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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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in russia, festive fireworks completed the celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war.
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a festive fireworks display in moscow honors the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. here on sparrow hills, thousands of people came to look at this beauty, which is now lighting up the evening sky of the capital. i note that at the largest points, such as vorobyovy gory, volleys are fired from fireworks installations. the spectacular site is luzhnetskaya embankment, where 21 fireworks installations out of 702 were deployed. artillery guns are also operating at the same point; salvos are fired by military personnel of a separate guards salute division of the moscow military district. sis-3 artillery guns from the great patriotic war are thundering. i note that the guests here are all human. who
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celebrate the great victory, also here are all those who honor the memory of their heroes, i will note that in every family there are those grandfathers and great-grandfathers, those who forged victory in the distant forty-one-forty -fifth years, i will also note that now everyone remember their heroes and want to share my grandmother was with her stories and tell about those who went through this war. at the moment, unfortunately, she is no longer there, but she told many stories, my grandfather maria petrovna leneva, grandmother, and my grandfather, that is, my father’s father, it turns out vasily grigorievich belyakov, it turns out he was a participant in the great patriotic war, he also reached to berlin, he reached him and this one... i’m also proud of it, he’s
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really a victorious grandfather, a very cool man, i caught him during his lifetime, kostya from other people also visited moscow countries, they came here specifically to watch the ceremonial parade, as well as to watch the festive salty. i came to honor this memory, to see this unpredictable fireworks display, all this, red square, this...
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i also lived a long life, so i remember my grandfathers, i understand that this is their holiday, their pride, they made it so that we can live now. all of russia remembers and honors the heroes who defended the independence of not only our homeland, but of all humanity. victory of the great the patriotic war secured our country’s status as a great power. the main parade took place on red square. in his speech , vladimir putin emphasized: “this is a sacred holiday for our country.”
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accomplices of the nazis, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the soldiers of the liberators, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life, revanchism, a mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of... the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts , interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of
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exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. a gala reception was held in the kremlin in honor of foreign leaders, which... anastasia efimova found out what was the focus of attention. reliable partners and friends, this is how vladimir putin greeted guests at the gala reception in honor of the heads of state invited to moscow for the holidays events on victory day. as the russian leader noted, this holiday is celebrated wherever the eternal value is realized.
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went through the terrible trials of the second world war, the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures of traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future. the future and the indivisible security system were discussed at the meeting between vladimir putin and the president of tajikistan.
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are actively working to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both russia and tajikistan, the work is well established, colleagues are in test contact with each other, you and i support this work, we will continue to do this , repeatedly, i declared with a trivial hijacking that we are against and standards in the fight... a sense of friendship and mutual respect unites
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russia and cuba; vladimir putin also held a meeting with the president of this country, at which they discussed, among other things, common calls. both govana and moscow face consequences. just like russia, the united states is constantly trying
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to discredit cuba, various media are coordinated, there are attacks on the prestige of figures, false news, distortions, manipulations of all these events. the russian federation can always count on the support of cuba; we constantly condemn the geopolitical manipulation carried out by the us government by threatening nato to move closer to russia’s borders. well, after that vladimir putin talked with more one guest of the current may celebrations, the head of laos. not everyone remembers this, but vientiane also faced aggression during the second world war, was occupied by militaristic japan, and tries not to forget its history. the two countries have historically established ties at the state level. for example, in soviet times , t-34 tanks were supplied to the laotian army, which returned to
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their homeland as artifacts of the era in the new century. by the way, this is the model that traditionally opens the parade on red square. but also relationships develop at the citizen level. hanglun sisulito, by the way, studied in st. petersburg at the pedagogical university. last year , we saw a modest, but still 12% increase in trade and economic cooperation. hold. that our friendly relations are built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit, i would like
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to note your successful leadership of the country, despite western pressure, your country is gradually developing, while you are helping us develop a multipolar world so that all countries live justly, peacefully and prosper. a just world order and its formation is a topic close to another state, more precisely to the whole continent, african. the head of guinea bissau also became a guest of the victory parade.
