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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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headquarters, our headquarters during the defense of sevastopol, poking around in these ruins and ruins, they found two typewriters, from which they assembled one, and it was decided to organize an underground printing house. under the house , a room was dug out measuring a meter by a meter, maybe one and a half by one and a half, with a height of about 2 m. it was there that there was a small table and a radio. the work of the printing house was like this, in the evening, on the night there. two people crawled into this room, moved aside a bed that stood in the kitchen, lifted a rug with a portrait, which means adolf hitler, took out a specially fitted stone, a block, and two people dived into it, the stone was put in place, everything was returned to its original state, every night it was possible to make 80-100 sheets like this. which they called the newspaper for
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their homeland, in total they managed to make 25 copies of this newspaper, it was a powerful propaganda work, very powerful, the house was across the road where a gestapa informant lived, and he sometimes came here, how could one live and work in the house, which is surrounded by german soldiers, representatives of security detachments, like... when you constantly, it means you are experiencing this feeling of danger, which is nearby, which you need to know, understand and skillfully circumvent, although of course, they perfectly understood what death was, they themselves went through the war, they were generally ready for it, but they, of course , hoped for the best. hopes for the best were dashed when one of the members of the underground was arrested, ludwik zavolski, a former prisoner of war rescued by the revyakins and taking refuge in their house. unable
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to withstand the torture, he violated the oath of allegiance, they brought him here to this house and he said: “yes, here he is the leader sevastopol underground organization and on march 14 at 2:00 am he was arrested, the torture was great, when he was sitting in the bagchesorai concentration camp, they buried him alive, the whole family of the earth. they pushed him, his legs were tied to his chest, his arms were back, well, and two more accomplices with him, they covered him with earth, they piled a stone on top, they arrested ledia revyakina and also threw her into the dungeons of the gestopo, she was pregnant, but this did not save, this did not stop anyone absolutely, they tried to save the child, that is, to do everything to caesar, but not made it in time.
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no one gave away the secret of the organization, no one. vitya senkin - 14 years old, semyon miroshnikov - 15 years old, sixth grade students, best friends. the boys cut the communication wire.
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the place where the krasny concentration camp was located, archival documents and photographs telling dozens more such stories. the first prisoners of the concentration camp were prisoners of war, those who defended kersch and sevastopol, and gradually, throughout 1941-42, women, old people, children, and those who actually helped the partisans were assigned here.
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some kind of terrible inhuman excitement, they as if they were competing with each other in the atrocities that were committed against the prisoners of this concentration camp. the footage of front-line correspondent ivan zaporozhsky captures
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events related to the activities of the state commission to investigate the atrocities of the fascists and their accomplices, we see how here... crimeans come to the territory of the concentration camp, to the territory of the former krasny state farm, identify the bodies of their relatives, in the seventies it took place three trials, during which some of those who served in the security were accused this concentration camp and took a direct part in the reprisals against uezniki, there are 12 people on trial, in three long-term cases...
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how many bloody battles took place? within the walls of ancient hersanes over the two-thousand-year history of the city. in june forty-two, the enemy begins the third assault on sevastopol. thousands of bomb shells rained down on the city. german aircraft were constantly circling in the air. at
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the end of june forty-two, we would no longer be able to stand here with you so calmly. in a minute a mine or shell would arrive here. in there was focal resistance in sevastopol and... khersanez was one of these focal points, the wounded who were not evacuated remained here, since the khersanez museum during the days of the third assault on sevastopol served as a place where treatment took place, in the basement of the museum, in the corridors of the museum, in the vladimir cathedral there were beds everywhere , where the wounded were treated, those who could not be evacuated from here already understood their fate, so most likely they gave their last here. the battle here lasted for several hours, dozens of mortar shells fell on the territory of the settlement, shells. the most valuable exhibits from the ancient and byzantine collections were brought to sverdlovsk, in order to transport 8 tons of museum
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valuables, first by sea and then by rail, it took about 3 months, then what could not be brought out was looked after by the museum caretaker alexandrakh. on the same day, july 1 , alexander kuzmich takhtai, the caretaker of the museum, alexander privalenko, was taken to concentration camps. they were absent for more than a month, their lives were on the line, as they say, they risked a lot, they were checked for partisanship, as takhtay notes, when takhtay was captured, the germans were in charge here, the remaining collections in the storage facilities were plundered, on august 16 , 1942, they were returned back. they had to cooperate with the aninzadshtab crimea, a structure supervised by alfred
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rosenberg. museum premises at this time are used in different ways, some are located in headquarters, for example, in a building of ancient history, on the first basement floor of the vladimir cathedral repair workshops are located, cars are repaired there at that time. at the same time, mines are stored. in our archive. several photographs indicating that the conquerors were preparing gifts for erich von manstein, commander of the eleventh army, in the form of part of the exhibits of the ancient exhibition with an elegant box in which a relief depicting a griffin was packed, on the other an akraterium that once crowned one of the main temples of hersanes , written in large letters in german from...
