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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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residents of estonia in narva, near the russian border, were able to watch the victory day concert, it was broadcast from the opposite bank of the river, from ivangorod, but in estonia itself they do not officially celebrate may 9 from the russian-estonian border, report from alima zarif. nowhere else in the world is there such close proximity of opposing fortresses from ivangorod to anarva. 30 m, arrow flight distance, while narva is the most russian city in estonia, two fortresses are connected by a common history and a common memory, and today ivan reminds narvi of this. the entire embankment on the estonian side is filled with people; powerful chords of holy war triumph and roar over the two cities.
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it wouldn’t be victory day, but here are the letters the local police are distributing: public meetings are prohibited, the real purpose of which is to celebrate may 9 in support of russia as an aggressor country. the celebration of victory day has no connection with the republic of estonia. expressing affection can also involve simply being together, silence. having seen the threats, the norwegians go to military cemeteries and to the places where monuments that have now been demolished stood, and wine is laid off the coast of ivangorod.
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northwestern bro. more than 8,000 residents of sochi took part in the solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the eternal flame and the marshals' alley. among them was my colleague, kristina kolesnikova. the ceremonial hall
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painted the sky above the military glory memorial in the colors of the russian tricolor, thousands of people came in the morning to lay flowers to honor the memory of the soldiers who died over the years. great patriotic war war. commemorative actions were held at all the monuments of the resort; there are 140 of them in the city. townspeople came with photographs of the relatives of those killed at the front. for me this is a big, great holiday, and i am proud that i am the grandson of those people who fought and defended the honor of our country. this is my grandfather, and this turns out to be my uncle, well, we didn’t know him, because he...
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sochi brought the history of the great patriotic war to life, in honor of victory day, historical reconstruction sites were opened, each dedicated to different types of troops and services of the red army. there is a very interesting stand, military traffic controllers talk about those girls who helped our columns move during the war. there are legendary photographs just in front of the broken reichstag of the bredenbun gate, where our traffic controllers stand showing the way. a mock-up has been installed on this site. a seventy-six-millimeter field gun of the 1902 model, which was used in the battle of the caucasus, and parachute training courses are held here. you can test your vestibular system or feel like a paratrooper during a jump by wearing a real parachute for the interactive exhibition
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, 8 tons of scenery and about a thousand items of props were brought, including copies and originals of small arms of red army soldiers. very interesting feelings. excite something inside, i don’t understand what, but it’s interesting. more than 60 reenactors from different regions of the country helped show life at the front. historical accuracy, even in their costumes. everything is practically original, take these golifes, from the fifty-second year, from the forty-third year, they are original, they are almost also original, from the forty-third year. memory heroes of the great patriotic war were honored at the highest point of the resort in the mountains , a symbolic race was held. instead of numbers on the starting numbers, participants wrote the names of their ancestors. there were two stops along the course, at 1941 meters and 1945 meters for memorable photographs. kristina kolesnikova, dimi danilovsky, grigory miroshnikov, news from sochi. the
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russian ministry of defense launched a new section on its website about the heroic liberation of sevastopol on may 9 , 1944. published documents. from the funds of the central archives military department. among them are combat logs , topographic maps, photographs, award lists and trophy archives. all these documents tell in detail about the may battles of 1944 in crimea. proof of the heroism of soviet soldiers, as well as the crimes of the nazis. the immortal regiment marched on the main promenade of lemosol in cyprus, with more than 3,000 people taking part. there was also a car rally, more than 100 cars and motorcycles carried victory banners, flags of russia, belarus and other countries that fought with fascism. afterwards, hundreds of people attended a wreath-laying ceremony at world war ii memorials. odessa was a city
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that was founded by catherine. the don and zaporozhye cossacks played a major role in the development of donbass.
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january 30, 1933 adolf. hitler was appointed reich chancellor of the weimar republic, under his leadership the national socialists came to power in germany, and the weimar republic came to an end. could hitler have done this without the support of who helped him come to power? after the moment of the munich pooch it became obvious that adolf hitler and the party at the stage that he forms will receive funding. from abroad, including the support of great britain, it was quite obvious.
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great britain - we can say that it is the main creator of hitler and, in fact, even his economic machine. yes, that is , british bankers financed germany's rearmament programs, british bankers broadcast it, gave loans. high and powerful, that as you and i know, money has indeed depreciated depreciated to such an extent that it was possible
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using money to heat the stoves, and moreover, the lack of prospects, which was very frightening. in the west, by the way, they believe that with inflation , economic development accelerates greatly, and the germans began to speed up their economic development. and most importantly, you see, in 1933 hitler completely officially announced the expansion of the construction of a new and new world of revenge.
