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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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not only as a fighter for the ideas of national socialism, but also as an avenger of atrocities against the german people. as part of a policy of harshness towards slavic subhumans, german troops were ordered to treat women and children in russia particularly harshly. this is exactly how they behaved on the territory of the soviet union.
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every 30 seconds a bell rings here in memory of people burned alive. this village is not on the map of belarus. khatyn is one of the symbols of the tragedy and sorrow of the entire soviet people. on march 22, 1943, the belarusian village was destroyed by a squad of punitive forces, 149 residents, including 75 children, die in the fire; the tragedy of khatyn is only one of thousands of facts indicating a deliberate policy of genocide. in relation to the population of the soviet
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people. in belarus alone , 9,200 villages and hamlets were burned, of which 186 were completely destroyed along with their inhabitants. none of them were ever revived. lists of jews were compiled, they were introduced, on the eve of the attack on the ussr in april 1941, military subordination was introduced, that is, this was naturally known, not to mention that the territory was supposed to be plundered, the population was supposed to be deported for labor, separate instructions were drawn up there, and the german generals wanted to diligently clear themselves of all this. according to german data, by the beginning of 1942 , about 4 million people were captured. that is, about
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70% of all soviet soldiers captured by the germans during the war. most of them are captured in the first years and even months of the war, when nazi troops rapidly advance into the interior of the country. since time immemorial, russians have been accustomed to harsh ruthless intervention of authority. quote from the directive of the wehrmacht high command dated may 14, 1940. the first year of the okw demands the adoption of merciless measures against the civilian population, wehrmacht soldiers receive complete exemption from responsibility for committing any violence. following this, on june 6, 1941, the wehrmacht issued an order on commissars. commissars are not recognized as soldiers, and no international legal protection is applied to them. immediately after the start of the war, this was the attitude.
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maybe they’ll give you some gruel, or eat grass, that’s it, the trees there were gnawed to a height of one and a half human height, that’s it, all the punishment was eaten, you understand, such barbaric conditions for the soviet people are deliberately regulated by the leadership of the wehrmacht, as a result, hundreds of thousands of emaciated prisoners of war die on the way to the concentration camp, then there is a policy of scorched earth, a policy of murder, executions, not only the ss, this is the wehrmach, that
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is, the wehrmacht and the ss are, in fact, structures of the same level, they carried out this criminal policy, nazi, hundreds thousand animals committed by the nazis during the years of occupation on the territory of belarus, ukraine, russia, and these crimes against humanity are committed by soldiers and officers of the wehrmacht, they are exempted from criminal liability first by american and english judges at the nuremberg tribunal, and then they are also abundantly covered by halder’s new chroniclers, while in the service of the united states. 1950, americans land in korea, the ussr sends air defense systems to help the korean army, military advisers, and aviation. in
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this regard, the value of german also increases branch of the us army historical branch. americans want to see more than just the german perspective on the war. but they also resort to the examination of wehrmacht generals. halder's general staff is asked to review the us army field service regulations. in 1950 , a 257-page text was published. the final version is edited by halder himself. the cold war is in full swing. former nazis not only write memoirs and reports. many of them are again called up to serve. now they are participating in the creation of nato. galde himself and a group of generals at this time were actively helping to create a new german army, bundeswehr. when the bundesfer began to be created, german generals not only played a major role there, but they also flowed into nato. if we look at the leaders of nato, the military organization, yes,
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there is a headquarters or some military structures, there were a huge number of german generals, probably in terms of number they are the second largest there. or there americans rank third after the british, but the use of the nazis in the cold war with the soviet union is still of a closed nature, the former allies are uncomfortable, especially after the nuremberg trials, to openly cooperate with the functionaries of the third reich, the world's memory of their atrocities is still too fresh, which is why the americans and germans need to quickly reinterpret the events of the second world war to form... a new public opinion. the project lasted 15 years until 1961. over the years, more than 700 german officers took part in it. more than 2,500 individual texts were written on various topics.
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halder himself received the meritorious civilian service award shortly before his death. second to important award for civilians who cooperated with us federal agencies. technical work, with american money a basic layer of materials was created, on the basis of which, later, for 50-60 years, the history of the second world war is still being written. under the patronage of the cia, halder and his subordinates managed to form stable myths: idealistic about the german army,
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disdainful about the soviet one. in general, the wehrmacht army leadership was portrayed as victims of hitler. the reasons for germany's defeat became obvious. factors like frosts and lack of roads in russia, but not the power and professionalism of the red army. quotes from halder's diary. wehrmacht soldiers always showed miracles of fortitude and fighting spirit everywhere. the soviet command is tactically much weaker than the german one. halder was very critical of russian tactics. russian offensive tactics. a three-minute fire raid, then a pause, followed by an infantry attack.
