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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 12:00am-12:28am MSK

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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. in moscow, fireworks were launched from sixteen sites. margarita semenyuk will tell you more. a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which now illuminates the evening sky of the capital. i will note that the largest points such as vorobyovy gory, volleys are fired from fireworks, and what a spectacle it is.
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great victory, also here are all those who honor the memory of their heroes, i will note that in every family there are those grandfathers and great-grandfathers, those who forged victory in the distant forty-one-forty-fifth years, i will also note that now everyone remembers their heroes and want to share their stories and talk about those who went through this war, my grandmother was a survivor of the siege of leningrad. that is, well, she also experienced a very
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difficult event, at the moment, unfortunately, she is no longer there, but she has many stories i told her, my grandfather, greneva maria petrovna, grandmother, and my grandfather, that is , my father’s father, it turns out vasily grigorievich belyakov, it turns out he was a participant in the great patriotic war, he also reached berlin, he reached him, and that’s me too i'm proud of this. he is truly a victorious grandfather, a very cool man, i saw him during his lifetime, moscow was visited by guests from other countries, they came here specifically to watch the ceremonial parade, as well as to watch the festive salty season. i've arrived, to honor this memory, to see this unpredictable fireworks display, this is all, red square, this is when...
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grandmother elena semyonovna worked in the rear day and night, had a medal for valiant work, then has a rare medal for defense for polar region, there is a war that left its mark, passed through my relatives, thank god, my grandfather remained alive, had a shell shock, lived for 86 years, well, my grandmother too... lived a long life, so now i remember my grandfathers, i understand that this is their holiday, their pride, they made it so we now lived, breathed, worked, rejoiced and know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to, vladimir putin recalled. more than 100,000 people visited the victory museum on may 9.
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the museum's exhibitions were very popular among guests; admission was free. visitors to the victory museum, families with children, young people and veterans, many came with portraits of their relatives, participants in the great patriotic war, to join the wall of memory action. 80 years ago the crimean offensive operation ended on the peninsula was heroically liberated from fascist occupation. and hitler’s plans for crimea, the exploits of soviet soldiers and local residents. watch the special report by anna afanasyeva. may 1944, just liberated sevastopol, life against the backdrop of war, war against the backdrop of life, children banging spoons on plates, gobbling up
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porridge, the girls over there were given beautiful bows by their mothers , and maybe not their mothers anymore, boys sunbathing at the monument to sunken ships, right from the pier. and all the houses in the city are without roofs. how did the nazis plan to turn crimea into gotenland? that's what hitler there i told rosenberg at this meeting that it would be advisable to rename crimea to gotenland. because there is a year of their heritage. heroic defense of sevastopol: 250 days of resistance. these are the youth who fought and knew that victory will be ours, and we will definitely win and we will be alive in the new time. how
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did the residents of sevastopol survive in the occupied city? we became adults very early, we were 6, 7, 8, 9 years old, we already knew by the sound where... the bomb was falling, how it was flying by the sound, where the shell was, whether to run or lie, and how they built a new life on the ruins. what we experienced is impossible, i forget it, you know, because it’s me now , even when they shoot, i have a heart, i ’m not afraid, but my heart falls somewhere and i feel bad when the war started , eroida ivanovna was a three-year-old girl,
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her father, a naval pilot, was immediately taken to the front, she stayed in sevastopol with her mother , her older sister, i, for example, told my dad to work, the main thing for them is to work for germany. my mother somehow got caught in a raid, iraida ivanovna’s mother will spend 2 months in prison for refusing to work for the nazis, but trouble does not come alone, after her release she falls ill with typhus, the house where the family lived
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burns to the ground, the girls end up in an orphanage, the skins were thrown out of the german kitchen, the cameramen stood nearby and that means we collected and... crimea for hitler had fundamental political, military and sacred significance. in official german propaganda documents , the peninsula is called gotenland, the mythical homeland of the ancient germans, which had to be returned at any cost. however,
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it was in crimea that the nazis suffered one of the most devastating defeats in the entire history of the great patriotic war. the enemy’s plan is to eliminate the offspring of the black sea fleet and... russia on its southern borders, to capture the peninsula, to seize air and sea communications on the black sea. hitler's command planned to seize crimea quickly. they knew that sevastopol was a naval base, perfectly fortified by the fleet, but without land defensive fortifications. the conduct of the offensive operation was entrusted to the eleventh the german army, commanded by one of the best military leaders of the wehrmacht, general. erich von manstein, even before the start of the war, hitler
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said that the most important task before the capture of moscow was the capture of crimea, the destruction of russian naval bases on the black sea coast, they needed it in order to replenish their meager supplies. strategic raw materials, namely oil, and crimea, in fact, was an obstacle for them in the possession of the oil-caucasus, so capturing it would mean receiving all communications and, naturally, moving towards caucasian oil further to the countries of the east, further to india, which would play into their hands to conquer the worlds
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, to capture sevastopol and destroy the russians , i am sure, and the ambitious einstein wanted troops on the kerch peninsula in order to be able to cross to the caucasus. but he received neither one nor the other. the order to hold crimea at any cost was also dictated by the nazis’ future plans for the peninsula. doctor of historical sciences. oleg ramanko has been researching the topic of germanization of crimea for more than 30 years; he has worked a lot in
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german archives, where he studied the originals of the most important documents. first, in july of forty-one, here is the famous meeting of hitler, where he said that crimea must be cleared of all non-germans, then in december of forty-one, rosenberg’s meeting with hitler, where hitler again repeated that crimea must be cleared of all strangers .
