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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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for their part, the estonian authorities also prepared for may 9 according to an original program, which included joint military exercises and a concert on narva town hall square on the occasion of europe day. there would be no europe day if not for victory day, but these are the letters the local police are distributing. public meetings are prohibited, the real purpose of which is to celebrate may 9 in support of russia as an aggressor country. the celebration of victory day has no meaning. connection with the republic of estonia, expressions of affection can also consist of simply staying together, in silence. having seen the threats, the narvetians go to military cemeteries and to the places where monuments that have now been demolished stood, and off the coast of ivangorod the wine falls on the waters of the narova river, the same one that was stained with blood when the red army liberated narva. then more than 100,000 people died, russian belarusians, ukrainians, latvians, lithuanians, estonians, talking about this in estonia now is a crime. my sister lives in tallinn and
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yesterday she called me late, late, congratulated me, she says, dear sister, i don’t want to talk much, she says, but i’m talking to you closed curtains, just like that. the victory coast concert proves that not everyone shares the position of the official estonian authorities. narva sings along, applauds, ivan waves to the city, on both sides of the river there are friends and relatives, these connections are one of those that cannot be broken, there they are!
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more than 8,000 residents of sochi took part in the solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the eternal flame and the alley of marshals. among them was my colleague kristina kolesnikova. a ceremonial salvo painted the sky over the military glory memorial in russian colors tricolor thousands of people came in the morning to lay flowers to honor the memory of the soldiers who died over the years. commemorative events took place at all
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the monuments of the resort; there are 140 of them in the city; townspeople came with photographs of relatives of those killed at the front. for me this is a big, great holiday, and i am proud that i am the grandson of those people who fought and defended the honor of our country. this is my grandfather, and this turns out to be my uncle, well, we didn’t know him, because he... died during the war, songs of the war years are heard everywhere today, but for every sochi veteran they arranged personal concert in the yard. the mayor of sochi , alexey kapoygorodsky, came to congratulate the hero of russia pavel syutkin on victory day. the honorary citizen of sochi will celebrate his 102nd birthday in june. glad to see you.
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model 1902, which was used during the battle for the caucasus with a seventy-six-millimeter field gun, and parachute training courses are held here, you can test the vestibular system or feel like a paratrooper during a jump, wearing a real parachute. 8 tons of decorations and about a thousand items were brought for the interactive exhibition props, including copies and originals of small arms of red army soldiers, are very interesting. everything is practically
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original, take these golifes, the fifty -second year, the sample of the forty-third year, they are original, this is also an original, the forty-third year, the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war was honored at the highest point of the resort in the mountains, a symbolic race was held, instead of numbers on the starting numbers, the participants they wrote the names of their ancestors; there were two stops along the course at 1941 meters and 1945 meters for memorable photographs. kristina kolesnikova, dimit danilovsky, grigory miroshnikov, news from sochi. the russian ministry of defense launched a new section on its website about the heroic liberation of sevastopol on may 9, 1944.
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documents from the funds of the central archive of the military department have been published. among them are combat logs , topographic maps, photographs, award lists and trophy archives. all these documents tell in detail... about the may battles of 1944 in crimea, proof of the heroism of soviet soldiers, as well as the crimes of the nazis. on the main promenade of lemosola in cyprus was held immortal regiment, more than 3.00 people took part. there was also a car rally. more than 100 cars and motorcycles were transported to all major cities of the island, victory banners, flags of russia, belarus and other countries that fought against fascism. after that, hundreds of people. attended a flower-laying ceremony at the world war ii memorials. immediately after the second world war , american intelligence services created a branch of the historical branch of the us army in germany. under the leadership from overseas, hundreds of officers
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of the former wehrmacht general staff of the ss troops began rewrite the history of the war. a broad subculture of nazi followers continues to rewrite history to this day. about this now.
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year, a column of neo-nazis marches near disneyland in downtown orlando. the militants have established ties with the ukrainian nationalist association azov. some took part in military operations against russia. and this is europe. italy, center of rome. hundreds of hands fly up with a nazi salute. over the decades, the collective west has been gradually rehabilitating the nazis, trying to completely erase the historical memory of the victors of the vanquished in the second world war. we must be able to present history to the bulgarian people in its true sense. the
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bulgarian defense minister openly calls for adjustments to the school curriculum. remove from it references to a common historical past with russia. it is no coincidence that your statement.