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but in the fifties this all took shape, and manstein with his lost victories became the banner of this, when he says that in operations against the crimean front, the crimean front had a triple superiority over it, there are no soviet documents, no one even bothered to look at the german documents, everyone believes that, for example, what upsets me most of all is that even manstein believes here, instead of saying a minute , let's... let's check how much yes he didn't have any triple superiority of the crimean front, the superiority was precisely on
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the side of the germans at a particular point in time in may 1942, but no one bothered to check this. in addition, historical halder's squad managed to magically separate the real culprits of the war from the massive atrocities they committed. these same ideas were absorbed by the british-americans who... were involved in writing history as part of the project. in germany itself , a paradoxical situation has been developing for years. in a divided, defeated country , they remain silent about the past for many years and listen to the voice of the vanquished, who are interested in this silence. the awakening begins only in the nineties, when the gdr and the federal republic of germany unite to a united germany.
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not completely, but some reorientation of public opinion in west germany, and then in united germany, did occur. the project led by halder is not the only one supervised by the intelligence services of the united states and great britain. historical myth-making has only gained momentum since world war ii. to form and spread mythology, they build an extensive infrastructure. hundreds are being created in the us and western europe.
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september 25, 2015. the rape of berlin unknown history of the war. an article by a bbc correspondent appears under this heading. the author refers to the research of the historian beevor, but most importantly, these are the diaries of the red army officer lieutenant gelfand, published in russia, in which the bloody everyday life of the red army is described in full detail. soviet soldiers raped countless women along the way. to berlin, but in russia today few people talk about this; numbers are also mentioned: 1000 women in berlin and 2 million
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throughout germany. western media instantly pick up the resonant topic. black myth immediately becomes part of an anti-russian information campaign. the red army came to berlin and raped 2 million khnemoks. where did they get them from? again, according to these rumors, which were in the fifties, because all this appeared. and this all spread, the americans contributed to this, it seemed, yes, they forgot everything, our documents appeared, which said that the guards, firstly, the red army suppressed this matter, and then there were no such huge figures in memory, these were after all, yes, an isolated case, to unfortunately, the authors of the myth about soviet rapist soldiers apparently forgot that even at the end of the war, this myth was created by one of adolf hitler’s closest and most faithful followers, the minister...
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the story is now acquiring a very relevant sound, moreover, due to the fact that we are offered different versions of history, as we see that the european union turns out to have
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one history, but we know the history of europe a little different. if the western and liberal world is already accustomed to nazi rallies in the usa and europe and torchlight processions in ukraine remains silent, the public death of high-ranking officials at the state level by the executioner from the sss is celebrated, perhaps, for the first time. canada, september 22, 2023. so in parliament , yaroslav gunko, a veteran of the fourteenth volunteer infantry division of galicia, the ss forces of hitler's germany, was greeted with a standing ovation. among others, the former nazi received a standing ovation from canadian prime minister justin trudeau and ukrainian president vladimir
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zelensky. the entire territory of western ukraine, i would say, is infected with fascism. modern europe, desecration of the demolition of monuments to soviet soldiers-liberators in latvia, poland, bulgaria, bravo! after world war ii , more than a million red army soldiers and officers were buried in central and eastern europe, and approximately 400 monuments to soviet liberating soldiers were erected. over the years, russia, as the legal successor of the ussr, has concluded bilateral agreements with many of these countries providing for
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the maintenance of military graves and monuments in proper order. but at present, in in most european countries no one remembers these agreements anymore. these are the forces that are pursuing an anti-russian course. ultimately, they want to ensure that russia is defeated. there are plans to split russia into 16 separate territories. in this russophobia, something similar is flourishing in estonia, latvia and lithuania. there has also been continuity of personnel since the post-war period. the liberators in europe are under threat, many memorials have already been destroyed, in the west they are trying to abolish everything russian, erase the facts of world history, this pagan savagery, which modern europe is actually engaged in, in this
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pagan savagery, and... i would like to say some kind of subhuman, but i won’t say that, i’ll just say the primitive barbarism that these balts, the baltic authorities, are showing, let’s not say about the baltic authorities, the polish authorities there, well, the authorities of the so-called ukraine, this is a banal desire. hans ziemel ottakan, in this place lie those who once doubted that crimea
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is ours, a german military cemetery under sevastopol, they were buried here. the cemetery is looked after, it is protected, in russia, unlike many european countries, the memory of the dead is honored, even if they were enemies of the state.
