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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means , there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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vitya senkin - 14 years old, semyon miroshnikov - 15 years old. sixth grade students, best friends. the boys cut the communication wire in the german part. they weren't playing a war game, but it was great they understood that this was dangerous for their lives. they cut the communication wire in the german part. and this interrupted the connection between the headquarters and the punitive forces, who at that time were conducting an operation against the partisans. the boys were found. viktor senkin and semyon miroshnikov were arrested and subsequently shot. in the windows of the museum hall of the memorial complex, located on the site where the krasny concentration camp was located, there are archival documents and photographs telling dozens more such stories. they were the first prisoners of the concentration camp.
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those who remained had no idea what their fate would be awaits them in the near future. in april 1944, when the places of massacres were revealed, holes were dug, ditches dug by the prisoners themselves, shortly before the massacres were carried out on them, it became clear that in a number of cases, in the depths of this well, in the depths of other places of massacres, people found themselves mutilated, mutilated , but still... alive, and after that, when the reprisals were completed, the executioners left here, and the earth moved, breathed, with the tones, the dying sighs of those who found themselves there in the depths, on that very night when the camp was liberated, a few days before there had been mass massacres in the concentration camp. everyone was gripped by
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some kind of terrible inhuman excitement, they seemed to compete with each other in the atrocities that were committed against the prisoners. this concentration camp. the footage of front-line correspondent ivan zaporozhsky captured events related to the activities of the state commission to investigate the atrocities of the fascists and their accomplices. we see how crimeans come here, to the territory of the concentration camp, to the territory of the former krasny state farm, to identify the bodies of their relatives, in the seventies.
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how many bloody battles took place within the walls
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of ancient hersanes during the city’s two-thousand-year history? in june of the forty-second year in...
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the most valuable exhibits from the ancient and byzantine collection were brought to sverdlovsk; it took about 3 months to transport 8 tons of museum valuables, first by sea and then by rail. then, what could not be deduced, the museum caretaker, alexander takhtay, kept an eye on it. on the same day , july 1, alexander kuzmich takhtai, the caretaker of the museum, alexander privalenko, was hijacked. v concentration camps, they were absent for more than a month, their lives were on the brink, as they say, they risked a lot, they were tested for partisan capability, as takhtay notes, when takhtay was captured,
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the germans were in charge here, the remaining collections in the storage facilities were plundered, august 16, 1942 years... back, they had to cooperate with the aenzadshtab crimea, this is the structure supervised by alfred rosenberg. museum premises at this time are used in different ways, some are located in headquarters, for example, in buildings ancient history, on the first ground floor of the vladimir cathedral there are repair shops, where cars are repaired and at the same time mines are stored. our archive contains several photographs indicating that the conquerors prepared gifts for erich von manstein, commander of the eleventh army, in the form of part of the exhibits, an ancient exhibition, a shell box in which a relief
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depicting a griffin was packed, on another acreage, which once crowned one from the main temples of hersanes, in capital letters in german: written to the conqueror of crimea, erich vonmannstein, commander of the 11th german army. they dropped leaflets, and the leaflets had this poem, i remembered it from childhood for the rest of my life, dear ladies, don’t dig holes for us, our tanks will come and bury your dimples, antonina aleksandrovna deeva is 6 years old then, she remembers how with her mother and two brothers hid in a sewer hatch, they looked in, saw that we were sitting there... the residents were sitting, they were the same, they moved them away and said, russian schnel-schnel, that’s it,
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we went up the iron stairs, i remember well, yudy, they called it, yudy to the side, us to the other side, purely by external sign, the hair is fluttering, dark, and i have a brother, the eldest, he was also black, his hair was also curly, they threw him into... that a bunch, where are the yudas, there weren’t many of them, there were probably three families there, and he cried that mom, that’s it, mom rushed to the german, that it was my son, he grabbed him and threw it in our direction, not far from the place where the family would later be located was a prisoner of war camp, antonina aleksandrovna remembers how, together with mom saved soldiers; at the beginning of the war, for a short time, the jubilant conquerors of sevastopol... agreed to hand over soviet soldiers to those who could prove their relationship. the prisoners
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threw notes with their names over the fence. the women confirmed that the prisoner was indeed their relative, and thus antonina alexandrovna’s mother saved 20 people. she brought him home, we washed him there, fed him there, we couldn’t leave him with us, because the germans checked, they, my mother took him away. them to the cemetery, there were crypts there, so you could go to the cemetery, because curfew, my mother took me with her and said, as soon as we were detained by a patrol, my mother said - this is okay, so my mother was there bringing food, some clothes for them, the germans detained us twice, i started crying, and my mother explained to the german that i was lost and my mother... found me and we were going home. 2 days before the liberation of sevastopol, residents were gathered in
