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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe? this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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you wouldn’t expect to see a street on may 9th in an eu country, if only because europe celebrates victory day on the 8th, has recently been demolishing and renaming everything connected with the feat of the soviet soldier. the street is called 9 may street, there are no attempts or proposals to rename it, no.
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on the day the city was liberated from nazi germany, he called those present here at the celebrations fascists, i don’t consider people like him among the slovak patriots, it’s very bad that politicians are trying to turn history around, they should be grateful, because they live thanks to what liberated us soviet red army, if then the advice did not come, and yaroslav nas, perhaps, would not be alive today. yaroslav. to know how the entire previous government resigned, from the fall of 2023 slovakia has a new leadership that does not abandon the country’s history in order to please overseas friends. this applause is for the prime minister, who has been in office for several months. on april 4, on the anniversary of the liberation of bratislava, robert fica came to the memorial, where different generations of slovaks lay flowers every spring. come here every year? yes.
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it is our responsibility not to allow anyone questioned the decisive role of the former ussr in the defeat of fascism. these sacrifices cannot be questioned, i will do everything to ensure that this story is never distorted. the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia has an entire department for the protection of military graves, financed from the country's budget. every year
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, money is allocated to care for monuments to soviet soldiers. slovakia erected 193 monuments to its liberator. 63,518 died in battles for this country.
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archival documents indicate that he came down here to the village to pick up a doctor and take him he was sent to the detachment to join his wounded comrades, and just at the same time the ss men came to the village with a punitive operation, they shot the jewish doctor and the russian partisan, his relatives did not know any of this, for them he was missing , news of the deceased hero was sent to the family of the red army soldier for thousand.
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poorly trained and without much desire to fight, the slovaks quickly became a burden in german units; the nazis trusted them mainly with guarding railway junctions in occupied ukraine. my father, as a conscript soldier, arrived
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in ukraine, they were supposed to guard the routes supplies, bridges near zhitomir, but they immediately joined the partisans back in october 1942, because they saw that there...
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a national uprising had begun, units of the regular army, the partisans opposed the pro-fascist government of tis, moscow sent weapons to help them , saboteurs. the nazis, deciding to drown the uprising in blood, sent large, heavily armed formations into slovakia. the germans suppressed the uprising with great difficulty and huge losses, but the advance of the soviet troops was not stopped was. the slovak national uprising is, if you like, one of the pillars of self-identification.
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hitler's germany with all the ensuing political, legal, moral, economic consequences. the first settlement in slovakia was liberated by the red army. they were advancing in the spring, and this was a muddy road, the roads were washed out, the landscape was still very difficult, there were water obstacles in the way of their red army soldiers, for example, this river hron was crossed under continuous fire from german artillery. the nazis are located there, on the other side, at the height of the red army, to advance to bratislava, it was necessary to first cross the river and then take the height on which the enemy was entrenched. commanded the bratislava-byrnovo offensive operation. marshal malinovsky, next to the place where his command post was, in 2021
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a monument to the military leader appeared, mislovakia decided to build, erect this beautiful monument, why is it here, i think this is very correct, marshal malinovsky is here first of all, you see it , this is a museum, here you can see guns, and an2, and t-34, we show this to children so that it never happens, we need to take something like this into our hands, war is the most evil thing, and we can tell the kids. the troops of the second ukrainian front, under the command of marshal of the soviet union malinovsky, developed an offensive deep into
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czechoslovakia from hungary and occupied the city of bratislava. bratislava is a powerfully fortified city by the germans; ditches, barriers, and mines did not help. the red army liberated the capital of slovakia 2 days earlier than required by headquarters. the soldiers helped restore electricity, water supply, and sewage systems in the city, and cleared the roads. 10 april, a telegram was sent to moscow about the situation in... until the last days, official propaganda assured the townspeople that soviet troops would not be able to overcome the defensive structures around bratislava. the townspeople emphasize that they are doubly grateful to the red army, since bratislava was taken quickly and in a short time. the war had not yet ended, but grateful bratislava had already erected this monument to soviet soldiers on may 5, 1945. there are monuments and memorial plaques in every region of slovakia. red army soldiers in europe, in fraternal singles
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more than 17 thousand soldiers lie in the graves, and slovakia remembers one of the largest burial places of its liberators; this memorial is protected by the state. the state doesn’t mind when portraits of dead soldiers like this, not intended by the ensemble, appear; they are installed by slovak volunteers. vladimir kapustin 21 on...
