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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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in moscow, celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war conclude with a festive fireworks display. the colorful spectacle will last about 10 minutes; 30 salvos are fired from artillery guns. fireworks are launched from 72 fireworks installations, they are on sixteen sites.
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these include victory park on poklonnaya hill, izmailov park, kuzminkiv and dnh, the observation deck of moscow state university, as well as a new point on the sports glory alley on vorobyovy gory, on luzhnetskaya embankment there are 21 fireworks installations and 18 artillery pieces. here let me remind you that, by order of the minister of defense , holiday fireworks are heard today in the cities of heroes, as well as in the cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets are located. let's take a look at this beautiful sight.
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so, let me remind you that the fireworks show lasts about 10 minutes, 30 salvos are fired from artillery guns, fireworks are launched from 72 fireworks installations on sixteen sites, well, for example, such sites in victory park on poklonnaya hill, izmailov park, kuzminki, vdnkh, observation deck of moscow state university, and this time there is a new point, this is the square. alley
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sporting glory on vorobyovy gory, on luzhnetskaya embankment there are 21 fireworks installations and 18 artillery pieces. and by order of the russian minister of defense, festive fireworks are heard today in hero cities, as well as in cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets are located. and now pay attention that now in the upper right corner of the screen, we see fireworks in the sky over st. petersburg, which these days is being renamed the city of leningrad, just as lonograd is becoming. for stalingrad.
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well, let's find out now what's going on our correspondent margarita semenyuk is at the scene of the event, she is on the observation deck. this is what the audience says, what emotions, what do you observe? yes, anton, good evening, i also congratulate you on a truly great holiday, on the anniversary of the victory in the site, we observe this beauty that is now lighting up the evening sky of the capital. watch a truly wonderful fireworks display, which was organized especially for the guests of the capital. moscow, a celebratory flight is thundering in moscow, the war is passing,
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like this. well, unfortunately we have minor problems with communication, we will return to margarita as soon as we can establish communication, let's now watch some more footage of the fireworks.
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russia, russia. so, in your footage, the festive fireworks that in moscow complete the celebrations in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. colorful. the spectacle lasts about 10 minutes, 30 salvos are fired from artillery guns, fireworks are launched from 72 fireworks installations at sixteen sites, for example, in pobeda park, on poklonnaya hill, in izmailovo, kuzminki, vdnkh, observation deck grounds of moscow state university, there is also a new point, the area
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of ​​​​the walk of sports fame on vorobyovy gory, for example, on luzhnetskaya embankment there are 21 fireworks installations and 18 artillery. well, let me remind you that, by order of the minister of defense, holiday fireworks are heard today in the cities of heroes, as well as in the cities where the headquarters of military districts and fighters are located, well, the spectacle is truly fantastic, so cosmic, even as we see, they are green.
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yes, a truly large-scale spectacle, of course, and in general today was a busy holiday day in moscow, more than 250 different events, on the territory of the victory museum and gorkovo park, and the tsaritsina nature reserve museum, of course, at the russia exhibition, at vdnkh, at many venues, so the holiday was really a success. so, in russia as a whole , the whole country celebrates victory day. remembers and honors the heroes who defended the independence of not only our homeland, but of all humanity. the victory of the great patriotic war secured our country’s status as a great power. yegor grigoriev will tell you how the main parade on red square went. the flags of the military branches took their place place on the boomerang armored personnel carriers that bring up the rear of the mechanized column, waiting for the movement, which tverskaya street seemed to stand still. the cars are lined up like a line , there is absolute silence all around, but within
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a few minutes the engines will roar and multi-ton cars will proudly walk along the kremlin cobblestones. in the stands, on red square, the main characters of today's holiday, many are just under 100 years old, and with a steel bearing, they shake hands with russian president vladimir putin while standing. attention, says bye. moscow, listen, look at red square, under the national flag of russia, the victory banner sounds from the smirna team, the banner group begins to move. the red stick hoisted over the reichstag by the fighters of 150 dritsk.
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i congratulate you on victory day, on our most important, truly national, sacred holiday. we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they defended their native land and crushed nazism. today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about world war ii. it interferes with those who are accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on lyceum.
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kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, cuba, laos and guinea bissau.
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among the guests, as part of the parade crews today, are veterans of the northern military district, who continue the work of the glorious feat of the russian soldier, victory day unites all generations, we move forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and
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are confident that together we will ensure a free... safe future for russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray! a group of drummers from the moscow military music school opens the parade at red square. young musicians set the pace and rhythm of the parade movements. chikane step along the paving stones, the banner groups of the honor guard of the 154th separate commandant's
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preobrazhensky regiment are walking. nakhimovites, cadets, young army soldiers on the march, under the banners of combat units. odessa is being paraded with every example of courage and bravery, in total there are participants in a special military operation, a parade of thousands of participants and veterans of the northern military district, the most beautiful ones warming up this cool day with their smile, a female military column, then a very heavy force. the passage of equipment traditionally opens the legendary soviet tank t-34. the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army, for the second year - this is the only tracked vehicle, today modern heavy vehicles on rollers are more important than the front, but the show turned out to surprise. the debutant is an updated version of the typhoon armored car, named phoenix, obviously not by chance, assembled
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entirely from domestic components, and will withstand not only small arms fire, but also explosions. the commander can carry a nuclear warhead, this is an element of a tactical deterrent weapon , a strategic weapon, a self-propelled launcher of solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missiles of the iyars complex, slowly and surely taxis onto red square on sixteen wheels. the missile carries up to six
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warheads with a yield of 100 kilotons. one blow can destroy several targets. the size of large cities and at a distance of up to 12 thousand km, in gloomy weather the complex looks especially menacing, the clouds parted slightly and suddenly sparkled in the rays above the stands of the fleeting sun, a cuban diamond made of su-30 cm and mik-29, and six su-25 attack aircraft paint the sky over red square in the colors of the russian tricolor. after the parade, vladimir putin and the guests. sevastopol, which was liberated from fascist invaders 80 years ago, today the march, the legendary sevastopol, has a special sound. egor grigoriev, dmitry
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korsakov, danilo kuznetsov, news. a gala reception was held in the kremlin in honor. foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir putin said that all of them reliable partners and friends. the president also held separate bilateral negotiations. what was the focus? anastasia efimova found out. reliable partners and friends. this is exactly how vladimir putin greeted guests at a gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for festive events on victory day. as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated everywhere. realize the eternal value of justice, equality and humanism, where they remember and honor their heroes, countries with which moscow will continue to develop relations. russia.
