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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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may 1944, just liberated sevastopol, life against the backdrop of war, war against the backdrop of life, children banging spoons on plates, gobbling up porridge, the girls’ mothers, what beautiful bows they imposed, and maybe not their mothers anymore. boys are sunbathing at the monument
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to sunken ships; they jumped straight from the pier into the sea, using bombs or soldiers. the very young sailors of the molotov cruiser are lying on the sand, smiling, squinting at the sun, and all the houses in the city are without roofs. how the nazis planned to turn crimea into gotenland, that's what hitler said there.
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i was 6, 7, 8, 9 years old, we already knew by the sound where the bomb was falling, where it was falling, how it was flying by the sound, where the shell was, whether to run or lie, and how they built a new life on the ruins. it’s impossible to forget what we went through, you know, because now even when they shoot, my heart hurts, i ’m not afraid, but my heart drops somewhere and i feel bad. when the war began, iraida ivanovna was a three-year-old girl, her father, a naval pilot, was immediately taken to the front, in sevastopol she remained with her mother with... my older sister, for example, i told
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my dad, i will be a pilot, just be a pilot, when they started bombing and they threw these same ones onto the parachute, but not bombs, but mines, and of course, this one here everything broke, and we all jumped out, of course, we looked at everything, and dad raised it, and i said, no, no, i won’t get carried away, i’ll be a doctor, i was scared in the city myself... there was a real camp on the order of magnitude, what, on the streets , not to be, for this very thing, but to work, the main thing for them is to work in germany, my mother somehow ended up in a raid, iraida ivanovna’s mother will spend 2 months in prison for refusing to work for the nazis, but trouble does not come alone: ​​after her release she falls ill with typhus, the house where the family lived burns to the ground, the girls end up in an orphanage, the skins were thrown out of the kitchen, with them...
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patriotic war. the enemy's plan is to eliminate. army, which was commanded by one of the best military commanders of the wehrmacht, general erich von manstein. even before the start of the war, hitler said that the most important task before the capture of
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moscow was the capture of crimea. and destruction russian naval bases on the black sea coast. they needed him. and in order to replenish the meager reserves of strategic raw materials, namely oil, and crimea, in fact, was an obstacle for them in the possession of caucasian oil, so capturing it would mean obtaining all communications and naturally moving caucasian oil further to the countries of the east. further to india, which would play into their hands to gain world domination, they needed to do this as quickly as possible, because strategic
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raw materials were needed here now, they did not they thought that sevastopol would delay them for 250 days, it was only the fifth month of the war and hitler’s command was too self-confident, and the ambitious lenstein wanted to capture sevastopol, destroy russian troops on the kerch peninsula in order to be able to cross to the caucasus, but he did not receive neither one nor the other. the order to hold crimea at any cost was dictated. also the future plans of the nazis for the peninsula. doctor of historical sciences, oleg romanko has been researching the topic of germanization of crimea for more than 30 years. he he worked a lot in german archives, where he studied the originals of the most important documents. first, in
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july of '41, here is the famous meeting of hitler's intervention, where he said that crimea should be cleared of all non-germans. then in december the 41st meeting between rosenberg and hitler. hitler again repeated that crimea must be cleared of all strangers, so in december 41, a month after the occupation of crimea, the beginning of the occupation, this question will arise about the famous gottenland project, this is what hitler said to rosenberg at this meeting, well, it is advisable to rename crimea to year, because their heritage is there, simferopol nazovburg,
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the plan for annexing crimea to the future vassal great ukraine, that is, yes, it was not khrushchev who came up with the idea of ​​​​transferring crimea to ukraine, the nazis were still considering this, not the final plan, this is the plan of the ss leadership of mimler, there in particular, res, on
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the transformation of crimea into such an outpost of germanization on the borders of the third reich, nothing prevented crimea from being made both of gibraltar and the riviera, yes. and gotenland, such plans, but they still seemed to intersect in the end from the point of view that yes, something needs to be done with the local population, whether to germanize them.
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at the end of forty-two, when almost the entire crimea was under fascist occupation, the ahnenerb society sent german archaeologists on an expedition to the ancient cave city of mangub kale. their goal is to find traces of the goths, whom they considered their ancestors, being here. according to one of the versions that existed then, it was mangub kale, the capital of the ancient god state.
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crimean archaeologist alexander germenovich hertsin organized hundreds of expeditions to this ancient cave city; for more than 50 years he has been studying the centuries-old history of mangub kale. back in 28, there were such joint events there, visits to crimean monuments with the participation of domestic ones. commissar of tavrida, alfred fraunfel, he is generally such a rather curious person, he
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was in love, as they say, with crimea, he even wrote several brochures in which he strongly emphasized the value and importance of this peninsula for the life of germany, he sent here the chief of police of tavrida, general mayora alfreda, she’s so representative...
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and largely thanks to these plans, in principle, the cleansing began, thanks in quotes, of course, to the cleansing of crimea, from undesirable elements from the political side...