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one place and began to be loaded in groups onto self-propelled barshas, ​​which were supposed to deliver them to labor camps in germany. eight ships have already set sail from the shore. the last one remained. luckily for us , two of our planes began to circle over this school like stars. and the germans fled. they hid in basements, schools, because they thought it was theirs. the germans were leaving sevastopol, taking away equipment, weapons, women and
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children on warships, they would use them as human shields, iraida ivanovna and her mother ended up on one of these ships, we weren’t sitting in the holds, but we were lying down, they put us down, like that so, we were lying there when they shot the ships, then they forced the mothers to take the children onto the deck they kicked me out, and my mothers held me, and my mother said, i fell on you. closed, out of two, eight reached romania, the front came behind us and bombed all the way to germany. in germany they went through four labor camps, iron wire, the beam of a lamppost, mortal fatigue from mining work, this is what she will remember for the rest of her life. we were even taught the german language, and we walked in formation and shouted hai hitler there, but... we marched, all this, so they prepared, they tagged us, they had, they had a big goal, they
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bring out and make servants of slaves for yourself, you raise you, you carry out everything that you are entrusted with and that you do, everything is there, but 30 families survived there, not only three, if probably there were like 3 years people of four... aroid’s happy childhood will begin at the end of forty-five, when all three of them return to their native place.
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the second front-line operation, like the donetsk, crimean liberation operation, will go down in history as a turning point. he wrote in his memoirs that the more carefully the operation is developed, that is, so carefully that
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it was necessary to know where which unit was located, who was supporting whom when it entered into action, then the fewer losses there would be.
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with dad, we came with dad, we talked, he said, daughter, i know that it’s your birthday yesterday, but i can’t give you flowers, i give you sevastopol, i was little, of course, but i’m proud that they took sevastopol , that there were fireworks and that dad was involved in this, in this big matter, in this big, in a big victory, then of course there was a lot of pride, we
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have one very good photo here, where three generals, dad in crimea. they are so combative, they are discussing something, they celebrated the liberation of crimea, the entire operation was very successful, as vasilevsky and historians estimate, that it was one of the most striking successful operations, we called this photo dayozh crimea.
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this is evidence of fascist aggression, he will take his main victorious photograph in a year, this sevastopol frame can be considered a rehearsal, here he stands, here is a happy one, this is the sevastopol embankment, these are two sea flags, which he is just somewhere he borrowed. on some, on one of the cruisers, then we can see that he climbed onto some destroyed building, this is a sign of victory, this sailor is like... a winner, they, of course, have a lot of experience behind them and troubles, and grief, and defeats, here is victory, here are the winners,
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the real ones, against the backdrop of the terrible, destructive ones that are ahead, it is clear that they are the consequences of fascist bombings, life again, these bright boys, on the stones, simply on the destroyed buildings, and the children who came.
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tried to establish that they survived, that they are happy, that there is a free city, that we can now afford to imprison the children, they are not afraid of planes, explosions, anything, in general, look, children who also survived hell is real, they found the strength to smile, so... we arrived, yes, the station is destroyed, ruins, everything, but the fact that we are free and that we are not in good health and that there is a feeling of
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happiness left, that we survived, hungry, not hungry, this is what remains forever, the end wars, war, everything, we became adults very early, we were 6, 7, 8. for 9 years we already knew by the sound where the bomb was falling, where it was falling, how it was flying by the sound, where the shell was, whether to run or lying there, sounds of alarm, sounds of explosions, my frame flew out when the last one was hit hard by this rocket, alarming, alarming, pathetic, crazy, and children, and destroyed cities, now all this reminds me of war, now i’m already at such an old age, the blast wave passed through my heads and legs, and somehow so i suddenly started, but i’m not afraid of anything,
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we saw so many dead, we stepped over ours, we stepped over the dead germans, and it was in the trenches that they were buried here and under the trees they buried ours, and the germans, well...
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slana petrovna, good afternoon , the security service of your bank, another moment and access to the money would have been a fraudulent transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money to... a reserve account, i’ll ring i hung up on the bank myself, whoever scammers pretend to be trying to get money out of you, hang up, no further conversation.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious,
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it works clearly in russia. a clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, in any structure occurs evolution?
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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor.


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