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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory of the great fatherland. war. in moscow
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, fireworks were launched from sixteen sites. about beauty in the sky margarita semenyuk. a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which is now lighting up the evening sky of the capital. i note that the largest points, such as vorobyovy mountains. volleys are fired from fireworks installations, well , the most spectacular site is luzhnetskaya embankment, 21 out of 72 fireworks installations were deployed there, artillery guns are also working at the same point, volleys are fired by military personnel of a separate guards fireworks division of the moscow military district, sis-3 artillery guns thunder during the great patriotic war. i will note that here...
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the war, my grandmother was a survivor of the siege of leningrad, that is - well, she also experienced a very difficult event, at the moment she , unfortunately, is no longer there, but she has many stories i told her that my grandfather maria petrovna leneva, grandmother, and my grandfather, that is, my father’s father, it turns out belyakov - vasily grigorievich, so it turns out he was a participant in the great patriotic war and also reached... to
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berlin, he reached him, and this too, i ’m proud of it, he’s really a victorious grandfather, a very cool man, i saw him, i saw him during his lifetime, moscow was visited by guests from other countries, they came here specifically to watch the ceremonial parade, and also to watch the festive flyover , i've arrived, to clear this memory, to see this not unpredictable fireworks, this. everything, red square, this is it, when the president entered the under, it’s just unforgettable for me, songs of the war years are heard on the square, known and dear to the heart katyusha, the dark-skinned woman, the holy war, people come here with guitars and perform these songs together live , fogs floated over the river, looked out onto...
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lived 86 years, well, my grandmother also lived a long life, so i remember my grandfathers , i understand that this is their holiday, their pride. they made sure that we now live, breathe, work, rejoice, and we must never forget about this. margarita semenyok, alexander smychik, konstantin mitin, lead. all of russia remembers and honors the heroes who defended the independence of not only our homeland, but of all humanity. the victory of the great patriotic war secured our country’s status as a great power. the main parade took place on red square. in his speech, vladimir. putin emphasized that this is a sacred holiday for our country, it unites all generations. head of state congratulated all russians, and separately addressed military personnel, veterans and heroes of the northern military district. he also recalled numerous attempts to distort the truth about the war, and thereby erase
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the memory of the heroism of the liberating soldiers. today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about world war ii. she's in the way. those who are accustomed to build their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and nazi collaborators on pedestals, and erase the memory of heroism and the nobility of the liberating soldiers, about the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, desire. to justify the current followers of the nazis is part of the general policy of the western elites to incite ever new regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to restrain sovereign independent centers of world development. we reject claims
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of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. in the kremlin a gala reception was held in honor of the foreign leaders who came to moscow. vladimir putin said that they are all reliable partners and friends. the president also held separate bilateral negotiations. anastasia efimova found out what was the focus of attention. reliable partners and friends. this is exactly how vladimir putin greeted guests at a gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for festive events on victory day. as the russian noted. leader, this holiday is celebrated wherever the inexorable value is realized justice, equality and humanism, where their heroes are remembered and honored, countries with which moscow will continue to develop relations. russia will continue to develop a mutually beneficial partnership and friendship with everyone
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who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice, advocates strict adherence to international law and comprehensive, equal and...
