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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in germany, police detained 10 people for violating the rules on the day of the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the victory of the soviet army over the nazis, and specifically for bringing russian and soviet flags and military banners of the red army to the memorials. as
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well as st. george's ribbon. thousands of people came to treptow park on may 9 to express their respect for the feat of soviet soldiers. from berlin, reporting by mikhail antonov. in the morning, at the entrance to treptow park, the police are aggressively inspects visitors for soviet and russian symbols, as well as other prohibited items. carefully studies the content of the banners. is there anything in support of svo? after all, russia instrumentalizes victory day in order to justify current policies. the berlin authorities are sure that for them, everything that does not fit into the template, they came, laid flowers and left, seems to be a potential threat to public safety, the answer to which is preventive tightening of the screws, so that by the middle of the day there was a half-kilometer queue at the entrance, those prohibitions, which, i think, is not coming from the police, i think that this is a political instruction, the police are generally behaving correctly, well , let those who came up with this, let it be in... their conscience, we all have plans connected happy
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79th anniversary, with all the celebrations and memorial events, we will fulfill it in full. an exception was officially made only for diplomatic workers, so the victory banner still appears in treptower park, except for those made of marble, but with the rest there are no ceremonies. here's a woman who came to treptow wearing a t-shirt with with an image of the russian and german flags with the inscription “
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live, that russia will win against bandera’s fascism, all the land here has been bought by representatives of the european championship, we have no room to move.
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never again, actor, however, such scenes are rare, because the majority do not pay attention to provocateurs, so they stand on the sidelines of the holiday, strangers among people who have something to say about their ancestors. my grandfather gavriil vasilyevich plitkin, died on october 16, 1945, was blown up by a mine, a driver, in an artillery brigade, already. i wrote a letter to the woman that... our squad was assembled, home soon, and a week later the funeral came, this is my great-grandfather, grigory andreevich khitruk, he was a sniper, he participated in the liberation of the city of prague, reached prague, liberated moldova from the vinnitsa region, from
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the vinnitsa region, from ukraine, every year, every day we remember and are proud of our great-grandfather, in fact, this is all that is needed, which all berlin police officers do not interfere with, remember and be proud of.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. on may 22, 1945, wehrmacht major general reinhard gellin, who was in charge of operational intelligence on the soviet-german front, surrendered to american troops with an archive of documents. and already starting in june 1945 , work intensified to create a service to counter
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the aggressive aspirations of the ussr in europe. this was the beginning of the creation of nato. well, if we are talking, by the way, about gilin’s activities, it is very interesting to see what forty is the sixth year as such, because it is also march of the forty-sixth year. and this is churchill’s speech in fulton, when the united states of america is finally beginning to declare that they are spinning up the flywheel of this powerful confrontation with the soviet union, this is the marshall plan being written, this is already forming a completely new contradiction for the soviet union, this is a coincidence of multidimensionalities , multi-level contradiction, confrontation, it was very serious, in 1946, after the famous church speech churchill, that means...
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for the soviet union it was extremely difficult,
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because we needed to recover, we needed to rebuild, we needed, well , the simplest things - to bring men home, because this is labor, this is human capital, therefore, at this moment, the contradiction between germany and the united states of america, which were actively building up their potential and recruiting... new, respectively, employees for intelligence and confrontation with the soviet union, is quite obvious. but, of course, work on the creation of nato began long before churchill's fulton speech and the official start of the cold war; already in 1943, americans began to attract high-ranking nazis to cooperate in order to use their intelligence network. when we talk about meaning. without the generals for the united states of america, respectively, for the future,
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for the future formation of the nato bloc, of course, we are talking about the fact that it was in the second half of forty-three, when a radical change in our country began during the great patriotic war, the generals really understand that there are risks ahead, very big risks, this is confirmed by the assassination attempts on adolf hitler, which indicate that the generals understood that agony was beginning and this agony would soon end. since people close to hitler understood that this agony could indeed end very soon, the desire to withdraw their capital, the desire to go abroad, to evacuate themselves, and to evacuate their loved ones accordingly, was complete.