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an external sign: the hair is beating, dark, and i have an older brother, he was also black
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, his hair was also curly, they threw him into that heap where the yudas are, there weren’t many of them , there were probably three families there, and he cried that mom, that’s it, mom rushed to the german, that it was my son, he grabbed him and moved it in our direction, not far from the place where ... alexandrovna’s family remembers how they were in a prisoner of war camp with their mother. antonina saved the soldiers. at the beginning of the war, for a short time, the jubilant conquerors of sevastopol agreed to hand over soviet soldiers to those who could prove their kinship. the prisoners threw notes with their names over the fence. women they confirmed that the prisoner was indeed their relative, and thus antonina alexandrovna’s mother saved 20 people. i brought him home, we were there. they washed him, they fed him there, we couldn’t leave him with us, because the germans were checking, and they, my mother
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, took them to the cemetery, there were crypts there, so to go to the cemetery, because there was a curfew, my mother took me with her and said, as if as soon as we were detained by a patrol, my mother was carrying it, this is ausweiss, my mother was there carrying food. and the mother of the liberation of sevastopol residents gathered i explained to the german that i was lost and my mother found me, and we were going home. 2 days before , in one place, they began to load groups on board self-propelled barges, which were supposed to deliver them to labor camps in germany, eight ships had already set sail from the shore, the last one remained. for happiness , two of our planes began circling over this school like stars and the germans fled, the basements of the school
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hid, because they thought that cars would bomb them, the gates were open, and we rushed through the open gates, the germans shouted, go back to zuryuk, whatever it is zuryuk, foer, what they will shoot, what kind of foer is there, we rushed down from the ship, the things we took with us, i only remember that i had a kettle in my hands, i never threw it away from the kettle , they fled, oh, there is such joy in my soul that we didn't get to germany. the germans were leaving sevastopol, taking away equipment, weapons, women and children on warships, they would use them as human shields, iraida ivanovna and her mother ended up on one of these ships, we weren’t sitting in the holds, but we were lying down, they put us down, like this so, we were lying there when they shot the kolobls, then they forced the mothers to take the children,
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they kicked them out onto the deck, and the mothers held them, and the mother said, i fell on you, closed them, in germany they went through four labor camps, iron wire, the beam of a lamppost, mortal fatigue from mining work, this is what will be remembered it lasts for life, we were even taught german, and we marched in the ranks, hitler shouted there, marched.
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a happy childhood for ieroida will begin at the end of forty-five, when all three of them return to their native sevastopol. we made our way through the rubble, through piles of ashes and stones, it seemed to us that these were wounds on the heart of my homeland, pictures of horror and fear remained in my memory, in the southern bay at the pier the lights of warships . and why? all the paths, from those frosted lights, seemed like haze, like a cobweb in the ranks of steel bags, you understand, this was such a return, the whole country was waiting for the liberation of crimea, it was a very
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tense moment, because crimea and sevastopol, as they say, are the heart naval fleet, this is the operation, that is, so thoroughly that you know where what the unit is located, who supports whom when it goes into action, then the less losses there will be, and one of these finds, or something like dad’s, well, not really finds, he repeated frunze’s maneuver, when they
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were advancing on the crimea, they did not go to perekop, let's go to sivage. and the germans there did not expect any force and we entered and went to the germans and that is, created a very difficult situation for the germans and there was, so to speak, an opportunity for us to develop an offensive on a wide front. the representative of the headquarters on the southern front was vasilevsky, who, so to speak, looked how everything happens, when the dominant height was occupied, dad said,
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and these are photographs taken by the legendary front-line photojournalist evgeniy khaldei. he ended up in sevastopol immediately after his liberation. and in general, he photographed sevastopol from above, where you can see the destruction, simply terrible. and in 1945, in november, when the nuremberg trials took place. this photograph of the destruction of sevastopol was presented. as an accusation at the nuremberg trials, this is evidence of fascist aggression. your main victorious
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he will take the picture in a year, this sevastopol shot can be considered a rehearsal. here he stands, here are the happy ones, this is the sevastopol embankment, these are two naval flags, which he simply borrowed somewhere from some, on one of... cruisers, then we can see that he climbed onto a destroyed - this building, this is a sign of victory, this sailor who is walking ahead, it is clear that he is a winner, they, of course, have a lot of experience behind them and troubles and grief of defeats, here is victory, here are the winners, the real ones, on the background terrible, destructive consequences of fascist bombings.
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very real, they found the strength to smile, now we have arrived, yes, the stations are destroyed, ruins, everything, but the fact that we are free, and the fact that we are not in blager and the fact that there is a feeling of happiness that we survived , hungry, not hungry, this is what remains forever, the end of the war. for everything, we became adults very early, we were 6, 7, 8, 9
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years old, we already knew by the sound where the bomb was falling, where it was falling, how it was flying by the sound, where the shell was, either to run or to lie down, alarm sounds, the sounds of explosions, my frame flew out when the last one was hit hard by this rocket... they stepped over the germans and it was in the trenches that they were buried here and under the trees they buried ours and the germans. you see, we
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are not afraid of anything, we have 547 people left out of 1,800 children, when there are exercises, when there are raids by the ukrainian armed forces, that is, we are not afraid, no one is afraid, no one leaves their apartments, our sevastopol land is dear to us, soaked in the blood of our ancestors, and we will never, never fall for tricks fascists, never, we will take care of our native sevastopol, our native sevastopol land. a sevastopol resident is a special kind of person, you see, he was brought up on, well , no matter how pretentious it sounds, nevertheless, he was brought up with this history. this is the land itself,
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abundantly watered with blood over the 240 years of its existence, it seemed to feed those who defended sevastopol with its strength, it gave this strength to those who liberated sevastopol in forty years, it remains with those who now live in sevastopol.
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in russia, fireworks displays have ended
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celebrations in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary. victory of the great patriotic war.


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