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tajikistan has established this work, colleagues are in close contact with each other, we support this work, we will continue to do this, i have repeatedly stated from the podium that we are against the standards of the fight against terrorism and extremism, terrorism has no nationality, has no religion, has no homeland, with them it is necessary... a feeling of friendship and mutual respect unites russia and cuba;
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vladimir putin also held a meeting with the president of this country, at which they discussed, among other things, common challenges. both govana and moscow face the consequences of illegal sanctions by countless attempts to discredit, and from the same side, the same one that considers itself a hegemon with the right to impose on others. with a feeling of mutual respect, we always accept with hostility, with the support of the cuban people, the attempts that have been ongoing on the part of the united states for many years, attempts to limit the development of cuba, to cause economic damage through illegal sanctions, illegal restrictions. just like russia, the united states is constantly trying to discredit cuba. various media are coordinated
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, there are attacks on the prestige of figures, false news, distortions, manipulation of all these events. the russian federation can always count on cuba's support. we constantly condemn the geopolitical manipulation carried out by the us government by threatening nato to move closer to russia's borders. we wish you success in carrying out a special military operation. by the way, at the end of this conversation between the leaders, negotiations between the russian and cuban parties continued in a wide format, well afterwards, vladimir putin spoke with another guest of the current may celebrations, the head of laos. not everyone remembers this, but vientiane also faced aggression during the second world war, was occupied by militaristic japan, and tries not to forget its history. the two countries have historically developed connections at the state level, for example, in soviet times , t-34 tanks were supplied to the laotian army, which returned to their homeland in the new century as
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artifacts of the era; by the way, it is precisely this model that traditionally opens the parade on the red square, but relations are still developing at the level of citizens. hanglun sisulito, by the way, studied in st. petersburg at the pedagogical university, last year we saw a modest, but still growth in trade and economic interaction. by 12%, mir card holders have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow. cooperation in the field of defense and security is developing, scientific and humanitarian ties are being maintained. we are grateful to you , dear mr. president, to all our colleagues for their support of teaching the russian language. we cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the united nations. i would like to express confidence that our friendly relations are built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit. i would like to note your successful leadership of the country, despite
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western pressure, your country. a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, or rather to an entire continent, the african one. the head of guinea bissau also became a guest of the victory parade at a meeting with vladimir putin reminded him that russia made a significant contribution to supporting the besai struggle for independence, and today the countries are developing relations in this spirit. i am very pleased to note, we have already talked about this with you today, that you have come to russia, not for the first time, you are paying great attention to the development of bilateral contacts, but today you are on victory day, this is a special day for all of russia, for everything the former soviet union, bearing in mind that enormous contribution, these
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enormous sacrifices,
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most of the world capitals, which in ultimately becomes the principle of the formation of that very multipolar world. the president of azerbaijan and the first lady of the country paid tribute to the memory of those killed in the great patriotic war. ilham and mehriban aliyev visited the monument to the twice hero of the soviet union, major general of the tank forces asia slanovo in the center of baku. the republic made a great contribution to the victory over the nazis in the war against the third r'. more than 600,000 azerbaijanis fought, of which 300,000 died. 130 people were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. another 30 became full holders of the order glory. residents of estonia in narva, near the russian border, were able to watch the victory day concert. it was broadcast from the opposite bank of the river from ivangorod. but in estonia itself it’s officially may 9th. people are not
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celebrating from the russian-estonian border, reporting by salima zarif. nowhere else in the world is there such a close proximity of opposing fortresses, from ivangorod to narva 130 m, the distance of an arrow, while narva is the most russian city in estonia. the two fortresses are connected by a common history and common memory, and today ivan is a city reminds narvi about this. the entire embankment on the estonian side is filled with people, and there is a powerful roar and triumph over the two cities. ivan the city today again confirms the thesis that the borders of russia do not end anywhere, it would seem that these are border posts, but strong cossack voices, the living power of the song word, break through any barriers, let him remember a simple girl, hear her sing. for
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their part, the estonian authorities also prepared for may 9 according to an original program, which included joint military exercises with nato and a concert on town hall square narva on the occasion of europe day. there would be no europe day if not for victory day, but these are the letters the local police are distributing. public meetings are prohibited, the real purpose of which is to celebrate may 9 in support of russia as an aggressor country. the celebration of victory day has no connection with the republic of estonia, expression. places where monuments that have now been demolished stood, and off the banks of ivangorod the wine falls on the waters of the narova river, the same one that was stained with blood when the red army liberated narva, then more than 100 thousand people died, russians, belarusians, ukrainians, latvians, lithuanians, estonians, talking about this in estonia now is a crime.


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