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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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passenger in russia, the festive fireworks have ended. margarta semenyuk will tell you more. a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on the sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which is now lighting up the evening sky.
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was a participant in the great patriotic war, he also reached berlin, he reached it, and this too, i’m proud of it, he’s really a victorious grandfather, a very cool man, i saw him during his lifetime, we visited moscow and kostya from other countries, they came here specifically to watch the ceremonial parade, as well as to watch the festive flight. i came to honor this memory, to see.
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that people all around sing along and we find ourselves in the center of attention, this is cool, please tell us, did any of your loved ones or relatives participate in the great patriotic war? of course, my grandfather, pavel ivanovich trigubov, fought in the north, has a rare medal for defense, for the polar regions, grandmother elena semyonovna worked in the rear day and night, had a medal for valiant work, that is, the war has left its mark and passed. through my relatives, thank god, my grandfather remained alive, had a shell shock, lived 86 years, well, my grandmother also lived a long life, so i remember my grandfathers, i understand that this is their holiday, their pride, they made sure that we live now , breathed, worked, rejoiced, and we must never forget about it, margarita semenyuk, alexander smychik, konstantin mitin, news!
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all of russia remembers and honors the heroes who defended the independence of not only our homeland, but of all humanity. victory the great patriotic war secured our country’s status as a great power. the main parade took place on red square. in his speech, vladimir putin emphasized: “this is a sacred holiday for our country.” it unites all generations. the head of state congratulated all russians and separately addressed military personnel, veterans and heroes of the northern military district. he also recalled numerous attempts to distort the truth about the war and thereby erase the memory of the heroism of the soldiers of the liberators. today we see how the truth about world war ii they are trying to distort the war. it interferes with those who are accustomed to base their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on their pedistals, cross out the memory of the heroism
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and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. over history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious enmity, according to containment of sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject claims of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. “russia rejects the west’s claims to exclusivity, since in our country they know very well what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to,” vladimir putin recalled. more than 100,000 people visited the victory museum on may 9. and i left,
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soldier, goodbye. the museum's exhibitions were very popular among guests. they lost the war, but they tried to take revenge on the pages of textbooks. 328 german military leaders were collected by the americans. how were dozens of
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war myths that still live today created? the generals, senior officers there at the level of colonels and lieutenant colonels, perceived this work as their own. september 2023, a column of neo-nazis marches near disneyland in downtown orlando. the militants have established ties with the ukrainian nationalist
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association azov. some took part in military operations against russia. and this is europe. italy - the center of rome. hundreds hands are raised with a nazi salute. up. for decades, the collective west has been gradually rehabilitating the nazis, trying to completely erase the historical memory of the victors of the defeated in world war ii. we must be able to present history to the bulgarian people in its true sense. the bulgarian defense minister openly calls for adjusting the school curriculum, removing from it references to a common historical past with russia. it is no coincidence that the official makes his statement in the united states, speaking before the atlantic council, the american nato-funded think tank. they are trying to downplay everything positive that comes from russia and the soviet side in
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the context of this conflict, so it is best not to find anything positive in the russians, only thanks to this the confrontational course in relation can be ideologically strengthened. brussels: 19 september 2019 . the european parliament adopts a promising resolution with a rather abstract formulation on the importance of european memory for... the future of europe, but the main goal of this initiative is to recognize the ussr as the culprit of the beginning second world war. attempts to distort this historical truth do not stop. not only the heirs of nazi collaborators joined them. now the matter has come to some quite respectable international institutions and european structures. but you know, for sure, that the recent resolution of the european parliament actually put things on the same level. nazi aggressors, and the soviet union, almost blames the ussr,
