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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, podminsk, smolensk and kiev, in difficult, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. a gala reception was held in the kremlin in honor of the foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir. putin said that they are all reliable partners and friends. the president also held separate bilateral negotiations. anastasia efimova found out what was the focus of attention. reliable partners and friends. exactly this is how vladimir putin greeted guests at a gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for festive events on victory day. as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated wherever they realize the enduring value of justice and equality. and humanism, where
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they remember and honor their heroes, countries with which moscow will continue to develop relations. russia will continue its course towards developing mutually beneficial partnership and friendship with everyone who shares the values ​​of freedom, justice, and stands for strict compliance with international law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who has gone through something terrible. the trials of the second world war, the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures of traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future. the future of an indivisible security system was discussed at the meeting of vladimir putin with the president of tajikistan, for moscow and dushanbe on the ninth.
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to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both for russia and for tajikistan, the work is well established, generations are in close contact with each other, you and i support this work and will continue to do so, repeatedly, i have stated specially about that we have the opposite standards in the fight against terrorism and extremism.
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a feeling of friendship and mutual respect unites russia and cuba; vladimir putin also held a meeting with the president of this country, at which they discussed, among other things, common challenges, both govana and moscow face the consequences of illegal sanctions. countless attempts to discredit, and from the same side, the same one that considers itself a hegemon, having the right to impose its own rules on others, for decades our relations with cuba are based on feelings of friendship, mutual respect, we always perceive with rejection with a feeling of support for the cuban people attempts that have been ongoing for many years. on
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the part of the united states, an attempt to limit the development of cuba, to cause economic damage due to illegal sanctions, illegal restrictions. just like russia, the united states is constantly trying to discredit cuba, various media are coordinated, there are attacks on the prestige of figures, false news, distortions, manipulations of all these events. the russian federation can always count on support.
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studied in st. petersburg at the pedagogical university. last year, we saw a modest, but still 12% increase in trade and economic cooperation. world card holders. got the opportunity using them in your country will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow. cooperation in the field of defense and security is developing, scientific and humanitarian ties are being maintained. we are grateful to you, dear mr. president, and to all our colleagues for your support of teaching the russian
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language. we cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the united nations. i would like to express confidence that our friendship. relationships are built on the principles of trust mutual benefits, i would like to note your successful leadership of the country, despite western pressure, your country is gradually developing, while you are helping us develop a multipolar world so that all countries live justly, peacefully and prosper. a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, or rather to an entire continent, the african one. the head of guinea bissau also became a guest of the victory parade at a meeting with him vladimir putin on...
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this is a special day for all of russia, for the entire former soviet union, bearing in mind that a huge contribution, these enormous sacrifices that were made on the altar of victory by the peoples of the former soviet union. we are happy about this historic victory of the soviet union, we have been good allies and expect to remain so. you can count on guinea bissau as a reliable partner, that will never change. mr. president, it is not easy to give an example of solidarity and determination, but we are showing it, the solidarity between our two peoples, i will take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for that support that russia is providing to the people of guinea bessau, dear friend,
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the bessau leader addressed vladimir putin in russian, which generally reflects the general mood of all the negotiations held today in the kremlin, the readiness to listen to hear. find a compromise, respect mutual interests, that very reliable partnership that the russian president spoke about, which connects moscow with most of the world's capitals, which ultimately becomes the principle of the formation of that very multipolar world. in the sevastopol they celebrated both victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city from the nazi invaders. vladimir putin congratulated the residents of the hero’s city on this memorable date. about the celebrations of jan sherbata. victory banners on the central streets of the city, music that does not stop even for thousands of people. almost everyone has a portrait in their hands. this is my great-grandfather, he went missing, at first they searched for a long time. and finally we found it. the winners,
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veterans of the great patriotic war, are at the eternal flame. they could not take kerch because the forces were unequal. today in crimea along with the whole country celebrate the day. we see the battle of the titans, light and no less powerful, but doomed to defeat, adepts of darkness. alexander deinek described it in 1942, 2 years before the liberation
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of sevastopol, 3 years before the great victory, but when you look at the picture, there is not a second of doubt about victory. here's a medal for sevastopol. the medal for courage is one of the most expensive for evgeny fedorovich rogov. defender of stalingrad, he liberated sevastopol, after battles on the northern side of the city, crossed the sevastopol bay. we.