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in the event of a terrorist attack in moscow, our special services are actively working to stop common threats, because that terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both russia and tajikistan, the work is well established, colleagues are in close contact with each other, you and i support this work and will continue to do so, i have repeatedly stated
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that a feeling of friendship and mutual respect unites russia and cuba, vladimir putin also had a meeting with the president of this country, which was also discussed. economic damage due to illegal sanctions, illegal restrictions. just like
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russia, the united states is constantly trying to discredit cuba, various media are coordinated, attacks on the prestige of figures, false news, distortions, manipulation of all these events. the russian federation can always count on cuba's support. we constantly condemn the geopolitical manipulation carried out by the us government. threats of nato approaching the borders of russia. we wish you success in carrying out a special military operation. by the way, at the end of this conversation between the leaders, negotiations between the russian and cuban parties continued in a wide format, and after that vladimir putin talked with another guest of the current may celebrations, the head laos. not everyone remembers this, but vientiane also faced aggression during the second world war, was occupied by militaristic japan, and tries not to forget its history. the two countries have historically established ties at the state level, for example, in soviet times
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, t-34 tanks were supplied to the laotian army, which returned to their homeland in the new century as artifacts of the era; by the way, it is precisely this model that traditionally opens the parade on the red square, but relationships also develop at the level of citizens. hanglun sisulito, by the way, studied in st. petersburg at the pedagogical university. last year we had a modest one. after all, trade and economic interaction grew by 12%, mir card holders now have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flows. cooperation in the field of defense and security is developing, scientific and humanitarian ties are being maintained. we are grateful to you, dear mr. president, and to all our colleagues for your support of teaching the russian language. we work closely together on international arena, including in the organization. united nations. i would like to express confidence that our friendly
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relations are built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit. i would like to note your successful leadership of the country. despite western pressure, your country is gradually developing, while you are helping us develop a multipolar world so that all countries live justly, peacefully and prosper. a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, or rather to an entire continent. contacts, but today you are on the day
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victory, this is a special day for all of russia, for the entire former soviet union, bearing in mind the enormous contribution and the enormous sacrifices that were brought to the altar of victory by the peoples of the former soviet union. we are happy about this historic victory of the soviet union. we have been good allies and expect to remain so. you can count on guinea bissau as a reliable partner, that will never change. mr. president, it is not easy to set an example of solidarity and determination, but we are showing it. solidarity between our two peoples. i will take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for the support that russia provides to the people of guinea- bissau. dear friend, the besai leader addressed vladimir putin in russian. which generally reflects the general mood of all the negotiations held today in the kremlin, the willingness to listen, to hear, to seek to find
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a compromise, to respect mutual interests, that very reliable partnership that the russian president spoke about, which connects moscow with most of the world's capitals, which ultimately becomes the principle of the formation of that same multipolar world. the american army does not hesitate to kill tens of thousands of civilians. talking about democracy. this was admitted by former chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff mark millet. i remembered the different wars in which the states took part. here's the revelation. general at a conference in washington devoted to the development of military technologies. we, the united states, have killed many innocent people in massoula iraq. we, the usa, killed 12 thousand french civilians, so we celebrate eightieth anniversary of the normandy landings. we destroyed 69 japanese cities, not counting jeroshima and nagasaki. we killed a huge number
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of people, innocent people who had nothing to do with their governments, men. opportunity to ensure victory, while washington made a series of grave mistakes, for example, agreeing that ukraine and the european union would use the minsk agreements as a cover for rearmament. also, the united states pushed ukraine into nato, ignoring russia’s concerns and, in addition, in the spring of twenty-two, the white house did not support peace negotiations. as a result, the actions of the states
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will lead ukraine to a catastrophic defeat. based on the balance of forces, ukraine. will never win this conflict and will not return the lost territory, if kiev does not try to quickly reach an agreement on the best conditions possible now, then ukraine may suffer a full-scale defeat. if the west and kiev continue to ignore reality and cling to the fiction of believing that given enough time and money they can win the war, then the chances of that ultimately ukraine will have to sign the terms of complete surrender. vladimir putin's words that russia will do everything to prevent a world -class confrontation are among the most quoted in the world press. in countries where russophobia reigns, they even managed to present the victory of the soviet people over the nazis of the third reich as a tragedy. those who took an active part in the extermination of the slavs, jews and many other peoples tried especially hard. about cave
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hatred, natalya solovyova. erase the history of the memory of your people.
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in helsinki, vandals desecrated a monument to soviet soldiers; in berlin, the procession and tributes were restricted. they didn’t, but the authorities banned any symbols, flags, st. george’s ribbons and even songs of the war years, in a word, everything that could remind that the world was liberated from fascism by the soviet union. here the police ask a woman in the wrong t-shirt to leave, with a symbol of friendship between two nations on her chest, and here a more serious violation of the dress code leads to an arrest. why were you arrested? for what and for a putin t-shirt, guess what? the flag with george was taken away victorious. peaceful people come with flowers, with songs, yeah.