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along with nazi germany, for the outbreak of world war ii, as if they forgot who attacked poland on september 1, 1939 year and on the soviet union on june 22, forty -one, the civilized world needs a new historical doctrine, without mentioning russia’s participation in it, harsh statements from european politicians are heard more and more often and harshly: europe ... is in the pre-war period, the most alarming thing now is that it is possible literally any scenario, we haven’t experienced such a situation since 1945. according to the distant descendant of the first german chancellor, otto von bismarck, it is the united states that is pushing today's eu leaders into a direct military conflict with russia. they instill fear of war, and then these politicians spread this fear. we know. when you, as a politician , spread fear, in this way you can limit certain basic rights
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of people, and you want to attract people to your side in this way so that they also support your aggressiveness. we all know, including in europe, that the united states is pushing us, of course, these are the interests of the americans, not the europeans. and otto von bismarck said that whoever wants eternal peace must take into account the interests of others, but now, unfortunately, we we are only seeing escalation. most of the washington elite would have you believe that the neo-führer who is hiding in putin will march through europe again, just like hitler in the forties, they say that another war will break out and the united states will be drawn into it. this is the setup that we have to fight with, you have probably heard about it many times on the news channels, but is it true? victory in the great patriotic war is huge. have sacred significance for the public consciousness of russians, but in lately, especially,
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black pseudo-historical myths have been introduced from outside. an entire industry of disinformers creates hundreds of fictitious facts about the great patriotic war, the red army, and the atrocities of its soldiers. these pseudo-historians create a picture that stalin's ussr and hitler's germany are equally totalitarian regimes. the soviet union allegedly threatened the world. no less, perhaps more than the third reich, and the usa and great britain made a decisive contribution to the defeat of hitler. this large-scale activity did not begin today. this work began long before of the present moment. may 1945, germany capitulates. in europe the war is over. worldwide. the union is recognized as the winner, you will answer for everything, the march of the dock,
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the fascist pack, the fat of the court in nuremberg, here the freedom-loving peoples of the world are judging the main perpetrators of the war, let the judgment be carried out. germany, autumn 1945, the international nuremberg tribunal begins its work, for now. also allies in the anti-hitler coalition, a group of eight judges represents four states: the ussr, the usa, great britain and france, the defendants in the dock are some of the most high-ranking functionaries of the third reich: goering, hess, rosenberg, ribentrop, keitel, donets, ydel. they will answer for everything, these warmongers, violators of peace treaties.
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an inconspicuous organization, a historical branch of the us army, begins its work in germany. this is the center of military history; it, of course, studied military history as such, but that was secondary. essentially, the historical branch of the us army recruits the service of senior wehrmacht officers. they are given the task of writing their own history of world war ii. interest in what
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took place on the soviet-german front, he woke up quickly enough, it was. us services, this organization, which will later become known as the cia, quickly forms the structure of the new unit; a journalist, the official historian of the us army, brigadier general samuel marshall, is appointed to head the historical department; in fact, he does not play any significant role in the project. in fact, the real
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characters are hiding in the shadows for the time being; these are recent generals and senior officers of hitler's...
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became the engine of a virtually new program for the study of war, already in the aspect of the confrontation with the soviet union. thanks to us patronage, halder escapes punishment. at the nuremberg trials he acts only as a witness. but even in the courtroom, he proudly declares: if adolf hitler had not intervened in the activities of the military, germany in 1945 could have made peace ...
