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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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or on the site, i hear a voice from a beautiful place, go crazy, very cool, energizing, awesome, downright funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are just gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov, in general. i really, really did this film, i can see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khovensky, the performance is normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, it’s just all done, very cool, it just went right in, i don’t know, will this really be the case? in 100 years, but
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i would like it to be like this, you are so touch sensitive, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, i have thought a lot over these 100 years, i got used to watching videos of everything, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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residents of estonia in narva, near the russian border. were able to watch the victory day concert, it was broadcast from the opposite bank of the river from ivangorod, but in the very estonia does not officially celebrate may 9 from the russian-estonian border, report from alima zarif. nowhere else in the world is there such a close proximity of opposing fortresses, from ivangorod to narva 130 m, the distance of an arrow, while narva is the most russian city in estonia. the two fortresses are connected by a common history and common memory even today.
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for their part, the estonian authorities also prepared for may 9 according to an original program, which included joint military exercises with nato and a concert on narva town hall square on the occasion of europe day. there wouldn't be any day europe, if not for victory day, but these are the letters the local police are distributing. public gatherings whose real purpose is to celebrate are prohibited. may 9 in support of russia
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as an aggressor country. celebrating victory day has no connection with the republic of estonia; expressions of affection can also consist of simply being together in silence. having seen the threats, the norwegians go to military cemeteries and to the places where monuments that have now been demolished stood, and off the coast of ivangorod the wine falls on the waters of the narova river, the same one that was stained with blood when the red army liberated narva, then more than 1000 people, russians, died.
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on both sides of the river there are friends and relatives, these connections are the kind that cannot be broken, there they are, lilya, hello, can you hear us, we can hear you. we already see you, they are afraid, they have a 1,500 euro fine, just for the fact that victory day, for the song of katyusha, they have a 1,200 euro fine, and why call, that’s why they are afraid, but we are not afraid, but we sing katyusha, why call me, thank you very much for this concert, we really need it, we came here to see it 90 km away, very well organized, victory day. in honor of the great victory, in memory of the fallen, the little ivan city is singing today not only for narva, but for all of saved europe, and europe is listening, salemazarev, sergeishchenko, dmitry mishchersky, galina orlova, elena
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bedyaka and maria slyaguzova, news: north -western. more than 800 residents of sochi took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the eternal flame. among them was my colleague, kristina kolesnikova. the ceremonial hall painted the sky above the military glory memorial in russian colors tricolor, thousands of people came in the morning to lay flowers to honor the memory of the soldiers who died during the great patriotic war. commemorative actions were held at all the monuments of the resort, there are 140 of them in the city. they came with photographs of the relatives of those killed at the front. for me this is a big, great holiday, and i am proud that i am the grandson of those people who fought and defended the honor of our country. this is my grandfather, and this turns out to be my uncle, well, we
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didn’t know him because he died during the war. songs of the war years are heard everywhere today, but for every sochi veteran arranged a personal concert in the courtyard. the mayor of sochi, alexy kopaygorodsky, came to congratulate the hero of russia pavel syutkin on victory day. the honorary citizen of sochi will celebrate his 102nd birthday in june. glad to see you. the history of the great patriotic war came to life on the streets of sochi. in honor of victory day , historical reconstruction sites were opened. each is dedicated to a different kind. troops to the services of the red army, a very interesting stand, military traffic controllers, they talk about those girls who helped our columns move during the war, there are legendary photographs just against the backdrop of the broken reichstag brandenburg gate, where our traffic controllers stand showing the way. on this site
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there is a model of a seventy-six-millimeter field gun of the 1902 model, which was used in the battle for the caucasus, and parachute training courses are held here, you can... test the vestibular system or feel like a paratrooper during a jump, wearing a real parachute. for the interactive exhibition, 8 tons of scenery and about a thousand items of props were brought, including copies and originals small arms of red army soldiers. very interesting feelings, something is stirring inside, i don’t understand what, but it’s interesting. more than sixty reenactors from different regions of the country helped show life at the front. historical authenticity, even in their costumes, everything is almost original, take these boots, the fifty-second year, the sample of the forty-third year, they are original, this is also an original, the forty-third year, the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war was honored at the highest point of the resort in the mountains
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. race, instead of numbers on the starting line in the numbers, participants wrote the names of their ancestors; there were two stops along the course, at around 1941. russia launched a new section on its website about the heroic liberation of sevastopol on may 9, 1944. documents from the funds of the central archive of the military department have been published. among them are combat logs , topographic maps, photographs, award lists and trophy archives. all these documents tell in detail about the may battles of 1944 in crimea, proof of the heroism of soviet soldiers, as well as the crimes of the nazis. on the main an immortal regiment marched along the lemosola embankment in cyprus, more than 3,000 people took part, there was also a car rally, more than 100
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cars and motorcycles were transported to all major cities of the island, victory banners, flags of russia, belarus and other countries that fought against fascism. after this... russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, 24.
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on july 30, 1863, henry ford, a famous american industrialist, was born, his... the portrait took pride of place in the office of adolf hitler, who even called ford
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his inspiration. it is known that the fuhrer wrote with admiration about ford in his book “my struggle,” and ford daily congratulated his german friend on his birthday. the fuhrer and ford maintained not only friendly, but also close economic relations. and the henry ford company, like many other american ones.