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to prevent him from coming to power, he received german citizenship only in february 1932 and had a criminal record. let us recall that in november 1923 hitler became the inspiration the famous beer hall putsch in munich. he was sentenced to 5 years for high treason, but he left prison after 9 months, having managed to write mein kamf with confidence in the future. moreover, when he... was in prison, he received both financial resources and offers of
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support, this period, he really strengthened adolf hitler them, his idea, his goals in revanchism, because he realized that he not alone, that there are people behind him, including financial circles, that he is supported by major political parties, and of course, this is the conviction of the possibility of revenge for germany, the possibility of opening new prospects from his point of view. in his notes and speeches he repeatedly noted that the five-year plan that he put forward for the development of the german economy was realistic, he was confident in achieving the goals of this plan, because it relied on an external factor, this map of anti-communism on an interstate scale,
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then there is a push for germany towards... a geopolitical division of interests, namely therefore, great britain was engaged in pacifying hitler later, when he came to power, in the hope that he would expand his expansion to the east, which then happened. now documents are gradually being revealed about the so-called munich agreement, when hitler, through his
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representatives , found out from the british prime minister what would happen if the nazis... occupied the territories, they simply answered him directly, yes, the public opinion of england, it will not be on on your side, but in principle we are not against it, they did not understand that gitvarta took into account the experience of the first world war, but wilhelm ii did not learn any lessons from what chancellor von bismar taught him, who said the nightmare of the coalition.
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his idea of ​​reviving the wehrmacht suited the generals, his idea of ​​overcoming the crisis that the vämar republic faced in the late twenties, which means it suited the middle social strata, and even the common people, his idea. the need for new lands and the so -called living space for the german people suited everyone, he offered the german people a vector of development, he offered jobs, and he announced that the resources of the conquered territories would be distributed, he very clearly
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felt these revanchist sentiments in... in the german people, you remember, well, germany, she lost the first world war, you can so to speak, there was a ban on certain actions there, not having your own army, and so on, so on, so on, and there was still that generation alive that wanted revenge, and after all, at first, he made a promise, yes, he made economic promises. he promised to overcome famine, he promised to create a great germany, in addition, indeed, very large funds were invested in the idea of ​​developing revanchism, these were funds not only in...
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was it not clear what hitler was? already on january 30, 1933, hitler vowed to work. for the sake of the revival of the german nation and proclaimed a course for the racial cleansing of society, which involved discrimination against all non-orian peoples, primarily
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jews and gypsies. this is completely normal in politics, to wait, well, especially in anglo-saxon and such politics, to wait for who will win and join the winner. in addition,... western countries, of course, feared the development of the power of both germany and the soviet union. nobody wanted to have two such tigers, if they were strong, if the soviet union was ideologically strong, and, let’s say, more so, then no one discounted the german military machine, and, of course, it would be ideal to pit two such powerful rivals against each other. so that they bleed themselves, and then, well, offer help to whoever wins, and help means contracts, it means
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buying food, yes, it’s military technology, you remember how long they delayed opening the second front, they didn’t know where, let’s say, these scales of military luck would turn, they dominated in many countries. norway, denmark, belgium, yes, and in france, fascist ideas, well, let's say sweden , not to mention italy and spain, which in the thirties became openly fascist states. europe took a position, an officially proclaimed position, a position of appeasement, yes, this position of appeasement, it was known. religious organizations and religious hierarchies primarily . directly supported fascism and, in principle , musalini’s rise to power in the twenty-second year was sponsored by the vatican bank.
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moreover, since 193, many european powers begin to sign agreements with hitler on cooperation. known completely and accordingly to the anglo-german maritime agreement, which also complied. if we turn specifically to historical sources, yes, that’s it, here are the negotiations,
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yes, here are the historians’ notes on the political the situation that happened in england, yes, the secrecy stamp has now been lifted, but the question is different, that this is not being made public, yes, well, historians know that england took part, yes... where are you from 11 b? i'm not lying from the eleventh, it's not 2124 now.
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fantasy is love. with lisa and i, i don’t seem to understand. you don't mind, do you? 100 years ago . slana petrovna, good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and the fraudster would have access to the money and make a suspicious transaction on your account. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking, your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there , this is war, war.
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chinka, you understand that i don’t have a solder ration or a weapon on you, get ready to blow on moscow, brother to the missing persons records, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov , that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then? then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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in russia, fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary victory in the great patriotic war. in moscow, fireworks were launched at sixteen sites. about beauty in the sky margarita semenyuk.
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a festive fireworks display in honor of the 79th is going off in moscow.


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