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listen to hear, seek to find a compromise, respect mutual interests, that very reliable
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partnership that the russian president spoke about, which connects moscow with most of the world's capitals and which ultimately becomes the principle of the formation of that very multipolar world. the american army kills tens of thousands without a second thought. peaceful citizens, hiding behind talk of democracy. this was admitted by the former chairman of the joint committee. here is the general's revelation at a conference in washington devoted to the development of military technologies. we, the united states, have killed many innocent people in mosul, iraq. we, the united states, killed 12 thousand french civilians, and here we are celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the normandy landings. we destroyed 69 japanese cities, not counting jeroshima and nagasaki. we killed countless people, innocent people who had nothing to do with their governments, men, women
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and children. war is a terrible thing, but if it makes sense, if there is any way... for ukraine and the european union to use the minsk agreements as a cover for rearmament. also, the united states pushed ukraine into nato, ignoring russia’s concerns and, in addition, in the spring of twenty-two, the white house did not support peace negotiations. as a result, the actions of the states will lead ukraine to a catastrophic defeat. based on the balance of forces, ukraine
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will never win this conflict and will not return the lost territory. if kyiv is not will try to quickly reach an agreement on... the conditions currently possible, then ukraine may suffer a full-scale defeat. if the west and kiev continue to ignore reality and cling to the fiction of believing that given enough time and money they can win the war, the chances will rise dangerously high that ukraine will eventually be forced to sign the terms of total surrender. the words of vladimir putin that russia will do everything to prevent a world-class confrontation are among the most quoted.
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in helsinki, vandals desecrated a monument to soviet soldiers, in berlin they did not restrict the procession and laying of flowers, but
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the authorities banned any symbols, flags, st. george ribbons and even songs of the war years, in short, everything that could remind. it was not possible to snatch three colors; the whole crowd stood up for the man. part of my political views is to honor those who gave their lives so that we might live. i am horrified by the orders that you cannot wear symbols or sing here. this is an unwise approach to
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german history. in this memorial more than 700 red army soldiers are buried in the berlin complex. over the nazis is a great holiday. well, for most of humanity, the day of the victory of italy was the march of the immortal regiment. hundreds of people, including italians, came with portraits of their relatives who fought the nazis, and thousands fought in resistance units, including escaped soviet prisoners of war. an example was the stella rossa company; the russian sabotage detachment birs operated in liguria. and one of the partisans, fyodor politaev, is considered a national hero italy.
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elizaveta khrontsova will tell you how the holiday was celebrated in different countries. a holiday that unites generations of peoples, countries and continents. descendants of the heroes who won that terrible war all over the world join the procession of the immortal regiment, bring flowers to the graves and sing to their loved ones. wreaths in tricolor colors in the egyptian city of el alamein. here, during the second world war , decisive battles took place on the north african front; immigrants from russia fought as part of the allied forces. nicosia celebrations will
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take place over two days. today on a car rally took place in cyprus. in addition , a lamp was brought here, which was lit in moscow from the eternal flame. the same lamp was handed over to their homeland by moldovan politicians who came to russia for the holiday. in cities and villages throughout moldova today they are talking about the victory of the soviet people over fascism, about the common feat of memory that must be passed on from generation to generation, despite the whims of the authorities. celebrating on six
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continents in antarctica at vostok station, polar explorers of the russian expedition and builders with portraits of their heroes in their hands congratulated happy great victory day to the whole country.
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agreements, including on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. the results of the visit will be summed up by the chief bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company in the balkans, daria grigorova. the chinese leader arrived in budapest late yesterday evening. on may 8, he arrived from belgrade at the airport and was personally greeted by prime minister viktor orban. and after that , the two leaders went to a gala dinner at the buda castle. the dinner took place behind closed doors, and we do not know, of course, the details of what the leaders talked about. today they met. again, in the afternoon, the key moment was the signing of sixteen agreements on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. the documents were signed in the presence of the prime minister and chairman of the people's republic of china. the cooperation agreements covered various areas from trade to science and the media. interestingly, the parties also signed two memoranda on the exchange of information between government departments of hungary and china. at the conclusion of these negotiations, orbán
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stated. that this agreement takes relations between the two countries to a new, much higher level, in addition, he noted that hungary considers the prc, i quote, the pillar of a multipolar world. the head of the hungarian cabinet of ministers noted that serious changes have taken place in the world recently. now we live in a multipolar world, one of the pillars of this new order is the people's republic of china. it has a decisive voice in world politics and trade. hungary has always maintained friendly relations.
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otherwise, on washington’s instructions, it spoils relations with china are often at a loss. relations with the nrr and hungary are invariably friendly and at the highest level in history. we must further develop our bilateral relations. we announce the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership. china also values ​​its strategic cooperative relationship with the eu and sees europe as an important center of a multipolar world and an important partner in china's drive to promote modernization. china supports the intentions.
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psychiatrist, famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary policeman psychologist, you’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, valera is digging under you in the most dangerous place for you, show me what kind of predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on the website.
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holy shit, very cool, energizing, awesome, downright funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are just gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov really, really did this one movie. i see, i’m a fan of konstantin khovensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it just clicked, i don’t know if this will really happen.


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