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hitler appreciated his help, and ford's enterprises that were in germany were not nationalized, they also continued to work for the war, and the money went to america. a dark spot in american history companies, and ford himself, whom they are trying to present as such a visionary, the creator of the assembly line. the embodied american dream, but in fact this american dream has a dark side, which they try
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to silence, push the information itself into public discourse, marginalize it, as if it is not customary to mention it, why stir up the past, but in reality, yes, the sympathies of american business, in any case, in the initial stages of the war they were largely on the side of nazi germany, but there are such well-known facts, and firstly... ford himself, a famous, completely american, who had the largest company, and what’s interesting is that ford not only had the production of cars, ford had a very wide palette of production, because he he was engaged in the production of cash registers and production, which he did not do, and ford was awarded by nazi germany, including the iron eagle, he received the order of the iron cross of the german eagle in the year thirty-eight. was awarded to henry ford, but also to one of the leaders of engineering motors. and
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here it must be said that henry ford, in general, was famous for his anti-semitic ideas, and he did not hide them, although he was later forced to abandon them, and then lawyers hired historians and political scientists who sought to whitewash his reputation. opposed the united states of america participating in world war ii. after the outbreak of world war ii, ford did not interrupt his cooperation with the nazis. after the start of the war in '39, and subsidiaries, for example, opel, continued to work according to american
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technologies and under the control of their parent companies, but in fact it was as if economic ties were severed, in fact, of course, ties were maintained, management, economic control and return on investment, american companies turned a blind eye, for example, to the fact that the germans were deporting people and they were forced to work, for example, at opel factories, and, of course, they lived in terrible conditions, people were poorly fed, they worked for free, naturally, it would seem that... united states of america, all promoted their values, freedom, private property, democracy should have come into conflict with policies, for example, forced labor, but insofar as the volume of investment in germany by american companies was very large,
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economic ties were maintained, the large companies themselves opposed participation. the united states was in the war, although they were afraid to openly support hitler or admit their ties to them. ford was far from the only american tycoon to collaborate with hitler. besides ford, this of course, first of all, gene motors from the auto industry. yes, there were three largest automakers in the states. general motors and chrysler participated to a lesser extent, but many other american companies generally do not refuse.
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its position, yes, as if to show taxpayers where this money actually went, yes, which was allocated by the same united states of america, to support the soviet union. in fact, back in forty-three, oil companies affiliated with the united states of america supplied fuel and lubricants materials, to the third reich, yes, that is. american industry. so, the creator of this very significant portion of light military uniforms for wehrmacht soldiers and officers
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was the famous designer hugo boss. his company turned to historians and lawyers for help. trying to renounce cooperation with hitler, but in the end brand had to admit the fact of creating the nazi uniform and apologize for the exploitation of prisoners of war prisoners from concentration camps in factories. all of them had business interests in germany and they did not want to sever ties and lose profits after the outbreak of world war ii. indeed, the support of the united states of america and germany was enough. both financial and technical, including political support. many facts of cooperation between the united states and nazi germany could have been revealed at the nuremberg trials,
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but the us authorities made considerable efforts to prevent this from happening. you.
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cooperation, they tried to somehow hide it from public opinion, not mention it, obscure it. such terrible facts in history there are a lot of not only american, but also european large organizations. the fact that opel, for example, turned a blind eye to the use of slave labor and cruel treatment of people in its factories, although, of course, they knew everything, and documents show that all the information was received by them, this is documented. a confirmed fact, the german branch of the red cross, in order to continue working in germany, they really turned a blind eye to the fact that their cars were used, among other things, as gas
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chambers, this is a swiss lawyer, someone found these documents, published, there were also hearings in parliament, all this is discussed, but again it is not brought up for such a wide public discussion and somehow in the discourse it seems to be marginalized, that is , it is not customary to talk about it, as if to speak in good... the union, which gave a lot, was also in a difficult state, and the economies of the states came out renewed, and they were able to implement the marshal’s plan, tie
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europe to themselves economically and politically, their industry received an additional impetus for growth, so, of course, in in many ways, yes, this economic boom is based on how the united states participated. in the second world war, and how did they manage to turn this human tragedy into their own good? the ideas of nationalism were popular in the west then, these sympathies are still alive today, as is the readiness to economically support the nazi regimes. how popular the idea of ​​nationalism was, and you know, again, not only in the united states of america, famous photographs of the queen. covenants, who raised her hand in a fascist salute. yes indeed, it was believed that the idea of ​​nationalism is an idea that will fight communism. and
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the idea of ​​communism for western countries was quite dangerous from their point of view. and churchel was also an ardent anti-communist. and therefore the idea of ​​nazism, as a mechanism for the fight against communism, was promoted very seriously. and within the framework of this confrontation. yes, the united states of america , they very actively supported nazism, unfortunately, this idea has deep roots, they are blossoming again, and today we see in the same way the formation of a new idea, restoration of the idea of ​​nazism, which did not stop in the 20th century, which today is also dangerous, which today also leads to the most difficult sacrifices. to the most difficult sacrifices and unfortunately, these victims are again played on by certain capitalist companies or by certain companies that again win in the war.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him.
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vladimir putin submitted a proposal to parliament on mikhail mishustin’s candidacy for the post head of government. this was announced
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by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. today, deputies will make a decision on this issue: for the first time in the history of modern russia, they will have to form the composition of the cabinet of ministers. such powers are given by amendments to the constitution of 2020. discussion of the prime minister's candidacy will take place in all factions. and in russia the festive fireworks have ended.


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