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in this memorial complex in berlin , over 700 red army soldiers are buried . every year on may 9 , thousands of people come here to honor their memory, of course they cannot do without provocateurs, however, this time the screamers with ukrainian flags, who tried to disrupt the laying of flowers, were quickly pushed back by the police. natalya solovyova and matvey popov, news! but for most of humanity, the day of victory over the nazis -
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for example, there was the stella rossa company, in liguria the russian sabotage detachment birs was active, one of the partisans, fyodor politaev is considered a national hero of italy. elizaveta khrontsova will tell you how the holiday was celebrated in different countries. a holiday that unites generations of peoples, countries and continents. descendants of the heroes who won that terrible war all over the world join the march of the immortal regiment, carry lights to the graves and sing their favorite front-line songs. people go out to mass protests and gather where there are few compatriots, but everyone remembers their own history. victory day, day victory, victory day, in the cities of israel they bring wreaths to the memorials, people also found the strength to talk about those times.
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suela congratulated the citizens of russia and belarus on the anniversary of the great victory, the people of the bollevarian republic shared the joy of the great holiday with the descendants of the winners living in the country. latin american rhythms and cossack prowess merged in the celebrations on may 9 in the heart of venezuela. in a friendly country, they remember the sacrifice made by the soviet people; 79 salvos were fired in the sky over caracos in honor of the victory. we convey a huge hello from caracos. to all our guys, to all our guys who are on the front line today, defending our homeland, defending our country,
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defending the future of our children. a lot of festive shots come in the may days from various parts of germany, where the descendants of the winners proudly remember the feat of their ancestors. every year, berlin introduces more and more bans for those who want to commemorate the day of remembrance of the winners, but throughout the country hundreds of people did not allow it for themselves, even we. may 9 is a holiday that knows no boundaries, language barriers and does not require strict connection to memorials or other symbols in india in...
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ramtsova. news. following the visit of chinese president sidimpin to budapest, hungary and china signed 18 agreements, including on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. the results of the visit will be summed up by the chief bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company in the balkans, daria grigorova. the chinese leader arrived in budapest late yesterday evening. on may 8, he arrived from belgrade at the airport and was personally greeted by prime minister viktor orban. and after that, the two leaders went to the ceremonial dinner at buda castle. the dinner took place behind closed doors, and we do not know, of course, the details of what the leaders talked about. today they met again in the afternoon, the key moment was the signing of sixteen agreements on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. the documents were signed in the presence of the prime minister and chairman of the people's republic of china. cooperation agreements covered various areas from trade to
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science and medicine. information, it is interesting that the parties also signed two memorandums on the exchange of information between government departments of hungary and china. at the end of these negotiations, orban said that this agreement takes relations between the two countries to a new, much higher level; in addition, he noted that hungary considers china, i quote, a pillar of a multipolar world. the head of the hungarian cabinet of ministers noted that serious changes have taken place in the world recently.
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the president called such relations between the two countries exemplary for other members of the european union, which, as is known, are under under pressure from the united states, they are afraid to cooperate with china on a grand scale, or even, on washington’s instructions, they spoil relations with china, often at their own loss. relations between china and hungary have always been friendly, at the highest level in history, we must further develop our bilateral relations, we announce the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership. china also values ​​its strategic cooperative relationship with the eu and sees europe as an important center of a multipolar world and an important partner in china's drive to promote modernization. china supports hungary's intention to play a greater role in the european union to ensure the development of relations between beijing and the eec. sizin pin held negotiations with hungarian president tamas szuek. the fii's visit to hungary takes place on europe day, celebrated throughout the european union. a similar hint has already been
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noticed by european officials. aimed at ending the conflict in ukraine, including the chinese peace plan, which was put forward in february 2023, the prime minister of hungary announced this after the negotiations in budapest, while the european the chinese leader's tour ends in hungary, and tomorrow he returns from budapest to beijing. yes.
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