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they wanted to turn the german riviera, crimea into a german resort where party members, war veterans, and so on would relax after the war. further, yes, there was also a concept, it was developed by alfred rosenberg, one of the main ideologists of the nazi party, the man who was responsible for the occupation policy in soviet territories, he had a plan for annexing crimea to the future vassal great ukraine.
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from the point of view that something needs to be done with the local population, whether to germanize those who lived in the crimea or germanization.
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questions very harshly immediately without stopping, but nevertheless he believed that the basis for the conquest of territories could be, in this case for the crimea, the fact that once these lands belonged to representatives of the german race, at the end of the forty-second year, when... the entire crimea was under fascist occupation, the ahnenerb society sent german archaeologists on an expedition to the ancient cave city of mangub kale. their goal is to find traces of the goths , whom they considered their ancestors, being here. according to one of the versions that existed then, it was mangubkale, the capital of the ancient god state. crimean archaeologist alexander
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germenovich hertsin organized hundreds of expeditions to this ancient cave city. for more than 50 years he has been studying the centuries-old history of mangub kale. back in 28, there were such joint events there, visits to crimean monuments with the participation of domestic foreign scientists, primarily germans from germany. they are all this.
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they walked him, so they took photographs, and this romantic and ecstatic poem was written about the mangup, who soon caught the eye of the himlers. the german expedition did not discover any new artifacts from the godsky period; they would be found by soviet archaeologists in the post-war years. here
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below us there is a huge gotoland burial ground, in the almalyk gully there are apple trees. and that’s where our goths, one might say, screwed up, as they say, if they had found this burial ground and started digging there, of course they would have succeeded, but their interpretation would , of course, be completely different, the materials are the same, so werner beumelburg then, after examining mangup, wrote a short book on goths in the crimea, where he emphasized the exclusively germanic character of mangup and inkerman. kurzuf, including, well, conclusions were drawn, that this is a typical german fratification, there can be no question at all that crimea is german, one of the german homelands. to implement the program of germanization of crimea , there was enough theoretical evidence that the goths
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actually lived in this territory. for example, himler came here, yes. crimea, why did he come here? himler also came for certain purposes, and rosenberg came, somewhere, if himler in the autumn of forty -two, rosenberg came in the summer of forty-three, to see it all. that's exactly what it was connected with the germanization plans of the nazis in the crimea. the occupation policy was influenced by these plans, the repressive policy as an instrument of the occupation policy. and largely thanks to these plans, in principle, the cleansing began, thanks in quotation marks, of course, the cleansing of crimea from undesirable elements from a political and racial point of view. documents about nazi crimes in occupied sevastopol, declassified in 2019, opened new pages of a terrible period in the history of the city.
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during the 25-day defense period, the city was destroyed, so when the germans appeared, they understood that the city needed to be put in order. advertisements and propaganda posters were placed on buildings in the city of sevastopol, which said that every resident of the city of sevastopol should come and undress. his mother sent him to the commandant’s office to get water coupons. a sixteen-year-old boy was arrested. the mother found out about this at the gendarmerie a few days later. tried to save him, but
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the executioners had already chosen their victim for public execution. some old lady expressed her opinion out loud doubt to the people around her: this cannot be, these are mannequins hanging. not far away, a woman's soul-tearing, hysterical scream was heard in the crowd. in one of the corpses she recognized her son, her mother screaming. the cries and cries of other women increased, they hanged the boys, so as to serve as a warning that if you don’t listen enough, the same will happen to everyone. during the war, only the blockade of leningrad and the defense of sevastopol lasted longer, 250 days. and when the last days came, when the nazis essentially crushed the defense of sevastopol, more were captured there. well, let's say, about 70 thousand people, a column of prisoners of war, wounded, tortured, who were being led to the camps, was
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clearly visible from the window of the neighboring house, the hostess had prudently left an open gate to the garden, in case someone managed to escape, some water, a crust of bread, potatoes to somehow support, the germans were driving away , some kind of confusion, because...
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he states that he did not serve in the army for health reasons, his documents were lost by profession as a teacher. his words are confirmed by his fiancee, lidian nefedova. a young, very beautiful, very talented girl who together with schoolgirls like her, she ran closer to the front line, they just helped, somewhere in the medsanbat, somewhere in the kitchen. vasily revyakin gets a job at a local school as a chemistry and physics teacher. meets people there. with georgy guzov and organizes the communist underground behind german lines. here is a copy of one of the first leaflets, handwritten by them. dear brothers,
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sisters, fathers, mothers, groaning under the herm of hitler’s enslavers. we, your blood comrades, appeal to you to come out with us as a united battle front for overthrow of the bloody nazi regime. revyakin’s young wife also distributed leaflets.
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in the house of vasily revyakin , young people often gathered, sang songs, danced, even invited the germans living next door, they say , look, the doors of our hospitable house are open to everyone, we have nothing to hide, in the next room at the head of the bed they even hung a portrait of hitler, so that whoever had any doubts, this young family definitely
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lives in...
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an underground printing house, a room measuring one meter by one meter was dug under the house, well maybe one and a half by one and a half with a height of about 2 m, it was there that there was a small table, there was a radio, the work of the printing house was like this, in the evening at night two people crawled into this room, they moved aside the bed that was in the kitchen, lifted the rug with the portrait of hitler, took it out . a specially fitted stone, a block, and two people dived into it, the stone was put in place, everything was returned to its original state, every night it was possible to produce 80 - 100 such leaflets, which they called a newspaper for the homeland.


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