, so to speak, a victim of two authoritarian regimes, soviet and fascist, and as a battlefield between soviet union and nazi germany. and the fact that ukraine is now a testing ground for the west, of course, no one will write about the square. for example, i published this video on my site. “not a word about the feat of his grandfather semyon ivanovich, a front-line soldier of the great patriotic war, but eu flags, clichés about democracy, freedom, human rights, a man who is arrested for remembering history, but zelensky has a different history, he creates it himself, hence europe day, the decree was signed last year, unique conditions for reformatting people’s thinking, this of course, the destruction of all soviet holidays, although as everyone knows, ukraine itself exists precisely thanks to soviet
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power, in ukraine, those who go to the victory monuments perform a real feat, because the next monuments that should be demolished according to my example baltic states, there will be just the remaining few monuments to the patriotic war, to soviet soldiers that exist. russian hackers tell about the true story, about victories and what needs to be remembered. ukrainian channels are broadcasting a parade with the red army today. squares. on the websites of educational institutions, the truth about ukrainian collaborators. russian. hackers from the kiloba group successfully congratulated students on the websites of educational institutions of ukraine on our common holiday, victory day. our president has always considered the ukrainian people to be brotherly, and we want to convey this idea to the younger generation of ukrainians through the nazi propaganda of the followers of hitler and bandera. we express our hope that the new generation of ukrainians will understand this truth. how much is the memory worth for ukrainians who remember the feat?
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soviet soldier, she is priceless. history is winning so far. anasta ivanova, anatoly tyurkin, news! the prime minister of poland admitted that nato troops were already operating in ukraine, otherwise the kiev army would have been defeated long ago, but donald tusk did not disclose which countries sent their units.


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