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immediately after his appointment to his new general staff , halder began the selection of consultants and chroniclers on a grand scale. under supervision curators from the cia, he actually creates a paramilitary formation of retired senior ranks of the german army. at the first stage, halder recruits about 200 officers, although all of them are still in the status of prisoners of war and live in an internment camp, conditions for... a shadow has fallen on the picture of the world, so recently illuminated by the victory of the allies. no one knows what soviet russia and its international communist
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organization intend to do in the near future, and what the limits, if any, are to their expansionist and religious tendencies. usa: march 5 , 1946. winston churchel at westminster college. denotes the collective position of the usa and great britain, we are no longer allies with the ussr. the nuremberg trials are not yet over, but the enemy has been identified. the cold war begins. already in june 1946, german officers, most of whom were generals, sat down to work. their task is to compile reports and memos on the fight against the red army in the smallest detail. galda. heads the so-called control a group consisting of eight ranks of the former german general staff. among those who take an active part in the work of the historical
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department. general field marshal küchler, colonel generals gudarian and routh, colonel generals of the ss troops, hauser and dietrich, generals erfurt, schwepenburg, melentin. later , other former high-ranking military leaders of the third rake would also join the work of this association. for example, general field marshal manstein, everything was arranged in this german section, as in fact, in the general staff of the ground forces, when halder was the chief of the general staff. submission, the greatest responsibility, halder read all the texts, wrote letters to people, to the germans, yes, what needed to be corrected, they brought it, he corrected it all, that is, here is the clear german pedantry of the general staff system, it continued to work even when they removed it this... changed into ordinary civilian clothes, pragmatic americans need to understand what the military machine of the red army is,
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this is where the german generals come in handy their four-year experience of confrontation with the ussr. the causes of the war, the reasons for the defeat, the analysis of experience through certain geopolitical possibilities, through certain tactical possibilities, and this already indicates that america is... yes, to prepare for a potential war with the soviet union, which was primarily of interest to the americans, for example, the berlin operation, when the possibility was considered, for example, of using in the red army, in the soviet army that was already emerging, and hand grenade launchers, because if we return to the realities in the second world war, the red army soldiers used captured cartridges, and more abundantly and more often than the germans themselves, well, that is, this required some kind of preparation. 1947 europe is divided into western, capitalist and eastern, socialist. the americans are significantly expanding the activities
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of the historical department. the americans wanted to collect as much as possible. and, therefore , it was necessary to form a different attitude towards the victory, which was not even called common then, because they understood that this was a victory that by 2/3, or even 3/4, which the world owes to the soviet union. in july 1947, franz halder officially headed the project: the sub-headquarters of the new organization, large areas were allocated in neustatt near allendore. another year later, in the summer of 1948, with a multiple increase in staff, the chroniclers moved to könikstein. from the memories of his subordinates, halder shook off the burden of defeat and again feels like an important person. believes that he should be addressed only as mr. general, behaves as if he is leading military actions, gives valuable guidance and develops strategy. halder in general was
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a very specific person, so it was his personality that imposed a certain, certain shade on this activity. halder was a man who was ready to commit any crime under one condition, if he... found excuses for himself personally. halder personally processes incoming reports, meticulously discussing with subordinates the details of what to remove, strengthen or add. difficult topics, especially those where politics influence the military the sphere, he reserves for himself. by march 1948, more than a thousand individual texts with a total volume of 34,000 pages had been created. finally, light appears from the depths of the historical department. the main document, the diaries of frans halder himself. the author's key idea. creation of the myth of the pure wehrmacht. the wehrmacht must be
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clean. here's to creating one.
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then here everything was absolutely - purposefully and iron-fisted, blamed on the party leadership, that is, if it was hitler’s order , or even it was an order signed by keitel on hitler’s orders, then it’s all fault fell on hitler. according to the plan of nazi ideologist alfred rosenberg, russia was to be divided into protectorates. the jews, as subhumans, were completely eliminated; the slavs, after partial destruction, were to be reclassified. slaves the main point of rosenberg's program for the division of the ussr is the creation of local national governments. separately form the ukrainian and belarusian governments and a number of independent states on the territory of the soviet union. hitler appointed him reich minister for the occupied eastern regions. plan
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rosenberg said.
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no, we simply wouldn’t exist, including half of the current eastern and central european countries. this is a decree issued by field marshal keitel's headquarters a few weeks before the attack on the soviet union. in particular, it says: every officer under the german occupation in the east of the future will have the right, without trial, without any formalities, to execute any person suspected of being hostile to the germans. the same from... partisans are subject to merciless destruction in battle or when attempting to escape, all attacks by the civilian population of wehrmacht soldiers must be suppressed by the army on the spot using extreme measures, including the destruction of the attackers. if you fail to identify or punish those responsible for anti-german acts, you are allowed to apply the principle of collective responsibility. it was about establishing
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the german nazi. regime and about the liberation of living space from people who, according to the russian theory of the nazis, occupied an intermediate position between apes and orians. here's another one order of general field marshal of the wehrmacht alfred reichinau, issued on october 10, 1941, on the conduct of troops in the eastern space. the soldier's task is to eradicate asian and jewish influence on europe, and he is defined not only as a fighter for the ideas of national socialism, but also as an avenger of atrocities against the german people. as part of the policy of severity towards slavic subhumans, german troops were ordered to treat women especially harshly.


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