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and the soviet union, almost accuses the ussr, along with nazi germany, of starting the second world war, as if they forgot who attacked poland on september 1 , 1939, and the soviet union on june 22, 1940 first. the civilized world needs a new historical doctrine, without mentioning russia’s participation in it. harsh statements from european politicians are becoming more and more frequent and harsh. europe is in the pre-war period. the most alarming thing now is that literally any scenario is possible. we have not
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experienced such a situation since 1945. according to the distant descendant of the first german chancellor, otto von bismarck, it is the united states that is pushing today's eu leaders into a direct military conflict with russia. they instill fear of war and then spread that fear, these politicians. we know this when you are a politician. you remove fear, so you can restrict certain basic rights of people, and you want to win people over to your side in this way so that they also support your aggressiveness. we all know, including in europe, that the us is pushing us. of course, these are the interests of the americans, not the europeans. and otto von bismarck said that those who want eternal peace must take into account the interests of others, but now, unfortunately, we are only seeing escalation. majority washington the elite wants to make you believe that
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the neo-fuhrer who is hiding in putin will march through europe again, just like hitler in the forties, they say that another war will break out and the usa will be drawn into it. this is the setup we have to fight with. you have probably heard about this many times on news channels, but is it true? victory in the great patriotic war has enormous, one might say, sacred significance for... the public consciousness of russians, but recently, especially from outside, black pseudo-historical myths. an entire industry of disinformers creates hundreds of fictitious facts about the great patriotic war, the red army, and the atrocities of its soldiers. these pseudo-historians create a picture that stalin's ussr and hitler's germany are equally totalitarian regimes. the soviet union allegedly threatened the world no less, perhaps more than... the third reich, and the usa and great britain made a decisive contribution to the defeat of hitler. this large-scale activity
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did not begin today. this work began long before now. may 1945. germany capitulates. in europe the war is over. throughout the world, the soviet union is recognized as the winner. you will be responsible for everything. march to the dock , fascist pack. sal of the court in nuremberg. here the freedom-loving peoples of the world judge the main perpetrators of the war. let judgment be done. germany, autumn 1945. the international nuremberg tribunal begins its work. we are still anti-hitler allies. coalition, a group of eight judges represents four states: the ussr,
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the usa, great britain and france. some of the most senior people in the dock functionaries of the third reich: goering, hess, rosenberg, rebentrop, keitel, dönitz, ydel. they will answer for everything, these warmongers , violators of peace treaties, oath- breakers and conspirators. executioners of peoples and robbers of states, child killers and slave traders, backpack masters, rapists, torch bearers, goons of the 20th century, in parallel with the trial in the territory of germany controlled by american troops, an inconspicuous organization, a historical branch of the us army, begins its work. at the disposal of the american command. received a colossal number of people who had
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experience of the war with the soviet union, this was the most important thing, that is, this center of military history, of course, it studied military history as such, but this was secondary. essentially, the us army's historical branch recruits a service of senior wehrmacht officers and they are tasked with writing their history. of the second world war, interest in what was happening on the soviet-german front awoke quite quickly, it was truly a movement associated with...