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in neighboring kolbassovo, an entire family was killed, 11 jews who survived the holocaust
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returned home to this village bordering ukraine after the war, and there were already ukrainian nationalists there, persecuted by nkvd detachments. from the soviet bandera's army fled under the wing of the americans. the american occupation zone after the war was in austria, and the shortest route to it was through slovakia. another one. a village in the east of slovakia, there is also a memorial in memory of those who died at the hands of bandera. fallen soldiers of the czechoslovak people's army who died in battles against bandera in 1947. and names. six soldiers, a military operation was needed to stop the terror; they could clear slovakia of bandera’s supporters only by 1949. i was in lutsk. i was in lutsk, crying from despair when i saw a monument to bandera there. bandera, bandera, my god. well, the european union
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does not condemn this in any way. the european union is bandits. these are bandits. their goal is to destroy the slavic peoples, my brothers, their goal is to destroy the slavic peoples, nothing else, look, they robbed the whole world, they want to chop russia into pieces and profit from it, after the war, more than 400 monuments were erected to soviet soldiers throughout europe, but now bandera is on the pedestal, and memorials to the red army soldiers are being demolished, the history of lithuania is being rewritten. latvia, estonia, bulgaria, czech republic, poland. this mine in the hungarian village of tardas is known throughout europe; red limestone, which is like marble, has been mined here for thousands of years, since the times of ancient rome. palaces in different countries are decorated with stone, and many monuments are made from it. this is a very high quality
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decorative stone, it has very characteristic features.
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and for russians, too, since childhood we visit this monument, we take care of the monuments here, this is our tradition, the tradition is passed on to the next generations, their children also come to the monument and take care of it bow their heads, so in hungary, on the eve of may 9 , they opened a monument to soviet soldiers after major repairs, painted from... glistens in the spring sun. such work abroad is supervised by the representative office of the russian ministry of defense for military memorial work. hungarians are very fond of the memory of those who died; they always understand our despair and our requests. so far, the hungarian
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republic is showing, for example, how to treat fallen heroes. in hungary alone there are 830 such burials. relation to it is carefully maintained, regularly cleaned and repaired. over 2021-23, more than 50 monuments were repaired, and you can clearly see how they are being transformed. according to an intergovernmental agreement, russia has indefinite use of the land under the monuments, which means that coordination of work is easy. the hungarian authorities do not interfere, only
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they managed to save and buried on the spot, on one of the mass graves in pakshi, the names of three red army soldiers. photos have been preserved of how their relatives from the soviet union came to the burial site in the eighties and.
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danube. more than 100 soldiers were identified. so this black paste with gold letters appeared next to the monument. here are the heroes by name, but not all. the search will continue so that no one is forgotten. we flew on tridub. triduba airfield in slovakia, which was used by soviet pilots during the great patriotic war. in 1944 , a li-2 transport aircraft crashed in this field while approaching. the crew was immediately buried, the debris was removed, but there were never any excavations at this site.
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to the german embassy, ​​what should i answer? nothing, no answer came from them. in the warm season, battle sites are explored, when
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the weather does not allow, archives are studied. slovak enthusiasts are not only members of historical clubs, they are all anti-fascists, at heart, according to documents. i am a member of the slovak union of anti-fascist fighters. here's my membership card. and your ticket number is 48. there is a tendency to downplay the importance of the red army, after a while they will say that the americans liberated us, as is happening in the czech republic, in the czech republic there are already
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books that it was liberated by the americans, yesterday i i read such a thing about marshal malinovsky, the czechs in the sixty-eighth, when the introduction of the warsaw pact troops took place, and so the czechs wrote yesterday that marshal malinovsky was the minister of defense of the ussr, and he gave the order to everyone, but they did not read that marshal malinovsky. behind the front front, a film that slovak teenagers shot for 2 years, was inspired by the book of the soviet front-line writer alexei
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sodelenko, who commanded one of the partisan detachments in slovakia during the war. the premiere has passed. in the nitrian region of slovakia, where schoolchildren study. over the course of a year , they visited many cities and villages of the country with their film, only in bratislava it was shown three times. there is great interest in this film, and school directors invite the creative team, these... young people, so that children and young people can watch the film. after this there are discussions and debates. they discuss various facts, talk, clarify
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additional issues. it is very interesting. the history of the war captivated me so much that schoolchildren have already begun filming a second film about world war ii, hoping to make it in time for the eightieth anniversary of the victory. search engines, restorers, and all those who remember the feat of the soviet soldier are preparing for the anniversary in different countries. in the anniversary year, they will repair even more monuments and install even more names of liberators. i felt such emotions, the actors were simply gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov actually really, really
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made this film. for it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, i i thought a lot over the years, got used to watching videos of the essence, stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application,
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the red army moved forward, it brought freedom to all of czechoslovakia .
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the cemetery in zvolen is one of the largest burial places of red army soldiers in europe and slovakia remembers its liberators. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin. no, my brother's call sign. are you staying? passenger? yes sir. passenger's call sign.
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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. fireworks were launched in moscow. sixteen sites. margarita semenyuk will tell you more. a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which is now lighting up the evening sky of the capital.


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