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the dead buried in this cemetery call for peace, written on a stone slab installed at the entrance to the territory. currently , in russia, the state protects almost 690 signs about soldiers of enemy armies. unlike military graves and memorials from europe, we do not destroy or demolish them. we carefully preserve the memory of those who died, may who sided with fascism. i am deeply convinced. you can have any kind of general human dispute. you can agree or disagree with some ideological guidelines.
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get up from asana when war is on the threshold, and 300 shooters appear, and behind them are millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, everyone is ready, when war is on the threshold, when war is on the threshold, when... war is on the threshold, in russia, festive fireworks
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completed the celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. in moscow, fireworks started at sixteen platforms. margarita semenyuk will tell you more about this. it's thundering in moscow. solemn festive fireworks in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, here on vorobyovy gory thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which now lights up the evening sky of the capital, i note that the largest points, such as vorobyovy gory , fire volleys of the fireworks installations, well, the most spectacular site is luzhnetskaya embankment, 21 fireworks installations were deployed there. out of 72, also at the same point artillery guns are also working, volleys are fired by military personnel of a separate guards salute division of the moscow military
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district, and siis-3 artillery guns from the times of the great patriotic war are thundering. i will note that among the guests here are all the people who are celebrating a great victory, i will also note here all those who honor the memory of their heroes. that in every family there are those grandfathers and great-grandfathers, those who forged victory back in 41-45, i would also note that now everyone remembers their heroes and wants to share their stories and talk about those who went through this war. my grandmother was a survivor of the siege of leningrad, that is , she also experienced a very difficult event. at the moment, unfortunately, she is no longer there, but she told many stories, my grandfather leneva maria petrovna, grandmother, and my grandfather, that is, my father’s father, it turns out belyakov
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vasily grigorievich, it turns out he was a participant in the great patriotic war and also made it to berlin, he reached it, and i’m also proud of it, he’s really a victorious grandfather, a very cool man. i saw him, i caught him during his lifetime, moscow was visited by guests from other countries, they came here specifically to watch the ceremonial parade, as well as to watch the festive flight. i came to clear this memory, to see this unpredictable fireworks display, all this, red square, this, when the president entered the ceremony, this is simply unforgettable for me.
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the fogs floated over the river, i went out onto the beliksha, onto a high bank, onto a steep one, i went out onto the belikasha, onto a high bank, so it all coincided that we had both a century and a day great victory, the weather began to improve, saying, i didn’t expect anything special, but everything went so smoothly that people all around were singing along, and we found ourselves in the center of attention, this is cool, please tell us, did any of your loved ones, relatives participate in the great patriotic war war? of course, my grandfather, pavel ivanovich trigubov, fought in the north and has a rare medal for defense, for the polar regions, my grandmother elena semyonovna worked in the rear day and night, had a medal for valiant labor, that
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is. the war was imprinted and passed through my relatives, thank god, my grandfather remained alive, had a shell shock, lived 86 years, well, my grandmother also lived a long life, so i remember my grandfathers, i understand that this is their holiday, their pride, they made sure that we now live and breathe , worked, rejoiced, and we must never forget about it, margarita semenyuk, alexander smychik, konstantin. news. all of russia remembers and honors the heroes who defended the independence of not only our homeland, but of all humanity. the victory of the great patriotic war secured our country great power status. the main parade took place on red square. in his speech , vladimir putin emphasized: this is a sacred holiday for our country. it unites all generations. the head of state congratulated all russians and addressed the military personnel separately.
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veterans and heroes of the northern military district, also reminded of the numerous attempts to distort the truth about the war and thereby erase the memory of the heroism of the soldiers of the liberators inextricably binds the generation of heroes of our national daughters, today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about the second world war, it interferes with those who are accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy. lies, they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on pedestals, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis are part of the general policy. western
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elites to incite more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia rejects western claims to exclusivity.
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kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. a gala reception was held in the kremlin in honor of the foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir putin said that they are all reliable partners. and friends, the president held and separate bilateral negotiations, which was the focus, anastasia efimova found out. reliable partners and friends, this is how vladimir putin greeted guests at the gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for celebrations on victory day. as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated wherever the eternal value of justice and equality is realized.


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