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10-15 years, this is a very large network, this is a large network of intelligence data, so, of course, relying on this base, a military, military-political complex is subsequently created that will directly work against the soviet union. these are the people who fought
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with soviet russia, yes, these are submariners, these are luft waffe officers, these are intelligence officers, first of all, it is not surprising that in the post-war years more than 130 wehrmacht generals really begin to work for the united states of america or otherwise in the form of who the united states of america was primarily interested in, first of all they were naturally interested in people who had unique intelligence data, who had information on... connections that were in europe, and naturally in the soviet union, and the germans about this knew, and naturally by technical specialists, technical specialists in the field of the military-industrial complex and technical specialists in the field of the missile complex, one of such specialists, naturally the most famous, the most vernard vaughn brown was cool, he was a completely unique engineer, he was always involved in the study and development
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of rocketry, and as we know, he was one of the first to be attracted to the united states. america directly developed rocket technology there , and later developed the well-known sputnik v rocket, which was developed in the united states of america, it was developed , among other things, with the help of his knowledge and his technologies. let 's say, germany turned a blind eye to the nazi past, christians the democrats who were in power there, primarily konrad adenau with the creation of the federal republic of germany and his supporters, therefore.
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for many years to come, when we talk about it, of course, we talk about the fact that unique intelligence data fell into the hands of the united states, this intelligence data was used by
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the united states of america starting in 1946 , and this is especially painful for us because ... in 1946, in the summer of 1946, not all soviet units had even reached home, but they were actually working against us, they worked very seriously and were preparing very serious operations, he provided them with intelligence data, he provided them with a network, a sleeper one, which was, well, a spy network in the soviet union, everything that was related to intelligence, it was very interesting to the united states of america. gelin’s largest operations, as you and i know, are operation hermes, operation jungle, which was subsequently carried out in the baltic states, this is an operation that began to be carried out already at forty.
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it was really very hard especially if we are talking, for example, about operation hermes - this is an operation to support former nazis, to search for them, to recruit these nazis so that they subsequently work for the intelligence of both germany and, accordingly, the north atlantic alliance, this is really work that was financed purposefully, developed purposefully, trained personnel, was engaged in recruitment, and this is the forty-sixth...seventh year, these are the years when the soviet union at that time was very actively trying to restore itself and restore eastern europe. thanks to cooperation with the united states, many
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nazi criminals managed to escape punishment. the americans defended their charges even at the nuremberg trials. lasts long enough. and the events of forty -five and forty-six, which are most clearly revealed today. confirms that yes, indeed this was so, because forty-fifth, forty-sixth year - this is already planning an operation unthinkable, this is already planning an operation, drop shop, this is already full awareness by the united states and america that it is necessary to form a zone confrontation with the soviet union, in order to form a zone, people are needed, it was at this time that those wehrmacht generals who were ready to cooperate, and there were many of them, because they were provided with very good conditions for further...
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taubert worked in nato as an adviser department of psychological warfare. it must be said that his propaganda techniques are still used by the united states. the nazis of the wehrmacht found their place not only in nato, but in the un. the brilliant career of kurt waltheim, the fourth general secretary un and the president of austria. little is known.
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the use of persons with a nazi past in military-political structures created with, on the initiative, with the active participation of washington. this is really true, and it seems to me that it is very painful for the entire world community to realize. by the way, information about kurt waltheim, that he was indeed not only a member of the national socialist party of germany, but was also a member of the german assault troops. moreover, famous. his involvement, his involvement in crimes in yugoslavia, because when the germans entered yugoslavia, there was very heavy resistance, absolutely difficult resistance to the fascists, especially
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the partisan detachments of yugoslavia, the serbian resistance, this serbian resistance, the fight against the partisan detachments, they really fought very very seriously, including this particular person , and his participation in war crimes was subsequently repeatedly stated, but nevertheless... as you and i know, he not only later was the minister of foreign affairs, but he was also nominated twice for the post of secretary general, and subsequently was president of austria in 1986, that is, of course, this awareness that europe can forgive such things, it looks very scary today, because they forgave then, they forgive now, and this is a terrible precedent with which we actually exist today.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short. we have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready, let’s write down your missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markin, you look very much like him, sergei gorobchenko , tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, how’s that going?
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went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger, and the regiment, the passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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vladimir putin submitted a proposal to parliament on the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of head of government.


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