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hitler gave the order to hold sevastopol at any cost, they defended for 8 months, we will hold out for 8 years, hitler said. i received an order to defend every five sevastopol bridgehead, you understand its meaning, not a single name in russia is pronounced with more reverence than sevastopol. may 9, 1900.
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hitler's comrades-in-arms are no longer celebrated. kiev , in ukraine , declared the day of victory over the nazis as national heroes, but despite the prohibitions of the threat, hundreds of ukrainians still... flowers to the eternal flame in the park of glory. about people's memory anastasia ivanova. for the first time on in ukraine, may 9 is a working day. perhaps the zelensky regime was counting on the fact that people would not come out to honor the memory of the red army heroes at the memorials, but these expectations did not materialize. today is a sacred day for everyone, normal people, a day of victory, a day of victory over fascism. this is the city of kyiv, the eternal flame burns. look how many flowers there are, how many people there are. people remember, i ’ll tell you this, ukrainians are a victorious people, we have something to celebrate,
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the police, if not policemen , are detaining pensioners for the soviet symbolism, i don’t know, show me who is banning the cap, what savagery, i repeat, the all-ukrainian union of soviet officers, there are symbols, you know, you walk here thanks to the fact that... resources are put in quotation marks with neo-nazi pomposity, writes that cleared away from
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victory day, because now it is europe day, hence the visit of the head of the european parliament to ukraine, roberta mitsola, who was embraced by rada chairman stefanchuk as if she were her own at the station. eec flags flutter in kherson on freedom square, a bitter irony regarding the supposedly independent ukraine. the kiev government seeks not just to rewrite, not just to destroy our common history, the history of victory in the great fatherland. and the fact that ukraine is a testing ground for the west now, of course, no one will write about the square. for example,
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zelensky published such a video. not a word about the feat of his grandfather semyon ivanovich, a front-line soldier of the great patriotic war, but eu flags, clichés about democracy, freedom, human rights, a man who is arrested for remembering history, but zelensky has a different history, he creates it himself, hence and europe day, a decree signed last year. peculiar conditions for reformatting thinking. people, this, of course, is the destruction of all soviet holidays, although, as everyone knows, ukraine itself exists precisely thanks to soviet power, now in ukraine, those who go to the victory monuments are performing a real feat under.
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they remember the feat of the soviet soldier, it is priceless, and history is winning so far. anastasia how much does memory cost for ukrainians who ivanova, anatoly turkin, vesti. the us is wasting money on ukraine, which will inevitably fail. this was pointed out by the influential american newspaper hill. it is emphasized that the new aid package to kiev will not change the balance of power. zelensky's supporters have no way to ensure victory. at the same time, washington made a series of grave mistakes, for example, it agreed that
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ukraine and the european union would use the minsk agreements as a screen for rearmament. the us also pushed ukraine into nato, ignoring russia’s concerns. in addition, in the spring of twenty-two, the white house did not support peace negotiations. as a result, the actions of the states will lead ukraine to a catastrophic defeat. based on the balance of forces, ukraine will never win this conflict and will not return the lost territory. if kiev does not try to quickly reach an agreement on the best conditions possible now, then ukraine may suffer. massive defeat, if the west and kiev continue to ignore reality and cling to the fiction, believing that given enough time and money they can win the war, then the chances will rise to dangerous heights that ukraine will eventually have to sign the terms of complete surrender. employees of the investigative committee congratulated veterans of the great
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patriotic war on victory day. the officers visited the front-line soldiers, wished them health, and presented gifts. they even organized small concerts; such events were held in different cities. the military orchestra of the russian guard congratulated residents and guests of moscow on victory day. the concert took place at the northern river station. the musicians performed famous military songs and compositions dedicated to the great patriotic war. well, in berlin the police detained 10 people for failure to comply with the ban on symbols associated with the victory over the nazis of the third reich. the german newspaper bilt writes about this. the berlin mayor's office banned russian and soviet flags, military banners of the red army, as well as the st. george's ribbon. our
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own correspondent in germany, mikhail antonov, was convinced that it was not possible to disrupt the holiday. in the morning at the entrance to treptow park. the police carefully examine visitors for soviet and russian symbols, as well as other prohibited items, and carefully study the contents of the banners. is there anything in support of the svo? russia is instrumentalizing victory day in order to justify its current policy, berlin authorities are sure. for them, everything that does not fit into the pattern, they came, laid flowers and left, seems to be a potential threat to public safety, the answer to which is preventive tightening of the screws, so that by the middle of the day.