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a sign stood up for sabotage, one of those executed was vladimir matsuk , his mother sent him to the commandant’s office for water coupons. a sixteen-year-old boy was arrested. his mother found out about this at the gendarmerie a few days later and tried to save him, but the executioners had already chosen their victim for public execution. some old lady expressed her thoughts out loud doubt to the people around her. this can’t
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be true, these are hanging mannequins. not far away , a heartbreaking sound was heard in the crowd. the column of prisoners of war, wounded, and tortured, who were being led to the camps, was clearly visible from the window of the neighboring house. the owner prudently left the gate to the garden open, in case someone managed to escape.
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some water, a piece of bread, some potato. support, the germans are driving them away, some kind of confusion, because well, people and so on are starting to drive them away from this column of prisoners of war, and vasily dmetrov chevyakin was in this colony, taking advantage of this turmoil, he rushed into one of the houses that was nearby, it was the house of a local resident, anastasia papachuk, she decided to shelter him, hide him here, and he told her, whispered, i have a fiancee in sevastopol on the ship side. nina pavlovna, vasily revyakin’s niece, will decorate the house where her uncle’s family lived with a bunch of red tulips, as a symbol of the fact that he fought for this land to the last drop of blood. no, my pain does not subside. this is the example my uncle serves for all of us, nephews,
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relatives, revyakin residents, examples of our life. first thing. having settled in sevastopol, vasily revyakin decides to legalize. at the german commandant's office , he states that he did not serve in the army for health reasons; his documents were lost; he was a teacher by profession. his words are confirmed by his fiancee, lydia nefedova. a young, very beautiful, very talented girl, who, together with other schoolgirls like her, ran closer to the front line, they simply helped, somewhere in medsanbat, somewhere in the kitchen.
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russian regime, including distributing leaflets and revyakin's young wife, lydia. here in a basket with a double bottom. disguising them, for example, with rags or things that were exchanged for food. they issued an oath so that whoever comes will be checked for honesty, safety, and secrecy. joining the ranks of the people's avengers with the fascist barbarians, for a speedy liberation.
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young people often gathered in vasily revyakin’s house, sang songs, danced, even invited germans living in the neighborhood, they say , look, the doors of our hospitable house are open to everyone, we have nothing to hide, here in in the next room they even hung a portrait at the head of the bed. so that no one has any doubts: this young family definitely lives according to the new laws established by the occupation authorities. for a long time , the revyakins did not arouse any suspicion among
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the fascists, and in the meantime they organized an underground printing house in the basement. but then they already understood that writing leaflets by hand like this, firstly, would take a long time, and secondly, this is handwriting that can be easily used. found two cars, of which they assembled one, and it was decided to organize an underground printing house. a room was dug under the house
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, measuring a meter by a meter, maybe one and a half by one and a half, with a height of about 2 m. it was there that there was a small table and a radio. the work of the printing house was like this: in the evening, on the night , two people crawled into this room, pushed aside a bed that was in... the kitchen , lifted a rug with a portrait, which means adolf hitler, took out a specially fitted stone, a block, and two people dived in there, placed the stone in place, everything was brought back to its original state, every night it was possible to make they managed to make 80-dash 100 such leaflets, which they called a newspaper for their homeland. 25 copies of this newspaper, it was a powerful propaganda work, very powerful, the house was across the road where
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a gestapa informant lived, and he sometimes came here, how could you live and work in a house that was surrounded by german soldiers, representatives of security detachments, when you constantly, which means you experience this feeling of danger, which is nearby, which... you need to know, understand, skillfully bypass, although, of course, they are perfectly they understood what death was, they themselves had gone through the war, they were generally ready for it, but they, of course, hoped for the best. hopes for the best were dashed when one of the underground members was arrested. ludwig zavolski, a former prisoner of war who was rescued by the revyakins and took refuge in their house. unable to withstand the torture, he broke his oath of allegiance. they brought him here. this is a house and he said: yes, here he is the leader of the sevastopol underground organization and on march 14 at 2:00 am he was arrested, there was
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great torture when he was sitting in bagchesarai concentration camp, they buried him alive, they pushed him full of earth, his legs were tied to his chest, his arms back, well... two more accomplices with him covered him with earth, piled a stone on top, arrested lydia revyakina and also threw him into the dungeons of the gestop, she was she was pregnant, but it didn’t save her, it didn’t stop anyone at all, they tried to save the child, that is, to do everything for caesar, but they didn’t have time, and they took her pregnant woman away.
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he extradited, and there were arrests, two, three people were arrested every day, thrown into the same gestapa, they were tortured, they were tortured, so that they would reveal the secret of the organization, no one did, no one, i waited for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. odessa was a city that was founded by catherine. the don and zaporozhye cossacks played a major role in the development of donbass. the russian language here
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becomes the language of interethnic ethnic communication. the south of russia became the center of forces that raised the banner for a united and indivisible russia. the last battles of the civil war took place on crimean soil. of course, the bolsheviks did not invent ukrainianity, but they degenerated it. the mentality of the population is tied. not to nationality, to the state, malarusia and novorusia can have only one future as part of russia.
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the red army marched forward, it brought freedom to all of czechoslovakia during the war.
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cemetery in zvolen - one of the largest burial places of red army soldiers in europe and their slovakia remembers the liberators. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion. so he’s alive, no one will know anything.
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