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subsequently, it will become known as the cia; it quickly forms the structure of the new unit; a journalist, the official historian of the us army, brigadier general samuel marshall, is appointed to head the historical department. in reality, he does not play any significant role in the project. in fact, the real characters are hiding in the shadows for the time being. these are recent generals and senior officers of hitler's general staff. only now they are under the control of the intelligence services of the united states. almost immediately after the formation of the project the german boss also appears. franz halder, colonel general of the wehrmacht, former chief of the general staff of the german ground forces from 1938 to 1942. halder's candidacy was not chosen by chance. the americans
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also come up with the first myth for him in the historical department. in fact, a new program for the study of war in the aspect of confrontation with the soviet union. thanks to us patronage, halder escapes punishment. at the nuremberg trials he acts only as a witness. but even in the courtroom he proudly declares: if adolf hitler had not intervened in the activities of the military, germany in
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1945 could have concluded peace on honorable terms. the allies do this deliberately in order to make halder immune from prosecution, like other nazi criminals they need. a member of the tribunal from the ussr, comrade nikitchenko, expressed a dissenting opinion. he stated that he did not agree with the acquittal of schacht, von papen and fritzsche. they must be condemned. he disagrees with the sentence for gus, non-life
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imprisonment, death should be the sentence bandit ges. general with the decision of the tribunal regarding the imperial cabinet, the general staff and the supreme command, they must be declared criminal organizations. in this case , a rather conditional denocification took place, because these, so to speak, specialists were used for strategic purposes. moreover, they were even specifically taken out of harm's way at the nuremberg tribunal. immediately after his appointment to his new general staff, halder begins the selection of consultants and chroniclers on a grand scale. under under the supervision of cia handlers, he actually creates a paramilitary formation from former senior ranks of the german army. at the first stage , halder recruits about 200 officers, although all of them are still in
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the status of prisoners of war and live in an internment camp, the conditions for this contingent are special. the nazis are given the same pay as american officers; they are allowed to move freely and see their family and relatives. a shadow has fallen on the picture of the world, so recently illuminated by the victory of the allies. nobody knows that soviet russia and its international communist organization intend to do in the near future and what are the limits, if any, their... united states on march 5, 1946 winston churchel at westminster fulton college denotes collective. the position of the usa and great britain, we are no longer allies with the ussr. the nuremberg trials are not yet over, but the enemy has been identified, and the cold war begins. already in june
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1946, german officers, most of whom were generals, sat down to work. their task is to compile in the smallest detail reports and memos on the fight against the red army. halder heads the so-called. a control group consisting of eight ranks of the former german general staff, among those who take an active part in the work of the historical department are general field marshal küchler, colonel general and routh, colonel generals of the ss troops, hauser and dietrich, generals erfurt, schwepenburg, melenthin. later, other former high-ranking military leaders of the third reich, for example, general, would join the work of this association.
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another year later, in the summer of 1948, with a multiple with an increase in staff, the chroniclers move to könikstein. from the memories of his subordinates, halder shook off the burden of defeat and again feels like an important person. now he prefers to be addressed. halder personally processes incoming reports, meticulously discussing with subordinates the details of what to remove, strengthen or add.
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he leaves difficult topics, especially those where politics influences the military sphere, for himself. by march 1948, more than a thousand individual texts had been created, with a total volume of 34,000 pages. finally, the main document emerges from the depths of the historical department. about the crimes of the ss, but pure vermach, germany must stand even as a loser. only hundreds of documents say the opposite: orders and directives of the third reich,
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a witness. about plans to destroy entire countries of peoples, about the atrocities of the wehrmacht and the ss units attached to it. but for some reason this is not in the diaries of halder, guderian, manstein and his other chroniclers. if, for example, manstein at one time gave an order that it was necessary to liquidate all the jewish people, this order was not mentioned in manstein’s memoirs. as for the orders of hitler and rosenberg, everything was absolutely there. purposefully and iron-fisted, blamed on the party leadership, that is, if it was hitler’s order, or even it was an order signed by keitel, on hitler’s orders, then all the blame fell on hitler. according to the plan of nazi ideologist alfred rosenberg, russia was to be divided into protectorates, jews as subhumans - complete liquidation, slavs, after partial destruction they were to be classified as slaves. rosenberg’s framework for
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the division of the ussr, the creation of local national governments, the separate formation of the ukrainian belarusian government and a number of independent states on the territory of the soviet union. hitler appointed him to the reich ministers of the occupied eastern regions. rosenberg's plan was to liquidate the ussr.
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in their opinion, including the slavic peoples, primarily the east slavic peoples, and, oddly enough, the poles and czechs, whom hitler especially despised, the czechs for their non-resistance, and the poles for their, well, it’s unclear why, just like that, so if nazism had been defeated, well, in general, there would simply be no one of us. in the east of the future will have the right without "every officer under the german occupation of the court of inquiry, without any formalities, to execute any person suspected of being hostile to the germans, the same
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applies to prisoners of war. partisans are subject to merciless destruction in battle or in attempts to escape, all attacks the civilian population of wehrmacht soldiers must be suppressed by the army on the spot using extreme measures, including the destruction of the attackers. if you fail to identify or punish those responsible for anti-german acts, you are allowed to apply the principle of collective responsibility. it was about the establishment of the german nazi regime and the liberation of living space from people who, according to the russian theory of the nazis , occupied an intermediate position between apes and orians. here is another one ordered by wehrmacht field marshal alfred reichinau, published on october 10, 1941, about the behavior of troops in the eastern space.
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