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with such decisions they are trying to insult the victors, liberators, and politicians of this country, as if they are trying to win the war over time. in the gdr, victory day was celebrated on the same scale as in...
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but the germans, of course, are very different, there are also those to whom the russians will still sing along with their own songs, which, like christina from thuringia, she brought her copy of the victory banner to tiergarten, but was afraid to take it out of her backpack, because the police would see it and take it away won't give it back. my homeland, and this germany is no longer my country. happy holiday, dear friends in russia, we are with you. “we hope that we will live peacefully, that russia will win against bandera’s fascism. all
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the land here has been bought by representatives of the european championship, we have no place move, we'll walk a little, then forward, but it won't be six. there are still 5 weeks until big football in germany, but uefa is already setting up a fan zone in the center of berlin. the brandenburg gate, from which the movement traditionally began." in berlin, this is not a march, the police let us through . this is how the immortal regiment of people was arranged this year to the memorial in groups of 10 people, in general, as expected, characters with ukrainian flags find themselves under the protection of the police, these came .
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and his people, they are always under his hand, which he calmed the enraged beast. antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putro, vesti berlin, germany. but still, for most of humanity, the day of victory over the nazis is a great holiday. the march of the immortal regiment took place in italy. the italians came with portraits of their relatives who fought the nazis. thousands fought in resistance units, including escaped soviet prisoners of war. for example,
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there was a company called stella rossa, and the russian sabotage detachment birs operated in liguria. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you how the holiday was celebrated in different countries. a holiday that unites generations of peoples, countries and continents. descendants of the heroes who won that guard.
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battles on the north african front, immigrants from russia fought as part of the allied troops, nicosia celebrations will take place over 2 days. today a car rally took place in cyprus; in addition, a lamp was brought here, which was lit in moscow from the eternal flame. the same lamp was handed over to their homeland by moldovan politicians who came to the russian capital for the holiday. leader of the victory bloc, head of the gagauzi and member of the national parliament moldova, alexander.
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feats of memory that must be passed on from generation to generation, despite the whims of the authorities. celebrating on six continents in antarctica at vostok station, polar explorers of the russian expedition and the builder with portraits of their heroes in their hands congratulated the whole country on the day of the great victory. we say veterans friends, thank you very much for how59.
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stationed in syria on the anniversary of the great victory, took part in a military parade at the khmim airbase. honor guard with flags of the three branches of the russian armed forces federation. the government of venezuela congratulated the citizens of russia and belarus on the anniversary of the great victory, the people of the bolevarian republic shared the joy of the great holiday with the descendants of the winners living in the country. in the celebrations of may 9th in the heart of venezuela. latin american rhythms and cossack prowess merged. in a friendly country, they remember the sacrifice made by the soviet people, and their exploits were immortalized in this graffiti in the capital. there are 79 salvos in the sky over caracos in honor of the victory. we send our huge greetings from caracos to everyone to ours, to all our guys who are today on the front line defending our homeland, defending
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ours. may 1945, victory day. marshal zhukov signed the surrender of nazi germany in berlin. victory day of the soviet people in the great patriotic war has become the main holiday of our country. moscow saluted the valiant troops of the soviet army with thirty artillery salvoes from a thousand guns. eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our homeland.
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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in great patriotic war. fireworks were launched in moscow. sixteen sites, margarita semenyuk will tell you in more detail. a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which is now lighting up the evening sky of the capital. i note that at the largest points, such as vorobyovy gory, volleys are fired from fireworks installations. and
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the most spectacular site is luzhnetskaya embankment, they opened it there.


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